Editorial support for the Independent Map Amendment
Monday, Jul 11, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The Independent Map Amendment has received editorial support from news outlets across Illinois: “A fair redistricting process is the single most important reform that could come to Illinois. Voters will have more choices and better candidates.” “The stakes could not be higher in this fight between entrenched political power brokers who profit from the status quo and reformers who believe changing the way state lawmakers are elected will help jump-start the legislative election process in Illinois.” “Illinois residents want a chance to change their dysfunctional government, but that won’t happen until the map-drawing process is changed.” “If legislative districts are no longer drawn by politicians, they would be more likely to serve the public better through elected officials who are more accountable for their actions, or lack thereof.” “The single biggest reason so many races now are not even races — just that one lone candidate — is that the politicians draw up district boundaries in cockeyed ways to eliminate competition.”