A divisive governor willing to pit regions against each other…
Any governor willing to put pen to paper to promote divisiveness…
Rauner has put his agenda above Illinois and her people, and so much so that ripping apart regions and putting them at odds against each other IS a ok.
By the way, most of the taxes collected by the state come from northeastern Illinois.
- Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:52 am:
Rauner can use this card because PQ only cared about Chicago. Seven years of a Democrat governor who traveled downstate maybe a handful of times, not including Springfield.
The more Rauner plays this card, the more Dems need to consider a downstate candidate for their gubernatorial nominee.
=Does CPS “mismanagement” include allowing the daughter of a multimillionaire from Winnetka to attend a CPS school for free?=
Ummmm… didn’t Rauner donate $250K to be able to have her attend the school? If he was a resident of Chicago, he was entitled to a “free” education. If he wasn’t a resident of Chicago, he would have to pay non-resident tuition.
If you call that “free” we certainly have different definitions of the term.
Pat Quinn is not governor anymore and Rauner isn’t running against Pat Quinn anymore.
Rauner is the actual governor, and is failing. “Bruce Rauner failed… “…
… no matter the region.
===If he was a resident of Chicago,…===
Rauner and his daughter were not.
When the Daughter applied, she wasn’t a Chicago resident, and even being a Chicago resident, she was a denied Winnetka living student… who was clouted over a worthy child.
I apologize to Cap Fax for the previous post. Does he realize that the “Northern region” creates most of the tax revenue that helps the Southern, Eastern, Western and Middle regions? He’s still on his “bash Chicago” tour. Rauner and Co. just keep bombarding the media with his divisive nonsense.
He’s absolutely right. Instead of sending more money to Chicago, we downstaters should send all those prisoners back. In fact, we should get rid of state aid to schools entirely and fund every school with local property taxes!
As a Chicago resident that doesnt drive, I’m really tired of paying for construction and maintainance of downstate roads. And the IL Dept of Agriculture. And downstate teachers pensions. And SIU & especially U I at Springfield. And….
How long are you in Illinois on your tax saving mission? Maybe we should all get together with a dictionary if we are going to be parsing blog posts word by word.
verb [I/T] US /ˈdoʊ·neɪt, doʊˈneɪt/
› to give something, esp. to an organization, without wanting anything in exchange
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:26 am:
Bob is actually suggesting that Rauner engaged in illegal pay to play. Let him argue that.
If downstate should not pay for upstate messes, then upstate shouldn’t pay for downstate’s messes like floods and tornadoes.
The Rauner philosophy above is a failed perspective on the role of community and government.
This governor is a person who is turned on by discord and conflict, destruction and chaos. This apparently, is what drives him. Shake up is exactly what he’s delivering, as this is what he ran on. Problem is, why would he then expect coordination and consensus when he prods everyone to go to their own corner? Divisive, not a leader by unification. Sad.
Here’s a relevant quote from the article since the apostrophe messed up the link: “the highly respected Taxpayers Federation of Illinois published a study of state tax collections. Downstate paid just 30 percent of all the personal income and state sales taxes collected in 2009, despite having 35 percent of the population”
Surrre. Donations are always given to politically powerful organizations without expecting anything in return. Same goes for politically connected “community” non-profits that pay out six figure salaries for part time work to the politically connected.
Man, Bob, you seem to know about corruption around every corner. Perhaps you should report some of it.
And there you go again with the salary nonsense. Still waiting for that list from you as to what every position in the world should be paid on the Illinois Bob salary schedule.
Sometimes I wonder if you just b**** for the sake of b*******.
It remains a mystery to me why the Governor of the State of Illinois would stoke the fires of an “us vs. them” mentality. This continued narrative shows me that the Governor isn’t interested in representing all of the interests in the state. He’s hell bent on doing everything he can to harm Chicago. It’s unbelievable.
How is “Our proposal adds $240 million to the PK-12 education budget. . .” different from “The Democratic proposals to change the funding formula would cost hundreds of millions of extra dollars Illinois cannot afford right now.”?
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:04 am:
Liz- I think we can infer the former and have proof of the latter.
Bob- it’s funny how you rail against corruption in all its forms but support a governor who, by your own words, you think engaged in patently illegal activity. How’s that cognitive dissonance treating you?
Why does a wealthy individual like Rauner want to be governor? It’s because, as has been stated by OW, the governorship is an investment. We need to stop hoping that one day Rauner will one day wake up and take an interest in the healthy functioning of this state for its non-wealthy residents. He’s all about his (and his partners’) ROI. That’s why Madigan retains some measure of power, even though no one cares for him either. Democrats realize that he’s the one taking the heat to stand between the governor and his TA. You know what they say — the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Dropping a quarter milly to get your kid into a public school is exactly like dropping $1500 your alderman’s summer fundraiser to get the spot in front of your pizza place marked as a loading zone.
Tell me more about this CHICAGUH. What does parking cost there? Does Ditka live there with the Blues Brothers and Studs Lonigan?
If Rauner truly feels that downstate shouldn’t co-mingle their money with Chicago, where is his legislation to separate Chicago into its own state. His co-mingling problem solved,
Am I wrong here, or could the legislature, if they weren’t cowards, come together and pass a veto proof budget? If so, problem solved. Too bad they’re bowing to their masters…
I’m all for helping the economic engine of our state, Chicago. I’m also all for helping Marion or Cairo Illinois. It is deceit incarnate to pursue this strategy of division. It is also in my opinion racist. Why shouldn’t the Southern Illinoisans help out Chicago? Race is the only thing I can come up with. And for God’s sake don’t say that Chicago is mismanaged. Us Southern Illinoisans know da*n full well that we mess things up more than most. Let’s stop with the classist, racist division tactics and fund our government and programs.
How does a man who lived in (and benefitted from) Chicago his whole life pull the “I’m with you!” shtick downstate…particularly after double-crossing GA Republicans on last year’s education bill?
==How is “Our proposal adds $240 million to the PK-12 education budget. . .” different from “The Democratic proposals to change the funding formula would cost hundreds of millions of extra dollars Illinois cannot afford right now.”?==
=didn’t Rauner donate $250K to be able to have her attend the school?=
Is that how it works now? Kids with wealthy daddies get clouted in over less fortunate higher achievers? I thought selective enrollment schools “selected” students on the basis of ability.
What would Bruce’s favorite objectivist, Ayn Rand say?
Oh… here it is:
An objectivist is a person who follows certain moral guidelines such as: Not taking what he/she does not deserve.
Taylorville should pay for its own Correctional Center. Not leech off of the rest of the state.
If anyone is unclear of the Republican Governors message, this is it.
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:58 am:
=Man, Bob, you seem to know about corruption around every corner. Perhaps you should report some of it.=
Actually, I started to do that in the late 1990s, Dem, and found out about the futility of individuals trying to fight corruption in Illinois.
A friend of mine on our school board saw some things about our maintenance manager doling out checks to family members and his employeesz in his “side business” for materials and work without any receipts or timesheets for work performed. He also had his wife get the contract for the schools’ security systems, and then he charged the district $100 per hour when the alarms went off and he had to go to the school, part of his school job responsibilities. My friend on the board, a CPA, spoke to his lawyer about it because approving those payments may have been illegal. He went to both the cook County State’s attorney’s and the US attorney’s offices. Based upon the evidence he dug up, the US attorney said they thought it was prosecutable, but by then the state’s attorney had opened an investigation that didn’t do any investigating. The US attorney wouldn’t get involved while the State’s attorney had an open investigation. The State’s attorney finally completed their investigation… A DAY AFTER THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS RAN OUT. No prosecution from them or further comment. I started checking everything the Maintenance manager was doing and spending, so he took a job with much higher pay in a South Suburban HS district with a rep for shady business. He got a 25% raise to go there.
I had another friend on that board, and he wondered how a guy making $75k per year in the early 2000s could afford a 100 ft boat moored in Monroe harbor.
Regular folks can’t fight corruption in cook county. You need a politician who’ll do that, and there’s none I know of that will get involved.
Bruce Rauner’s commentary about Chicago is very much like Boris Johnson’s commentary about Brexit: Neither believes the truth of what they’re saying, but both believe that creating divisiveness is to their personal political advantage.
A column worthy of a Downstate freshman mushroom-mediocrity, phoning it in, circa 1980.
How weird it must be for the governor and the superstars to go to work in Chicago every day, yet spend so much time bashing where they’ve chosen to be.
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
=Tell me more about this CHICAGUH.
=What does parking cost there?=
As much as the vendor who hired Da Mare’s law firm after he retired from office wants.
=Does Ditka live there with the Blues Brothers and Studs Lonigan?=
They used to. Now it’s more hipsters, gang bangers and city workers who haven’t figured out how to get past the job residency requirements…LOL
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:12 pm:
=Do NOT feed the troll…=
Yep, uncle Willy don’t want no criticism or disagreement on HIS Blog. Let’s keep it a public employee and political staff mutual admiration society…
Honeybee - here is the death of a mentally ill resident at a DCFS residential home that you were so worried about.
Unfortunately, the outrage over this preventable death will not be enough to move anybody out of their respective positions. It will only move 1.4% to cry alligator tears if he ever holds a press conference to blame Madigan for the death.
I often think of this quote from the American President whenever you speak.
“I’ve been operating under the assumption that the reason Bob devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn’t get it. Well, I was wrong. Bob’s problem isn’t that he doesn’t get it. Bob’s problem is that he can’t sell it!”
Continuing on . . .
“He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who’s to blame for it”
Great stuff. And it sums up my feelings about a lot of things in politics.
Funny stuff! Although I have to say that the best response to most of your posts being an apologist for public unions and tax increases is, “Stop peeing on my leg and telling me it’s raining!”
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:43 am:
A divisive governor willing to pit regions against each other…
Any governor willing to put pen to paper to promote divisiveness…
Rauner has put his agenda above Illinois and her people, and so much so that ripping apart regions and putting them at odds against each other IS a ok.
What a disappointing devise.
Rauner refuses to be governor of all of Illinois.
Read his words. He tells you so.
- truthteller - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:43 am:
Does CPS “mismanagement” include allowing the daughter of a multimillionaire from Winnetka to attend a CPS school for free?
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:52 am:
“Since taking office, I’ve made educating all children in Illinois my top priority.” BVR
Jerry, just remember, it’s not a lie if YOU believe it.” GLC
- NoGifts - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:52 am:
By the way, most of the taxes collected by the state come from northeastern Illinois.
- Almost the Weekend - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:52 am:
Rauner can use this card because PQ only cared about Chicago. Seven years of a Democrat governor who traveled downstate maybe a handful of times, not including Springfield.
The more Rauner plays this card, the more Dems need to consider a downstate candidate for their gubernatorial nominee.
- Illinois bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 8:57 am:
=Does CPS “mismanagement” include allowing the daughter of a multimillionaire from Winnetka to attend a CPS school for free?=
Ummmm… didn’t Rauner donate $250K to be able to have her attend the school? If he was a resident of Chicago, he was entitled to a “free” education. If he wasn’t a resident of Chicago, he would have to pay non-resident tuition.
If you call that “free” we certainly have different definitions of the term.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:00 am:
- Almost the Weekend -
Pat Quinn is not governor anymore and Rauner isn’t running against Pat Quinn anymore.
Rauner is the actual governor, and is failing. “Bruce Rauner failed… “…
… no matter the region.
===If he was a resident of Chicago,…===
Rauner and his daughter were not.
When the Daughter applied, she wasn’t a Chicago resident, and even being a Chicago resident, she was a denied Winnetka living student… who was clouted over a worthy child.
$250K not withstanding…
- low level - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:01 am:
He has no credibility on anything budget or finance related until he produces one himself.
Until then, if you want the Rauner plan, look up HB0000 and its counterpart, SB0000
- Nick Name - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:02 am:
He just can’t resist the Divide and Conquer strategy, can he?
“Democratic leaders adjourned on May 31st…”
“GOP Leaders introduced a clean, stand-alone education bill…”
“Democrats want to hold up funding…”
“Democrats want to force…”
“…Illinois’ current school funding formula, updated by Democrats in 2003…”
“…the district and Democrats are sounding the alarm…”
“… the Democrats reduced overall state support…”
“The Democratic proposals…”
“Democrats have refused…”
“…the PK-12 education budget the Democrats passed last year…”
“…Democrats are resistant to passing HB6583/SB3434.”
“If super majority Democrats…”
And finally…
“Bruce Rauner is Republican governor of Illinois.”
The Daily Herald should have made him buy ad space.
- Nick Name - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:04 am:
Also, “Since taking office, I’ve made educating all children in Illinois my top priority.”
Said every politician, ever, going back to the Sodom City Council.
- BBG Watch - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:11 am:
I apologize to Cap Fax for the previous post. Does he realize that the “Northern region” creates most of the tax revenue that helps the Southern, Eastern, Western and Middle regions? He’s still on his “bash Chicago” tour. Rauner and Co. just keep bombarding the media with his divisive nonsense.
- Whatever - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:14 am:
He’s absolutely right. Instead of sending more money to Chicago, we downstaters should send all those prisoners back. In fact, we should get rid of state aid to schools entirely and fund every school with local property taxes!
Oh, wait . . .
- low level - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:16 am:
As a Chicago resident that doesnt drive, I’m really tired of paying for construction and maintainance of downstate roads. And the IL Dept of Agriculture. And downstate teachers pensions. And SIU & especially U I at Springfield. And….
(It works both ways, Governor).
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:24 am:
Illinois Bob,
How long are you in Illinois on your tax saving mission? Maybe we should all get together with a dictionary if we are going to be parsing blog posts word by word.
verb [I/T] US /ˈdoʊ·neɪt, doʊˈneɪt/
› to give something, esp. to an organization, without wanting anything in exchange
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:26 am:
Bob is actually suggesting that Rauner engaged in illegal pay to play. Let him argue that.
- Baruch - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:27 am:
If downstate should not pay for upstate messes, then upstate shouldn’t pay for downstate’s messes like floods and tornadoes.
The Rauner philosophy above is a failed perspective on the role of community and government.
- AnonymousOne - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:29 am:
This governor is a person who is turned on by discord and conflict, destruction and chaos. This apparently, is what drives him. Shake up is exactly what he’s delivering, as this is what he ran on. Problem is, why would he then expect coordination and consensus when he prods everyone to go to their own corner? Divisive, not a leader by unification. Sad.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:29 am:
Low level - Since you don’t drive, you do not buy gasoline. As a result, you don’t pay MFT which funds the highway maintenance you despise.
- AC - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:31 am:
I’ll bet this is still true, and would even be the case even if Cullerton’s proposal were in place:
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:33 am:
Could both be possible? BVR QpQ and A/I Bob is bad at words?
- AC - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:35 am:
Here’s a relevant quote from the article since the apostrophe messed up the link: “the highly respected Taxpayers Federation of Illinois published a study of state tax collections. Downstate paid just 30 percent of all the personal income and state sales taxes collected in 2009, despite having 35 percent of the population”
- Illinos Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:48 am:
Surrre. Donations are always given to politically powerful organizations without expecting anything in return. Same goes for politically connected “community” non-profits that pay out six figure salaries for part time work to the politically connected.
Don’t know much about the “CHICAGUH WAY”, do you?
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:53 am:
Man, Bob, you seem to know about corruption around every corner. Perhaps you should report some of it.
And there you go again with the salary nonsense. Still waiting for that list from you as to what every position in the world should be paid on the Illinois Bob salary schedule.
Sometimes I wonder if you just b**** for the sake of b*******.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 9:57 am:
- Demoralized -
Desperation to have a discussion. That’s it. It’s just desperation instead of yelling at clouds and imagining people on their “desert”
To the Post,
There’s always a reexamining of TIFs and school funding(?)
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:01 am:
It remains a mystery to me why the Governor of the State of Illinois would stoke the fires of an “us vs. them” mentality. This continued narrative shows me that the Governor isn’t interested in representing all of the interests in the state. He’s hell bent on doing everything he can to harm Chicago. It’s unbelievable.
- G'Kar - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:02 am:
How is “Our proposal adds $240 million to the PK-12 education budget. . .” different from “The Democratic proposals to change the funding formula would cost hundreds of millions of extra dollars Illinois cannot afford right now.”?
- Joe Bidenopolous - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:04 am:
Liz- I think we can infer the former and have proof of the latter.
Bob- it’s funny how you rail against corruption in all its forms but support a governor who, by your own words, you think engaged in patently illegal activity. How’s that cognitive dissonance treating you?
- NSideLady - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:11 am:
Why does a wealthy individual like Rauner want to be governor? It’s because, as has been stated by OW, the governorship is an investment. We need to stop hoping that one day Rauner will one day wake up and take an interest in the healthy functioning of this state for its non-wealthy residents. He’s all about his (and his partners’) ROI. That’s why Madigan retains some measure of power, even though no one cares for him either. Democrats realize that he’s the one taking the heat to stand between the governor and his TA. You know what they say — the enemy of my enemy is my friend.
- LizPhairTax - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:13 am:
I totally get it.
Dropping a quarter milly to get your kid into a public school is exactly like dropping $1500 your alderman’s summer fundraiser to get the spot in front of your pizza place marked as a loading zone.
Tell me more about this CHICAGUH. What does parking cost there? Does Ditka live there with the Blues Brothers and Studs Lonigan?
- Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:21 am:
Don’t take this as my personal political leaning…
If Rauner truly feels that downstate shouldn’t co-mingle their money with Chicago, where is his legislation to separate Chicago into its own state. His co-mingling problem solved,
- Ryan - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:31 am:
Am I wrong here, or could the legislature, if they weren’t cowards, come together and pass a veto proof budget? If so, problem solved. Too bad they’re bowing to their masters…
- Honeybear - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:31 am:
I’m all for helping the economic engine of our state, Chicago. I’m also all for helping Marion or Cairo Illinois. It is deceit incarnate to pursue this strategy of division. It is also in my opinion racist. Why shouldn’t the Southern Illinoisans help out Chicago? Race is the only thing I can come up with. And for God’s sake don’t say that Chicago is mismanaged. Us Southern Illinoisans know da*n full well that we mess things up more than most. Let’s stop with the classist, racist division tactics and fund our government and programs.
- Jocko - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:38 am:
How does a man who lived in (and benefitted from) Chicago his whole life pull the “I’m with you!” shtick downstate…particularly after double-crossing GA Republicans on last year’s education bill?
- Rabid - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:43 am:
My govenor should tell citizen Rauner that structural reform will not balance the budget alone
- Whatever - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:49 am:
==How is “Our proposal adds $240 million to the PK-12 education budget. . .” different from “The Democratic proposals to change the funding formula would cost hundreds of millions of extra dollars Illinois cannot afford right now.”?==
“Our proposal . . .”
“The Democratic proposals . . . ”
Pretty simple, actually.
- TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:51 am:
=didn’t Rauner donate $250K to be able to have her attend the school?=
Is that how it works now? Kids with wealthy daddies get clouted in over less fortunate higher achievers? I thought selective enrollment schools “selected” students on the basis of ability.
What would Bruce’s favorite objectivist, Ayn Rand say?
Oh… here it is:
An objectivist is a person who follows certain moral guidelines such as: Not taking what he/she does not deserve.
- Delbert Grady - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:53 am:
Taylorville should pay for its own Correctional Center. Not leech off of the rest of the state.
If anyone is unclear of the Republican Governors message, this is it.
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 10:58 am:
=Man, Bob, you seem to know about corruption around every corner. Perhaps you should report some of it.=
Actually, I started to do that in the late 1990s, Dem, and found out about the futility of individuals trying to fight corruption in Illinois.
A friend of mine on our school board saw some things about our maintenance manager doling out checks to family members and his employeesz in his “side business” for materials and work without any receipts or timesheets for work performed. He also had his wife get the contract for the schools’ security systems, and then he charged the district $100 per hour when the alarms went off and he had to go to the school, part of his school job responsibilities. My friend on the board, a CPA, spoke to his lawyer about it because approving those payments may have been illegal. He went to both the cook County State’s attorney’s and the US attorney’s offices. Based upon the evidence he dug up, the US attorney said they thought it was prosecutable, but by then the state’s attorney had opened an investigation that didn’t do any investigating. The US attorney wouldn’t get involved while the State’s attorney had an open investigation. The State’s attorney finally completed their investigation… A DAY AFTER THE STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS RAN OUT. No prosecution from them or further comment. I started checking everything the Maintenance manager was doing and spending, so he took a job with much higher pay in a South Suburban HS district with a rep for shady business. He got a 25% raise to go there.
I had another friend on that board, and he wondered how a guy making $75k per year in the early 2000s could afford a 100 ft boat moored in Monroe harbor.
Regular folks can’t fight corruption in cook county. You need a politician who’ll do that, and there’s none I know of that will get involved.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 11:00 am:
Do NOT feed the troll…
- @MisterJayEm - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 11:04 am:
Bruce Rauner’s commentary about Chicago is very much like Boris Johnson’s commentary about Brexit: Neither believes the truth of what they’re saying, but both believe that creating divisiveness is to their personal political advantage.
– MrJM
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 11:13 am:
A column worthy of a Downstate freshman mushroom-mediocrity, phoning it in, circa 1980.
How weird it must be for the governor and the superstars to go to work in Chicago every day, yet spend so much time bashing where they’ve chosen to be.
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
=Tell me more about this CHICAGUH.
=What does parking cost there?=
As much as the vendor who hired Da Mare’s law firm after he retired from office wants.
=Does Ditka live there with the Blues Brothers and Studs Lonigan?=
They used to. Now it’s more hipsters, gang bangers and city workers who haven’t figured out how to get past the job residency requirements…LOL
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:12 pm:
=Do NOT feed the troll…=
Yep, uncle Willy don’t want no criticism or disagreement on HIS Blog. Let’s keep it a public employee and political staff mutual admiration society…
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:27 pm:
===Let’s keep it a public employee and political staff mutual admiration society…===
My fault for feeding the Troll
It’s on me, my bad.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:27 pm:
Honeybee - here is the death of a mentally ill resident at a DCFS residential home that you were so worried about.
Unfortunately, the outrage over this preventable death will not be enough to move anybody out of their respective positions. It will only move 1.4% to cry alligator tears if he ever holds a press conference to blame Madigan for the death.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
Not so fast Rich. Nobody saw Scott Lee Cohen coming in 2010 either.
- Demoralized - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 1:07 pm:
I often think of this quote from the American President whenever you speak.
“I’ve been operating under the assumption that the reason Bob devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn’t get it. Well, I was wrong. Bob’s problem isn’t that he doesn’t get it. Bob’s problem is that he can’t sell it!”
Continuing on . . .
“He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who’s to blame for it”
Great stuff. And it sums up my feelings about a lot of things in politics.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 1:52 pm:
@Demoralized wins the day!!
- Illinois Bob - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 2:08 pm:
Funny stuff! Although I have to say that the best response to most of your posts being an apologist for public unions and tax increases is, “Stop peeing on my leg and telling me it’s raining!”
- Huh? - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 2:28 pm:
Dem - Edit the names in your quote from Bob to Bruce and it will be absolutely spot on.
- Ipso Facto - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 2:56 pm:
Now I get it. Bruce, “IPI”, trolls & clouds. It all makes sense now. Acronyms are fun.
- Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Jun 22, 16 @ 3:37 pm:
“Dear Diary, I hate Mike Madigan. He smells and makes me feel bad about myself.”