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Durbin’s sound advice

Wednesday, Jun 15, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The response from Sen. Durbin is expected, but the news here is that Chris Kennedy met with Durbin about a possible gubernatorial bid. He’s held a lot of similar meetings lately

Among the Democrats who might be interested are former governor Pat Quinn. He lost all but one of Illinois’ 102 counties to Rauner two years ago, but has lately made a public push to get back into politics.

Another possibility: Christopher Kennedy, son of Bobby Kennedy and former chairman of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees. Kennedy met recently with U.S. Senator Dick Durbin. Durbin says he told Kennedy to “move around the state” to get to know people. But he also says Democrats ought to keep their focus on Illinois’ immediate crisis.

“The only thing I’ve said is all this speculation about who’s going to run for governor in 30 months — for goodness’ sake, cool it. We’ve got a budget crisis that needs to be solved today.”

Durbin himself has been mentioned as a potential challenger to Gov. Rauner. He says he’s got a “great job” representing Illinois in Washington and that his “plans do not include running for any other office.”

Kennedy does need to eventually start moving around the state. Chicagoans tend not to realize just how large Illinois is. Waukegan to Cairo is a more than six-hour drive - and it’s way more than that with traffic. Cairo is actually closer to Jackson, Mississippi than it is to Waukegan - in more ways than one.

A legislative candidate once used a song in his radio ads about how there’s a “whole lot of Illinois below 13,” referring to Route 13, which runs from St. Louis to the Kentucky state line. The first time I ever drove to Anna, I was amazed at how far south it was from Carbondale. And, by the way, Carbondale is actually south of Louisville, Kentucky.

And the state is wide, too. Ever drive from Quincy to Danville? It’s three and a half hours.

So, Kennedy really needs to get out and explore. And that goes for everyone else wanting to run statewide. This is a big, very diverse state. Go experience it.


  1. - How Ironic - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Quinn vs Rauner round 2? Not likely, but I’d vote for Quinn. I wonder if AFSCME would vote differently…..

  2. - Old Shepherd - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    I’ve always been fascinated by the fact that Carbondale is almost as close to the capital of Tennessee as it is to the capital of Illinois. Both are about three hour drives. A large part of SO ILL is south of Richmond, VA!

  3. - Illinois is capsized - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    That is sound advice from Senator Durbin, who
    has become a model for running statewide and realizing there is a lot of Illinois south of Springfield. Chicago candidates running statewide tend to miss lots of opportunities downstate - press, politics, etc,.

  4. - DuPage Saint - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    Would someone please tell Quinn to go away? I thought the voters did but I guess he did not get the message

  5. - @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    “Kennedy does need to eventually start moving around the state. Chicagoans tend not to realize just how large Illinois is.”

    While an Illinois governor who’s focused on Chicago would be an significant improvement over an Illinois governor who vilifies Chicago, it would be an insufficient improvement.

    – MrJM

  6. - muon - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    One way to get a feel for the size and diversity of the state is to get off the interstates. There are many fine state highways, and they go through communities big and small. It’s through those communities I’ve learned to appreciate more of the state.

  7. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    And Quincy is further west then St. Louis. One of the great mysteries of life is that the quickest way to Quincy from the Metro East is to drive 40 miles west through Wentzville Mo.

  8. - 47th Ward - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:49 am:

    Rich, if he asks, tell Chris Kennedy that I’ll volunteer to drive him around the state this summer. Let him see Illinois up close and personal, the way it really is.

    He pays for gas and meals, I’ll provide the color commentary.

  9. - Chungas revenge - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    Until you see all of Illinois and its diverse landscapes it’s hard to fathom how beautiful this state is.

  10. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    Durbin is so popular in Springfield that he got pummeled by Oberweis in Sangamon County.

    Kennedy will have to explain his tenure on the UIUC Board. That could be tough.

  11. - Give Me A Break - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    I know it may not be popular to point out, but former DHS Secretary Michelle Saddler took her top staff and division directors on a tour of DHS offices in deep southern Illinois. She said everyone needed to understand the issues in Marion as well as they did the issues in Chicago and Springfield.

    Seeing a member of the Governor’s cabinet and her top staff visiting a DHS field office in Golconda was something no one down there had ever seen.

  12. - Huh? - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    What do mean that there is a lot of Illinois south of IL 13? Everyone knows that IL stops at I-80!

  13. - JoanP - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Just what we need: another wealthy businessman who has never held elective office.

    No, thanks.

  14. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    you deleted me? I thought I was being both civil and amusing.

  15. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    Michelle Saddler is a lovely human being.

  16. - Soccermom - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    And 47th, I cannot tell you how much I would love to serve as the backseat driver on that road trip.

  17. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    ===Soccermom - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    Michelle Saddler is a lovely human being.===

    Could not possibly agree more. I’m smitten with her too. :)

  18. - Beenthereseenthat - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    Very good observation on the diversity of the State. Illinois is comprised of multiple regional sub-cultures. Lumping in the Metro-St Louis area with southern Illinois is a mistake and the same holds for central Illinois, western Illinois, the suburbs and northern Illinois. Any politician that understands the complexity of Illinois could be a good candidate for President, if he or she can get past our quagmire of politics. If you know Illinois you know the nation.

  19. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    Chris is a decent guy, very decent. I’m not sure he could navigate to Waukegan, let alone Cairo. Even then you’d have to specify Cairo, IL.

    He’s not the guy for this. And speaking for only myself here, I believe he’d lose interest pretty quickly. He’s a gentleman, fun, smart enough and very likable. Running for office requires a lot, a lot, a lot, of patience and humility. As good a guy as he is, he isn’t long on those two things.

  20. - Juice - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    Maybe he should do a walk from Metropolis to Waukegan or something like that.

  21. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    ===The first time I ever drove to Anna===

    The first time I ever drove to Anna I found out it’s a Sundown town, and then I found out what a Sundown Town was — however every once and a while that disappears from the town’s Wikipedia page.

    Other things that might shock a person from ‘the North’ are things like the Herrin Massacre, where hundreds of people from the town took part in torturing and putting to death folks that had been allowed to come work in a mine during a general strike and that in spite of literally torturing victims to death in front of a crowd, no one went to jail.

    There’s also the largely impotent ‘good ol’ boy’ networks that still haven’t died off in spite of their diminishing returns.

    Lots to get used to down here. Terms like “curb and gutter” to refer to something I had always just taken for granted as a road.

  22. - Stones - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:36 am:

    No argument that Illinois is a big state but most people would be interested to learn that we fall exactly in the middle (#25) in terms of geographic area of all the United States.

  23. - Hamilton - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:46 am:

    There is an assumption in this post that Chris Kennedy hasn’t traveled the big, diverse, beautiful state of Illinois. Do we know that’s true?

    TopBox Foods is active in Lake County, including Waukegan. We know his connections to Central IL, the north shore. TopBox also works with numerous churches on the south and west sides of Chicago.

    I think we first think of Chris Kennedy as a businessman, but can’t forget that he has been leading and traveling and representing a not-for-profit for the last 4 years. That means something for getting out and understanding our state.

  24. - Federalist - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    I guess the Kennedy name must be magic for some, but not for me. Honestly, I have had enough of Kennedy’s, Bushes and Clinton’s.

    Hope the Dems can find someone else but I would take Quinn over the other names given here.

  25. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    Umm…Rich, sounds like it is time for another trip to southern Illinois to get your bearings straight. Highway 13 runs due was-west from Murphysboro in the west to Shawneetown in the east, not between St. Louis and Kentucky. And if you were amazed at how far Anna was below Carbondale (all of 20 miles!), you will be double amazed to find out that Cairo is 50 miles below Carbondale!!! Anyway, come visit us again some time….

  26. - G'Kar - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 12:02 pm:

    “And, by the way, Carbondale is actually south of Louisville, Kentucky.”

    When I first started my teaching career, I was a full time adjunct at SIUC. I was assigned a grad student who had a pronounced Southern accent. I ask where he was from and he said “Benton.” I said, “Benton, Kentucky?” and he replied no, “Benton, Illinois!”

  27. - Way South of I-80 - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    My family used to go to nearly all the county fairs when I was growing up - what a great way to see the diversity of the state and meet the wonderful people who live here. Fair season is really just starting now, it would be a great opportunity for Kennedy (or any other statewide candidate) to get out there and shake some hands and experience what is unique about the different areas of our great state. That being said, of course the county fairs are also victims of the budget impasse and some are doing better than others.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 12:17 pm:

    If there’s going to be a tour of the state, per this ongoing discussion for the last years…

    I’d hope to be added to that tour of the state.

    As its been discussed before, any chance to do a tour of Illinois, I’m all for it.

  29. - IllinoisBoi - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 12:23 pm:

    ==Umm…Rich, sounds like it is time for another trip to southern Illinois to get your bearings straight. Highway 13 runs due was-west from Murphysboro in the west to Shawneetown in the east, not between St. Louis and Kentucky.==

    Route 13 runs from Centreville in Metro East to Shawneetown — which is right across the Ohio from Kentucky. Rich is essentially correct.

  30. - Signal and Noise - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 12:36 pm:

    Smartest thing Kennedy could do is exploit the state university crisis. Hit every campus around the state. Throw in a couple community colleges. It’s a ready-made story.

  31. - Kathryn - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 1:13 pm:

    Quinn needs to find a corner & go sit in it. He is the reason we have Rauner. Someone please tell him he is finished.

  32. - Anon - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    ===Murphysboro in the west to Shawneetown in the east, not between St. Louis and Kentucky.====

    Crikey, look at a map. 13 turns to run North-South at Murphysboro and Shawneetown is on the other side of the river from Kentucky.

    You’re pretty much proving his point, not correcting him.

  33. - Downstate Dem - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 1:43 pm:

    Chris Kennedy is the kind of candidate we need — not tied to Springfield or Washington, with a record of achievement and community leadership. His family’s sense of public purpose and idealism is exactly what this state needs at a time when state government is in a depressing ditch.

  34. - atsuishin - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 1:59 pm:

    ==Cairo is actually closer to Jackson, Mississippi than it is to Waukegan==

    Its also closer to Nashville it its too Springfield. Have always felt that downstate should be able to succeed if they want to. Many parts of downstate have more in common with south or iowa than with chicago, causing something of an identity crisis.

  35. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 2:15 pm:

    –Its also closer to Nashville it its too Springfield. Have always felt that downstate should be able to succeed if they want to–

    I’m sure they want to succeed, but want-to aint nearly enough.

    Secession, in the American political context — got settled at Appomatox Court House.

    There is a Constitutional mechanism for forming a new state or joining an existing state, Article IV, Section 3.

    Whoever wants to give it a shot, have at it.

  36. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    – Running for office requires a lot, a lot, a lot, of patience and humility. –

    LOL, have you met any politicians?

    Humility — the state of being humble — springs to mind, does it, when it comes to politicians?

  37. - orzo - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    I would certainly like to give Kennedy a shot. His heart seems to be in the right place, he seems fairly smart and honest. Quinn–you gotta be kidding me. His sell-by date was before his last term even began, his phony populism is so 1970’s, and let’s face it, nobody really likes him (he just looked good after Blago).

  38. - A guy - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:06 pm:

    ===Humility — the state of being humble — springs to mind, does it, when it comes to politicians?===

    The best ones are very humble when they’re running. I’ve met a lot of politicians. The great ones have absolutely mastered this skill on the stump. Chris’ father was among the most humble campaigners ever.

    As I said, I like Chris a lot. He’s not cut out for this.

  39. - Cassandra - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    I don’t know. I was a huge Kennedy fan in my youth but now that they have become American royalty I think I’d need more information about this particular scion. I’d hope he’d have some primary opponents and doesn’t believe he can walk into the job. Of course, maybe if he can’t, he won’t run. Royalty can easily walk away.

  40. - Ron - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    75% of the state lives in the Chicago metro area.

  41. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    Guy, you crack me up.

    I’m pretty sure most politicians spend their time on the stump talking about why they’re so much better than their opponents. That’s the opposite of humility.

    I guess I’ll have to re-examine Trump’s triumph over 15 other Republicans in light of his superior virtues of patience and humility.

  42. - Myronjax - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:17 pm:

    I went to high school in East St Louis, college in Carbondale, have family in Anna and Metropolis- I love Southern Illinois. After graduation I moved to Springfield. During the news broadcast on the local TV station, Springfield was referred to as “downstate”..I thought “have they never looked at a map??”

  43. - Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    I grew up below 13, three hours or less from Nashville, Louisville and St. Louis, more than three to Springfield and just about everywhere else. It’s God’s country down there, just beautiful, as well as some really interesting landmarks like the Little Black Slough with the oldest trees in IL, and of course places like Garden of the Gods.

    It also has some historical significance in more than a few places. In addition to the previously mentioned sundown towns (Anna wasn’t the only one), both the underground railroad and the reverse underground railroad traversed the Shawnee.

  44. - anon123 - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    Hey I love it down here, but corn, soybeans, and sunflowers don’t vote. It may rankle us to admit, but Chicago doesn’t wag the dog. It is the dog.

  45. - Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 4:21 pm:

    This is a great state I’d add, contrary to what some others, including the governor, believe.

  46. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    A Guy, I wanted to apologize for yesterday. I got worked up and shot grape across the deck. These topics get close and personal and I can become irate. Frankly I think I threw out every name I could think of that I had sparred with and called them a troll. (although I left out a few) In a better moment I now realize that I should have taken a moment to target more precisely. I gave offence and you called me on it. I hope you will accept my apology. I do appreciate your willingness to engage.

  47. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 4:39 pm:

    Count AA in on that statewide tour. Between work and campaigns, I’ve been to all 102 counties. Would love to do it as a tourist.

  48. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    I’d love to meet him if he came to the Metro East.

  49. - RNUG - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 5:24 pm:


    I wouldn’t mind that either. Don’t think I’ve hit every county as a tourist but I’ve probably come close. Driven most the scenic byways. Camped in places like Galena, Danville, Rend Lake, Pere Marquette and Illinois Beach to name a few. Visited the train museum in Union, Mother Jones monument, and know where Pollard’s Used Car lot and yard art is. Spent time in Superman’s home town and Cave in Rock. Been to Joe’s and the Catsup Bottle and Wright studio. Walked the Magnificent Mile … and the Loop at all hours.

    There is something for everyone in Illinois.

    To quote the late Bob Waldmire: Go slow, go safe, but go!

  50. - Ron - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 5:29 pm:

    Land doesn’t vote, people do. Downstate is just not that important.

  51. - illini - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 5:42 pm:

    These comments only point to the divergence there actually is in this State.

    The demographics and the politics do differ greatly depending on what part of the State one would visit.

    Frankly, I am tired of Southern Illinois being ignored ( or taken for granted ) by many candidates running state-wide. I do know how the votes are tallied and I guess some will kiss off one-third if the state because it is too hard to travel to or not worth addressing relative to their needs and issues.

  52. - Sue - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 5:44 pm:

    Anyone my age grew up with great admiration for the Kennedy name so my hope is that Chris Kennedy once again makes some noise and fades away. He would have zero experience and like the Governor he ridiculed today- just another wealthy guy who thinks he can with never having run for office start out at the top. The liberals and minorities will think this is great but if we want someone to run who can work with the legislature- find a politician. I think Rauner is trying to do some good but his inexperience has gotten in the way. We don’t need a tax and spend liberal running the State. We need someone who can get legislation and a budget thru Springfield that gives the Stste the opportunity of avoiding catastrophe. What would Chris Kennedy do other then throw more support to the public sector Unions and create more govt programs we cannot afford

  53. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 5:53 pm:

    One reason Rauner won Southern Illinois is because he visited many times; something Quinn did not do.

  54. - Black Ivy - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 7:16 pm:

    Rauner will TRUMP Quinn all day, so please Quinn go and stay home…

  55. - Shemp - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 8:31 pm:

    Didn’t a number of people here critique Evelyn Sanguinetti for more or less doing the same thing??? Just sayin’.

  56. - Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 9:38 pm:

    If he goes to the DuQuoin State Fair I’ll believe he’s in.

    In regards to 75% of the population is in the Chicagoland area. Ask Pat Quinn how that worked out. Dems cam no longer ignore downstate and rely on Chicago to put them over the top in a statewide election.

    I’d follow the Biss footprint. He did a great job last year traveling downstate and meeting all the right people.

  57. - A guy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 8:31 am:

    == Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 15, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    A Guy, I wanted to apologize for yesterday===

    Accepted with sincerity. We are indeed coming from opposite perspectives. By no means does that mean I don’t understand and appreciate your advocacy for your position and the folks you work with. Moreover, I know you’re on the front line servicing people who need a lot of help. I have nothing but admiration for the people who do this. Every day can be tough. Every day is also a day you can help someone, and your passion indicates to me that you’ve helped a lot of people. Thank you for your service.

  58. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 8:55 am:

    Okay, see…There right there…Thank you A Guy… that was very gracious…Let’s be Illinoisans…just like that. To keep myself (I’ll only speak for myself) better, I’d like to ask that when I get jacked up and am losing perspective or biting for folks to give me a “safe” word like Honey..bear. That way I’ll try to take the tip and focus on the honey part. I might not cool all the way down but I might be able to regain my footing. My spouse and I use this a lot. Anyway, you made my morning and restored hope that Illinoisans can regain our bearings and get us back off the cliff.

  59. - A guy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 9:05 am:

    Honey….bear. All of us could stand to switch to decaf now and again. Present company very much included.

  60. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 9:23 am:

    So here’s another question. You and I just had a détente. Do you think it is possible to have this same kind of truce with some of the other conservative voices like Sue, John Rawls, or dare I say Illinois Bob? I’ve tried Bob but it didn’t seem to take. I even stated what really bugs me, state worker bashing. No response. Do you think there can be “peace in our time” without appeasement?

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