* Interesting…
House Members:
Democratic members of the bipartisan working groups continue to meet with Republican legislators and the governor’s office to develop a resolution to the state budget impasse. The Speaker is hopeful that progress will continue, as it has over the past few weeks. Given this progress and the need for these discussions among the working groups on the budget and other issues to continue without interruption, the House will not be in session on Wednesday, June 8.
Tim Mapes | Chief of Staff
Speaker Michael J. Madigan’s Office
*** UPDATE 1 *** Kind of an odd press release, but whatevs…
Time for Mussman to Stand Up To Mike Madigan, Get Back to Work
Today, Speaker Mike Madigan informed legislators that tomorrow’s planned house session has been canceled. Jillian Rose Bernas, candidate for State Representative in the 56th House District, issued the following statement:
“After failing to pass a budget to ensure that our schools open on time, Speaker Madigan’s decision to cancel session tomorrow clearly shows that he is not willing to do the work that needs to be done to pass a balanced budget and reform state government.
Representative Michelle Mussman needs to stand up to Mike Madigan and work with Republican legislators to compromise so that we can begin to rebuild Illinois.
I have been walking door-to-door talking with neighbors, and they are frustrated with rising taxes and the lack of opportunities. Mussman is in a position to do something about this, but she continues to side with Speaker Madigan and it’s unacceptable. She was elected to represent the people of this community, not the personal agenda of Speaker Madigan.”
*** UPDATE 2 *** Tribune…
“Speaker Madigan promised me that they were going to come in every Wednesday. I said, ‘That’s not enough Mr. Speaker, you should be coming in every day until we get a budget, and get a balanced budget and more resources for our schools. Then I heard this morning, he just announced today they’re not going to come in tomorrow like he said they would,” Rauner said. “They’re not going to come in at all this week. They are slow rolling the process. They want a crisis in the schools. They want a crisis in the government to leverage a Chicago bailout and leverage a big tax hike without any reforms.”
“I am concerned,” Rauner said. “That’s the reason I need your help. They’ll come back if we demand, if we the people of Illinois, demand they come back. They should be doing their jobs.”
He could just call a special session. He’s not a totally helpless victim here.
*** UPDATE 3 *** Tribune…
Madigan spokesman Steve Brown called it “a lot more of that empty mumbo-jumbo that we hear from the guy.
“There’s no bill to vote on, so no reason to bring people back,” he added.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:10 am:
May they continue to meet and put an end to this crisis. Recognize the areas where agreements can be forged and work hard to bring them forth quickly.
- Try-4-Truth - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:12 am:
Speaker Madigan does nothing without a purpose.
I’m hopeful.
- Gen Cit - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:14 am:
Hopefully they are being logical and actually developing a plan of action and or bill modifications for education etc. This needs to end and the view of people like Rauner and Emmanuel throwing vocal punches like 5 year olds on the playground doesn’t help any party. The only way that any current Illinois politician will improve their image is to find compromise, sure most citizens are just over the political vomit and want officials to actually do their jobs.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:19 am:
Have to get those GOP green lights lined up.
- The Muse - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:26 am:
Any word on if they’re discussing a full budget or just a half-year stopgap?
- LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:27 am:
Add this week’s Downtown Springfield Farmers Market to the list of collateral damage.
- Georg Sande - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:28 am:
“The Speaker is hopeful progress will continue, as it has over the past few weeks.”
Funny, that’s NOT what Madigan said near the end of session, at all.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:33 am:
the game playing continues—sadly.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:34 am:
As long as they keep talking, I don’t need activity going on to pretend there’s achievement.
I need achievement, so keep talking. I’m taking this as a positive.
- ChiCit - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:36 am:
Hopefully they’re actually trying to develop a bipartisan plan of action that targets the most critical areas. The name calling and accusations from both sides has become extremely childish… Compromise at this point can only help if that’s what they’re actually doing.
- Austinman - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:36 am:
Very positive news
- Ahoy! - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:36 am:
This looks like good news to me, but then I remembered that I lost all hope in this State.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:38 am:
===Funny, that’s NOT what Madigan said near the end of session, at all. ===
Actually, it is. He flip-flopped on that very point.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:38 am:
Mapes should request that Bruce continue his speaking tour. If that doesn’t “flip” the GOP members of the General Assembly this summer, nothing will.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:42 am:
Sounds like some sausage is being ground up in kitchen. We’ll have to see what the chefs come up with.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:44 am:
It is also important to note that whatever is worked on, what’s worked out needs 71 and 36, so keep talking and meet those numbers with a clean signature.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:47 am:
Quite a different tone from the governor’s Downstate Dog Whistlestop campaign.
Georg Sande, you sound disappointed.
- Ms. SHEESH - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 8:48 am:
Somethings got to give soon. Much anger toward the Governor yesterday. If the link works, please excuse the expletives. I have no way to edit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLtelMZAqm4
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:05 am:
Speakin’ of GOPies goin’ off on BigBrain watch the whole Jim Edgar interview with Carol Marin on Chicago Tonight — agreed very painful — Gov. Edgar (IL’s most revered govt official) trashed BigBrain, says the 2 have not talked in year and BigBrain’s damage to colleges is tragic. He also signs out on Trump and will skip Cleveland.
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:07 am:
The video is pretty harsh but I don’t think helps the protesters cause.
- LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:10 am:
Lucky Pierre,
How so? Like NOW the Governor is going to REALLY turn against them?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:13 am:
“There they go, chantin’ Bruuuuuuuuce again. Goshdarnit, they really like me! Can we come back tomorrow?”
- Ms. SHEESH - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:15 am:
The video shows the harsh reality of what this state is dealing with. It shows that Unions are sick and tired of the Govenor and his agenda. Instead….the press publishes this http://newstrib.com/main.asp?SectionID=2&SubSectionID=28&ArticleID=51579
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:16 am:
An angry mob hurling profanities does not help build common cause with the reasonable people in the middle who will help forge a compromise.As with the Trump situation, violent, vulgar protestors chasing Trump supporters out of a rally horrify most of America who expect some civility.
Have you ever seen anyone insult Madigan or Cullerton or Rahm like that?
- LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:22 am:
=Have you ever seen anyone insult Madigan or Cullerton or Rahm like that?=
Are you new here? Here being Illinois. Sincere question, not being a jerk.
Don’t want to turn this feed into a youtube linkfest but it’s not hard to find the exact same stuff with Mayor Emanuel from just this year. Cullerton has had protests at his home. Throw “Madigan protests” into a search engine and see what pops up.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:22 am:
===Have you ever seen anyone insult Madigan or Cullerton or Rahm like that?===
Rauner is the governor of Illinois, not a victim.
Rauner himself said he could take the slings and arrows. Are you saying Rauner is a shrinking violet?
===An angry mob hurling profanities does not help build common cause with the reasonable people in the middle who will help forge a compromise.===
Rauner wants to decimate unions, end collective bargaining, remove prevailing wage. Labor is vocing their concern.
Please, keep up, or be honest and stop faking you don’t know what’s going on.
If you are of the belief Rauner is too feeble for criticism, just admit that.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:24 am:
== It shows that Unions are sick and tired of the Govenor and his agenda. ==
I’m pretty sure that was already universally well known. Nothing in this video shows anything new or anything that will push towards a resolution.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:24 am:
- LizPhairTax -
It’s been pointed out before - Lucky Pierre - is less than “honest” in his following of what’s going on. Treat the comments as those coming from a disingenuous or false premise it just becomes comical.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:26 am:
Maybe someone, or a number of someones are listening suddenly and realize the natives are well beyond restless. Hope and practical thinking would indicate to me that this could be a very positive sign.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:27 am:
===Nothing in this video shows anything new or anything that will push towards a resolution.===
Labor is a one-issue entity.
It’s like people now are refusing to see Labor only caring about Labor issues and showing displeasure towards Governor and his anti-labor agenda.
Willful ignorance.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:27 am:
“Have you ever seen anyone insult Madigan or Cullerton or Rahm like that?”
Lucky, I take you were not at the State Fair a couple of years ago on Gov’s Day when AFSCME shut down the event. If anyone thinks Rauner had it bad yesterday, they should look up what I’m talking about.
- LizPhairTax - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:27 am:
Figured the guy in the Quinnochio suit had to land on the payroll somewhere
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:29 am:
Willy do you really believe that the average Illinois voter approves of that kind of behavior and because of that protest is now on their side?They don’t seem like the kind of people you see at Church as you are so fond of saying
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:35 am:
===Willy do you really believe that the average Illinois voter approves of that kind of behavior and because of that protest is now on their side?===
It’s like you refuse to read. Purposeful.
The rallies are for Labor, by Labor.
See: McCann, Sam… Dunkin, Ken.
These are not designed as tiubthink they are.
- Lucky Pierre -, you’re a gag, your comments and thoughts and refusal to get out of your “rational” thinking has been read.
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:42 am:
It’s unfortunate that the business community can’t protest Madigan all-day and yell obscenities….as they are busy working.
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:43 am:
As usual Willy you have your finger on the pulse of labor while having a blind spot a mile wide for what the rest of the state thinks. The lime green shirt does not look good on you
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:47 am:
- Lucky Pierre -
I understand what they are trying to do by understanding what their goal(s) are. Willfully ignoring the obvious isn’t helping understanding the goal(s)
I’m not in a union of any kind.
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 9:53 am:
Lucky Pierre:
Glad these are others on here who see this comment section for what it has become - a gripe session for those who are too close to the process and too tainted with their own unclean hands to provide a meaningful objective account of what’s really going on. Thankfully, if it weren’t for Rich’s sane and objective comments, you could scrap the whole comment section in my opinion.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:04 am:
- DuPage Moderate -
===I understand what they are trying to do by understanding what their goal(s) are. Willfully ignoring the obvious isn’t helping understanding the goal(s)===
Instead of being a victim to the Comment’s Section, make a case where that comment is off?
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:21 am:
Willy how does an unruly crowd hurling obscenities at the Governor help labor accomplish their goals? Your opinion is heavily outnumbered on the other thread. A lot of people are willfully ignoring the obvious apparently.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:28 am:
===Willy how does an unruly crowd hurling obscenities at the Governor help labor accomplish their goals?===
“2 in 5″ gets down to “1 in 5″ or “1 in 6″, galvanizing Labor… Can make the difference in the micro, ask McCann.
===Your opinion is heavily outnumbered on the other thread. A lot of people are willfully ignoring the obvious apparently.===
How so? I’m confused at your logic. More is better?
- DuPage Moderate - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:38 am:
Oh, I understand what they are trying to do. They seek to protect the status quo and will stop at nothing to do it. My point pertains more to the fact that people on this comment section think that these actions are resonating positively amongst the private sectors stiffs…..and I think otherwise. Regular people as finally seeing this state for what it is - a corrupt pyramid scheme set up to benefit a few while allowing crumbs to trickle down to the masses for votes. It’s repulsive…and it’s going to be, if not already has been, fatal to our state. Rauner, for all his failures, and there have been plenty, has way more support than those around Springfield think as the status quo is not and cannot be acceptable.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:44 am:
===They seek to protect the status quo…==
===a corrupt pyramid scheme set up to benefit a few while allowing crumbs to trickle down to the masses for votes. It’s repulsive…and it’s going to be, if not already has been, fatal to our state.===
===think as the status quo is not and cannot be acceptable.==•
Three solidly empty Raunerite talking points meaning very little. Congratulations!
===My point pertains more to the fact that people on this comment section think that these actions are resonating positively amongst the private sectors stiffs…..and I think otherwise.===
The goal is to galvanize Labor. That’s the goal. Trying to “sell” this as anything other than that is disingenuous.
But you already know that, thus trying to… make it seem like it is, wrapped around the “status quo” bit.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:46 am:
DPM @ 10:38
You forgot to use the following terms: shake-up, Madigan (and those he controls), bargain, & broken system
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 11:52 am:
==hopeful that progress will continue, as it has over the past few weeks==
He finally admits the working groups were making progress?
After denying this and using that as a reason to run his own budget bill 5 days before the end of session? smh. Hoping he means this and is not just going through the motions.
- Nick Name - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 2:54 pm:
“They want a crisis in the government to leverage a Chicago bailout and leverage a big tax hike without any reforms.”
I am really getting to hate his abuse of language. Hey, for your information Gov. 1.4 percent, a tax hike *is* a reform. It’s a reform that will help pay for Illinois government, and help with the backlog of bills. Because as many here say, repeatedly, a tax hike is desperately needed, and everyone knows it, even lying Christine “squeeze the beast” Radogno.
An even better reform? Amending the state constitution to allow for a progressive tax structure — just like every state that borders Illinois, save Indiana.
- atsuishin - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 3:02 pm:
I hope these aren’t government workers that need me to pay higher taxes for their pensions. If they are so agitated they can just quit.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 3:40 pm:
===He could just call a special session. He’s not a totally helpless victim.===
Rich wins.
Rauner is NOT a hapless victim
- Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 4:19 pm:
“Rauner is NOT a hapless victim”
Yes he is, he tells us all the time.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 6:17 pm:
Better hope they all dont quit, they can demand the money they are owed from the pensions.
- upstater - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 10:23 pm:
DPM +1
I think many public sector workers (or those aligned with them) are in a bubble and would be shocked that many private sector workers would be outraged right along with them (albeit for very different reasons). I see people awakening, and it is a hangover from the spending party and desperation the tap is running empty.
- Just Me - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 8:13 am:
Is the objective of calling out the Speaker to embarrass the Speaker, or is it to get a budget? Those two objectives are two different things. Pick a strategy and stick with it, please.