Because… Madigan!
Friday, Jun 10, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Yet another silly press release from the ILGOP…
Gary Forby Says Legislature Has “Nothing to Do”
Waiting on Orders from Mike Madigan
Despite no budget and no funding for schools or prison, Senator Gary Forby yesterday said that the legislature has nothing to do and essentially admitted he is waiting on orders from Speaker Mike Madigan.
In response to a question about Mike Madigan canceling Wednesday’s planned House session, Forby responded “I think he [Madigan] thought we’d have something to do, but you know, we don’t have anything to do.” (45 sec)
“People are suffering right now in Illinois. Parents are rightly worried that summer school programs will be canceled and that schools may not open in time in the fall. Our prisons need funding to ensure that they continue to operate. It is outrageous that Gary Forby is waiting on orders from Mike Madigan to do anything about this. Republicans have proposed two bills to fund schools, government services, and prisons. Gary Forby should get back to work and vote on them.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Steven Yaffe
* First of all, can somebody please tell me how Forby’s quote means he’s waiting on orders from Madigan? Anybody? Bueller?
Secondly, I listened to Forby’s interview. Here’s what he actually said…
“I think he thought we’d have something to do, but you know, we don’t have anything to do. President Cullerton said ‘I’m not going to call you back until the leaders get together and come up something.’”
Forby went on to say that he believed neither Madigan nor Rauner want a budget before January.
And as far as “getting back to work,” Forby also said he’s in Springfield three days per week for bipartisan working group meetings. But he said the progress is so slow that it could be January before they do anything.
* Basically, this is just an attempt to pair the name “Forby” with the name “Madigan.” It doesn’t actually have to make sense, as long as they put those two names together and post it on the Interwebtubes for all to Google, or plant it in a “friendly” media outlet and then use it in a mailer.
- Robert the Bruce - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 11:56 am:
Looks to me like Forby might’ve made a bit of a Kinsley gaffe.
He’s right, of course, the whole legislature can’t really do anything until/unless the working group is done and the leaders sign off. But he wasn’t supposed to say “we don’t have anything to do”
- illinois manufacturer - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 11:59 am:
But neither side would be unhappy if the other melted down before then…hence Rauner tensing up over prisons and operations and Lisa and the ILSC.
- illini - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
Since when does a State Senator take his “Orders from Mike Madigan”?
The campaign and the misinformation continues!
- Triple fat - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
Accuracy??? Since when are we responsible for describing the opposition’s actions accurately? Not our job!
- Blue Bayou - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
If all you have is lies…..
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
To the Post,
Agreed, it’s a “Forby-Madigan” tool.
Nothing about this ridiculousness is honest to even the campaigning.
It’s also not helping, so there’s that too.
It’s June, we all need 71 and 36. August? Yeah, I get it in August. June? Nothing significant or honest about this, especially in June.
- SAP - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
Free of charge: Much of the work of a legislator occurs off the floor of the Senate Chamber. I continue to work toward a budget solution as a member the budget working group. When the group comes to a consensus and there is a bill to vote on, we will convene in Springfield and vote on it.
- Triple fat - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
If we didn’t obfuscate you might get the wrong idea about us and think we are wanting an honest discussion about the impasse. That my friend is a bridge too far!
- John Rawls - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
SAP: What consensus do you need? VOTE ON THE BILL IN FRONT OF YOU
Fund schools and prisons. Sheesh.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:44 pm:
Rawls: the constitution requires 71 and 36.
- John Reynolds - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
@john rawls:
Fund prisons, only AFTER all Non-Violent Offenders have been released. Then use the money saved, and put it towards schools.
The former prison employees can come work up here at the C3PO Trinket Store that Darth Rahm wants so badly.
- SAP - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
Oops. That was me at 12:44
- Mama - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 12:57 pm:
With Rauner as governor, the political games will never stop!
Please tell me how these political games are helping to pass a budget?
- John Rawls - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 1:24 pm:
SAP - Clever argument, given that the threshold wasnt that high on the last day of the session, when the stopgap should have been voted on.
But lets be real here, there are 71 and 36 votes for a stopgap measure w/ no turnaround items
Get it done.
- 13th - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
The Governor stop gap bill HB6585 DOES NOT include everything that was in FY16 Human Services stop gap bill, but the at least the Republican Representative and Senators were told everything was included in HB6585. So it looks like the Governor wants to take the revenue in SB2038 and use it for other things besides human service, even thou SB2038 passed the house and senate without any opposition
- LizPhairTax - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 2:02 pm:
Kinsey Gaffe? That can hurt him in that district.
- Team Warwick - Friday, Jun 10, 16 @ 2:21 pm:
The election is NOT the intent of the stand-off i dont believe. The “problem they are trying to solve” is to make sure the other one fails.
So both of them are wildly successful on this mission as described so far, thus neither are interested in something j that doesnt further the mission. So until you change the mission, do not expect a state budget.