Here we go again…
Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The governor’s public schedule was sent out last night as usual. There were no listed opportunities for reporters to ask questions. But this just arrived…
Daily Public Schedule: Wednesday, June 8, 2016
What: Governor Holds Media Availability on Canceled Session
Where: State Capitol - Governor’s Office
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m.
I’ll probably do a live coverage post.
In the meantime, your guesses for what he’ll say? I’m kinda doubting right now that it’s about calling a special session. His people didn’t seem all that open to the idea yesterday. We’ll see.
…Adding… Press releases like these have been landing in my in-box all morning…
Dave Severin Calls on John Bradley to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget
Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Dave Severin, candidate for State Representative in the 117th House District, issued the following statement:
“Every day that Illinois goes without a balanced budget and pro-growth reforms, the future looks less and less bright for the families of southern Illinois. It is infuriating that less than a week after Democrats failed to pass a balanced budget, Mike Madigan would cancel tomorrow’s planned session. I ask John Bradley, on behalf of suffering southern Illinoisans, to pick up the phone, call his boss, Mike Madigan, and demand that legislators come back to Springfield and finally end this crisis.”
Jason Kasiar Calls on Brandon Phelps to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget
Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Jason Kasiar, candidate for State Representative in the 118th House District, issued the following statement:
“Mike Madigan canceling session tomorrow gives a new meaning to the title “part-time legislators.” Politicians in Springfield have one constitutionally-mandated job – pass a balanced budget. They’ve failed to pass a balanced budget for over a decade, but over the past two years, they failed to pass any budget whatsoever. That’s disgraceful. Brandon Phelps should give his boss, Mike Madigan, a call and demand that legislators return to Springfield. Illinois can wait no longer – we need a balanced budget.”
Mike Babcock Calls on Dan Beiser to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget
Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Mike Babcock, candidate for State Representative in the 111th House District, issued the following statement:
“It’s a shame that Mike Madigan decided to cancel session tomorrow. Illinois hasn’t had a balanced budget for years, our unpaid bill backlog is exploding, as is our unfunded pension liability, and Mike Madigan thought it was ok for legislators to stay in their districts? We expect the politicians in Springfield to act as we do – live within their means. I’m calling upon Dan Beiser to stand up to his boss, Mike Madigan, and demand that legislators return to Springfield and finally pass a balanced budget. It’s now or never for Illinois.”
Keep in mind those releases were written as if they were being sent yesterday, but I didn’t get them until this morning.
…Adding… One more…
Lindsay Parkhurst Calls on Kate Cloonen to Return to Springfield and Do Her Job – Pass a Balanced Budget
Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Lindsay Parkhurst, candidate for State Representative in the 79th House District, issued the following statement:
“Just when you think politicians in Springfield could not work any less, they somehow manage to do so. Illinois hasn’t had a balanced budget for years, social service organizations are being shuttered, and schools are at risk of not opening on time. It’s despicable that legislators aren’t working around the clock to pass a balanced budget.
“Mike Madigan canceling session is shameful and symbolic of the stranglehold he has on state government. I ask Kate Cloonen to take a break from Candy Crush and give her boss, Mike Madigan, a call. It is imperative that all legislators return to Springfield and end this crisis once and for all. We need to put Illinois first and stop playing politics with our future.”
- Big Joe - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:06 am:
Because MADIGAN, and the unruly unions he controls!!!!
- A guy - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:07 am:
We’ve seen this play before. He calls a session, there’s an opening prayer, session ends a few minutes later, and we’ve accomplished nothing. There should be some assurances of some kind before any session is called. If that’s the case, he wouldn’t be required or needed to call a session anyway.
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:11 am:
==Pass a Balanced Budget==
4 years without a balanced budget. Out of balance budgets even with the tax increase and a governor of the same party. 14 years without a budget deficit.
They may not remember how to pass a balanced budget at this point.
- Whatever - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:11 am:
==[name1] Calls on [name2] to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget==
Were they at least competent enough to have this form letter change the personal pronoun for female representatives? And do they have a version that calls on the Governor to be in Springfield to sign the thing?
- Earnest - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:17 am:
>guesses for what he’ll say?
I want to continue to have no budget and continue to destroy higher education and human services. The debt I’m piling up is going to give me a chance to get rid of many of these institutions and bring in large, multi-state corporations instead. I desperately need a K-12 appropriation so that people who matter to me won’t get mad at me. It is super-awesome that you fools run yourself in circles because of what I saw instead of watching exactly what I’m doing.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:20 am:
Here are the words for the 1.4% press conference bingo: corrupt, schools, Madigan, Cullerton, tragic, budget, reform, failed, pro-growth, disgraceful, K-12
I am sure that I missed a few of the prime words.
- AlabamaShake - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:21 am:
Ooh… I love theater! I hope that they have wine I can buy at intermission!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:22 am:
- A Guy -
Rauner could call special session, and highlight all that.
Why won’t Rauner, Rauner isn’t a passenger now, he could call them back… Why won’t he?
To Democrats facing these Raunerite games…
Remember “The 7″?
Labor wasn’t fooled. Foolish tactics are seen for what they are.
The ball game, right now, and the ONLY ball game is solidifying Labor and Social Service Groups and Company… and ginning up Democrats against Rauner.
That’s it.
It’s a POTUS election, just educate… and turn out the voting universe knowing that the need to “Vote Accordingly”.
The ignorant letter orchestrated by “The 7″ is Raunerites being nervous on McCann and Dunkin.
Do the work that needs to be done, don’t chase these releases
- Just Me - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:23 am:
It sounds like the House GOP got itself into a “he needs to approve, she needs to approve, then he needs to approve her changes, then she doesn’t like the edit he made to her edit, then someone changes the focus of the press release, then someone else has an idea they want to include, then he needs to approve the new draft, then the Member needs to approve, etc. etc. etc.”
I’ve been caught up in this vicious circle before, it is hell for the poor staffer who has to make everyone happy and then is also expected to get the release(s) out on time.
- Norseman - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:23 am:
Yes, we’ve seen this play before. GOP knows that nothing is going to be done anyway, but they spout rhetoric to make political points.
The Rauner caucuses are fond of yelling political games on Dems. We’ll folks this GOP political game is not helping either.
- ash - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:27 am:
A once world-class system of higher education is on the verge of collapse. Long standing social service agencies, like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social services, are shadows of their former selves and are hanging on by a thread. Insurance premiums for workers are not being paid, and the governor broke off contract talks with AFSCME only to repeat the very things I see on IPI propaganda. Days from an entire year with no budget — what IS the appropriate response? Civilty hasn’t seemed to work thus far… Seriously? How much are people expected to take before they blow? We are starting to see it more and more. Maybe he needs to see that his advisors might not be in touch with reality.
- Sir Reel - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:27 am:
I know what he won’t say. I’m setting aside my TA and passing a full budget.
- Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:27 am:
There is no point to a session until there is something to vote on. Committes and working groups don’t need a session to meet- nor do they need a session that would interrupt those meetings. Governor, please stop campaigning and start leading.
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:30 am:
Huh? -
Frustrated , persistent, change, Chicago!!!
- Anon221 - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:31 am:
And, don’t forget- bailout!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:31 am:
–4 years without a balanced budget. Out of balance budgets even with the tax increase and a governor of the same party. 14 years without a budget deficit.–
Your usual boilerplate appears to be on the fritz.
Perhaps if you read your posts before hitting “send”, you could catch the obvious contradictions.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:34 am:
=== Civilty hasn’t seemed to work thus far===
And incivility will? What are you, Donald Trump?
Go away.
- northsider (the original) - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 10:37 am:
Please, please someone ask him to address Gov. Edgar’s comments of yesterday and Monday.
And follow up if he offers word salad, please.
- Mama - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:09 am:
“A once world-class system of higher education is on the verge of collapse. Long standing social service agencies, like Catholic Charities and Lutheran Social services, are shadows of their former selves and are hanging on by a thread. Insurance premiums for workers are not being paid, and the governor broke off contract talks with AFSCME only to repeat the very things I see on IPI propaganda. Days from an entire year with no budget — what IS the appropriate response?”
Rich, what can the public do to help solve the problems IL faces without harming people’s lives?
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:12 am:
===your guesses for what he’ll say?===
Some combination of the following:
Corrupt, bankrupt, bailout, stop gap, unfunded, billions, Chicago, politicians, machine, reforms, taxes, Madigan, budget.
No mention will be made of the human services appropriation bill awaiting action on his desk.
- cdog - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:15 am:
Or, he will own the needed cuts and
he will let us know what Universities he is closing,
what agencies he is closing,
what his prisons are going to do without a second year of appropriations,
how he will handle the potential fallout of 25% cuts at CPS, and how to prepare for the zombie apocalypse when “crime predictably spikes” due to budget cuts. ETC! /s
- Triple fat - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:16 am:
He only has a week left on double secret probation… He must need immediate gratification.. Don’t worry Governor, there is only a week left of leaving you twisting in the wind. Hopefully you will have learned something in the process. All indications appear otherwise.
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:20 am:
Profane “Union Guy” in green shirt interrupts the proceedings like Morganna the Kissing Bandit or Fan Man (RIP) at Caesars Palace.
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:24 am:
==Perhaps if you read your posts before hitting “send”, you could catch the obvious contradictions.==
Sigh. I did catch it. That was such an obvious typo, “without” rather than “with”, it seemed unneccessary to clutter the board with another post.
Especially with the sharp commenters here who should know that we have run deficits 14 consecutive years. Perhaps I give them too much credit, or perhaps some are pretending to be willfully clueless in such =obvious= cases.
- Mama - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:34 am:
- sal-says - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:36 am:
== …guesses for what he’ll say? ==
“We need a complete budget. The time for recriminations & demonizing is over. I realize my Turn Back The Clock Agenda must be deferred til I completely own the IL GA. So, I’m inviting the leaders to Winnetka to stay with & work night and day til we get a complete budget that includes revenue increases so we serve all IL citizens.”
From a parallel Universe.
- Chumley - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:55 am:
Said it before and I’ll say it again…
This impasse will only end when Madigan feels Rauner had paid his dues for running a candidate against him in his primary.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 11:59 am:
These candidates will be totally independent of party leaders if they’re elected!
- DuPage Bard - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 12:00 pm:
He will say- The corruption of Springfield is increased by the fact Mike Madigan won’t even send his members down here to deal with passing a balanced budget. If they were here they could give me a clean school funding bill that holds schools harmless and we could pass, today, a temporary budget. Cullerton told me yesterday, in private, that he’d do just that if Madigan would just pass a better bill over to him, he’ll get all his members down here and they’ll agree to my plans.
- illini - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 12:10 pm:
The press releases from those candidates who are challenging incumbent members of the GA do nothing to advance the discourse on the issue. They are outsiders looking in and hurling challenges to the incumbents without ever even coming close to saying how they would resolve the problem.
I know this is the norm for desperate challengers to appear concerned and relevant, but how does this do anything more than try to get them some free press and sound reasonable and concerned.
Isn’t this the same message BVR had when he was running? Using the same attractive “sound bites” without saying anything and not offering any specific details about what should be done!
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 8, 16 @ 12:45 pm:
–This impasse will only end when Madigan feels Rauner had paid his dues for running a candidate against him in his primary.–
Gov. Rauner has been quite vocal about his pre-conditions for a budget since at least February 2015.
Illinois has been without a budget since July 1, 2015.
Jason Gonzalez announced his primary candidacy against Madigan on Dec. 8, 2015.