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Rauner: Madigan would be “dictator” if GOP loses seats

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Whew…

For his sake, I hope he was kidding about his spouse.

* Also, this…

Well, if the governor has now made his announcement, I guess it must be OK to start talking more about 2018.


Report: W won’t be helping Kirk

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller


Along with mayors, many Republican politicians down the ballot in state and federal offices have been avoiding Trump. Republicans in endangered seats, like Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson or Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk, have been particularly hesitant to endorse him, and in some cases have outright rebuked him. Struggling with a divisive nominee, The New York Times reported some GOP senators have even received fundraising help from an unusual source: former President George W. Bush.

* But, apparently, Bush won’t be helping Sen. Kirk

Former President George W. Bush is lending a hand to vulnerable Republicans in competitive Senate races across the country this summer, CNN reported Friday, but Illinois U.S. Senator Mark Kirk is not among them.

Either Kirk is viewed as not vulnerable or not competitive, no explanation was offered.

Bush has attended fundraisers for Arizona Sen. John McCain and New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte, and will attend upcoming events for Missouri Sen. Roy Blunt, Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and Ohio Sen. Rob Portman, according to The New York Times.

Well, we know he’s vulnerable, so that’s not a good explanation. Maybe it’s as simple as no events are scheduled yet.

But another reason might be that W was (and likely remains) hugely unpopular here. He got clobbered by John Kerry in 2004, while a certain Chicago state legislator launched his national career by running a largely anti-Bush campaign for US Senate.

Bush’s second midterm in 2006 was an unmitigated disaster here, and wound up handing the state Senate Democrats a super-majority. Also, people tend to believe the “polka” footage of George Ryan dancing with Judy Baar Topinka tanked her campaign. But the people I know in the Rod Blagojevich campaign swore that the video they used of her appearing with Bush at a Chicago event did far more damage. Whatever it was, RRB won by ten points. The trend was most definitely his friend.

…Adding… My theory has been confirmed.


Maybe somebody ought to pick up a phone?

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Friday

Dropping previous objections, Friends of the Parks now appears ready to negotiate with the city on a grand bargain that could bring the proposed Lucas Museum of Narrative Art to the South Side lakefront. […]

    1 “A legally enforceable agreement to protect the lakefront from development (other than park recreation-related uses) for the next 100 years.

    2 Unspecified changes in Lucas’ ground lease on the publicly owned site “to conform to that of the other public museums in Chicago.”

    3 Development of DuSable Park, near the once-proposed Chicago Spire project just north of where the Chicago River enters Lake Michigan.

    4 Creation of a “neighborhood parks fund” that would get 5 percent of museum revenues and be used to pay for capital improvements “in disinvested neighborhoods.”

    5 Agreement on a community benefits deal in which “a significant number” of the jobs at the Lucas Museum will go to low-income and minority residents.

    6 Conversion of that parking lot which was to turn the original proposed site of the museum into “a green event space” suitable for tailgating by Chicago Bears fans, among other uses.

* Sunday

The Chicago Park District on Sunday accused Friends of the Parks of issuing an “outrageous” list of demands that is “nothing short of extortion” and will likely be the “final nail in the coffin” of efforts to keep movie mogul George Lucas’ museum in Chicago. […]

The demands stunned City Hall for their audacity. The list was leaked to the press and has yet to be shared with either the Park District or Emanuel, who met privately with Irizarry, Board Chairman Lauren Moltz and key board members last month. […]

First and foremost is the demand that Emanuel abandon the Soldier Field site and return to his costly and controversial plan to tear down McCormick Place East.

That plan is clearly going nowhere in Springfield because it relies on $1.2 billion in new borrowing and extending the life of five tourism taxes to replace the lost convention center space. […]

Ruiz branded the demand for 5 percent of Lucas Museum revenue “completely outrageous and totally unrelated” to the “stated opposition” that prompted Friends of the Parks to file a federal lawsuit challenging the mayor’s original site on Soldier Field’s south parking lot.



*** UPDATED x1 - Claypool responds *** Big announcement for FFA, but yet another call for CPS bankruptcy

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor flip-flopped last week on his budget proposal, which completely zeroed-out money for ag education programs

When Governor Bruce Rauner’s advance team met with FFA leadership last week prior to his speech at the 88th annual Illinois FFA Convention, they discussed potential talking points, including eliminating smaller budget line items and raising the general education budget.

Mindy Bunselmeyer, Illinois FFA executive director, told them that would cause a “great deal of concern from the audience” – some 5,000 passionate agricultural education students.

“I didn’t want anything to happen that would be disrespectful of him and of the office,” she recalls.

Within a couple hours, the Governor had arrived and was escorted to the convention floor by FFA members. Bunselmeyer sat in the front row with him and they chatted about the motivational speaker and the talent act. He asked questions about FFA members and programs.

Then he took the stage, talked about his background and made an announcement.

“I listened to you and I told our budget guys, ‘We are going to put more money in our school system and we’re going to restore the special line item for agriculture education here in Illinois,’” Rauner told the convention audience, to rousing cheers.

“I’m all in for your success and it’s a privilege to be here with you all,” he added.

* And then today…

*** UPDATE ***  Forrest Claypool responds…

“Rather than invest in our state’s future, Governor Rauner seems hellbent on driving schools to the point of financial ruin – whether it’s CPS, Chicago State, Eastern Illinois, or dozens of local school districts around the state. The governor should represent all of Illinois, and equitably fund the needs of every child, regardless of where they live or the color of their skin.


Question of the day

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune editorialized against a stopgap budget over the weekend

What’s also ridiculous is that the taxpayers of Illinois, along with the schools, businesses and nonprofits, could get stuck with a temporary budget until after the election. A stopgap budget does nothing to bring desperately needed stability or reform to this state.

Worse, the state could end up with no budget at all. Again.

* The Question: Do you support a stopgap budget, or do you think the governor and legislators should wait until they forge a “grand compromise” and do a full-year budget? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

online polls


Rauner gives Dan Proft group $2.5 million

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Plenty more where this came from…


This Is Illinois

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Homestead rest area near the I-55 Hamel exit is listed as closed on IDOT’s website. It looks long abandoned, neglected and forgotten



Welcome to the future

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* John Pletz in Crain’s

Startups love disrupting old industries. But it can get messy and expensive when old industries fight back.

Opternative, a startup that developed an online eye exam, already has seen laws passed in three states looking to prevent it from doing business; two others created new regulations. The four-year-old Chicago tech company operates in 33 states.

Opternative’s 13th employee was a head of government affairs—brought on before it made a more routine hire like a controller, says CEO and co-founder Aaron Dallek. The company hired its first outside lobbyist last year and now has eight.

“They don’t teach you this in business school. There are very few startups who need to learn this stuff this early on,” says Dallek, 32, who has become familiar with state capitals such as Albany, Tallahassee, Lincoln and Sacramento.

As we’ve seen with Uber, Airbnb and fantasy sports games, professions that have had the playing field all to themselves will fight back hard against these “disruptors.” But, over time, it’s probably a losing battle.

* Uber and Lyft now have 90,000 drivers in Chicago, which would normally make them such a major player in the local economy that nobody would want to mess with them. Not so

A Chicago City Council committee on June 17 approved regulations for ridesharing that would likely end the service as residents know it – and quite possibly drive Uber and Lyft out of town.

The proposed ordinance requires rideshare drivers, who already undergo company-required background checks, to submit to city-overseen fingerprinting and vehicle inspections and acquire a chauffeur’s license. Uber and Lyft warned aldermen that passing the ordinance would force them to cease operations in Chicago. The full City Council is expected to vote on the ordinance as early as June 22, mere weeks after the ridesharing platforms shut down in Austin, Texas, due to similar restrictions.

Beyond providing millions of safe rides for residents, the services have provided job opportunities for many Chicagoans struggling in a stagnant Chicago economy.

What the city should do is re-think its entire regulatory scheme for everybody. In the age of GPS, for instance, is it really necessary that drivers know all the intricacies of Chicago landmarks? And considering the fact that the Orlando terrorist passed two background checks, do they even work as advertised?

Ald. Susan Sadlowski-Garza (10th) said the fingerprint checks were valid for ride-hailing drivers, just as for cabbies. “If Chicagoans are going to put themselves or their family members in the cars of strangers, they should be able to rest assured in knowing that driver has undergone a background check and that they will be safe as they travel,” she said.

Expect the heat to increase on the city council, now that a committee has forwarded a proposed ordinance.

* Along those lines, Vanity Fair published a glowing interview of Bradley Tusk over the weekend. Tusk was a higher-up in the Blagojevich administration who left for New York as fast as he could and wound up working for Mayor Bloomberg. He now runs “campaigns” for disruptive startups like Uber and FanDuel

We’re campaign managers. So we do three basic things. We figure out how a business goal is going to be achieved, whether it’s fending off a piece of bad regulation, or selling your product into government, or being able to just write new regulations that will enable your product to exist or get licensed so that you can exist.

We figure out strategy to get from point A to point B. If necessary, we’ll build a team on the ground. That might mean lobbyists, that might mean P.R., it might mean polling, it might mean ads.

And then we run a campaign. During the 2009 mayoral campaign, I would send Mike Bloomberg an e-mail at five A.M. that said, “Here’s who’s endorsing you today. Here’s what we have on the air, and here’s what the polls say.” Whatever information he needed to know. And he then went about his day as mayor. And my view was, “Why can’t you run everything like this?” So every day at seven A.M., every company we work with, every client we have, gets an e-mail from us saying, “Here’s exactly what’s happening on every front, every issue, today.”

Our view is the more you run something like a high-stakes political campaign, the greater your chances of success.

* Related…

* ADDED: Emanuel wants to let precincts opt out of Airbnb

* Communities across Illinois take up Airbnb regulation debate

* Editorial: Legalized sports wagering now seems sure bet


There’s bigger fish to fry

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. John Bradley’s Republican opponent David Severin

Severin supports Gov. Bruce Rauner’s reform agenda, including term limits for politicians. But Democrats argue making them part of budget talks has caused Illinois’ unprecedented stalemate to drag on. It’s a battle Severin describes as “worth it.”

“If we don’t fight, pretty soon we’re going to have nothing to fight for,” Severin said. […]

Severin remains critical of working groups, which Bradley is part of. Republicans and Democrats have held meetings via video conference in an effort to agree on a short-term budget deal. Severin argues they should be in person instead.

“So if you’re working together that means you’re going to sit down and look at each other face to face across the table, maybe even next to each other,” Severin said.

Severin said, if elected, he’d bring that negotiation style to Springfield.

Illinois is a very big state, and the governor shut down the air shuttle service last year, which doesn’t make it easier to attend face-to-face meetings. Plus, it’s 2016. Video conferencing is pretty widely used tool in business and governing.

I just don’t see that as a big dealio.

* Plus, with stark differences like these, does it really matter if they meet in person or via video?

Legislative working groups have been trying to reach compromises, and [Sen. Don Harmon] said he participated in “procurement reforms which are largely buttoned up but waiting for whatever agreements have to be reached on other topics.”

But he said compromise comes when “nobody gets everything they wanted,” and he hasn’t seen “any real evidence of that” from the governor.

“I know that the governor likes to point to the things he is no longer pursuing, but he hasn’t compromised on the core issues before us,” including weakening prevailing wage and collective bargaining laws, Harmon said.

“These are just things a Democratic legislature is not going to approve in the form he would like them approved,” Harmon said.

Harmon told me today that while Republican legislators seem to agree that procurement reform is a mostly done deal, “The governor might not think they’re done.”

* Meanwhile

The House Republican Organization is continuing its cable TV ad buy for another week with a $95,389 purchase of time in several areas where the Rauner-funded GOP is going after House Democrats.

Based on the location of the buys, 3,197 spots appear once again to be aiming at such Democrats as Reps. Michelle Mussman of Schaumburg, Sam Yingling of Grayslake, Kate Cloonen of Kankakee and Andy Skoog of LaSalle. Skoog was appointed to fill the spot of Frank Mautino when he became auditor general.

The ads started Saturday and are to run through Friday. The continued ad barrage comes as Rauner’s Republicans are locked in a yearlong stalemate with Madigan’s Democrats over a state budget and the governor’s economic agenda.


*** UPDATED x2 - Pfleger responds *** Rauner blames “special interests” for canceling Juneteenth event

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve already discussed, St. Sabina’s Fr. Pfleger went way over the top last week with his verbal attacks on Gov. Rauner. Pfleger also questioned why the Dusable Museum would allow Rauner to hold a Juneteenth event there. Yesterday, the governor canceled the event

“It is unfortunate that special interests politicized what was supposed to be a celebratory event,” a Rauner spokesperson said in an e-mail. “Out of an abundance of caution and respect for the safety of visitors and the museum, we have regretfully cancelled the planned Juneteenth event at the DuSable Museum.”

A representative for DuSable said the museum was not affiliated with the event, claiming the governor merely rented the space for an hour Monday afternoon to host a Juneteenth celebration. The holiday commemorates the announcement of the abolition of slavery. […]

“Rauner should have never been allowed,” Pfleger told NBC 5 Sunday following the cancellation. “A person whose policies are keeping whole communities in bondage should not be allowed anywhere in the community unless he’s coming to say he’s sorry and sign a budget.”

Additionally, a coalition of 20 community activist groups, including Freedom First International, planned a protest of the event Monday “to send a clear message to the governor that a political narrative was not welcome on Juneteenth at the DuSable nor anywhere else in our community.”


If you look at one of their press releases, it appears that SEIU was helping to stir this pot.

*** UPDATE 1 ***  I assume “tell” is a typo for “yell”…

*** UPDATE 2 *** Response

“This is the guy who is crippling our community,” Pfleger said. As part of the state budget impasse, he added, “We’re watching social service organizations close up. We’re watching violence-prevention programs gone. We’re watching the South and the West sides dying. They’ve already been on life support. And under this governor they’re on hospice now.

“And then we’re gonna let him come speak in the pulpit? On Juneteenth weekend at the DuSable Museum?” Pfleger said. “It’s an insult. So I was glad that he canceled.”


Mayors call school funding system “morally indefensible and a threat to the future of Illinois”

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Mayor Emanuel’s office…

June 19, 2016
Governor Bruce Rauner
Office of the Governor
207 State House Springfield, IL 62706

Dear Governor Rauner,

We are mayors who believe that our children’s future should be determined by their hard work and talents – not by their zip codes.

Unfortunately, our current school-funding system penalizes the children from our communities. Many of them come from families in poverty. This is both morally indefensible and a threat to the future of Illinois.

At a time of growing economic inequality in our nation, a strong public education is the great equalizer. It is the best means of providing each child in our state with the chance for a promising, productive future. Yet, for years Illinois has languished near the bottom of the 50 states in financial support for its schools and students. Our school districts must rely on local property taxes for the majority of their funding. The result for many children is that their zip code becomes their destiny. None of us as elected representatives can accept this reality.

We recognize that this school-funding situation is not of your making. It has been in place for decades, affecting generations of Illinoisans. But we cannot allow these terrible inequities to continue. Now is the time, and this is the session, to provide all of our children with the chance for a brighter future – no matter where they live or their family’s economic status.

Many of our school districts across the state have reached a tipping-point. Hard-won academic progress is endangered by a lack of state support and the resulting over-reliance on property taxes. Maintaining the current funding formula for another year will only exacerbate this crisis. Now is the time to put our schools and students on a new course – one that enables students to reach their full potential as individuals and as citizens.

From all corners of our state and from many diverse communities, we have joined together in urging you to address the school-funding inequities that threaten so many Illinois public schools and their students. Your full support for fair and equitable school funding in this session is necessary to offer hope and opportunity to millions of children while helping to secure a more prosperous future for our state.


Mayor Rahm Emanuel City of Chicago
Mayor Tom Weisner City of Aurora
Mayor Barbara Piltaver Villlage of Schiller Park
Mayor Wayne Motley City of Waukegan
Mayor Jerry Bennett Village of Palos Hills
Mayor Dan McLaughlin Village of Orland Park
Mayor Eugene Williams City of Lynwood
Mayor Charles E. Tokar Village of Chicago Ridge
Mayor John A. Ostenburg Village of Park Forest
President Robert Kolosh Village of Thornton
Mayor Rod Craig Village of Hanover Park
Mayor Don A. De Graff Village of South Holland
President Sam Pulia Village of Westchester
Mayor Domingo F. Vargas Mayor of Blue Island
Mayor Beniamino Mazzulla Village of Stone Park
President Vernard Alsberry Jr. Village of Hazel Crest
President Stephan K. Pickett Village of Sleepy Hollow



*** UPDATED x1 - ILGOP pounces *** Remap reformers file response to legal challenge

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Pearson

The [group allied against the remap proposal] People’s Map has alleged, among other issues, that the [group pushing the remap reform] Independent Map proposal does not meet the narrow window for petition-driven initiatives, which is limited to making “structural and procedural” changes in the legislature.

In its response, the Independent Map group contended that since the court allowed the 1980 Pat Quinn-led effort to reduce the size of the Illinois House by one-third and create single-member House districts, its new redistricting amendment proposal also should be constitutional.

“If changes to the number and size of districts are ‘structural’ changes, then it necessarily follows that changes to the criteria for drawing those very same districts every 10 years would also be structural,” the Independent Map group said.

“Similarly, if a proposal to convert from multiple- to single-member districts addresses a procedural subject … then so too does a proposal to fundamentally alter the process by which redistricting is accomplished every 10 years,” the group said.

Click here to read Independent Map’s full filing.

*** UPDATE ***  A snippet of the latest ILGOP press release

ICYMI: “Redistricting reform heads to court as Madigan forces try to block it from ballot”
Double-Talking Democrats Silent on Madigan’s Attack on Voters

“Illinois Democrats have a peculiar habit of saying one thing in their districts and doing another in Springfield. Now, they have turned to silence on Madigan’s effort to prevent fair legislative maps. Democrats cannot credibly claim to support redistricting reform when Mike Madigan, the chair of the Democratic Party of Illinois, is sponsoring a lawsuit to get the Independent Map Amendment thrown off the November ballot. Until this shameful lawsuit is dropped, Democratic candidates should refuse financial support from the Madigan-controlled Democratic party. Otherwise, it is clear that Democrats who claim to support redistricting reform are simply paying lip-service to get elected.” – Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Steven Yaffe

Reps. Mike Smiddy, Sam Yingling, Michelle Mussman and Kate Cloonen claim to be supporters of redistricting reform, but they have all refused to condemn Mike Madigan’s lawsuit to get the Independent Map amendment thrown off the ballot.


Today’s quotable

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From DNAInfo

“We’re asking police officers to respond to failed public policy,” [Ald. Ameya Pawar (47th)] said.

The defunding of social services has in many instances turned officers into social workers, he said.

“We’re asking them to provide mental health care and medical care,” Pawar said. “We’re asking them to respond and be reactive to poverty.”

Either equip officers with the skills and tools to deal with more than crime, or elect representatives who prioritize funding social services, he said.

“If people want real change … the people we elect is a reflection of what we believe,” Pawar said.



Divided we stand

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My Crain’s Chicago Business column

Since civilization began, demagogues have used division to gain or keep power. It’s one of the ugliest aspects of human nature. And it’s why we collectively cherish historical figures like Abraham Lincoln, who spoke of the “better angels of our nature” and, almost exactly 158 years ago, said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

After George Wallace lost an Alabama election in 1958 because his opponent promised to be tougher than him on black people, Wallace vowed to never let that happen again and went on to become governor and the nation’s leading proponent of segregation.

As Donald Trump proved over and over during the Republican presidential primary, this division stuff works. The presumptive GOP nominee launched his presidential campaign by deriding Mexican immigrants as disease-carrying, violent rapists. He infamously wants to ban all Muslims from traveling here, insisting that allowing them in will result in the demise of America.

Divisiveness is a useful tool because it distracts those who are led from the mistakes or willful wantonness of their leaders. When the populace is angry over declining incomes, blame the immigrants. Worried about crime? Blame the blacks. Declining morality? Blame the gays. People would rather blame anyone other than themselves or their tribal bosses. They eat this stuff up.

But race, national origin and religion are far from the only things politicians use to divide us.

Go read the rest before commenting, please. Thanks.


Lots more “heroics” may be required

Monday, Jun 20, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

Nobody, and I mean nobody, ever thought that Gov. Bruce Rauner’s administration could ever keep state operations running for a year without an actual state budget.

State and federal courts have ordered about 90 percent of state spending since the General Assembly’s Democrats and the Republican governor deadlocked on a budget last year because they couldn’t come to terms on the governor’s pro-business/anti-union Turnaround Agenda. Because of those court orders, employees are getting paid and Medicaid payments are being made, among other things.

When Gov. Rauner put aside his demands for things like workers’ comp reform before he’d do a budget deal, he and legislators were able to agree on releasing funds for local governments and federal programs and they appropriated some money for universities and colleges.

But state government operations have been hammered. If the air conditioning goes out in a state building and it can’t be fixed in-house, too bad. Lack of money for postage and printing costs forced the Secretary of State to suspend sending out reminder notices for license plate renewals. Enormous overdue utility bills have been piling up. The Department of Corrections uses private contractors to provide things like food for prisoners, and none of them have been paid since last year.

Rauner bragged last week to reporters that keeping the state functioning is a result of “an extraordinary performance by the leaders in our team.”

“We’re doing heroic things,” Rauner claimed.

Ever since Rauner asked legislative Democratic leaders for a temporary “stopgap” budget for bureaucratic operations in April, the Democrats have viewed the request as a sign of potential weakness and have so far refused to comply. Rauner has claimed the Democrats are attempting to force a crisis via a state shutdown. The Democrats counter that Rauner, himself, has been trying to create a crisis to leverage passage of his Turnaround Agenda.

So, how is the administration managing to—literally—keep the lights on?

The Rauner administration has a team of people that works on these issues and has developed all sorts of contingency plans. One of the departments they really have to watch all the time is Corrections. Some little state board might go under and almost nobody would notice. But if the state can’t feed prisoners, well, that could be really bad.

The administration has been using a special loan fund to help some prison contractors get through this rough patch. The vendors can sell their debt to a company for most of what they’re owed, which can keep them limping along.

Every now and then, the governor’s office will get calls from mayors of Downstate prison towns, who sometimes seem to have been ginned up by the Democrats. A water shutoff or some such thing is threatened unless the towns receive payment on their overdue bills. The mayors are asked to please be patient while the leaders work on a budget.

If kindness doesn’t work, the mayors are sternly warned that the state won’t be able to operate a prison without water, so prisoners will have to be moved to other facilities. And once they leave, they won’t ever be coming back. Rauner, the mayors are told, believes we have too many people behind bars anyway. And, besides, once the facility is abandoned, the state would have to comply with much stricter building and safety rules if it wanted to reopen the prison. That would cost lots of money that the state simply doesn’t have.

And, of course, if the prison permanently goes away, so will all those local jobs and the facilities’ huge economic impacts. So, a mayor can shut off the water over a past-due bill, but that’ll turn out to be the most costly utility shutoff in the history of that town. So far, it’s worked.

As I write this, Mt. Sterling is facing this very dilemma. The tiny town of less than 2,000 people is owed $300,000 to $400,000 (depending on whom you talk to) for water service to the 2,000 inmates at Western Illinois Correctional Center. They’re desperate for the money, but they also, obviously, don’t want to lose those jobs.

We could be reaching a turning point. The Department of Corrections director predicted in an early June newspaper op-ed that prison vendors will eventually have to pull their services, which could, he warned, “cripple the department in a matter of days.”

The administration will have to get even more “heroic” if that happens.

* Related…

* Three area communities wait for utility payments from state prisons


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