* The governor flip-flopped last week on his budget proposal, which completely zeroed-out money for ag education programs…
When Governor Bruce Rauner’s advance team met with FFA leadership last week prior to his speech at the 88th annual Illinois FFA Convention, they discussed potential talking points, including eliminating smaller budget line items and raising the general education budget.
Mindy Bunselmeyer, Illinois FFA executive director, told them that would cause a “great deal of concern from the audience” – some 5,000 passionate agricultural education students.
“I didn’t want anything to happen that would be disrespectful of him and of the office,” she recalls.
Within a couple hours, the Governor had arrived and was escorted to the convention floor by FFA members. Bunselmeyer sat in the front row with him and they chatted about the motivational speaker and the talent act. He asked questions about FFA members and programs.
Then he took the stage, talked about his background and made an announcement.
“I listened to you and I told our budget guys, ‘We are going to put more money in our school system and we’re going to restore the special line item for agriculture education here in Illinois,’” Rauner told the convention audience, to rousing cheers.
“I’m all in for your success and it’s a privilege to be here with you all,” he added.
* And then today…
*** UPDATE *** Forrest Claypool responds…
“Rather than invest in our state’s future, Governor Rauner seems hellbent on driving schools to the point of financial ruin – whether it’s CPS, Chicago State, Eastern Illinois, or dozens of local school districts around the state. The governor should represent all of Illinois, and equitably fund the needs of every child, regardless of where they live or the color of their skin.
- wordslinger - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:24 pm:
Once a Bustout Schemer, always a Bustout Schemer.
Geez, who would have ever believed that the Illinois GOP would become the Deadbeat Party of Bankruptcy?
That ain’t the Midwestern Main Street values I came up with.
- Honeybear - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:29 pm:
Yep, I could see that coming. To bad the ARTS, ALL ARTS, AP CLASSES and FORIEGN LANGUAGE are still zeroed out. But God forbid we should threaten AG in schools. Look, I love going to FFA at the fair. I love the FFA club. But I also rather object to the Monsanto propaganda that my girls brought home in junior high. It was all big ag industry propaganda. I should have kept it to show you all. I’m all for funding FFA just not the big ag classes that push ag industry propaganda on our kids.
- walker - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
New tactic for social service agencies who want their funding restored? /s
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:33 pm:
:we’re going to restore the special line item for agriculture education here in Illinois,’”
Will believe it when there is a signed appropriation and the money sent to the school districts. Until then, I am not holding my breath.
- Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:33 pm:
CPS needs to promote urban farming. Only half in jest.
When we were a new nation our founders worked hard to avoid bankruptcy. How far we have fallen.
- Super Gov! - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:36 pm:
So this counts as more heroics from Super Governor?
- Macbeth - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:38 pm:
Thanks, Bruce. Bankruptcy is — hands down — the most *cowardly and impotent* option you can take.
Epic, Bruce. Epic.
- JS Mill - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:38 pm:
@Honeybear- FFA and Ag Ed is very closely tied to big Ag. They are significant sponsors of scholarships and programs. They recruit heavily from FFA members.
Right or wrong that is a simple fact and the info will continue to be pushed out. And I do not disagree with how you feel.
To the post. My guess is that governors waffling had little to nothing to do with the kids and much, much more to do with push back from Ag interests and farmers. They are fervent supporters of Ag.
I am not sure whom I loathe more, Rauner or Madigan.
- Nick Name - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:38 pm:
“I’m all in…”
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.
- Thoughts Matter - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
He’s a more polite sounding Trump, flip-flops and all.
- Carhartt Representative - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
=When we were a new nation our founders worked hard to avoid bankruptcy. How far we have fallen.=
So if we put CPS Central Office in the South, will southern cotton farmers help pay CPS debts?
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
Why is 1.4% advocating CPS bankruptcy when it would never get through the courts?
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
When did bankruptcy become acceptable to conservatives? What ever happened to paying your bills?
There used to be a huge stigma about filing for bankruptcy. Now it’s like a get out of jail card. I guess only suckers pay their debts.
- BluegrassBoy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:46 pm:
I’m just wondering who (if anyone) can benefit financially if CPS goes bankrupt?
Will consultants be brought in to run it like a business? Any assets that can be sold off and then flipped for a profit? Is there is any possibility of profit in this for anyone?
I try to follow the old “Follow the Money” adage - which is why I contend it’s the Governor’s rich friends who are getting a better rate of return on our bonds which were downgraded at least partly thanks to his ongoing stewardship of the State.
- Joe M - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:47 pm:
Is Rauner advocating bankruptcy for school districts, cities, and other local government in hopes of voiding union contracts and pension obligations? That would seem to be part of his motive.
- Amalia - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:50 pm:
what is covered by the Ag Ed section? does it also cover adult farmers?
- Not quite a majority - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:51 pm:
He does realize that he’s being recorded, right? So that when the money for FFA is cut along with all the other broken promises he’s made, some one is bound to pay attention. Elections have consequences, but so do words spoken in public.
- Annonin' - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
What a bozo…BigBrain has had this info about ag ed three or four times and still smacked them …wonder if college kids threatened to protest if the BigBrain would call a cease fire in his destruction of colleges and universities?
They have and he continues to stick it to them.
Too bad
Everybody say Mooooooo!
- Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
The Confederacy did go bankrupt. Southerners will not pay for CPS.
Require ag courses to teach about the dust bowl and ask what we are doing now to damage the earth. They don’t have to sell climate change. Dust bowl science and films will make the case.
- Ghost - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:54 pm:
the gov has used bankruptcy a lot to cheat creditors. in fact he has a pending bankruptcy case with a fraud allegation about how they tried to do it.
However it seems really poor for buisness. Bnakruptcy just costs the school creditors and contractors to lose their money. not very probuisness or growth. the goc fantasy that bankruptcy will trash the pensions is not well supported by law. the pensions generaly remain unaffected being the most sevure debt.
I think we need a brow buisness and prowconimic growth solution that pays the bills; not one that rips off small companies and damages the economy.
- Enviro - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
“Bankruptcy a better option for #CPS than state bailout or tax hike”
Is this what they call running government like a business?
- Winnin' - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:13 pm:
The second to last time we heard “all in” was during the 2014 election. CAT CEO Doug Obenhelmer proclaimed “”We’re all in” for Rauner.
The last two times we heard it was when Rauner proclaimed he’s “all in” for Chamber members and “all in” for FFA students.
Perhaps Bruce is channeling Doug.
- Thunder Fred - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:13 pm:
Other groups should watch FFA and learn. Demonizing people, throwing bombs and destroying the “enemy” in comments sections sure is fun but ultimately not very effective.
- Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:14 pm:
Fred, they did all that. And their leader even threatened an embarrassing demonstration.
- Juvenal - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:21 pm:
Squeaky wheel.
Rauner meeting with Tribune editorial board to plea for stop gap budget now.
Will they comply?
- SilverStreak - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:24 pm:
CPS does a great job in ag education. Chicago High School for Agricultural Sciences is a highly competitive, very successful school. We should be very proud and very supportive of CHSA. See http://www.chicagoagr.org/.
- Anon - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:36 pm:
The Ag Ed line item is about $1.8 million. It supports grants to ag education programs to buy supplies and help with other needs. The line item also supports individuals who work for Facilitating Coordination in Agricultural Education. Those are hands on folks who mentor and advise Ag teachers around Illinois.
And the High School for Ag Sciences in Chicago is a great place too.
Wondering what Monsanto propaganda bothered the others so much?
- @MisterJayEm - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
Fred: ‘Other groups should watch FFA and learn. Demonizing people, throwing bombs and destroying the “enemy” in comments sections sure is fun but ultimately not very effective.’
Rich: ‘Fred, they did all that. And their leader even threatened an embarrassing demonstration.’
In professional wrestling, when someone treats his own fictional character as reality outside the ring, they say he’s “a mark for his own gimmick.” An example is Hulk Hogan referring to himself and Muhammad Ali as “two former world heavyweight champions” or when WWF Intercontinental Champion Shawn Michaels took on some Marines in a bar. (Spoiler: He got stomped.)
With regard to agriculture and the FFA, it seems that Baron Carhartt is a bit of a mark for his own gimmick. (It’s too bad Rauner didn’t run for governor wearing a Lutheran Social Services t-shirt.)
– MrJM
- lake county democrat - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
(Better is in quotes because I didn’t want to imply that a bankruptcy would be good for teachers - though maybe in the long run it would be as fewer would be laid off. It’s not quoting RNUG)
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:48 pm:
About all this “successful” businessman seems to know is bankruptcy.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
=== When did bankruptcy become acceptable to conservatives? What ever happened to paying your bills? ===
47, you missed the fine print. It says that it’s OK to file bankruptcy if you need to abrogate the contractual rights of your employees and enhance your bottom line. It’s when bankruptcy is used by the lower classes that ruffles conservative feathers.
- Mama - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:14 pm:
If Chicago goes bankrupt, Wall Street will profit & big business will move in and take over their buildings for hardly nothing. Rauner will win from Chicago’s bankruptcy by getting rid of the teachers’ union he hates, etc..
- Huh? - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:18 pm:
Just read a story about one of 1.4% cherished charter schools has closed in Chicago. Galapago’s Charter School is blaming the budget stand off for the ckosing.
- Tough Guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:24 pm:
If I was one of the FFA folks I wouldn’t be popping the champagne bottles just yet. This guy is notorious for pandering to the crowd i.e. saying one thing and then doing another.
- Mama - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:29 pm:
- RNUG @ 1:48 pm: “About all this “successful” businessman seems to know is bankruptcy.”
That is because people like Rauner and Trump profit from declaring a lot of bankruptcies.
- Ron - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:41 pm:
CPS is insolvent. The sooner this is acknowledged in court, the sooner we can fix the problem.
- Hit or Miss - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:59 pm:
I may be missing something but I do not see the idea of a CPS bankruptcy being pro-business. In any bankruptcy the creditors stand to loose a lot. It looks to me to be ‘good’ if you want to break up the CTU.
- jim - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 3:13 pm:
why wouldn’t bankruptcy be better for cps? it is effectively bankruptcy, far more liabilities than assets. isn’t that what bankruptcy is for?
by the way, it’s already educationally bankrupt? just what is so important it must be preserved by denying financial reality?
- JS Mill - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 3:20 pm:
@Ron- How can “WE” fix the problem? Do tell…
- Emily Booth - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 3:55 pm:
Rauner & Rahm want to bust public education so they can privatize it. It’s for their venture capitalist friends.
- Juvenal - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 4:00 pm:
The racial element of this should not be lost on anyone. Rauner swooping to the rescue of Future Farmers of America and chanting “Burn, baby, burn!” in Chicago, which serves 360,000 minority students. Thats 1 in 3 minority students in the state, and more than enough to make CPS’s minority student population the second largest city in the state, and one of the ten largest in the Midwest.
For some perspective, the enrollment in CPS is just under 400,000; the population of the City of Atlanta is 463,000. Imagine the governor of Georgia treating Atlanta the way Rauner treats CPS.
- BK Bro - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 4:17 pm:
In June of last year Ernst & Young released a report that basically objectively determined that CPS will become insolvent in 2020. By insolvent, I mean that based on the E&Y revenue projections, ALL expenditures will exceed ALL revenue 2020. Greg Hinz followed it pretty closely in 2015. Checks will literally bounce. CPS won’t have the option of stiffing creditors; they will face the mathematical REQUIREMENT to stiff creditors. That’s when the showdown will happen between bondholders, pensioners, current employees, contractors, etc.
CPS needs no help from Rauner or even IL dems to go insolvent. It will be insolvent, with or without their help. Pols in IL have known about this for years. Even when Dems had both houses and the Gov mansion nothing was done. City Council, all dem, nothing done. Rauner is just an easy the scapegoat for ridiculous financial incompetence.
If anything, bi-partisan support for some organized BK process could help CPS, given that their insolvency is inevitable anyways. It’s almost like people just don’t want to believe that it’s possible. Not having an organized BK process will only serve to make an inevitable situation more chaotic.
- A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 4:51 pm:
Forrest, you went 1/2 sentence too long.
- Maximus - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 6:39 pm:
BK Bro at 4:17 hit it on the head. Bankruptcy isn’t the option anyone wants but it needs to be prepared in the event it’s needed. Kind of like an airbag in a car, you dont ever want to use it but when it’s needed you REALLY need it. Given the financial situation of CPS they need to start preparing the airbag for deployment in case nobody can solve the financial issues.
- YSW - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 7:26 pm:
The notion that CPS is incontrovertibly insolvent is utter nonsense. CPS can raise funds at the local and State levels. Elected officials have a great deal of control over CPS’s fate.
- Maximus - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 7:49 pm:
As it stands the CPS is insolvent. They can try and persuade elected officials to raise more taxes (again) to try and get more revenue but the politicians know people are at the limit. A system requiring tax increases this often of this size means the system is broken.
- TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 8:00 pm:
There is no municipal bankruptcy in the state of Illinois.
- Ron - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 9:17 pm:
There will be when CPS defaults
- Enviro - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:35 pm:
jim@3:13pm: it’s already educationally bankrupt? just what is so important it must be preserved by denying financial reality?
The answer is Public Education is that important.
The plan is to destroy the teachers unions and privatize schools.
- TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:47 pm:
=There will be when CPS defaults=
Um……actually there won’t.
- Southern Illinois Hoopdee - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:58 pm:
TinyDancer, what is your motivation for not having a bankruptcy or a restructuring process in place for CPS?
- TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:15 pm:
Just stating a fact.
Illinois municipalities are not allowed by law to file for bankruptcy.
- JustRight - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 8:28 am:
Claypool - So every teacher around the state should get an average of 80k for 9 months worth of work and a multi-million dollar pension like CTU members? You said they should all be treated the same around the state. Pretty sure we can’t afford that sweetheart deal.