* Today’s live coverage post is sponsored by URENCO USA. The House and Senate reconvene today at 3, so watch it all with ScribbleLive…
- Grandson of Man - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
I saw “Chicago Tonight” the other night in which McHurricane from the Chicago Trib editorial board was on the panel. She said something like Rauner is so unpopular and is losing the PR war that he will accept a budget with only property tax, workers comp and pension reform.
Here is an article that cites a study that shows millionaires don’t flee states due to higher taxes. According to the study, millionaires migrate on average less than the entire population.
Gov Rauner- those school children have parents who can’t afford child care, or pay for special school expenses for their special needs children, parents who have elderly parents who aren’t getting their Meals on Wheels lunches, or their home health care services. Those school children may have addicted or mentally ill parents, parents who are battling illnesses that could benefit from medical marijuana. School children don’t live in a vacuum, but you seem to.
- Grandson of Man - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
I saw “Chicago Tonight” the other night in which McHurricane from the Chicago Trib editorial board was on the panel. She said something like Rauner is so unpopular and is losing the PR war that he will accept a budget with only property tax, workers comp and pension reform.
Hard to believe, but we’ll see, won’t we?
- Anon - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Grandson, putting stock in anything the Trib Editorial Board says is a dangerous proposition.
- Grandson of Man - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 2:10 pm:
Here is an article that cites a study that shows millionaires don’t flee states due to higher taxes. According to the study, millionaires migrate on average less than the entire population.
This is very relevant to the political struggle to change our tax structure in Illinois, so that the highest earners pay more.
- Thoughts Matter - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 3:23 pm:
Gov Rauner- those school children have parents who can’t afford child care, or pay for special school expenses for their special needs children, parents who have elderly parents who aren’t getting their Meals on Wheels lunches, or their home health care services. Those school children may have addicted or mentally ill parents, parents who are battling illnesses that could benefit from medical marijuana. School children don’t live in a vacuum, but you seem to.
- Ryan - Sunday, May 29, 16 @ 4:32 pm:
Gov. Droppi G needs a stylist.