Question of the day
Friday, Jul 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * As anyone who has ever interviewed Gov. Rauner already knows, it ain’t an easy task. He sticks to his talking points like super glue. For instance…
The problem with the interview is that the reporter didn’t follow up. We talked about this exact same thing yesterday when a reporter asked the governor if he accepted any responsibility for the impasse. He dodged the question and the subject was dropped. * He’s not the only one who does this, of course. I tried to get Speaker Madigan to move beyond his well-worn talking points on workers’ comp reform by asking if he’d be open to rolling back part of the 2005 legislative changes, which drove up costs. He stuck to his talking points. I pointed out that he didn’t answer the question, and he still refused to respond. And then he did it again. I asked him at the next presser if he had any thoughts about the 2005 law, and he wouldn’t answer then, either. The difference is that Rauner talks to reporters far more often than Madigan. So reporters get more opportunities. One of the better questions he’s been asked this year was by, I think, a PAR intern who asked him to name a Chicago school which qualified as a “crumbling prison.” He wouldn’t answer the question, but that alone said quite a lot about his original remarks. * The Question: What one question do you think the governor and/or Speaker Madigan should be asked until they finally answer it? And then explain why you believe it’s an all-important question.
- AlfondoGonz - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:27 pm:
I had a long, detailed, informed question for BVR, but by the time I got to the finish, I realized it would take a simple question to learn a lot about this man. “With the benefit of hindsight, would you have done anything different?”
To MJM, obviously some humor here but it is my question and a real one: “Did you know I worked for you?”
- Dome Gnome - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:28 pm:
They should both be asked to walk a mile in my shoes.
- Dirty Red - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
“Why do you want to be Governor/Speaker?”
What drives and what motivates are powerful agents.
My grandfather voted straight Republican for years, but punched Paul Simon’s name whenever he was up because, although he disagreed with his politics, he knew where he stood and why.
- burbanite - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:34 pm:
To the Governor:
What do you believe the Governor’s role in Government is?
To the Speaker:
Will you ever retire?
- Decaff Coffee Party - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:36 pm:
I think the governor should explain, in detail, how much money each of his Turnaround Agenda items will save. And, just as importantly, in whose pockets the money “saved” goes and how it trickles to ordinary citizens/taxpayers. A fact sheet and a diagram would help.
- Streator Curmudgeon - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:37 pm:
For BVR: “Since reporters are asking things their readers want to know, don’t you think it’s an insult to those readers when an elected official refuses to answer the question but instead just repeats his talking points?”
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
“Governor, the role of Governor, how do you see it now having been governor for 18 months, and as Governor, your role as the head of the Republican Party, do you see your requirements of General Assembly members, the strict discipline as helpful in growing the Illinois Republican Party?”
“Speaker, would you, now in hindsight, have taken a greater role to make yourself less toxic to the voters of Illinois, meaning, would you have tried to portray yourself better in the press and public if you are given that chance again?”
- allknowingmasterofracoondom - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:40 pm:
To both the Gov and Speaker:
Why is it that while 99.8% of workers in Illinois have to take care of their own retirement and retirement health care, those who work for the government get a constitutionally garaunteed pension and health care plan paid for in disproportionately by every day working citizens? Why are these workers the chosen few?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:42 pm:
Yeah, I cheated, I reached for 2 questions for the Governor, but I thought wrapping both in “how he saw the role of governor” that would allow me that door to walk both in. lol
- PublicServant - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:46 pm:
Madigan: In the absense of trust and mutual respect, do you think you’ll ever be able to sit down with the opposition and craft a “Grand Compromise”? If so, what steps need to be taken to start the ball rolling?
Rauner: Will you ever introduce a balanced budget as the constitution requires? (I mean, it’s been asked many times before, but I think it’s that critical)
- Jocko - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
Other than yourself, name one person who has been impacted by your decisions (one positively, one negatively). How that will shape your thinking in the future?
- anon123 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:52 pm:
- New Slang - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:54 pm:
Governor Rauner, if an employee of yours wasn’t performing to your company standards after 18 months and explained to you he/she was “new” to this whole thing, would you cut him/her slack or cut him/her loose?
Speaker Madigan, do you really believe you’re in touch with the views/issues of the population of Illinoians who live south of I-80?
- Juvenal - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 1:57 pm:
“Governor, you made a long list of promises before taking office, and every time someone points out how little you have accomplished, your response is to blame Mike Madigan. On what date do you think the people of Illinois should start blaming Bruce Rauner?”
“Speaker Madigan, in 1997, you said you deeply regretted the partisanship during your prior tenure as Speaker, and you were going to try to change it. What more should you be doing to reduce partisanship in Springfield today?”
- New Slang - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:01 pm:
Sorry, to the second part of the question: they should explain their answers because to me these questions reflect a real burn in the minds of those affected by their political antics. And that’s exactly what they’ve been doing, not behaving like leaders and certainly not governing and doing what’s in the best interest of the State.
- SAP - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:01 pm:
Governor: What program cuts and/or tax increases would you propose to the budget you submitted to the General Assembly last February to make it balance?
Speaker: What program cuts and/or tax increases would you propose to the budget you passed out of the House this Spring to make it balance?
Reason: I just happen to think both the Governor and the Speaker need to level with the citizens of Illinois about the true nature of Illinois’ budget situation.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:02 pm:
Rauner: If you fail to get agreement on your local control and workmen’s comp. causation changes, how much additional debt are you willing to let the state accumulate before you will drop those demands to obtain a balanced budget agreement with some tax enhancements?
Getting him to respond to question about the ever-increasing budget debt will hopefully bring the point home to the remaining obtuse edit bd writers how big of a hole he’s willing to dig the state in to get his way.
Madigan: While not agreeing to totally take salary levels out of collective bargaining, are you willing to agree to some restrictions on the level of raises granted to workers in exchange for a balanced budget with tax hikes and some concessions to address Chicago problems?
Madigan has advocated restrictions before. Will he do it for a comprehensive budget agreement.
- MOON - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:03 pm:
Mr. Governor please list the 5 individuals, absent your father, that have had the greatest impact on your life and please explain how?
Mr. Speaker please list the 5 individuals,absent your father and the late Richard J. Daley, that have had the greatest impact on your life and please explain how?
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
To both: “how did you become so adept at Not’ giving a thoughtful, useful answer to a question that deserves it. Follow up: would you allow your subordinates to do what you do when you ask them questions”
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
===Why is it that while 99.8% of workers in Illinois have to take care of their own retirement and retirement health care, those who work for the government get a constitutionally garaunteed pension and health care plan paid for in disproportionately by every day working citizens? Why are these workers the chosen few?===
“Thank you for the question, but, I’m sure if you read it again, you already acknowledge the constitution guarantees these retirement benefits, and if you want, you can, and any citizen can apply to work for the state at this web address… ”
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:08 pm:
“Governor, the role of Governor, how do you see it now having been governor for 18 months, and as Governor, your role as the head of the Republican Party, do you see your requirements of General Assembly members, the strict discipline as helpful in growing the Illinois Republican Party?”
I’d like to get a complete answer to how Rauner sees the job of Governor. No double-talk, no “yearbook answer”…
“Speaker, would you, now in hindsight, have taken a greater role to make yourself less toxic to the voters of Illinois, meaning, would you have tried to portray yourself better in the press and public if you are given that chance again?”
I’d like to know how Madigan sees himself and how people see him, now, and to see how Madigan feels he’s been portrayed and the impact of that on him, the Democrats, and his own legacy.
Apologies for not clarifying the “why”
- El Conquistador - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:17 pm:
Rauner-bot simply needs to go.
- Anon221 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:31 pm:
To Rauner: What Federal dollars has Illinois lost out on during your tenure- in detail, please- Agencies, programs, partnerships, contracts ? In spreadsheet form with line items.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:40 pm:
That’s the question you’d ask?
A question that you give the answer to in asking it, and probably the easiest pivot to make the person asking the question look petty and jealous?
Um, ok.
- Rabid - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:41 pm:
Do you sleep well?
- A guy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
To both:
What exactly would a perfect agreement on a budget look like that the people of Illinois could afford?
- Rabid - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:45 pm:
Will you debate your counterpart on the points of the turnaround in public?
- Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:49 pm:
== Can’t you help yourself?==
Maybe OW should ask “Knowing that state workers are paid at lower salaries than their counterparts in the private sector, why would anyone refer to state workers as ‘the chosen few’?”
If you feel state workers are privileged compared to everyone else, feel free to apply at
- Rabid - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:49 pm:
Is this election cycle a referendum for the turnaround?
- BeenThereB4 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:50 pm:
Governor, you are 18 months in now, when do you plan to submit your first balanced budget?
- Honeybear - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:50 pm:
Governor Rauner, Why you feel that the destruction of labor through the Turnaround Agenda is more important than protecting and supporting social services, state agencies, higher education, and a stable workforce?
- Cubs in '16 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:51 pm:
===Do you sleep well?===
I think we already know how both would answer that one…
- Rabid - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 2:58 pm:
What should the tax percent be?
- Anon221 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:01 pm:
OW- if you were referring to my post, yes, that is the question I would ask. It is not to be petty or create an easy pivot. Federal matching dollars are an integral part of the budget. And budgeting does not appear to be something Rauner wants to do. If Illinois is missing out on Federal dollars, and those dollars are going to other states because squeezing is more important than governing and working on budget and revenue solutions, then I, as a taxpayer in Illinous, would like to know how those decisions are being made.
- Chicago Guy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:02 pm:
Mr. Governor, You are a fact and data driven person. Can you provide any evidence that your turn-around agenda will result in a significant positive impact?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:04 pm:
- Anon221 -
I was not referring to your post. No worries.
Sorry for that confusion.
- Anon221 - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:06 pm:
OW- Thanks. Once I looked further up to chain, I think I know which commenter you would replying to. Sorry to go on the defensive.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:29 pm:
To allknowingmasterofracoondom, Rich said questions, not rhetorical statements with made up statistics. Can’t you help yourself?
- pool boy - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 3:46 pm:
What are your nicknames on capitol fax?
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 4:04 pm:
“Who have you threatened in both your business, governmental, and personal life?”
Both guys appear to be bullies, not leaders. The answer to my question would let me know if that is true.
- Mama - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 4:07 pm:
Governor - I want to hear the details not empty buzz words or a political spin on how you plan to make Illinois better place to live & work.
Madigan - I want details on how you plan to make Illinois better place to live & work.
- Mama - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 4:09 pm:
To Rauner - what is your real reason for destroying unions in Illinois?
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 8, 16 @ 4:18 pm:
Madigan: “What’s with the apple?”
Rauner: “What’s with the Old Style?”