Will he ever answer this simple question?
Tuesday, Jun 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * If you go to about the 7:20 mark in this audio, you’ll hear a Springfield reporter (Bruce Rushton) ask Gov. Rauner today why we haven’t seen, “a solid budget proposal out of you for a year and a half.” The reporter made the mistake of throwing in some stuff about the Turnaround Agenda, so Rauner said he disagreed with much of what the reporter said and focused solely on the “non-budget” angle. * At the 8:45 mark, the reporter cuts Rauner off and rightly points out: “We’ve heard that before. It’s your issue now. Why have you not produced a budget that is balanced that includes realistic proposals for revenues and cuts? Why not?” Rauner said he’d like to answer the question “if you would not interrupt.” And then he went right back to his standard lines about how “every reform we’re advocating has bipartisan support. We can’t just raise taxes and think we will solve the problem.” * And on and on the governor went until the 11:45 mark when the reporter spoke up yet again, saying “We’ve heard this same campaign speech for a year and a half. Why have you not put forth a balanced budget?” Rauner interrupted the reporter before he could even get his question out. “So… So… OK. Somebody else. Yes.” And that was the end of that. * The answer is actually pretty simple. State law prohibits governors from proposing a budget with revenues not yet in statute, so he put forth two budgets with billions of dollars in holes because he doesn’t want to wear the jacket for massive spending cuts. He also didn’t want to follow Pat Quinn’s example by proposing two budgets at the same time, a “non-recommended” budget with huge cuts and a “recommended” budget with new revenues. It’s a politically understandable predicament. But, of course, he doesn’t want to admit to a lack of courage. And he’s apparently prepared to filibuster to the end of time to avoid answering the question. …Adding… From a reporter pal…
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:43 pm:
Kudos to the unnamed reporter. You tried, but we don’t expect Rauner to tell the truth. He’s had problems with that since election night 2014.
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:46 pm:
Small bidness?
- Say It Ain't So!!! - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:50 pm:
That question needs to be asked every day. He needs to be held accountable to his requirements in the Illinois Constitution.
- 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:51 pm:
Is this the least transparent administration ever, or just since Blagojevich?
Also, is anyone else bothered by the lengths he goes to be deceptive? All politicians have a tortured relationship with the truth, but this guy is quite the facile prevaricator. Award winning I’d say.
- cdog - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:53 pm:
“doesn’t want to admit to a lack of courage.”
I prefer the phrase “absence of courage.”
This Rauner guy is just a bunch of womp, womp, womp.
Great job by the reporter. We need more of this!
- Bruce Rushton - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:55 pm:
Yes, it was me. As Rich points out, the governor must propose a budget with existing revenue, but there’s no prohibition on putting out a Grand Proposal, complete with blueprint for bringing the state’s tax code into the 21st century (which seems critical). Instead, we seem to be waiting for some sort of Grand Compromise. I perhaps might have done a better job of wording the question. Still, I think that the governor knew what I was driving at. Not coming up with something realistic seems a giant waste of a bully pulpit.
- illini97 - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:57 pm:
I’m saddened by this. Because it means, even when publicly asked this question, in no uncertain terms, he just won’t answer it. If he won’t answer it in this situation, it will never be answered. He will campaign from 2014-to his eventual 2018 loss. Nothing gets done.
- Dave Dahl - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:59 pm:
It’s indeed Rushton
- sonny chiss - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 3:59 pm:
-That question needs to be asked every day-
- Bogey Golfer - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:00 pm:
FYI, IRTBA issued a release that IDOT will direct all contractors not to commence any destructive work beginning tomorrow, and that all work (including engineering) will be on hold effective June 30. This will include all federal and state work, including airports, and all MFT-funded work.
- Concerned - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:10 pm:
I just hope Rauner doesn’t borrow a page from the Trump campaign and start banning reporters who ask the tough questions.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:10 pm:
Has the Tribune editorial board asked this question?
- Norseman - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:11 pm:
Will Rushton get the Trump treatment from Rauner and the frat boys? Inquiring minds want to know.
- Jocko - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:11 pm:
To paraphrase Clara Pepper, “Where’s the budget?”… followed up with “Where’s the appropriation?”.
- PublicServant - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:14 pm:
He must be asked that question again and again by more than just one reporter and at every press conference until he answers it. We need editorials demanding that he quit dodging the question with his campaign mumbo-jumbo. That he’s allowed to get away with not answering is the crux of the impasse. MAKE HIM ANSWER for the destruction he is causing.
- SIH - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:15 pm:
The similarities to Blagojevich have been duly noted before. Nothing new. Largest difference is Rauner wants wholesale cuts while Blagojevich was OK with higher debt and wanted to push cuts back.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:16 pm:
For a guy who was going to “shake up Springfield,” and fight “career politicians,” this is an example of what voters wanted to get rid of.
Not only do we get no answer to the question, we also get the worst kind of political hypocrisy.
- AC - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:16 pm:
I wish more reporters would try to get an answer to the question, “Why have you not produced a budget that is balanced that includes realistic proposals for revenues and cuts?”. If other reporters joined in keeping him on track, it’d be difficult for him to go back to the same tired rhetoric. Answering a budget question by listing political reforms he’s advocating is in no way an answer.
- Pawn - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:21 pm:
Mr. Rushton, could you and other reporters agree that this is the first question you ask at any event the Governor is at?
Hold his feet to the fire.
- Annonin' - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:22 pm:
This afternoon’s good news is the Oscar The Puppy entry is up to 19 comments. That will make Oscar the Puppy fans quite gleeful.
Wonderin’ why BigBrain was not asked about Capt Fax reports that his own staff was pourin’ more cash into the workin’ group talks which obviously suggests the Stop Gap ain’t really ready for a vote. Maybe Capt Fax can ’splain.
- Cog - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:23 pm:
Bruce Rauner, 1.14.15: “Not afraid to take the arrows”
Bruce Rauner, 6.21.16: “So… So… OK. Somebody else. Yes.”
- Moby - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:24 pm:
If I were Madigan, I would be pounding this point day in and day out. “I can’t do anything until the Governor sends me a balanced budget proposal, as per the Constitution”. Day in and day out. Every single day. Every day. Where’s your balanced budget proposal, Governor?
- Skeptic - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:33 pm:
“Michael Madigan and the news reporters he controls…”
- illini - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:37 pm:
WOW - I just listened to the full 20 minutes and I am still confused.
Great questions - the answers leave much to be desired.
Still deflecting the discussion and refusing to take any responsibility.
AND, who are the majority of Democrats who agree with his proposals and “reforms?”
- baloneymous - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:41 pm:
isn’t it hard to answer a question when you either don’t know the answer or never had an answer to start?
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:42 pm:
It will never happen, but this should be the ONLY question reporters ask Rauner from now on.
- The Lowly LA - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:48 pm:
It seems prudent that this should be the only question asked of the both Governor and any member of the legislature, especially the leadership, from now on.
- baloneymoush - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:49 pm:
RNUG, maybe in year 4 a majority of reporters will finally catch on. I have no idea why they havent been asking him since last summer.
- X-prof - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:50 pm:
Kudos Mr. Rushton. I hope you continue this line of questioning in the public interest and that you are joined by many of your colleagues.
RNUG, if I may, I would suggest this question alternate with one other. Ask the governor to compare his overall state and local tax rate with the median rate in Illinois and then justify the ratio.
Getting the public to understand our broken revenue system is key to winning public support for needed change.
- Saluki Matt - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:51 pm:
At around 3:35 he is still referring to this budget tragedy as a “short term impasse.” What world is he living in?
- Dale Cooper - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:52 pm:
I still can’t believe a businessman worth almost a billion dollars can’t even pronounce the word “Business”. It’s shallow and overplayed, I know, but come on.
- @MisterJayEm - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:53 pm:
“Of course, [Rauner] doesn’t want to admit to a lack of courage.”
“So… So… OK. Somebody else. Yes.”
A more naked admission would be difficult to script.
– MrJM
- SAP - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 4:58 pm:
Good work by Mr. Rushton. May the way to ask the questions is: What would you cut from your February budget proposal to get it to balance?
- btowntruth from forgotonnia - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 5:14 pm:
Am I the only person that noticed he used the word “bidness” multiple times?
- pundent - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 5:15 pm:
Hats off to Bruce Rushton for asking the obvious question. There was a time where this wouldn’t warrant attention because it was the norm of what we considered to be journalism. Sadly that’s now become a lost art. I applaud Bruce for bringing some basic sensibility back to the discussion.
- btowntruth from forgotonnia - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 5:18 pm:
Moby with the longball.
If Madigan says anything,that’s the thing to say.
- Hank - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 5:50 pm:
This just in: Illinois Times purchased by Illinois Policy Institute
- A worker - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 6:12 pm:
How much revenue does the governor think he needs to operate government under current conditions?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 6:28 pm:
–Lance called, “Move on! Move on!”–
To what?
Is there some other topic in state government right now?
The Superstars must understand that everything in state government is dependent on that question that they heroically refuse to address.
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 6:30 pm:
Mr. Rushton, thank you. Another question you may want to ask:
Does the Governor’s Office agree with State Senator Brady (and Executive Ethics Commission member Steve Schnorf - on this very blog) that social service providers should not be paid the full amount owed to them under contracts signed by the State of Illinois? And if so, will private businesses that hold similar contracts and have provided services to the State of Illinois be treated the same way?
- thoughts matter - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 6:38 pm:
Question 3 -
why do you want the state employees to pay more for insurance when you are not sending their premiums to the insurance companies, NOR paying their insurance claims. You expect people to pay more when you aren’t providing the service they are paying for.
- btowntruth from forgottonia - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 6:43 pm:
One more time……Bruce Rauner from 2015
“Crisis creates opportunity.Crisis creates leverage to change . . . and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change.”
- DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:08 pm:
Rauner is a real puzzler. He’s a bright guy but acts so dim in public. What’s his angle? How does this budget mess help the people of the State of Illinois? Is there a grand plan? If so, it’s very well hidden.
- DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:08 pm:
Rauner is a real puzzler. He’s a bright guy but acts so dim in public. What’s his angle? How does this budget mess help the people of the State of Illinois? Is there a grand plan? If so, it’s very well hidden.
- JS Mill - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:16 pm:
Such obvious cowardice and failure on the part of the governor. I hope (against hope) that some of the big outlets should be obligated to play that exchange on tonight’s broadcast.
And where are the usually apologists? Too embarrassed to comment? If not they should be.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:53 pm:
-X Prof-
Good addition. Bet he won’t answer that one either.
- i give up - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 7:56 pm:
rauner is an absolute joke! end of story. i also can’t find a single person who voted for him. it appears that everyone either didn’t vote or voted for quinn so somehow rauner stole the election!!! time for a recall.
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 9:05 pm:
==Does the Governor’s Office agree with State Senator Brady (and Executive Ethics Commission member Steve Schnorf - on this very blog) that social service providers should not be paid the full amount owed to them==
I’d like to edit my own comment if I could. In re-reading Mr. Schnorf’s comments, I realized that I was wrong to state that he holds the opinion that the State “should” not pay the full amount - only that the State “could” choose not to do so. Also, I should have said Representative Brady, not Senator Brady.
My apologies to Mr. Schnorf for misrepresenting his statements, and to the institution of the Illinois State Senate.
- Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 21, 16 @ 9:28 pm:
Mr. Rushton: Please keep a safe distance from Mr. Ferro.
- anon - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 7:31 am:
If it’s legitmate to blast the Democrats for not passing a balanced budget, then it is equally legitimate to blast the Gov for not proposing one. Though the Tribbies will never admit it.
- Shovels and Rope - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:00 am:
The trouble with this is that it’s so hard to encapsulate Rauner dodging the question on radio, TV or in print. He can keep doing this because there is no soundbite in just ignoring the question.