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No longer worth the wait?

Thursday, Jun 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an op-ed written by Illinois Chamber President Todd Maisch last October entitled “Illinois needs Rauner to hang tough,” with emphasis added

The real question is whether the status quo in Illinois is acceptable. To a large majority of our members—the people whom Illinoisans expect to create jobs and prosperity—the answer is an emphatic “No!”

The chamber recognizes that the current budget stalemate is causing real pain across our state. I’ve spoken with many businesses that are waiting on the state to pay them millions of dollars for goods and services already provided. Local governments are awaiting vital infrastructure funding; university students wonder if tuition grants are coming.

Four months is a long time to go without a budget. But it pales in comparison to a 12-year wait for state government to return to fiscal sanity, basic competency and a partnership with business that allows both to prosper. Those things are more than important. They are vital. They are also hard and worth the wait.

Hang in there, Governor.

* Well, it’s apparently no longer “worth the wait.” Maisch and others held a press conference today to warn about the consequences of not having a state budget…

Illinois is at risk of losing the 2016 road and infrastructure construction season due to the state’s budget impasse. That will result in an immediate loss of 25,000 middle class jobs and cost taxpayers an additional $3 million a day to keep motorists safe around closed construction sites, according to the Transportation for Illinois Coalition.

But, those costs simply scratch the surface. An absence of appropriations to maintain the 2016 construction season will carry consequences far into the future and impact programs well beyond the state’s transportation infrastructure.

Members of the Coalition, along with others concerned about the future of the state’s transportation infrastructure, are calling attention to the risk Illinois is facing, in the hopes of spurring both temporary and long-term solutions.

“Businesses want to choose Illinois in order to take advantage of our location, freight infrastructure, and transportation infrastructure. If Illinois continues to allow its infrastructure to decline it threatens every company shipping goods into or out of Illinois,” said Todd Maisch, president and CEO of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce and co-chairman of the Transportation for Illinois Coalition.

Um, OK. I concur. Businesses do want to take advantage of our location and infrastructure. But you’d never know that if you followed this Turnaround Agenda fight.

They focused today on the very real need for a temporary budget in order to keep the dollars flowing to projects. I happen to agree with them… now.

Hang in there, Todd.


  1. - Ole' Nelson - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    Rauner’s legacy will be destruction, both large scale destruction and small scale destruction. The destruction of Todd Masich’s credibility will be in the latter category.

  2. - Gruntled University Employee - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:13 am:

    Maybe this will get Rauner off of his anti-union agenda… but I highly doubt it.

  3. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:13 am:

    Why should roads take precedent over rape victims in the budget?

  4. - Winnin' - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:14 am:

    How did Rauner go from “No” on a stopgap budget to producing a 1,000 page “take-it-or-leave-it” budget document a couple of days later.
    And then, against all he campaigned on, demanding an instantaneous vote without giving the Dems ample opportunity to analyze it.
    Perhaps it would be wise for Todd and crew to preach the importance of credibility in the political process as opposed to merely serving as Raunerite shills.

  5. - thunderspirit - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    == Why should roads take precedent over rape victims in the budget? ==

    More money to be made off the former than off the latter.

    I sincerely wish this was snark.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    Dear Todd Maisch,

    I remember where you were, Ken Dunkin, and “Hang in there!”

    Your credibility is as high as Rauner not remembering what CPS Schools made him cry.

    I’m embarrassed for you, I hope your selling out was worth it… while you now pretend to seem “concerned”.

    I’m not mad, I’m disappointed in you.

    Oswego Willy

  7. - gman - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    Your question points to a sad truth. Some interest groups have more clout than others. Victims have less clout than most. We are not a “caring society” despite advertising to the contrary. The gov’s need to win is overpowering every sensible effort to compromise.

  8. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    Why didn’t anyone in the press ask Todd why his business’ needs take priority over rape victims? Isn’t that what this whole thing is over? Why do the needs of Illinois’ business take precedent over everything else in the state!

  9. - wndycty - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    “The chamber recognizes that the current budget stalemate is causing real pain across our state. I’ve spoken with many businesses that are waiting on the state to pay them millions of dollars for goods and services already provided.”

    Sadly, the Illinois Chamber of Commerce only cares about how this impacts business. Unlike Todd, many everyday folks can’t afford to suffer. Maybe if Todd cared about the folks who were suffering at the time of his OpEd, it would not have come to the point that it is now.

  10. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    ==According to the Illinois Department of Revenue, if our state’s economy had grown at just the national average over the last 15 years, we would have generated $19 billion in additional revenue – even without the 2011 tax hike.

    Just think about that. Today, we’d have no bill backlog with a billion dollars of interest payments. No budget crisis. And billions more for our schools, human services and infrastructure.==

    That is why a =return to fiscal sanity, basic competency and a partnership with business that allows both to prosper= remains worth the wait. 15 years from now our current choices may look easy by comparison if we do not make progress.

  11. - Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    To quote Calvin Coolidge, “The chief business of the American people is business.”

    You mean to tell me that the “pro-business” Chamber of Commerce doesn’t support crumbling infrastructure, vendors not being paid, contractual agreements not being honored, or the closing of higher education institutions? You wouldn’t have known it until right now.

  12. - x ace - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    Thought just read that Amazon going to open Two big operations in Edwardsville , Illinois employing One Thousand ( 1,000 )People.

  13. - Norseman - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    It’s worth the wait until it’s something I want to get done. Then after I get mine, y’all can wait again. Faux Todd.

  14. - btowntruth from forgotonnia - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    Todd,once you sell your soul you can’t buy it back.
    Enjoy your sellers remorse.

  15. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    If you can’t ask Todd, ask his clone the Governor, why business needs are more important than universities, kids, single moms, prisons…choosing the interest of the few, while ignoring the many is not SUPPOSED to be the American way.

  16. - Dee Franklin - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    Be careful what you wish for, Todd Maisch.

  17. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Todd — you and Sandack.

    Go away. Go away.

  18. - John Reynolds - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    Your kidding me! Really? Businesses want schools, transportation, safe water?

    Here I thought if we just got rid of Teachers Unions every freakin company in the entire World would relocate to Illinois.


  19. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    ===Why should roads take precedent over rape victims in the budget?===

    If we had a real budget, we’d have funding for both.

  20. - Juice - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:35 am:

    FKA, does $1.3 billion a year close the structural budget gap? Last I checked the Governor’s hole was $6.

  21. - Lefty Lefty - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:35 am:

    I’m coming to the conclusion that our “leaders” are truly horrible people. Very depressing.

  22. - Graduated College Student - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    ===Hang in there, Todd.===

    Wow. Where’s a fire emoji when you need one?

  23. - Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:38 am:

    It would appear Mr. Maisch is fully embracing a turnaround agenda of sorts.

  24. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    I wondered how we had a road program last year.I looked at this year’s road plan and found there is 27 million for the crumbling Beardstown bridge. There is a plan to replace it but I assume that was delayed by the impass so now we have to waste money on a bridge that should have been replaced. Is that another xample of running the state like a business.

  25. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    A ten year old with common sense wouldn’t crash the state in order to fix it. Gov. Edgar recognizes this, and so do many others of good conscience.

  26. - There They're Their - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    Todd and the Chamber have not been relevant for as long as I’ve been alive. There was a flicker of hope for their relevance when Governor Rauner was elected, but that flicker has gone out. Neither Todd nor the Chamber can move the needle one iota.

  27. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:44 am:

    The Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround, Turnaround, (huff,huff) agenda,. Dizzy-headed, spin cycled, twisted, slouching ‘leadership’. My apologies to the term

  28. - sal-says - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:48 am:

    == temporary budget ==

    Nope. Happen to agree w/ Edgar. A temp just prolongs all the crap & blame. We’ve ALL had way too much of that.

    Get a budget done, Raunner. It is your Constitutional mandate.

  29. - sal-says - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    And now a totally different position when it starts to affect THEM!

  30. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    Does Todd realize those construction workers are mostly Union or get paid prevailing wage? You know, those 25,000 middle class jobs filled by workers he insults at every turn?

  31. - btowntruth from forgotonnia - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    Crumbling is a good way to describe that bridge,manufacturer.
    It should have been replaced ten years ago.

  32. - Langhorne - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    Destroy the social services network, higher ed, fail to fund govt agencies–no problem.

    Put road construstion at risk–WHOA, cant do that.

  33. - Gary Klass - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    the only thing I can think of that would allow the voters to get even with the Illinois Legislature:
    A referendum reducing the size of the Illinois Legislature by half.

    It would definitely be constitutional (it’s been done before) and it would punish at least half the folks responsible for most of the mess.
    Gary Klass

  34. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:06 pm:

    It’s just such waste. That 27 million would save WIU which will be cutting programs tomorrow.

  35. - Keyrock - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    Todd — You forgot to “harumph!”

  36. - northsider (the original) - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    Todd didn’t realize that in Vulture CapitaLand, his members & their businesses are just slightly higher fruit for plucking.

    Social services, MAP and vendors are the lower hanging fruit, but once they fall the “shake up” will go higher.

  37. - Boone's is Back - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:16 pm:

    ===Hang in there, Todd.===


  38. - DuPage - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:18 pm:

    I’ve heard that some of the federal matching funds have time limits. This non-budget can end up with a reverse-leveraging. The state “saves” a billion by not fixing the roads and bridges, and loses billions in federal highway funds. And the roads and bridges get even worse.

  39. - Hit or Miss - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:30 pm:

    ===Illinois is at risk of losing the 2016 road and infrastructure construction season due to the state’s budget impasse.===

    What about such parts of the “turnaround agenda” as:

    * workman’s comp reform,
    * unemployment insurance reform,
    * lawsuit reform,
    * local employee empowerment zones, etc.

    Is the Illinois Chamber now saying that the benefits of one road construction season is more important than the long term benefits of the numerous parts of the “turnaround agenda”?

  40. - illini97 - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:37 pm:

    When they came for the social services, Todd said nothing, because he is not in social services.

    When they came for higher education, Todd said nothing, because he is not in higher education.

    When they came for K-12 funding, Todd said nothing, because he is not in K-12.

    When they came for the utility bills, Todd said nothing, because ht is not in utilities.

    When they came for construction funding, Todd screamed. But no one cared what Todd said anymore.

  41. - RNUG - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:49 pm:

    Let’s not let a Turnaround Agenda get in the way of earning profits.

  42. - walker - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    Just doing his job as defined by the Illinois Chamber’s mission. Todd’s not the problem.

    Always thought the Illinois Chamber’s mission was too narrowly defined. They should focus more on smaller companies, which they tend to ignore unless it’s convenient for their message. And they should focus more on the overall health of the state as an environment in which all can succeed. They can do that without necessarily abandoning pro-business advocacy.

  43. - Sheesh Hecuka Cupajava - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    = Neither Todd nor the Chamber can move the needle one iota.=

    HJRCA 36 is in fact an initiative of the IL Chamber. It’s heading to the November ballot.

  44. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    Tell me Todd, is Rauner’s rhetoric helping Bloomington-Normal in this case???

  45. - Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 2:21 pm:

    ===I’ve heard that some of the federal matching funds have time limits.===
    Most of it doesn’t, with the exception of some specialized grant programs and anything connected to the Recovery Act (the high speed rail program is struggling to finish some work quickly where the funds expire in 2017).

  46. - Wakeup&SmelltheRoses - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    Todd, This is another fine mess you & Rauner got us into . You are going to need a very Big Shovel !!

  47. - Illinois Bob - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    @GRandson of man

    =A ten year old with common sense wouldn’t crash the state in order to fix it. Gov. Edgar recognizes this, and so do many others of good conscience.=

    Apparently your buddies Madigan and Cullerton need to hire a 10 year old to teach them this lesson they seem not to get.

  48. - Ghost - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 3:21 pm:

    the conservative folks keep saying we need changes and the status quo cant continue…. but when quinn left office all current fiscal expenses were covered and the State had extra money coming in going to the backlog of bills from the economic collapse created by private buisness.

    so what was wrong with the statis quo? had it continued another 2 years we would have a surplus annualy to go to pensions

  49. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    Great point Ghost

  50. - SAP - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 3:53 pm:

    Hold up the budget for the Turnaround Agenda, flip-flop, try to cut to the front of the line to get paid. Classic

  51. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    Rauner has stated that if he passes a budget then he will lose leverage for his reforms. He is holding up the budget process. Rauner also, almost daily, blasts MJM and Cullerton and then in the next sentence asks them to negotiate. Rauner has publicly stated that a crisis creates leverage and he is using that leverage to try and get his reforms. In other words, he is fraying our social safety net, hurting our universities etc. to achieve his reforms. Gov. Rauner owns this mess and he alone can end it by dropping his reforms and negotiating a budget with revenue increases and cuts. Once that is done he can use his bully pulpit and the elections to work for his reforms. He actually has a better chance achieving reforms once he lets the hostages go…MJM will not negotiate with hostage takers but will negotiate ( on some reforms) once the budget is done. If MJM will not negotiate on reforms, then that can be an election issue in the districts.

  52. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 4:57 pm:

    he is fraying our social safety net

    Nope, it’s almost all gone now. GONE for decades most likely. Not frayed, Gone

  53. - cailleach - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 5:41 pm:

    Rich, isn’t it about time for some Oscar pics? He does seem to have a calming influence. Maybe Gov misses his dog.

  54. - NorthsideNoMore - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 9:14 pm:

    Where are ALL the associations that should be out in front and force the closure of this fiasco? Hunkered down in fear of angering one side or another no doubt. Illinois almost ready to go back to being an all agrarian state. We can be like Iowa only with a nice lake front view.

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