“I’m all in for you…and we’re winnin’, sorry we’re winning. I don’t need to drop my Gs for you guys.”
- Remington Rick - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:28 am:
Madigan is all in for the shrinking union membership that relies on sweetheart wages guaranteed by state contracts and Prevailing wage laws. Rauner and those 400 suits will be the ones in the main street economy that someday can hire more Illinois workers and lead to a better financial future for us all.
Pretty much tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it? This is why he can’t get a budget done, why he insists he’s at impasse with AFSCME, and why social services for the state’s most vulnerable are cratering all over the state.
(These must be the people not renting or buying condos in all these new buildings being constructed on the near north and near west side).
Similar stories exist around the state. Illinois has a flat income tax. Property taxes are already going up - significantly. When you raise the income tax, you’re causing real pain to the middle and working class.
Yet it’s allegedly evil to want to barter anything on the turnaround agenda, even items that don’t cost public union workers a cent and are favored by 80% of the voters.
Don’t confuse democrats being “all-in” for labor with labor being “all-in” for the democrats. It ain’t the way things used to be. But political reality has changed.
The Governor has to be all in for the business community because the Speaker and Senate President aren’t in at all and mock concerns about our business environment. If you average the two we would wind up 50 percent in for business which is a huge improvement.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:02 am:
–The Governor has to be all in for the business community…–
LOL, except that bit about paying them the billions they’re owed by the state for goods and services already provided.
I don’t know about your business, LP, but in mine, getting paid really is the most important part, and the best way someone can demonstrate that they’re “all-in” for me.
Let me ask you something — in your faith-based school of economics, would the governor signing that $700 million partial payment for contracted providers be a “good thing for the economy?”
Nearly every state legislator, Democrat and Republican, thought so. There wasn’t a dissenting vote.
Funny … I’ve never seen him in a suit and tie! Then again, I’m just one of the 98.6%. The President was not respected enough to wear a suit and tie. Those people must be pretty special for him to be “all in” for them. Ugh! The State is doomed.
–The 1%’s agenda isn’t independent of the 20-80%’s agenda.–
Here’s senior citizen Ms. Jones’ (name changed) agenda. I saw her this morning. Let’s see if they match. After I did her redetermination I told her to “drink lots of water and stay cool”. “I’ll stay right by the fan”, she says. “Do you have air conditioning in your apartment?”. “No, I have a big box fan.” (coworker overhearing- “Send her over to Jackie Joyner Kersey Center, they just got some in.”) So I called but the AC’s were already gone. I called up CooldownstLouis. Waiting list. Catholic Urban league. Didn’t get through, maybe hope. Bless her heart Ms. Jones was still very encouraged by being on a waiting list.
yep, I’d say those agenda’s match. s/
BTW, if you’ve got an unused window unit. Get it to some kind of Charity RIGHT NOW. Another co-worker said he called LIHEAP last week and because of the budget impasse they don’t have the units when ordinarily they would be flush with them.
I missed the magical 7 billion of funding that was proposed by the Democrats that would have paid for all the spending.
What does “faith based school of economics mean? An obvious mockery of Christians who make up the vast majority of social service providers as well as private benefactors seems to be a bit harsh. My faith tells me it is immoral to borrow from future generations to pay for today’s spending.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:32 am:
This is obviously the Gov in an environment where he feels so safe and secure that he doesn’t need his wife standing right next to him as he speaks.
OW perhaps you should take your own blinders off and look at why business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment. Is the fact we lead the nation in unemployment and outward migration a concern for you at all?
There is nothing worse than a company leaving the state which drives wages down to zero.
- Small Town Girl - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
“tie worthy’. My day is made. With not a lot to laugh about these days, OW gave me a much needed chuckle.
=Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton are “all in” for state employee unions and are hailed as heroes.=
LGA - Please provide quote and real cite where the above-mentioned stated they were “all-in”. Also please explain how the GA’s clearly illegal pension reduction legislation equates to being “all in” for working people.
- Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
- Time to take a few blinders off. -
Maybe you could take off those $125k per year blinders and see that not paying for goods and services does not equal “all in” for business.
–What does “faith based school of economics mean? An obvious mockery of Christians who make up the vast majority of social service providers as well as private benefactors seems to be a bit harsh.–
LOL, no, it’s an obvious mockery of you and other Raunerbots, and your faith-based belief in the cult of the Turnaround Agenda, with its apparently unknowable and unquantifiable economic and fiscal benefits.
You offer no evidence or projections as to its benefits, just faith.
See how words work?
I’d suggest it’s a bit harsh to not pay those faith-based social service providers you express such concern for to advance the unquantifiable agenda of your cult.
So, as a man of Christian faith, maybe you should ask your boss to sign the bill that would provide them a partial payment for the contracts he’s been stiffing them on for more than a year.
Virtually every Democrat and Republican voted for it. There wasn’t a dissenting vote.
===The Governor should pass a budget. That’s something he can definitely do all by himself while the General Assembly is adjourned.===
Rauner could sign that stopgap…
===Good grief. Some of you people have to be getting your hair wet with how deep your head is buried in the sand.===
There’s a stopgap on Rauner’s desk. Maybe gig need to pay attention.
Why you keep attacking me is comically ignorant to anything like governing… or a stopgap.
===There is nothing worse than a company leaving the state which drives wages down to zero.===
In Decatur, Rauner made it clear, people make too much money.
If you agree, I’ll take 10% of your wages, then I’ll know you’re serious.
- The Dude Abides - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:52 pm:
It’s the old trickle down theory. Ask more and more of the middle class and give more to the wealthy and magically everyone’s boat will be lifted. The gap between the 1% and the rest of us hasn’t widened enough yet to suit the Governor and those he represents.
The service tax that he has shown interest in implementing will disproportionally harm average working people too. Across the board this Governor has pushed an anti worker agenda.
–business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment.–
Prove it. Yes there was that one that went to Indiana, that I can think of. Who are the others? Go ahead list them. But then back out the thousands Amazon is bringing in. Get back to me.
Company names..Oh Mitsubishi doesn’t count. They closed because of other reasons than the business environment. Why don’t you ask DCEO? Oh, wait nobody is gathering that information because they are below skeleton crew there. No budget, no transparency. Convenient that
He’s gambling with the futures of our children, not his. On their futures he took no chances.
He’s gambling with the welfares of our loved ones, not his. His loved ones are well-protected and cared for.
And at the end of the day, as the borrowing piles up - $25 billion to vendors at the current rate, another $550 million he’s borrowing tomorrow - it will be everyone else who will have to pay off the debt from his massive gamble, not Rauner. He’ll be in Montana by then.
Gotta love the “Rauner is the victim” defenders. Poor Governor Rauner. The Speaker is being mean to him. It’s not fair. Grow the heck up already. Anyone that doesn’t think everyone’s hands are dirty in this nightmare are just dishonest partisan hacks.
Oh LP - your comment made me laugh… You care about borrowing from our children’s future! That is rich… Why are you allowing this governor to load them up in debt when they go off to University? Why do people of your persuasion want to cut their future social security benefits??? What a moral group spouting baloney…
–business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment.–
Businesses are closing because of our anti-business environment. The poor business environment is the result of the State not paying the bills. The poor business environment is the result of not having a budget. The poor business environment is caused by 1.4% insisting on his disastrous agenda before agreeing to signing a full budget and tax increase.
So LP, please educate us on how 1.4%’s agenda will benefit business. How does a business keep the doors open and the lights on if the State stiffs them for goods and services provided?
LP- I’d like to see that passage in the Bible that talks about the morality of loading future generations up in debt. I recall a passage about the sins of the father passing on. What faith are you talking about money? Sure sounds like it.
He wore a suit and tie to what appears to be a semi-formal event. I’m not sure that’s a big deal. If you’ve got legitimate beefs, and there are! why go in this direction? It’s just silly.
===He wore a suit and tie to what appears to be a semi-formal event. I’m not sure that’s a big deal. If you’ve got legitimate beefs, and there are! why go in this direction? It’s just silly.===
Being governor is a business casual / casual endeavor?
I stand by the Fake Bruce Rauner letter…
“Dear Rubes of Illinois.
I wear ridiculous costumes when I want to be fooled by my insincerity.
I wore a tie at this event because I respect these people, not .. you people.
I still can’t believe you believe my act, hilarious.
Bruce Rauner, Common Man”
The wearing of a tie hear speaks volumes to the way Rauner sees money, and people without… money.
OW - what does the Gov convey when he wears his leather vest with all the flair? Does that mean he respects his audience more, or less, than when he wears his Carhartt? Can we have a guide as to the many costumes of common man Gov? Could he be a one-man Village People?
===…what does the Gov convey when he wears his leather vest with all the flair? Does that mean he respects his audience more, or less, than when he wears his Carhartt? Can we have a guide as to the many costumes of common man Gov?===
- Henry Francis -
This is arguably one of the finest questions when it comes to understanding the phoniness that is Bruce Rauner.
If you turn to the appendix of Vol. 4 of “Raunerism; Illinois’ New Normal” you will find “Dress Code, 37-40″ and when you turn to those pages, it’s really a pull out, with each outfit and the messaging to Raunerites, non-Raunerites, and the third column, “What Rauner Really Thinks”
If you get the mahogany leather Rauner Messaging set ($179.98 for all 8 volumes and a life size poster, suitable for framing) the color shots of each outfit also have them from the front, sides, and back, and an explanation of each flair piece, it’s meaning, and what’s being mocked. All is explained.
Copyright laws prohibit me going any further, but do yourself a solid, get the mahogany leather collectible set.
OW - does the set come with the Secret Word Salad Decoder Ring?
- NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 3:49 pm:
My goodness long long can all you who just hate Republicans keep ignoring the reality of the fiscal black hole Madigan and his yes people have created. I am afraid the answer will be forever.
Anyone with a basic understanding of business etiquette realizes that It is appropriate to dress however the audience is. It sure looks like every man has a coat and tie and the Governor did as well. The comment thread would be a great exhibit in a class about Rauner derangement syndrome, which I am afraid is incurable.
Never Correct, enjoy living in your historical blamedom. That may give you comfort to accept whatever comes out of Rauner’s mouth, it doesn’t give us a balanced budget. Nor does it require us to automatically believe that whatever policy espoused by Rauner is correct or effective.
Point taken but I counted 5 maybe 6 black gentlemen in the picture. But I think the basic argument as to whether the governor represents the best interest of those in this picture or the public at large is the question at hand.
“I didn’t inherit any money, but I’ve worked hard. . . . Got a good education, done well. I’m proud of that. My grandparents were dairy farmers,” Oops wrong speech….
Here it is…”I’m all in for you.”
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 5:36 pm:
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:19 am:
A suit and a tie?
What have you done with our governor?
- Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:19 am:
It’d be nice if he could re-channel his “all-in” to … oh, say, rape crisis center? Domestic assault victims? Chicago violence? Chicago schools?
I mean, there’s a lot to be “all-in” for. But this bunch of suits? This is who Rauner is really fighting for?
- IsityouDB? - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:21 am:
Man, this guy really IS Montgomery Burns.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:22 am:
“It’s about profit man, profit”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:22 am:
“Dear Rubes of Illinois.
I wear ridiculous costumes when I want to be fooled by my insincerity.
I wore a tie at this event because I respect these people, not .. you people.
I still can’t believe you believe my act, hilarious.
Bruce Rauner, Common Man”
The wearing of a tie hear speaks volumes to the way Rauner sees money, and people without… money.
- The Muse - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:24 am:
Oof. This reminds me of Romney’s “47 percent” comment in 2012.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:24 am:
Willy +1
- thunderspirit - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:25 am:
== Man, this guy really IS Montgomery Burns. ==
Sadly, Montgomery Burns is a fictional character, while Governor Rauner is all too real.
- CuriousCat - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:25 am:
Did he use his “g”s?
- LizPhairTax - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:26 am:
Well not YOU, pregnant lady with HIV but you other 399. Nice suit though.
- Say It Ain't So!!! - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:26 am:
Does he drop any G’s to this group?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:27 am:
I was going to purchase a suit but then I remembered I wasn’t going to receive a raise for four years… That happens, nowhere….
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:27 am:
“I’m all in for you…and we’re winnin’, sorry we’re winning. I don’t need to drop my Gs for you guys.”
- Remington Rick - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:28 am:
Madigan is all in for the shrinking union membership that relies on sweetheart wages guaranteed by state contracts and Prevailing wage laws. Rauner and those 400 suits will be the ones in the main street economy that someday can hire more Illinois workers and lead to a better financial future for us all.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:30 am:
“I’m all in for you”. @GovRauner to 400 suits at @ILChamber lunch.
“Except the ones I owe money. Which are a lot of you, I know.”
- Mama - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:30 am:
- Oswego Willy @ 10:22 am:–
Willy, you hit that ball right out of the ball park -again!
You are right, the Carhart outfit is for people he disrespects.
- Dome Gnome - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:32 am:
Although I squinted and looked hard, I could not see the $18 watch.
- Huh? - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:32 am:
Kind of like his sound bite this morning that his staff were heros because they were managing without a budget.
All in = 1.4%. Where is the other 98.4%? I forgot, out blaming Madigan for the crisis.
- Curious - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:32 am:
==Did he use his “g”s==
I think this is actually a really important question. Does anyone have audio for this?
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:33 am:
“I’m all in for you.”
Serious question: Are these the words of a governor who wants to negotiate a budget deal?
Can’t we all stop pretending?
– MrJM
- RNUG - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:33 am:
Perfect …
- Not quite a majority - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:33 am:
I’m all in for you. Oh, by that I mean you 400. The other 12, 899,499 will just have to work for us.
- IsityouDB? - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:35 am:
Agreed, thunderspirit.
Yet even as a fictional entity, Monty Burns possesses far more human compassion than BVR.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:35 am:
“I’m all in for you. And you better get behind me. Once I’m done, this state will never elect someone like me ever again.”
- 360 Degree Turnaround - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:38 am:
Is there any video?
- slow down - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:39 am:
Pretty much tells you all you need to know, doesn’t it? This is why he can’t get a budget done, why he insists he’s at impasse with AFSCME, and why social services for the state’s most vulnerable are cratering all over the state.
- Rabid - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:40 am:
The only thing my govenor is in is deep yogurt he spilled
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:42 am:
The above picture and quote would make a great campaign flyer.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:43 am:
- Mama -, - RNUG - and - Norseman -,
It could also be very “Seinfeldian”
People I respect are “tie-worthy”.
I’ll leave that there.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:45 am:
“I’m all in for you. Seven/deuce is a good hand right?”
- Driver - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:48 am:
That’s right, everyone knows that it’s only OK to be “all-in” for labor. Your comment crowd remind us of that daily.
- AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:49 am:
I’m guessing he found his G’s while speaking at this lovely gathering.
- illini97 - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:50 am:
Right on, Cubs.
He’s all in, and so is the future of the State. Problem is, he doesn’t have any decent cards.
- lake county democrat - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:51 am:
But here’s the thing:
The 1%’s agenda isn’t independent of the 20-80%’s agenda.
Here’s today’s Tribune: 1/2 of Chicagoans can’t afford their housing payments: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-macarthur-foundation-housing-crisis-worries-0616-biz-20160615-story.html
(These must be the people not renting or buying condos in all these new buildings being constructed on the near north and near west side).
Similar stories exist around the state. Illinois has a flat income tax. Property taxes are already going up - significantly. When you raise the income tax, you’re causing real pain to the middle and working class.
Yet it’s allegedly evil to want to barter anything on the turnaround agenda, even items that don’t cost public union workers a cent and are favored by 80% of the voters.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 10:58 am:
Don’t confuse democrats being “all-in” for labor with labor being “all-in” for the democrats. It ain’t the way things used to be. But political reality has changed.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:00 am:
The Governor has to be all in for the business community because the Speaker and Senate President aren’t in at all and mock concerns about our business environment. If you average the two we would wind up 50 percent in for business which is a huge improvement.
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:02 am:
So we’re getting a Chicago casino finally?
- sonny chiss - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:06 am:
Have to chime in…OW @10:22. Spot on, again.
- Ahoy! - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:08 am:
–Maybe “half-in” or even “three-quarters-in” could accomplish more?–
I agree, may he goes half-in and Madigan goes half-in for the unions and we might have a deal.
- atsuishin - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:17 am:
==I mean, there’s a lot to be “all-in” for. But this bunch of suits?==
Well unlike the madigan et alt none these people can pass a tax increase and use the police power of the state when they want a salary increase.
You can dislike them all you want but aleast acknowledge that they are spending their own money not the taxpayers.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:17 am:
–The 1%’s agenda isn’t independent of the 20-80%’s agenda.—
ummm….wow…..can’t even…..
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:20 am:
–The Governor has to be all in for the business community…–
LOL, except that bit about paying them the billions they’re owed by the state for goods and services already provided.
I don’t know about your business, LP, but in mine, getting paid really is the most important part, and the best way someone can demonstrate that they’re “all-in” for me.
Let me ask you something — in your faith-based school of economics, would the governor signing that $700 million partial payment for contracted providers be a “good thing for the economy?”
Nearly every state legislator, Democrat and Republican, thought so. There wasn’t a dissenting vote.
- BBG Watch - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:28 am:
Funny … I’ve never seen him in a suit and tie! Then again, I’m just one of the 98.6%. The President was not respected enough to wear a suit and tie. Those people must be pretty special for him to be “all in” for them. Ugh! The State is doomed.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:29 am:
–The 1%’s agenda isn’t independent of the 20-80%’s agenda.–
Here’s senior citizen Ms. Jones’ (name changed) agenda. I saw her this morning. Let’s see if they match. After I did her redetermination I told her to “drink lots of water and stay cool”. “I’ll stay right by the fan”, she says. “Do you have air conditioning in your apartment?”. “No, I have a big box fan.” (coworker overhearing- “Send her over to Jackie Joyner Kersey Center, they just got some in.”) So I called but the AC’s were already gone. I called up CooldownstLouis. Waiting list. Catholic Urban league. Didn’t get through, maybe hope. Bless her heart Ms. Jones was still very encouraged by being on a waiting list.
yep, I’d say those agenda’s match. s/
BTW, if you’ve got an unused window unit. Get it to some kind of Charity RIGHT NOW. Another co-worker said he called LIHEAP last week and because of the budget impasse they don’t have the units when ordinarily they would be flush with them.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:31 am:
I missed the magical 7 billion of funding that was proposed by the Democrats that would have paid for all the spending.
What does “faith based school of economics mean? An obvious mockery of Christians who make up the vast majority of social service providers as well as private benefactors seems to be a bit harsh. My faith tells me it is immoral to borrow from future generations to pay for today’s spending.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:32 am:
This is obviously the Gov in an environment where he feels so safe and secure that he doesn’t need his wife standing right next to him as he speaks.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:40 am:
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Governor
- Keyrock - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:43 am:
I think it’s Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Burns.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:44 am:
Governor Rauner is “all in” for business and is intensely criticized.
Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton are “all in” for state employee unions and are hailed as heroes.
Big reason why Illinois has gone without a budget since Rauner’s election? It’s only Rauner and his demands?
Time to take a few blinders off.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:47 am:
Oh - Louis G Atsaves -
Rauner only respects those when he wears a tie.
Rauner despises the working men and women of this state, while trying to drive wages lower, people real people make too much money.
I guess if you want blinders off to see that Rauner thinks people make too much money, that would help you.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:49 am:
Outstanding Louis G. Atsaves! Keep up the moral equivalencies! It’s working for you! s/
- Jack Kemp - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 11:53 am:
The Governor should pass a budget. That’s something he can definitely do all by himself while the General Assembly is adjourned.
Good grief. Some of you people have to be getting your hair wet with how deep your head is buried in the sand.
Now… let me get out my OW Bingo card and go ahead and just put my first chip on “Governors own.”
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:00 pm:
OW perhaps you should take your own blinders off and look at why business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment. Is the fact we lead the nation in unemployment and outward migration a concern for you at all?
There is nothing worse than a company leaving the state which drives wages down to zero.
- Small Town Girl - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:11 pm:
“tie worthy’. My day is made. With not a lot to laugh about these days, OW gave me a much needed chuckle.
- Qui Tam - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:12 pm:
=Speaker Madigan and President Cullerton are “all in” for state employee unions and are hailed as heroes.=
LGA - Please provide quote and real cite where the above-mentioned stated they were “all-in”. Also please explain how the GA’s clearly illegal pension reduction legislation equates to being “all in” for working people.
- Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
- Time to take a few blinders off. -
Maybe you could take off those $125k per year blinders and see that not paying for goods and services does not equal “all in” for business.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:38 pm:
–What does “faith based school of economics mean? An obvious mockery of Christians who make up the vast majority of social service providers as well as private benefactors seems to be a bit harsh.–
LOL, no, it’s an obvious mockery of you and other Raunerbots, and your faith-based belief in the cult of the Turnaround Agenda, with its apparently unknowable and unquantifiable economic and fiscal benefits.
You offer no evidence or projections as to its benefits, just faith.
See how words work?
I’d suggest it’s a bit harsh to not pay those faith-based social service providers you express such concern for to advance the unquantifiable agenda of your cult.
So, as a man of Christian faith, maybe you should ask your boss to sign the bill that would provide them a partial payment for the contracts he’s been stiffing them on for more than a year.
Virtually every Democrat and Republican voted for it. There wasn’t a dissenting vote.
Only one man is holding it up.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:43 pm:
Oh - Jack Kemp -, lol…
===The Governor should pass a budget. That’s something he can definitely do all by himself while the General Assembly is adjourned.===
Rauner could sign that stopgap…
===Good grief. Some of you people have to be getting your hair wet with how deep your head is buried in the sand.===
There’s a stopgap on Rauner’s desk. Maybe gig need to pay attention.
Why you keep attacking me is comically ignorant to anything like governing… or a stopgap.
===There is nothing worse than a company leaving the state which drives wages down to zero.===
In Decatur, Rauner made it clear, people make too much money.
If you agree, I’ll take 10% of your wages, then I’ll know you’re serious.
- The Dude Abides - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:52 pm:
It’s the old trickle down theory. Ask more and more of the middle class and give more to the wealthy and magically everyone’s boat will be lifted. The gap between the 1% and the rest of us hasn’t widened enough yet to suit the Governor and those he represents.
The service tax that he has shown interest in implementing will disproportionally harm average working people too. Across the board this Governor has pushed an anti worker agenda.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
–business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment.–
Prove it. Yes there was that one that went to Indiana, that I can think of. Who are the others? Go ahead list them. But then back out the thousands Amazon is bringing in. Get back to me.
Company names..Oh Mitsubishi doesn’t count. They closed because of other reasons than the business environment. Why don’t you ask DCEO? Oh, wait nobody is gathering that information because they are below skeleton crew there. No budget, no transparency. Convenient that
- Juvenal - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:01 pm:
Yes, Rauner has doubled down and he’s all in.
But it’s not his money he is gambling with.
He’s gambling with the futures of our children, not his. On their futures he took no chances.
He’s gambling with the welfares of our loved ones, not his. His loved ones are well-protected and cared for.
And at the end of the day, as the borrowing piles up - $25 billion to vendors at the current rate, another $550 million he’s borrowing tomorrow - it will be everyone else who will have to pay off the debt from his massive gamble, not Rauner. He’ll be in Montana by then.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:10 pm:
Gotta love the “Rauner is the victim” defenders. Poor Governor Rauner. The Speaker is being mean to him. It’s not fair. Grow the heck up already. Anyone that doesn’t think everyone’s hands are dirty in this nightmare are just dishonest partisan hacks.
- Demoralized - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
I’d prefer the Governor be “all in” in doing his job.
- Triple fat - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
Oh LP - your comment made me laugh… You care about borrowing from our children’s future! That is rich… Why are you allowing this governor to load them up in debt when they go off to University? Why do people of your persuasion want to cut their future social security benefits??? What a moral group spouting baloney…
- Huh? - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:18 pm:
–business is fleeing this state because of our anti business environment.–
Businesses are closing because of our anti-business environment. The poor business environment is the result of the State not paying the bills. The poor business environment is the result of not having a budget. The poor business environment is caused by 1.4% insisting on his disastrous agenda before agreeing to signing a full budget and tax increase.
So LP, please educate us on how 1.4%’s agenda will benefit business. How does a business keep the doors open and the lights on if the State stiffs them for goods and services provided?
- Triple fat - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:18 pm:
LP- I’d like to see that passage in the Bible that talks about the morality of loading future generations up in debt. I recall a passage about the sins of the father passing on. What faith are you talking about money? Sure sounds like it.
- pundent - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
=Governor Rauner is “all in” for business and is intensely criticized.=
Perhaps it’s because Rauner sees hundreds of victims while the rest of us see thousands.
- A guy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
He wore a suit and tie to what appears to be a semi-formal event. I’m not sure that’s a big deal. If you’ve got legitimate beefs, and there are! why go in this direction? It’s just silly.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:48 pm:
===He wore a suit and tie to what appears to be a semi-formal event. I’m not sure that’s a big deal. If you’ve got legitimate beefs, and there are! why go in this direction? It’s just silly.===
Being governor is a business casual / casual endeavor?
I stand by the Fake Bruce Rauner letter…
“Dear Rubes of Illinois.
I wear ridiculous costumes when I want to be fooled by my insincerity.
I wore a tie at this event because I respect these people, not .. you people.
I still can’t believe you believe my act, hilarious.
Bruce Rauner, Common Man”
The wearing of a tie hear speaks volumes to the way Rauner sees money, and people without… money.
Exactly… Right.
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 1:58 pm:
OW - what does the Gov convey when he wears his leather vest with all the flair? Does that mean he respects his audience more, or less, than when he wears his Carhartt? Can we have a guide as to the many costumes of common man Gov? Could he be a one-man Village People?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 2:09 pm:
===…what does the Gov convey when he wears his leather vest with all the flair? Does that mean he respects his audience more, or less, than when he wears his Carhartt? Can we have a guide as to the many costumes of common man Gov?===
- Henry Francis -
This is arguably one of the finest questions when it comes to understanding the phoniness that is Bruce Rauner.
If you turn to the appendix of Vol. 4 of “Raunerism; Illinois’ New Normal” you will find “Dress Code, 37-40″ and when you turn to those pages, it’s really a pull out, with each outfit and the messaging to Raunerites, non-Raunerites, and the third column, “What Rauner Really Thinks”
If you get the mahogany leather Rauner Messaging set ($179.98 for all 8 volumes and a life size poster, suitable for framing) the color shots of each outfit also have them from the front, sides, and back, and an explanation of each flair piece, it’s meaning, and what’s being mocked. All is explained.
Copyright laws prohibit me going any further, but do yourself a solid, get the mahogany leather collectible set.
- Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 2:19 pm:
OW-If we call in the next 10 minutes is the ‘Guide to Droppin’ Gs’ included at no additional cost (just pay separate S/H)?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 2:29 pm:
- Cubs in ‘16 -
You almost need that to complete the set.
I hope people act now!
- Keyrock - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 3:25 pm:
OW - does the set come with the Secret Word Salad Decoder Ring?
- NeverPoliticallyCorrect - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 3:49 pm:
My goodness long long can all you who just hate Republicans keep ignoring the reality of the fiscal black hole Madigan and his yes people have created. I am afraid the answer will be forever.
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 4:06 pm:
Anyone with a basic understanding of business etiquette realizes that It is appropriate to dress however the audience is. It sure looks like every man has a coat and tie and the Governor did as well. The comment thread would be a great exhibit in a class about Rauner derangement syndrome, which I am afraid is incurable.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 4:14 pm:
Never Correct, enjoy living in your historical blamedom. That may give you comfort to accept whatever comes out of Rauner’s mouth, it doesn’t give us a balanced budget. Nor does it require us to automatically believe that whatever policy espoused by Rauner is correct or effective.
- Interested - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 4:14 pm:
400 WHITE, MALE suits…
- Lucky Pierre - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 4:23 pm:
It is ok to for a male to wear a white suit between Memorial Day and Labor Day.
- Illinoisan - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 4:35 pm:
Interested “400 WHITE, MALE suits…”
Point taken but I counted 5 maybe 6 black gentlemen in the picture. But I think the basic argument as to whether the governor represents the best interest of those in this picture or the public at large is the question at hand.
- Chicago 20 - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 5:06 pm:
“I didn’t inherit any money, but I’ve worked hard. . . . Got a good education, done well. I’m proud of that. My grandparents were dairy farmers,” Oops wrong speech….
Here it is…”I’m all in for you.”
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 5:36 pm:
Even one-quarter.
Rome was not built in a day.
- Triple fat - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 6:55 pm:
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jun 16, 16 @ 8:17 pm:
This brings to mind Dubya’s speech at a foundation dinner in 2000:
“This is an impressive crowd, the ‘haves’ and the ‘have-mores.’ Some people call you the elite, I call you my base.”