Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Goldberg slams Claypool - CPS responds with an insult *** Purvis demands CPS take a position on Rauner proposal
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*** UPDATED x2 - Goldberg slams Claypool - CPS responds with an insult *** Purvis demands CPS take a position on Rauner proposal

Thursday, Jun 2, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Chicago Public Schools CEO Forrest Claypool, who banked the financial future of the troubled district on a now-failed legislative session, said Wednesday that “the fight’s not over” as he implored parents statewide to lobby the governor.

“We still need them to stay involved because we have another obstacle to overcome, and that’s Gov. Rauner. They should remind the governor of his pre-gubernatorial history as someone who supported education funding, equality and reform. And I’d like to see that governor come back,” Claypool said by telephone. “The strategy of trying to divide the state around the issue of education just isn’t going to work.”

* Which resulted in this memo…

June 2, 2016

Mr. Forrest Claypool, Chief Executive Officer
Chicago Public Schools
42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602

Dear Mr. Claypool:

I know you share my concern that without a balanced state budget, many schools may have difficulty opening in the fall. As I’m sure you are aware, the General Assembly adjourned Tuesday without passing a balanced budget for fiscal year 2017.

Earlier this week, the Governor and Republican leaders introduced an education funding bill that increases total PK-12 education funding by more than $240 million and ensures no school district loses money. In this time of great uncertainty, will you support a fiscal year 2017 education funding bill that keeps CPS funded at the exact same level as fiscal year 2016, including keeping funding for the city’s block grant and after-school programming in place?

If your answer is yes, then you support the plan introduced by Governor Rauner and the Republican Leaders this week – and I would ask you to advocate for its immediate passage so that all schools in Illinois can open in the fall. If your answer is no, then you need to be honest and tell the people of Illinois that you are holding up school funding for the entire state so that Chicago will receive hundreds of millions more than it did last year – despite declining enrollment in Chicago Public Schools and a state in deep fiscal crisis.

Thank you for your prompt reply.

Beth Purvis
Secretary of Education

I’ve asked CPS for a response.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  Here’s the response, which is more of an insult than anything else…

June 2, 2016
Dear Secretary Purvis,

As the highest paid official in Gov. Rauner’s administration, I’m sure you are aware that Illinois is near dead last in education funding.

I’m also sure you are aware that the current education funding formula punishes students living in poverty. This double whammy is a brick on the back of Illinois’ middle class and working families.

We understand the governor wants to turnaround Illinois. We urge him to start with education. Bring Illinois out from the bottom of the barrel and stop the insanity of an education funding system that punishes the poor.

Forrest Claypool
Chief Executive Officer

*** UPDATE 2 *** Claypool was hired at a $250,000 annual salary plus benefits, which would be more than Purvis. So one insult deserves another. From Gov. Rauner’s deputy chief of staff Richard Goldberg…

Forrest Claypool doesn’t like it when women make as much money as he does. What a wonderful role model for Chicago students.


  1. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    Stop, just stop. You are the Secretary of Education, not the Secretsry of the Republican Campaign committee.

  2. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    She came just short of vote republican….on state property like her boss did.

  3. - sideline watcher - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:02 pm:

    And if keeping the funding level were an option, they wouldn’t be in the mess they are in. They know good and well what the numbers are.

  4. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:02 pm:

    Another Superstar heard from.

    As if these are the only two choices available. Give Rauner his hostage (K-12) back and let him continue to bleed the rest of state government dry or don’t, and let the schools close.

    That false choice is the best you can do Beth? Really?

  5. - Methinks - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    Like the op/ed piece in the Tribune a couple weeks ago that attacked Andy Manar, this letter might have Beth Purvis’ name on it, but it sure doesn’t sound like her voice.

  6. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    “… If your answer is no, then you need to be honest and tell the people of Illinois that you are holding up school funding for the entire state …”

    How is Forest Claypool going to hold up school funding? As far as I can see, the hold up is in the GA and with 1.4%.

  7. - Red Ranger - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    Ohhhhh snap, she totally got ‘em!!!! Another smooth move by a Superstar! One step away from “missed me-missed me…now ya gotta kiss me!”

  8. - Jose Abreu's Next Strikeout - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    CPS should just have superstar David Vitale just enter more risky credit default swaps and solve this money problem.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:11 pm:

    ===f your answer is no, then you need to be honest and tell the people of Illinois that you are holding up school funding for the entire state so that Chicago will receive hundreds of millions more than it did last year – despite declining enrollment in Chicago Public Schools and a state in deep fiscal crisis.===

    Ms. Purvis,

    Take a civics class, or an Illinois constitution course.

    Where does the head of CPS hold back anything the state does?

    Dear goodness gracious, you put your signature under this hot mess.

    That’s pathetic.

    The Head of CPS controls state functions.

    How fun.

  10. - Keyser Soze - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:14 pm:

    OK, I get it. Give him the money.

  11. - illini97 - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:15 pm:

    So the Governor is powerless under our system of government, but the head of CPS is omnipotent?

  12. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:19 pm:

    I think if Rauner is going to make a persuasive argument, the Governor should try…

    “After I clouted my daughter into Payton Prep, even when she was unqualified, I moved to Chicago and backed the Democrat Forrest Claypool in his failed election. Claypool owes me!”

    Probably better that the Secretary of Education saying that Forrest Claypool has more power than her boss…

    Both are ridiculous, but the clouting and backing of Claypool is more honest…

  13. - morningstar - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:20 pm:

    Is such a demand by an appointed state official even ethical?

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    Some choice damned if you do damned if you don’t.

    Sounds like a letter from Mitch McConnell.

  15. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    not to rain anu partisan purvis secretary of hackucation…. but an increase in funding and a decrease in head count are red herrings, as they ignore what amounts are being receieved per student compared to wealthy suburban districts and also the cost of education. what percentage of cps students are on ieps or 504 plans, what is the cost of peoviding those services etc. you know meaningful cost of education info. should the secretary of education be looking at what it actually costs to educate a student based on their needs? particualry in low income or socioeconomicaly deprived areas.

    if all she looks at is raw hadcount and dollars, she seems to lack knowledge of her area…. but she didnt even donthat and give us a cost per student comparison

  16. - TD - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    An nonsensical, political letter from a nonsensical, political job position. I’m embarrassed for Ms. Purvis. Desperation is a stinky cologne.

  17. - northsider (the original) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:41 pm:

    — I’m embarrassed for Ms. Purvis —

    Don’t be. She made her choice. Choices, like elections, have consequences.

  18. - Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:45 pm:

    Why did Beth Purvis, Secretary of Education, pull an OODA Loop on Mr. Forrest Claypool, CEO of CPSD 299?

    The Sec. of Ed. letter to CPS appears to be unethical to say the least.

    I’m so ready for the general election to be over!

  19. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    Does the state really need a redundant “education secretary” (not a real position) at $250K annually simply to sign political letters written by Goldberg?

    Seriously, his “style,” such as it is, is clearly evident here.

  20. - Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    - Ghost - @ 12:32 pm -
    You also need to add English as a second language as another added cost for CPS.

  21. - Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:52 pm:

    - Anonymous @ 12:47 pm -

    The answer to your question is NO!

  22. - James N - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:52 pm:

    Shouldn’t the secretary of education actually be looking for a solution to this mess instead of inserting politically bias stance?

    Obviously either side isn’t going to get what they want, there needs to be a logical compromise to it. The secretary of education should be apart of it instead of attempting to increase tensions.

  23. - Trolling Troll - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:56 pm:

    It reads like a ransoms letter.

  24. - Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    IL’s Secretary of Education is a political job. She is one of Rauner’s super stars.

  25. - Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    Who appointed Ms Purvis as Chief Hostage Negotiator?

  26. - Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:06 pm:

    - Wensicia @ 1:03 pm -

    Secretary Purvis is one of Rauner’s super stars.

  27. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    “Seriously, his “style,” such as it is, is clearly evident here.”

    - I see her name at the bottom

  28. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    It really is amazing that nobody in the Rauner administration knows the difference between campaigning and governing. Just stunning. Is it by design, or are they really that obtuse?

  29. - Shemp - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    ===It really is amazing that nobody in the Rauner administration knows the difference between campaigning and governing.===

    I thought those were always one in the same in Illinois. Did something change?

  30. - Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    Egos > school funding/budget

  31. - So Yeah - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    “Purvis says that while charter schools are grateful for the additional money, they, like district-run schools, suffer because Illinois continues to under-fund education. The lack of money prevents some higher-performing charter networks from opening schools in Chicago, she says..”

    So yeah there’s that. You shouldn’t forget your historical public stances on how you feel CPS and Charters are underfunded comparative to other districts in Illinois.

  32. - northsider (the original) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    I don’t see any insult whatsoever in Claypool’s reply.
    What am i missing?

  33. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    Highest paid Superstar? Check.
    Current formula hurts poor students? Check.
    Illinois lagging the nation in state funding for education? Check.

    Where was the insult? This sounds pretty factual and measured to me.

  34. - Archiesmom - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    Claypool finally publicly said the sort of thing that others have been muttering under their breath for months. Standing O!

  35. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:56 pm:

    Good for Claypool.

  36. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:56 pm:


  37. - Word Salad - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:10 pm:

    Claypool criticizes Purvis for being highly paid. Both Claypool and Purvis make $250,000. Is Claypool just upset that Rauner helped close the gender pay gap?

  38. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    ===Forrest Claypool doesn’t like it when women make as much money as he does.===

    Now that’s an insult! That’s how you do it.

    And frankly Rich, Purvis’ original letter was pretty insulting too. Goldberg should have put his own name on that garbage instead of hers. She really hurt her credibility by allowing them to hide behind her name.

  39. - Cable Line Beer Gardener - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:15 pm:

    Perhaps if those in charge concentrated more on their jobs instead of clever insults this State may get somewhere. I am beginning to think that the trump style of insult campaigning has become an epidemic of massive proportions.

  40. - Norseman - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    Not a fan of Goldberg, but Claypool asked for that shot.

    Stay classy Claypool. Don’t try to emulate Rauner and his frat boys.

  41. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:17 pm:

    All Hail the Prince of Snarkness!

  42. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    Rauner’s Crew “started” it…

    Claypool escalated it.

    The Prince of Snarkness… ended it.

    Ball game. Claypool got off lucky.

  43. - Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:31 pm:

    It’s interesting how the Rauner crew manage to turn any question or response to Purvis as gender discrimination. What wonderful role models indeed!

  44. - baloneymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:35 pm:

    how this stuff gets us to a budget or a solution or a grand compromise or whatever is beyond me. just more distractions and finger pointing until November. I would rather watch Billy Batts and Tommy D go at it in public than this nonsense.

  45. - Storm Cloud - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Claypool salary $250,000
    Value of his benefits $63,000
    Total package $313,000

    There are over 100 school districts in Illinois that don’t get that much in state aid in an entire year.

  46. - Tony - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Grow up and do the job we pay you to do. Everybody included.

  47. - Rabid - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:37 pm:

    Goldberg your about hundred and two thousand short of being their equal

  48. - northsider (the original) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:09 pm:

    Hmmm, looks like Goldberg doesn’t think women can stick up for themselves.
    What a wonderful role model for all the frat boys in Illinois

  49. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    Purvis’s letter reminds me of the notes passed in elementary school-

    Do you like… check yes or no. Was she listening to George Strait when she wrote the letter to Claypool???

  50. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    Illinois Secretary of Education -
    talk about unnecessary units of government…..

    “…her contract does not require her to hit certain benchmarks or produce reports to the state or the Illinois General Assembly to measure progress with respect to her duties.”
    So, what exactly does she do?

  51. - very old soil - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    Big difference in level of responsibility between Claypool and Purvis.

  52. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    Purvis is being paid out of the Department of Human Services?
    Very generous of the governor.

  53. - Sue - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:29 pm:

    Hey Forest “hat in hand”- first, the Governor has not caused your problems so why insult the most competent person in the administration. Your former boss-that’s right - Richie Daley decided to stiff the CPS pension for like 1/ years turning the fully funded program into what it is today- insolvent. As Richie’s chief of staff you may have said something at the time. You didn’t. At least not publicly. So now you need help from Springfield. Didn’t you learn as a child that asking nicely for an allowance is better then insulting mom and dad. Purvis is your best shot at opening schools in September. Do maybe instead of bring an AH you might ponder a different approach. By the way your incessant complaints about pension funding comparing your situation to TRS again was done by choice. Think about Richie Daley when you get mad because that parking revenue would be coming your way instead of Morgan Stanley.

  54. - Shytown - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    Goldberg sure likes to play the sexist card when it’s convenient for his boss. Remember this doozy:

    “Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office repeatedly clashed with House Democrats on Thursday as a House panel attempted to examine why the governor’s $250,000 handpicked education secretary is being paid out of a budget meant for the state’s most vulnerable.

    At the onset of the committee hearing, the governor’s office released a statement calling it a “sexist smear” — a characterization that further fired up House Democrats later in the day.

    At issue was why Rauner was paying a member of his cabinet — Beth Purvis — out of the Department of Human Services budget. That agency has been the target of past and future cuts.”

  55. - LizPhairTax - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    So they batted around the order and “Any attack on Beth Purvis is because she’s a woman” is up again?

  56. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    Sue, IMPRESSIVE!!!!

  57. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 4:23 pm:

    Sue, by the way. I really don’t think Rauner has a clue, but goshdarnit, you,made a bit of sense.

  58. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    I believe the term I’m looking for is: Grass Bowl

  59. - burbanite - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 4:49 pm:

    “Purvis is your best shot at opening schools in September” No, no she isn’t. The guys the governor has been bashing for the last two days are.

    Claypool is actually a fiscally conservative hatchet man who was repeatedly moved around to make the hard decisions and take the bullets others couldn’t, including significant financial reforms of the Chicago park district.

  60. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 5:14 pm:

    CPS pension for like 1/ years turning the fully funded program into what it is today- insolvent.=
    Yes, but…
    It was a Republican administration and legislature that passed the legislation that allowed him to do that.

  61. - Sue - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 5:16 pm:

    Burban- Claypool watched Saley drive the CPS ( and other City) pension plans into insolvency. He may be a fiscal conservative but why did he allow Saley to destroy Chicago’s finances. He is as culpable for this as is anyone but instead of taking responsibility - he complains about Rauner. Geez

  62. - Sue - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 5:17 pm:

    Tiny- AT the REQUEST of Rich Daley

  63. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 5:18 pm:

    =Richie Daley decided to stiff the CPS pension for like 1/ years turning the fully funded program into what it is today- insolvent=
    Sorry - cut off your quote…
    Still - it was the Republicans who were the Daley-enablers. The laws did not allow what Daley did until the Republicans “modernized” them.

  64. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 5:19 pm:

    So - that’s how it works?
    The D’s ask and the R’s comply?

  65. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 6:53 pm:

    Sad to say, I’m old enough to remember when Claypool was considered to be an independent and reformer. Forrest, we hardly knew ye…

    Kind of like when Emanuel was considered to be a pretty sharp guy with a keen sense for managing money.

  66. - Fact finder - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 7:01 pm:


    While Daley deserves a big helping of blame for underfunding the Chicago teachers pension, the main culprits were Edgar, Pate and Daniels, who eliminated the special pension property tax levy for CPS in the 1995 Chicago School Reform Amendatory Act. Every Chicago member of the GA voted against it.

  67. - burbanite - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 7:03 pm:

    I don’t have time to figure out how you go there Sue. Not sure what the chief of staff has to do with pension decisions or weather those decisions correlated with his time as Daley’s chief of staff. I do not care for Claypool, don’t always agree with him, but I respect him and his accomplishments.

  68. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 7:07 pm:

    == From Gov. Rauner’s deputy chief of staff Richard Goldberg… ==

    Childish as usual & expected from a tiny little ‘frat boy man’; makes ya feel good’ bud’ eh?

  69. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 7:19 pm:

    == or are they really that obtuse? ==

    Hmmm. We’ve been attributing OODA loops to these folks, ‘assuming’ they are smart & capable. Maybe they are just a bunch of folks that are WAY in over their heads, don’t know it, much less how to get it together’, other than attack everybody else.

  70. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 7:42 pm:

    Those aren’t OODA loops, they are fruit loops.

    Rauner’s approval numbers are inverted by 20 points and these boys’ framing and strategy has not changed a bit.

    There is no Observe or Orient here.

    GTCR Inc wants to have a chat about pay equity? Um, okay.

    “I don’t believe in psychology. I believe in good moves.”

    - Bobby Fischer

  71. - Keyrock - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 8:43 pm:

    Hmm, Katrina has another column up on the Trib website. It looks like Goldberg wrote that one, too. (Though the column is correct about the Speaker.)

  72. - Former State Employee - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 8:58 pm:

    You can tell from my title I’m not around anymore. Question. Is this Goldberg as big a nimrod as he appears to be from the outside?

  73. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 10:14 pm:

    Sue, that is hands down your best post ever. Kudos.

    The GA and Edgar just didn’t change the law in 1995 for the heck of it-there were some very specific discussions about Chicago keeping its promises, and the naysayers were told more or less “we can trust the Mayor” and/or “not our problem now.” 1996 was also the first year CTPF started receiving $65 million annually from the State for pensions which was instead diverted to retiree healthcare subsidies.

  74. - JS Mill - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 10:32 pm:

    AA for the tip in. Nicely done and totally correct.

  75. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 10:41 pm:

    I believe that Rauner will keep hammering CPS,downstate Dems like Phelps and Costello will eventually throw Chicago under the bus. Can’t believe Costello still unopposed. You think Sr. In on the wine club thing?

  76. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jun 3, 16 @ 3:30 am:

    The Prince of Snark returns as only he can.

    This should be an interesting month.

  77. - anu - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 6:36 am:

    Hello to all, the contents present at this website are in fact remarkable for people knowledge, well, keep up the nice work fellows.

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