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Rauner talks about the deal

Friday, Jul 1, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Faced with the awkward position of taking a victory lap over an outcome that wasn’t exactly what he had sought — and one that included none of his economic agenda — Rauner offered a jumbled assessment. He first hailed it as a “grand bargain” and a “grand compromise” before pivoting to a warning that the deal was incomplete and “not a solution to our long-term challenges.”

“This is not a budget. This is not a balanced budget,” Rauner said, standing outside his Capitol office surrounded by Republican lawmakers. “This is not a solution to our long-term challenges. This is a bridge to reform. That’s what this is.”

* NBC 5

“I believe, and I firmly hope, that right now we’ve hit the bottom,” Rauner said. “This is the low point in the evolution of Illinois and now we begin to move up. Growth, value for taxpayers, better schools and a political system that is responsive and actually making good decisions for the long-term health of the state.”

* Sun-Times

The governor lauded Republicans for Thursday’s compromise and gave credit to two Democrats — Senate President John Cullerton and Mayor Rahm Emanuel — for “creativity” and “flexibility.”

Rauner pointedly made no mention of Madigan. […]

And the governor stressed that he has not abandoned his push for “fundamental reforms,” which he argues are crucial to make Illinois economically competitive.

“Let’s be clear,” Rauner said of the stopgap budget. “This is just a small step in the process of making Illinois strong and healthy and vibrant. This is a small step in the right direction. … This is a bridge to reform.”

“Reforms are essential, and our efforts to get significant reform for the people of Illinois will never cease.”



  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    ===fundamental reforms===

    Oh! Well, if they’re fundamental! We can talk…

  2. - A guy - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:47 am:

    Neither his description of the events, or Sen. Trotter’s overplay what was agreed to.

  3. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    A guy, I never thought I’d see a sentence in which Rauner and Trotter are essentially in agreement over budget legislation.

  4. - Doug Simpson - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    Where is Republican Governor Bruce Rauners Balanced Budget, as mandated by the Constitution of the State of Illinois?

    When some Republican, any Republican, can clearly spell out how the economy expands, when individuals earn less money, let me know.

    Till then his *reforms* are a steaming pile of you know what.

  5. - Huh? - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:54 am:

    Nope, no back bone from the GOP members of the GA.

    Pot shots and minor skirmishes during the cease fire. Open hostilities and warfare to resume in 3, 2, 1 . . .

  6. - Honeybear - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    Rauners “Reforms” have brought untold suffering. Only a small portion has been told, (screamed here! Chinese cow-tow bow to Rich), of the suffering by the media.

    Rauners “reforms” equal suffering.

    Thus, Rauner says yesterday is “a bridge” to increased and enhanced suffering.

    As a reminder “venture capitalists”
    (business folk are different, they produce and create products and services for profit)

    1 Buy it.
    2 Break it.
    3 Sell off the pieces for profit

    Rauner told us he’s not done with step 2 yet.

    Next up in the grinder, the state workforce.

  7. - Juvenal - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    Funny, lots of Republican lawmakers are calling it a balanced budget.

  8. - Kyle Hillman - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    Weird. Apparently talking points have changed. A certain GOP leader is all over Facebook talking about his balanced budget.

    There are also a ton of candidate Rauner quotes that could be used on Governor Rauner right now.

    Yay we have a spending plan — but this is rich.

  9. - Norseman - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:55 am:


  10. - crazybleedingheart - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    Rauner put Rahm’s friendship bracelet back on.



  11. - A guy - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    == Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    A guy, I never thought I’d see a sentence in which Rauner and Trotter are essentially in agreement over budget legislation.===

    Ms. Flaherty, we do live in very interesting times, don’t we?

    You never thought you’d read it, I never thought I’d type it. But…for the record, I’ve always really liked Sen. Trotter. He’s a gent.

  12. - Anon - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    I think he’s done. He lost a lot of face yesterday after killing so many hostages and coming away empty-handed. I don’t see him coming back.

  13. - Huh? - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 11:59 am:

    “This is just a small step in the process of making Illinois strong and healthy and vibrant. This is a small step in the right direction. … ”

    For who? The poor, infirm and elderly in need of services from the State? The middle class, blue collar unionized worker? Or the uber wealthy?

  14. - Anon221 - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    And after the 4 pm presser, Rauner runs over to the Illinois State Museum and crows about how great it is to be re-opened and what an economic engine it’s going to become for Springfield now that its been “reformed”.

  15. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    The =good= is that these items are funded using existing funds only.

    The =bad= is that many of these items are funded for six months only.

    The =ugly= is the damage to social services, the upcoming labor battle, and the negotiations after November.

  16. - thunderspirit - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    == I think he’s done. He lost a lot of face yesterday after killing so many hostages and coming away empty-handed. I don’t see him coming back. ==

    Governor Rauner has several million reasons why he’s neither done nor not coming back.

    There’s no chance of it.
    None. Zero.

  17. - Obamas Puppy - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    Congrats Guv, a property tax increase, on record for bailing out CTPF, and a budget that only increases our unpaid bills. All for “pension reform” which means what? oh a big old court case… WINNING!

  18. - Harry - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    It appears that, regardless of whether or not he is right on any of the issues, Rauner still does not know how to count to 60 and 30.

    After all this, he still seems to think he is Scott Walker ca. 2011 without realizing that he does not have friendly majorities in the Capitol.

    There is no conceivable scenario that gives the GOP majorities in both Houses, or even get close enough that he can pick off one or two and switch effective control. Even his best case leaves him facing 65 or more Dems in the house and 35 or more in the Senate–best case for him.

    He needs to bring his ambitions in line with his resources, just as he says the State needs to.

  19. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    =if they’re fundamental! We can talk=

    Would basic workers comp reforms, a property tax freeze, and $3.4 Bill in new revenue be =fundamental= enough to talk?

  20. - Politix - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    “Reforms are essential, and our efforts to get significant reform for the people of Illinois will never cease.”

    A winner has emerged in the long game. If it wasn’t made perfectly obvious in the last 18 months, Madigan made it crystal clear yesterday that no bill related to the TA will ever pass through his House. MJM is 100% committed to that. So I expect more of the same…nothing… until June 30, 2017, when the next k-12 bill is due.

  21. - Wensicia - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    “I believe, and I firmly hope, that right now we’ve hit the bottom,” Rauner said. “This is the low point in the evolution of Illinois and now we begin to move up.”

    Rauner hit bottom when he decided to hold over a million people hostage to his demands. I hope he’s serious here and we never have to go through something like again this moving forward. Many of the social agencies and universities affected will take years to recover their losses, some may not recover enough to continue at all. And for what? One man’s obsession to do away with unions and make this a right-to-work state.

  22. - Ghost - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:11 pm:

    i want to quibble with the press.

    they rin statewide please for something, and the. the Tribune runs an article that makes foing forward less likely. By that i mean why highlite that the gov sis not get his agenda? that seems like a giant dare to hold things up again. Brining that up seems counterproductive to the idea of trying to encourage everyone to work together. let it be and focus on the small steps forward instead of staring dreamly at the path behind

  23. - Wensicia - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    Sorry…this again moving forward…not “again this”

  24. - cdog - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:17 pm:

    To most people this side of the grass, they will see it as just another politician with questionable motives, using money and power to advance a political class agenda, and the agenda of a .01%er.

    We will once again see a glimpse of this truth, especially when he has his next episode and flips into one of his sub-egos.

    All his cleverly chosen buzzwords woven into a message to manipulate the electorate, are empty and lack integrity and intention. Just word salad.

    He’s toast, burnt toast.

  25. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:19 pm:

    =It appears that, regardless of whether or not he is right on any of the issues, Rauner still does not know how to count to 60 and 30=

    No more than Speaker Madigan knows how to count to 71 for a veto override.

    Neither of them have the votes. They need each other to make anything happen, so mutual compromise is required.

  26. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:23 pm:

    Turnaround Agenda is nowhere near as radical as some would try to suggest

    Term limits - bipartisan majorities support
    Redistricting- bipartisan majorities support
    Property Tax reform/ freeze - bipartisan majorities support
    Pension reform- bipartisan majorities support
    Workers Comp- bipartisan majorities support

    There will be a ton of money advocating these reforms before the election and it will be interesting to see the Speaker’s response about how the Repiblicans voted against the sham bills the democrats proposed.

  27. - Skeptic - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    “Turnaround Agenda is nowhere near as radical as some would try to suggest” (Carefully leaving out the radical parts of the TA)

  28. - Markus - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:29 pm:

    =Neither of them have the votes. They need each other to make anything happen, so mutual compromise is required.=

    Not really. The November 2018 election cycle has begun (or we’ve stop-gapped into it). Two more June 30th’s to endure unless the Republican Party is structurally reformed this November.

  29. - Abe the Babe - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:31 pm:


    Once again a swing and a miss…

    ==Turnaround Agenda is nowhere near as radical as some would try to suggest==

    Its pretty comical that you seem to have left out the only items that Rauner obsessively introduced as poison pills at every chance he could.

    Yeah maybe parts of the agenda arent radical. Just not the parts that Bruce holds innocent people hostage for.

    Nice try. I give you a solid C-

  30. - Former hillrod - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:31 pm:

    @ghost. No disrespect intended, but your auto corrected post strangely enough made a lot of sense.

  31. - YSW - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:32 pm:

    Formerly Known As… any reason you continue to say “property tax freeze” without saying “coupled with collective bargaining restrictions”?

    Could it be that you know a simple reference to a property tax freeze sounds much more palatable than the truth in a state with democratic majorities in both chambers?

  32. - VanillaMan - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:34 pm:

    Stick a fork in him. After 18 months he’s only made Pat Quinn look competent and humble.

    He started this fight, now he’s lost. Not because his policies weren’t credible, but because he never earned any credibility.

    His ridiculous belief that being governor meant he could rule Illinois and implement his revolution only exists in minds that haven’t a clue what governments do or how democracies work.

  33. - Newsclown - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:39 pm:

    Yes, the state museum appearance was ill-advised;

    “Hey, after the last one burned to the ground, let’s throw a barn-raising party, and as guest of honor, here’s the arsonist who made today’s event possible! Let’s give it up for him!” (Everybody claps?)

  34. - Ipso Facto - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:40 pm:

    On the Governor’s march to the sea, he stops for a presser.

  35. - Lucky Pierre - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 12:44 pm:

    The Democrats cannot explain how property taxes can be frozen without a reduction or elimination of mandates from Springfield and local control of spending. Chicago enjoys some some exceptions to collective bargaining the rest of the state does not. It would be hard to defend to suburban and downstate voters how this is fair. In spite of what some say exemptions within collective bargaining does not equal decimation of unions.

  36. - Cheryl44 - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:02 pm:

    How this man can continue to pretend he cares about Illinois and its people is beyond me.

  37. - Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:03 pm:

    This was it. It’s over. All of the “well if this is what it takes” people that I know are crying in their Cheerios. You starved the beast, then adopted it from a shelter with a six month food supply. You needed to feed the beast before you starved it. You blew it. You could have come in, made friends, and slowly over time passed major pieces of your agenda. Instead, you squandered it all in return for nothing. Not smart.

  38. - Belle - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    Totally agree V-Man. Pat Quinn has never looked this good.

  39. - illini97 - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:06 pm:

    What I don’t understand about property tax freezes is how they can be touted by the same people calling for increased local control.

    Can someone square those two concepts for me?

  40. - HangingOn - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:06 pm:

    ==cannot explain how property taxes can be frozen without a reduction or elimination of mandates from Springfield and local control of spending==

    I admit I don’t understand a lot oabout taxes and politics, but if the schools were properly funded would my property tax bill still have 60% going to the school? Or would properly funding the schools result in some property tax relief?

  41. - illinoised - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:06 pm:

    “Bridge to reform” is a fancy and positive sounding euphemism for ” I wrecked the state while trying to pass my non-budget wish list.”

  42. - Keyrock - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    “Congrats Guv, a property tax increase, on record for bailing out CTPF, and a budget that only increases our unpaid bills. All for “pension reform” which means what? oh a big old court case… WINNING!”

    One disagreement Obama’s Pup: it’ll be a tiny, dead-bang losing court case.

  43. - blue dog dem - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:19 pm:

    Sorry Honey, I think AFSCME better take Rauners last offer, or you will be out for a while. This guy won’t take losing very well.

  44. - Captain Illini - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:32 pm:

    “This is a bridge to reform”
    …yeah, so was the bridge over the river Kwai only this time the hostages refused to build it.

    To the post.

    I agree with Vanilla Man, and said as much in a previous post - after the drubbing the ILGOP is going to get this fall, lame ducks will swim faster than his agenda will float. Should an impending labor war escalate - which I pray does not - it will be his last arrow in an empty quiver wasted due to his lack of understanding the state he professes to govern. Pathetic.

  45. - Demoralized - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:46 pm:


    The governor had asked to remove pretty mucj everything from bargaining. Wages. Benefits. Work rules. What he had asked for pretty much left no reason for the union to exist. So your assertion that he isnt trying to hurt unions is absurd.

  46. - Annonin' - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 1:51 pm:

    Anyone else want to take a new fiscal year resolution to spot callin’ the personal agenda a “reform”? None of it reforms anything

  47. - DuPage - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 2:00 pm:

    Rauner: “Bridge to reform”.

    Bridge to nowhere! And it is already on fire. What is he going to do in 6 months without adequate revenue? The sweeps have all been used, in January, a LOT more revenue will be needed.
    Meanwhile, the universities and community colleges are being seriously damaged. Good reputations that were built up over decades have quickly become bad since Rauner became governor. The damage Rauner has caused will take a long to get over, if ever.

  48. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    “AFSCME better take Rauners last offer, or you will be out for a while. This guy won’t take losing very well.”

    He’ll get used to it.

    – MrJM

  49. - Dale Cooper - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    == I believe, and I firmly hope, that right now we’ve hit the bottom,” Rauner said ==

    Hmm. It’s almost like that’s where you want us to be Governor. Also, you shall be remembered to me as “Rock Bottom Rauner”.

  50. - blue dog dem - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    MrJM. He is going to lose alright, regrettably so are about 40,000 AFSCME members. Then after that so are about 80% of households in Illinois who will bear the brunt of the tax increases. About the only winners are 1.4%ers, Madigan, Edgar types, and the trial lawyers.

  51. - Robert the 1st - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 2:57 pm:

    =Sorry Honey, I think AFSCME better take Rauners last offer, or you will be out for a while.=

    I think Rauner would be devastated if they did this. He wants his showdown.

  52. - G'Kar - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    Rauner’s “Bridge to Reform”

  53. - Tinsel Town - Friday, Jul 1, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    From everything I’ve read on this en-term budget, Rauner and the Republican leadership got zip, nada, nothing.

    Republicans and mostly Rauner, under substantial pressure, acquiesced in absolute fear of their decimating loss of seats in the November elections.

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