Targeted Democrat wants Mautino to step aside
Thursday, Jun 2, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* As background, Sen. Murphy is an appointed legislator who has been targeted by the Republicans and is facing a candidate who ran for the House two years ago…
A suburban Democrat has asked Illinois’ top auditor to take a leave of absence following his acknowledgment that federal investigators have questioned him about campaign expenses.
With a letter sent Wednesday, state Sen. Laura Murphy of Des Plaines becomes the highest-profile Democratic official to take Illinois Auditor General Frank Mautino to task for campaign expenses that have drawn increased scrutiny in recent months.
Among the expenses is more than $200,000 in about a dozen years at a single service station in his former legislative district.
“I believe a leave of absence would be in the best interest of state government and the taxpayers of Illinois,” Murphy writes in a letter. “Once the probe is complete and only after the cloud over your office has lifted would it be appropriate for you to return to work as auditor general.”
So, since she’s doing this, might we expect more Dems to jump on the “good government is good politics” bandwagon as it relates to Mautino?
And, what’s your opinion about a leave of absence?
- illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:26 am:
Sounds fine .how about the Gov and the ethics law.Is it bad to break federal lawsuit ok to break state laws. I would add allgedly in both cases.
- DuPage - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:35 am:
If his expenses were legit, he should stay on. If they are not legit, he should resign. He is the one that knows what the truth is.
- Anon - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:38 am:
It would be interesting to review all ex party communications that Mautino has had with various state agencies over the years. Such communications are required to be documented and reported to the executive ethics commission.
- No Use For A Name - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:45 am:
Every day he stays without resigning or taking a leave of absence is another day that reinforces the stereotype of Illinois being corrupt. As the auditor, he is held to a higher standard than others. Resigning due to the federal investigation and his earlier delays in providing information about this could be even more appropriate.
- steve schnorf - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:58 am:
Anon, I think you got it right. Frank is definitely ex-party. I almost never see him out and around at the local pubs.
There’s a system, and it’s working. I’m
a believer in waiting to see what the verdict is before we impose sentence, for crying out loud.
- Todd - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 11:59 am:
Hillary hasn’t taken a leave of absence despite an ongoing criminal investigation
- Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:03 pm:
- Hillary hasn’t taken a leave of absence -
From what, professor?
- titan - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:39 pm:
The Auditor General is something of “Caesar’s wife” position, one which must be above suspicion. It would seem a leave of absence would be appropriate until the matter is cleared up.
- Ghost - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:39 pm:
dont see a need for a leave because of a pending investigation. particuarly since the misuse is not related t his current office. we would have no one in charge if everyone under investigation went on leave….
- Augie - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:47 pm:
No. Let the investigation take its course.
- Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
Any Auditor General under Federal investigation needs to resign. At the time of his appointment, some on here said he would be great, fine selection, etc. I didn’t like it but didn’t really know anything. Now here we are: not a question of guilt or innocence, only of what he’s guilty of, anything from terrible bookkeeping to some serious crime. He needs to go, now.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:15 pm:
Rauner should quit his “tour of the state” and look in the mirror already. Let the investigation take it’s course and allow Mautino do his job.
- Mama - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:15 pm:
“we would have no one in charge if everyone under investigation went on leave….”
I should not drink while reading - I just choked on my coffee after reading your comment. Thanks for today’s laugh.
- Kerfuffle - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Excessively Rabid —not a question of guilt or innocence, only of what he’s guilty of, anything from terrible bookkeeping to some serious crime–
It’s certainly telling of your moniker here on this site that you can take a scenario that is under currently just under investigation, bypass formal charges, let alone conviction, and move straight to sentencing. You seem to know yourself well!
- Excessively Rabid - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:23 pm:
Ker, look - anybody who’s got this mess going on with such large payments to a gas station has such a problem with accountability it disqualifies them from ever credibly serving as AG. Lack of a federal criminal conviction is an insufficient qualification to continue in the office. Even if all he is guilty of is an incredible degree of sloppiness, he should go to preserve the credibility of the office and some measure of his dignity.
- Double Nickel - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 1:58 pm:
I have to agree with ER. This is the Auditor General, not the top dog catcher in the state. This is Illinois. Regardless of the outcome of the investigation, there will always be those who question Mautino’s integrity if he remains in the office. The office deserves better than that.
- Big Muddy - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:20 pm:
A targeted, tier 1, Democrat doesn’t do a thing without leadership approval. Is this the first real sign that even Frank’s friends are about to cut him loose? How soon until other Dem’s call for his head?
And I agree with her. No way he should stay in office while this is going on. Who leaves anyone with this level of oversight in place? Thats nuts!
- Big Muddy - Thursday, Jun 2, 16 @ 2:45 pm:
To those that think he should stay on let me offer you this…
Say you are an alderman of a town and you learn that your comptroller is under federal investigation for something related to finances. Do you still keep her on the job? (*cough-cough DIXON IL cough-cough*)