Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - Pfleger responds *** Rauner blames “special interests” for canceling Juneteenth event
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*** UPDATED x2 - Pfleger responds *** Rauner blames “special interests” for canceling Juneteenth event

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already discussed, St. Sabina’s Fr. Pfleger went way over the top last week with his verbal attacks on Gov. Rauner. Pfleger also questioned why the Dusable Museum would allow Rauner to hold a Juneteenth event there. Yesterday, the governor canceled the event

“It is unfortunate that special interests politicized what was supposed to be a celebratory event,” a Rauner spokesperson said in an e-mail. “Out of an abundance of caution and respect for the safety of visitors and the museum, we have regretfully cancelled the planned Juneteenth event at the DuSable Museum.”

A representative for DuSable said the museum was not affiliated with the event, claiming the governor merely rented the space for an hour Monday afternoon to host a Juneteenth celebration. The holiday commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery. […]

“Rauner should have never been allowed,” Pfleger told NBC 5 Sunday following the cancellation. “A person whose policies are keeping whole communities in bondage should not be allowed anywhere in the community unless he’s coming to say he’s sorry and sign a budget.”

Additionally, a coalition of 20 community activist groups, including Freedom First International, planned a protest of the event Monday “to send a clear message to the governor that a political narrative was not welcome on Juneteenth at the DuSable nor anywhere else in our community.”


If you look at one of their press releases, it appears that SEIU was helping to stir this pot.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  I assume “tell” is a typo for “yell”…

*** UPDATE 2 *** Response

“This is the guy who is crippling our community,” Pfleger said. As part of the state budget impasse, he added, “We’re watching social service organizations close up. We’re watching violence-prevention programs gone. We’re watching the South and the West sides dying. They’ve already been on life support. And under this governor they’re on hospice now.

“And then we’re gonna let him come speak in the pulpit? On Juneteenth weekend at the DuSable Museum?” Pfleger said. “It’s an insult. So I was glad that he canceled.”


  1. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    Pfleger is a divisive demagogue. He and the governor have a lot in common.

  2. - The Captain - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:39 am:

    Cause and effect?

  3. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    “I always politicize what are supposed to be celebratory events,” a Rauner spokesperson said in an e-mail. “Because I am unable to coherently answer impromptu questions from the media or public, we have regretfully cancelled the planned Juneteenth event at the DuSable Museum.”

    Fixed it for you.

  4. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:45 am:

    Word +1.

    In Raunerspeak, policy opponents = “special interests.” Depending upon the situation, “corrupt” can be used instead of “special interest.”

  5. - Macbeth - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    If Rauner can do it, if Trump can do it — why not Pfleger?

    BTW, where is Rauner’s much vaunted “persistence” here? He just gives up because folks politicized his political event?

    Please, Bruce. The impotence you show at the weirdest times is not becoming. But it’s telling.

  6. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    –BTW, where is Rauner’s much vaunted “persistence” here? He just gives up because folks politicized his political event?–

    Rauner saw a gift being extended and took it.

    Being able to play the victim to the likes of Pfleger is red-meat to Rauner’s base.

  7. - wndycty - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:50 am:

    I actually feel like Rauner’s line “Out of an abundance of caution and respect for the safety. . .” is a dog whistle.

    Seriously, a protest in not by its nature violent. Rauner could’ve talked about avoiding disruption or not wanting to trivialize Juneteenth but he specifically cited “safety.” That was a purpose pitch with the implication that those in the Black community who oppose his policies will result to violence.

    When you want to paint unions as thugs and Black people as uncivilized you cite “safety.”

    The man is shameless in his divisiveness and use of dog whistles.

  8. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:53 am:

    Say what you will but Fr. Pflager was effective. Also interesting that DuSable was not affiliated with the event. It sure seemed like they were when Rauner publicized it. I find the distancing interesting. It makes Fathers Machiavellian actions look effective at “driving a wedge” between Rauner and the black community he is trying to look good in front. There’s also the fact that when he went to a Southside church he got challenged. Looks like Fr. Pflager’s “GET OFF MY LAWN”, worked. Amos 5:24

  9. - Amalia - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    choose or die, Rauner or Pfleger. gak.

  10. - wndycty - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    * On edit I mean to say “…with the implication that those in the Black community who oppose his policies will resort to violence.”

  11. - Wensicia - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    Rauner politicalized the budget when he decided to campaign on Downstate vs Chicago. He can’t cry foul now.

  12. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    ===Being able to play the victim to the likes of Pfleger is red-meat to Rauner’s base.===

    Exactly. And my guess is Pfleger has no idea how helpful he’s being to Rauner with this garbage. He is unintentionally giving the Governor exactly what he wants.

    Which makes Pfleger vile AND stupid.

  13. - Annonin' - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    Wow BigBrain rents a place for a whole hour and then runs like a scared 3rd grader who someone says “boos” What a wimp.
    Why not “rent” the lobby of that bank he rented during the campaign? Or did that go out of biz?

  14. - phocion - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    This is another story in the disturbing trend of left wing groups whose goal is to shut off debate and alternative ideas through threats and intimidation. It’s the speech intimidation game and it’s real.

    Then again, this type of thing can backfire.

    Have the policies of Fr. Pflager’s approved guest list done anything to truly lift up the community he claims to represent? Is he so afraid of people hearing about a different road to recovery that he will gin up threats to prevent that person from speaking? Despicable and cowardly.

  15. - Put the Fun in unfunded - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    Y’know, for those that complain about lack of GOP outreach to the AA community, this kind of stuff does not help. I don’t think Rauner should roll over to the likes of Pfleger. But if he does go and there is an angry demonstration (cf LaSalle County) but with a racial element added, it makes things worse.

  16. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:16 am:

    –I actually feel like Rauner’s line “Out of an abundance of caution and respect for the safety. . .” is a dog whistle.–

    Of course it is. He’s making the most of the gift he’s been given.

  17. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    Father Pfleger says that Rauner’s policies are keeping whole communities in “bondage.” I think Democratic policies which have governed the City of Chicago for the last century have done more harm to these communities. Instead of viciously talking about the Governor like this, reach out a hand and find a way to get real solutions to the problems in those communities.

  18. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    I am no fan of Pfather Pfleger. But for Rauner to say that African-American protestors present a potential risk to the “safety of visitors and the museum” - my blood is boiling.

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    ===a potential risk to the “safety of visitors and the museum”===

    While I get the anger here, none of us have access to threat reports.

    So, cool down a bit.

  20. - union leader - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    How about asking former State Senator Meeks for some help after all he is the education czar for governor Rauner.

    What happened to all those African American pastors who supported Governor Rauner?

  21. - Soccermom - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    He didn’t cite threat reports. He blamed politicization

  22. - crazybleedingheart - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    == A representative for DuSable said the museum was not affiliated with the event, claiming the governor merely rented the space for an hour Monday afternoon to host a Juneteenth celebration. ==

    With what money?

    From DuSable:
    ==The Governor’s Juneteenth event that was scheduled to be held at the DuSable Museum of African American History on Monday, June 20th has been CANCELLED.

    For more information, please call Terrence Hill, Governors Office at 312.814.1159.==

    Maybe Terrence Hill can explain which state account was going to pay for a facilities rental, when it was planning to actually pay, and why.

  23. - A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    ==So, cool down a bit.===

    So…Durbinesque! lol.

    Things do need to cool down. A lot.

  24. - BBG Watch - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:25 pm:

    This governor takes responsibility for NOTHING except for his heroic staff!

  25. - illini - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    Still playing the VICTIM - guess this goes well in some circles!

  26. - wndycty - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    OK, I will “cool down a bit” but there may be something else to consider.

    How many RSVP’s did Rauner have for this event? I wonder if another reason for the cancellation was that RSVP’s were either really bad or there was a fear that the wrong people RSVP’ed.

    I would really love to know how many people RSVP’ed and who they were. Might the RSVP’s been full of people who would have peacefully disrupted?

  27. - Juvenal - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:29 pm:

    === With what money? ===

    That is a very good question.

    Where’s this line item in the budget?

  28. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:39 pm:

    –Pfleger is a divisive demagogue.–

    I find Father to be a social justice inspiration. I’d choose to associate with Fr. Pflager any day over Governor Rauner. No question about it. I find it interesting that Governor Rauner can put thousands of people out of a job in social services, cut 55,000 children from programs they need, not honor vendors/contractors contracts with the state, threaten ALL labor, all the while creating a mountain of debt, perfidious in word and deed, and yet folks are terribly worried about Fr. Pflagers language. My goodness, his language.

    Yes terrible Fr. Pflager’s language is much more relevant than the immense damage that Governor Rauner has caused. We’ve gone over the damage a million times on this blog. Tell me again how Fathers language usurps the actual suffering of others?

  29. - Pawn - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:57 pm:

    Sing it, Honeybear.

  30. - Soccermom - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:01 pm:

    If disrupting, yelling & screaming represented a threat to museums and their visitors, we wouldn’t allow children into them.

  31. - Soccermom - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:01 pm:

    And Honeybear, while I have some beef with the good Father, there’s no question whose team I’d rather be on.

  32. - A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    Fr. Mike is a classic “shoot before you aim” kind of guy. He’d be the first to tell you he’s an emotional guy; even a basket case when things get too heated up. He does a lot of apologizing. He also does a lot of good. And his heart is gold. Occasional tarnish, but gold none the less.

    He got way ahead of himself on this one. We don’t agree on a lot. But he’s there for the people he serves. He’s a pain in the a–, but his mission is being served.

    You don’t have to agree with a guy to like him or even love him. So it is with Fr. Mike.

  33. - Soccermom - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    Maybe we should have the Future Farmers advocate for social services. It seems like Rauner is really afraid of them…

  34. - Politix - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    Honeybear nailed it. Enough with the shame game, all.

    I’m surprised it’s taken this long for the outrage to start rearing its ugly head around this guy. GOOD

  35. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:31 pm:

    A Guy, thanks for the insights. I’d love to meet him some day. I tried the last time I was up there. I had his number in my pocket as I arrived on the train. But it wasn’t to be.

  36. - 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:32 pm:

    ===He’d be the first to tell you he’s an emotional guy===

    For someone who claims to be merely a GOP precinct captain, you move in some interesting circles. Fr. Mike and the Kennedys? I bet your Christmas card list reads like the social register.

  37. - RIJ - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    Ugh. Rauner’s reaction was simply childish - at the slightest challenge, he takes not only his toys, but the taxpayers’ toys, too, and goes home. Oh, how I miss JBT, who could be counted on to be the adult in the room!

  38. - A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:47 pm:

    47, it does. I’ve worked in Chicago media markets for a long period of time. You already know I’m involved with Catholic Charities. I get a lot of opportunities to meet with a lot of different people. I’m not a very young guy, so years of experience adds to the equation. I even have some famous relatives. And imagine this: they like me. I’m at a lot of stuff.

    Honeybear, Fr. Mike is very accessible. If you wanted to meet him, call his parish. He’s not a stranger in Springfield either.

  39. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:56 pm:

    Soccermom- I have a feeling that the Ag Ed line item will disappear from any budget Rauner signs. He just played to the convention crowd so there would only be positive cheers and applause. He’s not going to let a good media op go to waste. He’ll just trash them with a shake of the head later that he’s frustrated and there’s no money.

  40. - Mama - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 3:17 pm:

    I am willing to bet the coalition of 20 community activist groups, including Freedom First International won’t be getting any state money in the near future.

  41. - Danaidh - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 5:23 pm:

    Why are you even using the style Fr. for Mr. Pfleger? He’s just another politician. Ugh.

  42. - Macbeth - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 5:30 pm:

    Good for Pfleger.

    Speak the truth. This isn’t a “Madigan” issue.

    This is all — all, all — Rauner.

    All, all, all.

  43. - Wensicia - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 5:35 pm:

    Pfleger’s recent response is appropriate and on point. Stay away from the hyperbole; we get enough of that from Rauner.

  44. - Tom K. - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:25 pm:

    ==Why are you even using the style Fr. for Mr. Pfleger? He’s just another politician. Ugh.==
    I always thought Pflager to be cut from the same cloth as Jesse J. (and always thought Mr. Royko’s opinion of J.J. was spot-on). No dog whistles there, Mike always called it as he saw it. I’d give more than a week’s pay to read the columns he’s churning out these days.

  45. - Springfieldish - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 8:44 am:

    Do we really think Rauner’s detail has evidence of a credible threat of violence beyond protesting that lead to this cancellation? C’mon. If such a threat existed, he’d be in Peoria waving it around like he was trying to do Wuthering Heights in semaphore. Enough of this giving Rauner the benefit of the doubt based on assumptions; he hasn’t earned it.

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