Not our biggest problem
Thursday, Jun 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune on yesterday’s Rauner presser…
As I’ve said before, too many Democrats act like delicate little flowers whenever Rauner runs his mouth. * Would it help if he toned it down? Sure it would. He acts like public bullying will get people to the negotiating table. It’s like the Chicago Tribune editorial board is suddenly our governor. It drives me nuts whenever he goes on one of his patented rants. He most definitely does not appear gubernatorial when he rages like that. It’s unseemly. And he can be thin-skinned himself. When Mayor Emanuel compared him to Donald Trump he compared Emanuel to Karen Lewis and said the mayor wasn’t being “helpful.” Yeah? Well calling the Senate President “corrupt” ain’t all that “helpful” either, dude. Live by the sword, and all that. But, really, it’s not like the Democrats don’t do much of the same. Remember that big AFSCME rally when Senate President Cullerton said something along the lines of Rauner thinks you make too much money? Remember last year when Speaker Madigan compared Rauner to Blagojevich? How many House and Senate floor speeches have we heard excoriating the governor? And then there was Emanuel comparing him to Trump and saying it’s no wonder that his wife sued him. Lots of Dems cheered every time they heard those comments then cried in horror when Rauner made his own. C’mon. * So, it would be great if everyone would sheathe their swords for a while, but I don’t see that happening. Professionals work through problems even when under fire. They’re just gonna have to concentrate on doing that.
- A guy - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 11:59 am:
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
I think the bigger barrier is when the Governor grabs something that a “working group” was hashing out and hits people over the head with it (by calling parts of it irresponsible or presenting it before consensus has been reached). That can create a much greater wedge than name calling.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
As they say, adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it. Never has it been so clearly revealed in Madigan and Rauner.
- The Captain - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
Why? To what end? I’m not one of those people who thinks we should take politics out of the political process, it’s political in nature so I don’t have a problem with all this campaign-style activity. I’m more dumbfounded by the current commitment to campaign-style activity as a method for resolving the impasse when the elections mathematically cannot change anything.
Rauner and the Republicans have tried to pass their agenda by beating the Democrats into submission, which hasn’t worked, and threatening to fight it out in the fall elections if they don’t. Well even if every Republican candidate gets 100% of the vote in each of their elections they still have to pass their agenda through a Democrat-controlled Senate. So other than feeding a need to lash out, an impulse that most other adults keep under control, what’s the strategic purpose of going to the mattresses now? It’s not a politically advantageous strategy.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
===Rauner and the Republicans have tried to pass their agenda by beating the Democrats into submission, which hasn’t worked===
True. And so is the exact opposite.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
==Remember that big AFSCME rally when Senate President Cullerton said something along the lines of Rauner thinks you make too much money==
Not a good example because Rauner has expressed that very thought, that state workers are overpaid.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
I’m less concerned with what the Governor says and more concerned about what he’s been doing. Talk is cheap, and while I’m not a fan of his habitual lying, words and name-calling aren’t the problem as Rich points out.
Ballooning deficits, disruption of services, dismantling of infrastructure and unpaid bills are the problem. I’d like to see everyone shut up until there’s a plan to fix that on the table.
There’s been too much talk, not enough action.
- Huh? - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:10 pm:
“We’re in election mode now,”
When did the campaign ever stop?
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:16 pm:
=== So, it would be great if everyone would sheathe their swords for a while, but I don’t see that happening. Professionals work through problems even when under fire. They’re just gonna have to concentrate on doing that. ===
Well said. My only addition would be for Rauner to knock off the corruption crud. Unless he has some evidence he can stick to the other rhetoric in his repertoire.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
Those were his best comments yesterday, imho, and the best sign there is still hope.
It seemed he was starting to take some of these insults personally, but he was spot on yesterday. People say =mean= words often, especially in politics.
Part of leadership and adulthood is working through those personal issues. It is simpler and preferable to collaborate without trading =mean= words, as Jim Edgar says, but they can all mend their hurt feelings after doing their jobs.
- A Jack - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
Yes professionals. Rauner is a professional businessman , but not a professional policy maker. That aspect is abundantly clear.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
Or to quote a former Governor’s favorite:
“A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me”
I guess we’ve come full-circle.
- Minnie - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:26 pm:
I largely agree with Rich. Politics ain’t bean bag.
But I think Rauner has crossed the line with the Chicago bashing. That’s just cheap press release fodder which, until now, was reserved for back-bench legislators.
Governors should be pushing back against regionalism, not fanning its flame. No excuse for his rhetoric on this topic.
- Stating the obvious - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:26 pm:
There is a big difference between name calling and comparing actions to other unhelpful people.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
“We’re in election mode now,” Rauner said. “But we can chew gum and walk at the same time.”
Which is why BigBrain can send his top political operatives to Vegas to get $100 million for a Trump SuperPac and claim to he is droppin’ out of Trump Town.
BTW not sure any D is actin’ like a delicate flower, but it does get tiresome to sit in meetin’s tryin’ to get straight answers about his budget schemes while BigBrain bleats about slow walkin’ the Grand Bargain. Does not make a compromise impossible, just a little difficult because in the back of the minds of Ds and Rs is whether this will be another Election Nite Phone Call, Good Friday Massacre, Vote No on ‘15 School Approp. ,etc. etc.
- Gruntled University Employee - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
The verbal jabs back and forth don’t help but the complete lack of trust makes it impossible.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:36 pm:
Precinct Captain, the general public believes the overall compensation package and pension for state workers is extremely generous.
Heck, some of the state workers who view things realistically, understand what a sweet gig it is.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
When are the Democrats under Madigan actually going to do something realistic. They propose budgets that they KNOW cannot be funded, and then act like they have accomplished something….
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
Great points, Rich, about sensitivity and the need for people to stand down. It’s very hard if not impossible, I’m afraid, to stand down when Rauner won’t return to the bargaining table for AFSCME contract negotiations. It’s very hard to have to swallow harsh concessions–especially when the people who are pushing them are light years away from financial hardship.
Many people in organized labor want peaceful resolutions. That’s what rallies and anti-strike legislation are about.
- orzo - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:47 pm:
He uses “corrupt” so frequently and casually it has lost all meaning when he throws it around. He’s never walked back his irresponsible comment that the Supreme Court (including the three elected as Republicans) was “corrupt.” Someone should give him a dictionary.
- ??? - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
Anonymous @ 12:41 - When are the Republicans going to do anything AT ALL? There’s nothing prohibiting them for offering up their own budget proposal, but they dont. They just complain about the Dems’ proposals. Don’t like what the Dems are doing, GOP members? Then put forth your own attempt at a balanced budget. If they’re not gonna do that, they should just shut their pieholes.
- Beeker - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:54 pm:
Wonder how many of these commenters here - who are driving the appearance of this site - are paying subscribers? Further, I wonder how many paying subscribers these people repel.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:55 pm:
== Remember last year when Speaker Madigan compared Rauner to Blagojevich? ==
Guess I was uncivil 2 years ago when I said Rauner was just the GOP version of Blago. Sorry, but I call them the way I see them …
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:58 pm:
Here’s a suggestion. Rauner can take his $20M hanging over the GOP GA, donate it to CPS or charity of his choice, and pledge to not replace the money. Once “half” of the GA is no longer under a threat, I’m guessing some compromises could be worked out.
- sal-says - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:00 pm:
== Professionals work through problems even when under fire. ==
Professionals? Don’t believe I’ve heard that term used to describe the current IL Executive branch. Juvenile, frat boy, immature, etc., yes.
- Cook County Commoner - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:01 pm:
“… adversity doesn’t build character, it reveals it.”
True words.
Three immense egos are running Illinois: Gov. Rauner, Speaker Madigan and to a lesser extent, Chgo Mayor Emmanuel. All three appear to view the world in a strict win-lose fashion without room for a middle ground.
These three horsemen and their lesser cavalry in state and local governance appear prepared to grasp any sort of pyrrhic victory so long as their egos remain intact.
Resolution may have to come from the outside. The bond market appears to be the logical source. It has been the arms dealer in this war, funding Illinois’ profligacy and thereby enabling leadership from passing the cost on to taxpayers who, for the most part, haven’t noticed the raging war.
A series of debt downgrades haven’t brought the warring parties to the table. Yesterday, BlackRock, a major player in the muni market, got close to suggesting a boycott. But the greed for yield probably will keep fresh money flowing for a while longer.
Minor skirmishes via pressers and sound bite analyses exacerbated by the endless releases of biased constituencies won’t alter anything.
The egos won’t budge until there are some municipal defaults and the bond market reacts with a heavier hand.
- Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:02 pm:
Rauner should not be in election mode since he is not currently on the ballot for the fall election. He should be Well into Governing mode- but it appears he forgot that step.
- John Reynolds - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:04 pm:
I think your spot on. Would be a prudent move for the former nursing home manager.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
Mr Governor, for the past 2 years you have been making accusations of corruption, with Speaker Madigan, Senate President Cullerton, and even the State’s Supreme Court, can you give any proof of corruption, so these individuals can be prosecuted or are these just baseless accusations? Put up or shut up!!!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
== They propose budgets that they KNOW cannot be funded, and then act like they have accomplished something…. ==
Again. We are ALL still waiting for Raunner to deliver 2 Constitutinally mandated balanced budgets to the GA.
- sal-says - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:12 pm:
== Rauner said. “But we can chew gum and walk at the same time.” ==
Don’t believe he’s demonstrated that in a year and half so far.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:18 pm:
–I’m less concerned with what the Governor says and more concerned about what he’s been doing. Talk is cheap, and while I’m not a fan of his habitual lying, words and name-calling aren’t the problem as Rich points out.
Ballooning deficits, disruption of services, dismantling of infrastructure and unpaid bills are the problem. I’d like to see everyone shut up until there’s a plan to fix that on the table. –
What 47 said.
But I’m afraid the governor’s plan is for those obvious consequences to continue for some time.
Witness his refusal to sign the emergency social services approp. that had near-unanimous support in both chambers.
His words explaining himself made no sense; his actions are very clear — continue to squeeze the beast and put them out of business.
By the way, do GOP GA members at least get dinner and a movie after the governor’s action on that bill?
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:20 pm:
Good advice Rich but I doubt it will be taken. Senator Cullerton’s public statements about Goveror Rauner reek of condescension- The Governor does not know we passed workers comp in 2011 etc. The hurt feelings act is a bit much as was the comment on congratulating him for winning
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:23 pm:
Orzo +1
According to Rauner, John Cullerton is “corrupt” because he wants the legislature to pass a bill with more funding for the schools in his district. Time for the Feds to indict 177 legislators.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:40 pm:
I’m less concerned by the way Rauner’s barbs may hurt feelings than the way they harden his own position because he can’t go back on them and maintain credibility with his base.
If he calls Cullerton corrupt how does he do a deal with him without opening himself up for attacks as corrupt himself?
If he and the Illinois GOP rant about Tax Hike Mike how does Rauner ever sign a tax increase or ever put GOP votes on it and retain credibility with his base.
These are just bridge-burning comments.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 1:44 pm:
HGF. Rauner has displayed no problem with flip-flopping.
Look at the way he threw GOP GA members under the bus on the K-12 and emergency social services approps.
For crying out loud, Rauner made every single one of them vote against the K-12 approp., then signed it, then claimed it as his greatest accomplishment to date, lol.
Those GA members are the ones who will have splainin’ to do back home.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 2:20 pm:
Rauner may be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but there’s no evidence of this since he took office. As I said before, it’s not in his interest to compromise. What confuses me is how he expects to get the needed votes for his agenda. It’s not about the supermajority, it’s about the GOP gaining enough seats. He can’t do that while he’s offending and/or punishing potential voters.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 4:43 pm:
==- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 12:36 pm:==
Just because Baron Bruce says it, doesn’t make it true.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 5:55 pm:
A deal requires bipartisanship.
There is gonna be no bipartisanship until the election is over.
Rauner had a narrow window between his embarrassing primary losses and the middle of May to put together a deal.
He lost McCann big time. He lost Dunkin big time. Losers walk. Those are the rules on the playground and in the legislature. But Rauner pretended elections don’t have consequences. So instead of a concession speech, or at least some real concessions, we got more gridlock.
What does that mean? Well, it means that no matter who loses ground in the fall, we cannot expect either side to concede ground in the budget battle.
I don’t expect this to be our last round of budget downgrades.
- Perfidy - Thursday, Jun 9, 16 @ 6:46 pm:
Nailed it! That’s next…..