All of a sudden people care about state of IL rest stops. Drive up the road two minutes and use the gas station. Bull doze the rest stop. (Check is in the mail! ….LOL)
would be interesting if some local arts group took over the outside markings. while I don’t endorse graffiti, unless invited, some of those “artists” are downright creative….hello Banksy.
Went by there yesterday. They tagged the nortbound one pretty good
- Graduated College Student - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:45 am:
===All of a sudden people care about state of IL rest stops. Drive up the road two minutes and use the gas station. Bull doze the rest stop. (Check is in the mail! ….LOL)===
The restrooms are usually cleaner at the rest stop and the line is shorter. Also a bit more space to stretch out your legs without worrying about traffic.
The older I get, the more I appreciate rest areas that aren’t too many miles/hours apart. If it was worth building it’s worth maintaining and keeping, if traffic on I-55 had decreased over the years it’d be different. It’s nice to stop at a public space, road and weather information can help make motorists more aware of potential issues, and information can even help tourism. However, as a representation of the current mess in Illinois, this seems perfect.
Illinois’ rest areas have been in deplorable condition for many, many years, especially compared to neighboring states. It may have gotten worse the past few years, but it is nothing new.
Yep, the Iowa I80 stops are new or being redone. Just like Wisconsin has redone so many bridges and interchanges. But everything is fine here. Nothing an income tax of 5% won’t fix, I am sure….
They keep saying how it is dangerous for truck drivers getting fatigued. The rest areas promote safety by allowing drivers to pull over and rest. Rauner does not seem to care about the safety of the motorists (or anyone else for that matter) in Illinois.
When driving from Illinois into Iowa, one immediately notices a difference in the quality of rest stops, in the number of police, and in infrastructure generally. Of course Iowa has a graduated income tax.
Really sad to see this vandalism, due to disuse. We drove by and used these rest areas regularly (until the last few months of course). They seemed well used by families and truckers alike. Interesting that the advance warning signs never said that the rest areas are closed, just that the “ramps” are closed ahead. Just a reminder that its easy to tear down what takes years to build. Better update the Garmin files.
This how the Thompson Center, the Stratton Bldg, and other offices should have looked like starting in July 2015….
Had there been a total shutdown there may have been a budget last year. But my predictions are no better than guesses we have all made.
IDOT can’t pay it’s bills. Closes rest areas, stiffs vendors and scaled back services. Now are on the verge of paying millions in bonuses to employees for doing a full days work. Seems to me they are paid well but now will receive extra pay for following orders or housekeeping. Beyond belief that a department will do this.
- dr. reason a. goodwin - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 7:28 pm:
- MP - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:30 am:
Damn. That’s messed up.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:36 am:
Cover picture for this year’s Illinois Handbook.
- Steve Earle - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:39 am:
I noticed yesterday that the rest areas near Farmer City on I 74 are both closed.
- BK Bro - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:40 am:
All of a sudden people care about state of IL rest stops. Drive up the road two minutes and use the gas station. Bull doze the rest stop. (Check is in the mail! ….LOL)
- Get a Job!! - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:40 am:
I drive by that a fair amount….It may look long ago abandoned, but it’s only been closed a month or two.
- Tatler - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:
Welcome to Illi….Oh never mind.
- A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:41 am:
Seems to me these sites might have some value.
- Anonymous - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:42 am:
Check out the rest stops on I-80 in Iowa, puts Illinois to shame.
- RNUG - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:43 am:
It’s been 2 or 3 months. I’ve commented on it being closed previously.
- Amalia - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:43 am:
would be interesting if some local arts group took over the outside markings. while I don’t endorse graffiti, unless invited, some of those “artists” are downright creative….hello Banksy.
- Foster brooks - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:44 am:
Went by there yesterday. They tagged the nortbound one pretty good
- Graduated College Student - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:45 am:
===All of a sudden people care about state of IL rest stops. Drive up the road two minutes and use the gas station. Bull doze the rest stop. (Check is in the mail! ….LOL)===
The restrooms are usually cleaner at the rest stop and the line is shorter. Also a bit more space to stretch out your legs without worrying about traffic.
- Get a Job!! - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:46 am:
RNUG, thanks for the correction….time flies, sir.
- Kitzmiller - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:47 am:
New Illinois motto: “Don’t stop to pee here”
That also makes for a good stock photo for BVR’s next round of ads.
- Macbeth - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:47 am:
Rauner, I’m sure, loves this. This is proof that what he’s doing is *working*.
Obviously, it’ll take a new governor to undo this damage.
- Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:48 am:
I do believe Bruce Rauner was quoted as say, “Illinois rest areas are starting to look like Chicago schools.”
- Gruntled University Employee - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:51 am:
==abandoned, neglected and forgotten…==
Pretty much the way 99% of the citizens of Illinois have felt since January of 2015.
- 47th Ward - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:52 am:
I heard IDOT is installing pay toilets and metered parking at these rest areas.
- AC - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:54 am:
The older I get, the more I appreciate rest areas that aren’t too many miles/hours apart. If it was worth building it’s worth maintaining and keeping, if traffic on I-55 had decreased over the years it’d be different. It’s nice to stop at a public space, road and weather information can help make motorists more aware of potential issues, and information can even help tourism. However, as a representation of the current mess in Illinois, this seems perfect.
- illini - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:55 am:
Sad Sad Sad!
And, if I am not mistaken, disabled individuals were given the opportunity to stock and maintain the vending machines at these locations.
Yet more victims!
- Stones - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:55 am:
Land of Lincoln? I’m guessing our greatest President and favorite son would be rolling over in his grave over the situation in this state.
- Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:56 am:
Illinois: You can’t do your business here.
- Ron Burgundy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 11:59 am:
Illinois’ rest areas have been in deplorable condition for many, many years, especially compared to neighboring states. It may have gotten worse the past few years, but it is nothing new.
- Norseman - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Gee, next thing we know Rauner will put the rest stops up for sale to gas stations.
- Shemp - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:04 pm:
Yep, the Iowa I80 stops are new or being redone. Just like Wisconsin has redone so many bridges and interchanges. But everything is fine here. Nothing an income tax of 5% won’t fix, I am sure….
- A guy - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:06 pm:
=== Norseman - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:02 pm:
Gee, next thing we know Rauner will put the rest stops up for sale to gas stations.====
What, you mean like the Oases on the tollways?? Those lose money, don’t they?
- DuPage - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:08 pm:
They keep saying how it is dangerous for truck drivers getting fatigued. The rest areas promote safety by allowing drivers to pull over and rest. Rauner does not seem to care about the safety of the motorists (or anyone else for that matter) in Illinois.
- anon - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
When driving from Illinois into Iowa, one immediately notices a difference in the quality of rest stops, in the number of police, and in infrastructure generally. Of course Iowa has a graduated income tax.
- Just Chilling - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:13 pm:
Michelle winning so far
- Commonsense in Illinois - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:16 pm:
There are just two rest areas open along I-55 in Illinois; Pontiac and Springfield. The others have been closed for some time.
- Baruch - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
Rauner is Hurting Illinois.
- 360 Degree Turnaround - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:25 pm:
Is this what Bruce meant by improving the business climate? People are now forced to go to gas station to pee.
- Res Melius - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:40 pm:
Really sad to see this vandalism, due to disuse. We drove by and used these rest areas regularly (until the last few months of course). They seemed well used by families and truckers alike. Interesting that the advance warning signs never said that the rest areas are closed, just that the “ramps” are closed ahead. Just a reminder that its easy to tear down what takes years to build. Better update the Garmin files.
- Juvenal - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:40 pm:
Ever try to eat a picnic lunch with your family at a gas station? Curb your dog? Get some shuteye on a cross-country jaunt?
Rest areas are a good idea. Its why they are so busy.
- Lionel Barrymore - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:41 pm:
“I live in Potterville. Don’t ya think I know where I live.”
- Politically Incorrect - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 12:52 pm:
This how the Thompson Center, the Stratton Bldg, and other offices should have looked like starting in July 2015….
Had there been a total shutdown there may have been a budget last year. But my predictions are no better than guesses we have all made.
- Nieva - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
That will cost tens of thousands to clean up. Bulldoze and put it back in corn.
- 13th - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 1:16 pm:
Maybe the electric, water or sewer was turned off and they had to shut them down, and just did not make the news, as media see no public impact
- Mama - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 2:52 pm:
Truck drivers need rest stops to park and sleep/ eat, etc.
- Priorities - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 3:45 pm:
Pensions > potties.
- Can I Move - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 4:05 pm:
Matches nicely with our 3rd World roads & bridges.
- Vote Quimby! - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 4:10 pm:
Governor Rauner announces the Illinois Arts Council’s latest Urban Art contest…
- Aron - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 6:23 pm:
IDOT can’t pay it’s bills. Closes rest areas, stiffs vendors and scaled back services. Now are on the verge of paying millions in bonuses to employees for doing a full days work. Seems to me they are paid well but now will receive extra pay for following orders or housekeeping. Beyond belief that a department will do this.
- dr. reason a. goodwin - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 7:28 pm:
I’m embarrassed to be an Illinoisan.
- DuPage Dave - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 8:54 pm:
Rauner Rest Stops are crumbling prisons!!!
- Mama - Monday, Jun 20, 16 @ 10:50 pm:
“Now are on the verge of paying millions in bonuses to employees for doing a full days work.”
Aron, which junkyard did you dig up that piece of garbage?
- Regular Joe - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:05 am:
Welcome to the Magnificent Miles of Illinois where your bladder will burst before you find an open functioning rest area.