HRO Launches Digital Ads Targeting House Democrats for their Loyalty to Mike Madigan
Over the past week, House Democrats decided to put their allegiance to Mike Madigan over the financial health of Illinois, voting twice for a disastrous budget that would create a $7 billion deficit and necessitate a $1,000 tax hike on Illinois families. This is a clear signal that they would rather jump off the fiscal cliff than stand up to Mike Madigan. On Thursday, the House Republican Organization launched robo calls in seven competitive districts highlighting the reckless decision House Democrats have made. On Friday, HRO released social media ads to further point out their fiscal irresponsibility. Today, HRO launched digital ads to call attention to the unflinching loyalty of seven house democrats in competitive districts to Mike Madigan. The ads will be pushed with substantial resources online.
* Targets are Reps. Andy Skoog, Brandon Phelps, Dan Beiser, John Bradley, Kate Cloonen, Michelle Mussman and Sam Yingling. A sample ad…
* Sample script…
For State House Democrats, it was the ultimate loyalty test.
Given two hours to read Chicago Political Boss Mike Madigan’s phony, five- hundred- page budget, the choice was simple:
Protect Illinois? Or do Madigan’s bidding?
John Bradley chose Madigan.
Raising taxes on the average family by one thousand a year…
…$7 billion in new debt, the largest unbalanced budget ever…
…Even a bailout for Chicago schools…
We pay a dreadful price… for Bradley’s loyalty to Mike Madigan.
=Same goes for Rauner. He’s as Madigan as Madigan.=
@McBeth, I really love that analogy! It is spot on, and so appropriate for the times we are in.
There are simply no white nights here.
More than a decade ago, Madigan blocked a Martire backed bill that could have totally changed where we are at today (HB 750 I think). There was a perfect opportunity to create a real solution. Since that time debt has increased significantly.
Now enter Rauner who simply does not care one iota about workers, especially state workers and public employees. Unless he hired them. It is a perfect storm of dysfunction and destruction.
Many kudos!
- Under Influenced - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:14 pm:
Don’t forget little mushrooms, there are consequences.
It’s all good until mjm runs ads about grandma getting best up in a nursing home due to cuts for background check enforcements and such. The ads that can be run in cuts are just more emotive than those for a balanced budget. But those are the historical lines that have been drawn and played out for multiple election cycles. But, it’s a good ad. Good visuals for basic still shots.
So, the HRO is starting the war before the legislative session is over? I think we are going to have a very long, hot summer that will culminate with a very long election season.
We have 2 more seasons of “Dad’s Home State”. We plan on doing some major promotion this summer while in “continuous production”, but Season 3, we’re very excited to announce will be January 2017, possibly with more characters but for sure new storylines.
Press junkets are scheduled for Labor Day in New York Los Angeles and Scofield, Utah.
- Macbeth - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 1:35 pm:
What, this is i ssuppoed to convert the so-called “undecideds”?
I mean, if you’re for Madigan, you’re for him. If you’re against him, you’re against him. There’s not much middle ground.
Same goes for Rauner. He’s as Madigan as Madigan.
There’s something new here?
- cdog - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 1:37 pm:
So they, the HRO, is saying there is no need for a tax increase?
Hahahahaha! That short-sighted position is going to be a tough one to unwind.
I wonder what their vendor constituents that are owed money think of this too….. probably not too much in agreement….
- JS Mill - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 1:53 pm:
=Same goes for Rauner. He’s as Madigan as Madigan.=
@McBeth, I really love that analogy! It is spot on, and so appropriate for the times we are in.
There are simply no white nights here.
More than a decade ago, Madigan blocked a Martire backed bill that could have totally changed where we are at today (HB 750 I think). There was a perfect opportunity to create a real solution. Since that time debt has increased significantly.
Now enter Rauner who simply does not care one iota about workers, especially state workers and public employees. Unless he hired them. It is a perfect storm of dysfunction and destruction.
Many kudos!
- Under Influenced - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:14 pm:
Don’t forget little mushrooms, there are consequences.
- Peets - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:25 pm:
It’s all good until mjm runs ads about grandma getting best up in a nursing home due to cuts for background check enforcements and such. The ads that can be run in cuts are just more emotive than those for a balanced budget. But those are the historical lines that have been drawn and played out for multiple election cycles. But, it’s a good ad. Good visuals for basic still shots.
- Norseman - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:43 pm:
Always helpful to run campaign ads when attempting to negotiate a deal.
- Annonin' - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
Not the way we would pave the path to the grand bargain…but Trump and Kirk puts them in big hole
- Union Leader - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:52 pm:
So, the HRO is starting the war before the legislative session is over? I think we are going to have a very long, hot summer that will culminate with a very long election season.
- Rich Miller - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 3:33 pm:
=== HRO is starting the war before the legislative session is over?===
SEIU has been running ads slamming HGOPs for months.
- Annonin' - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 3:45 pm:
is it ok to ask which genius decided this is a tax hike or a budget deficit? BigBrain better get a math whiz cause it can’t be both
- Keyrock - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 4:10 pm:
Scanning the topic list, I thought this said HBO. For a second, I (almost) thought Dad’s Home State was starting to advertise.
- Oswego Willy - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 8:30 pm:
- Keyrock -
We have 2 more seasons of “Dad’s Home State”. We plan on doing some major promotion this summer while in “continuous production”, but Season 3, we’re very excited to announce will be January 2017, possibly with more characters but for sure new storylines.
Press junkets are scheduled for Labor Day in New York Los Angeles and Scofield, Utah.
A press kit will also be available come December.