* The governor was asked by WMAQ reporter Mary Ann Ahern today about his opinion of neighboring Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who has reportedly been chosen as Donald Trump’s running mate. He took a pass. Ahern asked him which presidential candidate he’d be voting for and he twice took a pass, saying he wouldn’t be commenting on the race any more. She also asked him a question he also refused to answer the other day. What does he plan to do next week during the Republican National Convention?…
“Ah, next week, I will be, ah, traveling the state of Illinois meeting with, ah [clicks his tongue], community leaders, business leaders and some legislators and signing some of the most important legislation that got passed this spring.”
He didn’t drop his “g’s” for whatever reason.
* Raw audio…
*** UPDATE 1 *** Sen. Kirk wasn’t nearly as reticent about Gov. Pence when asked yesterday…
“I hope he gets the nod,” said Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, a former congressman. “I love Mike. He was the leader of the conservatives and I was the leader of the moderates. And we had a mutual admiration society.” (Kirk, who’s up for reelection, said “we’ll see” when asked if he’d reconsider backing Trump if Pence is chosen, but his spokeswoman later called to say he would not back Trump no matter who the running mate is.)
*** UPDATE 2 *** From the Kirk campaign…
Here is a statement you can attribute to Senator Kirk:
*** UPDATE 3 *** DPI…
“It looks like Republican Mark Kirk is getting his wish and extreme social conservative Mike Pence will be ignorant buffoon Donald Trump’s running mate. Kirk even opened the door to supporting Trump again if Trump were to pick his friend Pence. While Kirk has gone to great lengths to try and disavow his Republican roots it’s worth noting his enthusiasm for Pence, a staunch conservative with a history of attacking women’s reproductive rights and who signed one of the country’s most discriminatory anti-LGBTQ bills into law. Likewise, when they served together in Congress, Kirk and Pence both opposed the rescue of the American auto industry, supported several trade deals that have shipped American jobs overseas, and supported the Ryan budget, which would raise taxes on the average middle-class family by $2,000 and turn Medicare into a voucher system in order to pay for tax cuts for the wealthy. Kirk’s enthusiasm for Pence is all anyone needs to know about him: no matter how much he tries to change his stripes in an election year, he’s a typical Republican, through and through,” said Democratic Party of Illinois spokesperson Sean Savett
Um, weren’t some of those trade deals done by a Democratic administration? Just wondering…
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 11:57 am:
–Ahern asked him which presidential candidate he’d be voting for and he twice took a pass, –
So I guess that makes the governor Harpo in the Marx Bros. act that is GOP Trump-mention avoidance.
Somebody get the guy a horn.
- m - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:03 pm:
What does this matter? I get it, every reporter thinks they’ll somehow change the world if they get to ask Rauner the same question every reporter is asking him every day. He does the same thing every time. Move on. The only reason to get an answer is so Dems can use it against him or candidates this fall. Maybe the reporters should let the Dems do their own work for a change.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:04 pm:
… Plus the “Dad’s Home State” filing schedule is TIGHT!
The “very special” episode will aire during Trump’s acceptance speech and will be done “live” to prove Gov. Rauner isn’t in Cleveland… that’s an exclusive bit I’m dropping…
- Louis Capricious - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:04 pm:
=== He didn’t drop his “g’s” for whatever reason. ===
He also rediscovered the proper pronunciation of “business.”
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
===He does the same thing every time. Move on.===
Um, no. When a politician repeatedly refuses to answer a direct and simple question, that’s when the media should most definitely NOT move on.
Just because it’s your boy doesn’t mean we have to care what you think.
- siriusly - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:05 pm:
Pesky reporters. They are the ones responsible for this mess because he can’t get his message out.
- siriusly - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
Who does she think she is asking questions of our Governor. Can’t she just report on the press releases like the better behaived media outlets he owns?
- Longsummer - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
Looks like Brucie has one part of being a politician down, the dodge. Hopefully he can figure out the governing part here at some point
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
===He does the same thing every time. Move on.===
That’s exactly not how it works.
If that was the case then Rauner would be having infomercials that the press becone the studio audience for. What’s next, you want reporters to clap?
- Name Withheld - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:10 pm:
I wonder if the lack of g-dropping is a tell when he’s gotten off-script or is unprepared.
- Rabid - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:16 pm:
The GOP standard bearer knows how to handle ex Bain employes , on your knees Bruce
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:18 pm:
To the Update,
“… the heck”?
Gotta keep Kirk on the script. Bud, he’s not helping!
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:19 pm:
===(Kirk, who’s up for reelection, said “we’ll see” when asked if he’d reconsider backing Trump if Pence is chosen, but his spokeswoman later called to say he would not back Trump no matter who the running mate is.)===
Lol. I’d go with “we’ll see” until Kirk himself walks that one back.
- SilverStreak - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:20 pm:
Governor Rauner is the titular head of the Republican Party in Illinois. As such, he is obligated to inform all Illinoisans of his position on issues and other matters of concern to us. His position on his party’s Presidential nominee is of great consequence. Thus far, on that matter, Governor Rauner has abdicated his leadership responsibility. It is no more nor less than an act of cowardice, even more than in it reeks of political expedience.
- Cheryl44 - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:22 pm:
As if Trump would listen to Pence or anyone else as VP.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:26 pm:
Hey if Pence does get dragged into Trumpville can we suggest BigBrain take over bein’ governor for both states. it will help him turn IL into west Indiana and maybe slow his destruction here.
- Daniel Plainview - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:27 pm:
I wonder if Gidwitz will be allowed to say “I told you so.” after the election.
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:29 pm:
I thought for sure Trump would pick Rauner as his VP.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:29 pm:
===I wonder if Gidwitz will be allowed to say “I told you so.” after the election.===
Publicly? No.
- GOP Extremist - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:29 pm:
“He didn’t drop his G’s for whatever reason”
He was caught off guard, he was supposed to be in his “awe shucks” character.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:31 pm:
“We’ll see” is pretty straightforward. A spokesman doesn’t Trump the principle.
Riding in the Pride Parade one week, gushing about Pence the next week? Did Kirk miss that disaster Pence precipitated last year in Indiana?
He didn’t have to say anything.
- pundent - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:33 pm:
I can take the arrows. Unless somebody asks me what I think because I’m done talkin’ about that.
- Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:33 pm:
My guess is that Rauner plans to vote for Clinton. Not going all tinfoil hat here, it’s just that I don’t know how else to explain his reticence.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:36 pm:
@Word: I’m guessing Kirk thought he had an opportunity to remind voters that he (Kirk) ia a moderate, and he just got over enthused about Pense and garbled his phrasing.
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:37 pm:
I think Christie will be the VP for Trump’s ticket.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:42 pm:
Rauner should now come out in support of the Trump/Pence ticket. Look at all the areas of agreement between Rauner and the Trump/Pence ticket.
Yes, Rauner is on the Trump/Pence bandwagon.
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:47 pm:
Trump picks Pence for VP illinoisreview.typepad.com/illinoisreview…
11:52 AM - 14 Jul 2016
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:48 pm:
Here is the link:
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:53 pm:
Doesn’t Trump know I’m trying to watch The Open Golf Championship? Ugh.
I dunno, Pence checks lots of boxes, there’s no question, but Indiana? It’s better than NJ’s Christie…
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 12:54 pm:
LOL at Kirk. This is why I gave him zero credit for his supposed courageous independent stand against Trump before. It’s all campaign BS.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:00 pm:
mutual admiration society? Pence is against marriage and civil unions for all and he thinks that only heterosexuals should serve in the military. do you admire that, Sen. Kirk? and there is oh so much more to NOT admire about Pence, his work onreproductive choices, his treatment of a statewide elected official taking away her powers….
- Blue Bayou - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
Kirk also voted AGAINST Carla Hayden, who was otherwise confirmed as the new (and first Af-Am) Librarian of Congress.
Yeah: Super Moderate.
- Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:12 pm:
Pence also had the wingnut-ly brilliant idea of starting a “state-run news service” in order to …. ahem, get the “correct messaging” out. Pravda-on-the-plains is what most folks called it. And Pence — eventually, but reluctantly — decided it wasn’t such a good idea.
Yeah, Pence is awesome pick. Awesome.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:18 pm:
===a statement you can attribute to Senator Kirk===
I’m sure everybody present heard him just fine. No need for a campaign staffer to tell us what they wish Kirk said. He was asked if naming Pence would cause him to reconsider supporting Trump. He answered very clearly: “we’ll see.”
As my kids surely understand by now, “we’ll see” does not mean no.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:20 pm:
To Update 2,
No Trump needs to be “No Trump” 24/7/365.
It’s a bit embarrassing…
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:21 pm:
===As my kids surely understand by now, “we’ll see” does not mean no. ===
When I was a kid, it always meant no. It was a way of waiting until an intense interest had worn off…
Can I have a new bike? We’ll see.
Can I have a car? We’ll see.
Can we go to McDonalds? We’ll see.
Never, ever happened.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:24 pm:
=== Can we go to McDonalds? We’ll see.
Never, ever happened. ===
You were never taken to get a Happy Meal. Oh, the humanity.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:25 pm:
Pence is probably the best that Trump has to choose from. While that ticket would still break the record for most obnoxious due to Trump alone, at the very least, no Newt Gingrich.
- A guy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:29 pm:
===Can we go to McDonalds?===
Not since you pantsed Mayor McCheese.
- A guy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:30 pm:
Update 2….why bother?
- Louis G. Atsaves - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:37 pm:
===”===As my kids surely understand by now, “we’ll see” does not mean no. ===
When I was a kid, it always meant no. It was a way of waiting until an intense interest had worn off…
Can I have a new bike? We’ll see.
Can I have a car? We’ll see.
Can we go to McDonalds? We’ll see.
Never, ever happened.”===
Rich, did we have the same parents and not know it?
- A guy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:38 pm:
To Update 3-
Do these guys not have anyone who can comment who doesn’t Shriek? Really.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
To Update 3,
That’s a mess.
Paragraphs are fun. Just saying.
If you need Cannoli… OW
- pundent - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:42 pm:
In this context “we’ll see” means we’ll see which way the wind is blowing. Unfortunately this is the Achilles heal of Mark Kirk. While I’d like to believe that he truly is a moderate or independent thinker his words and actions often lead me to believe that it’s all contrived.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:43 pm:
===It was a way of waiting until an intense interest had worn off===
Lol. I don’t think the intense interest in tying Kirk to Trump will end anytime soon.
- Norseman - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:46 pm:
“Here in Indiana we know that strong, Republican leadership works. Different from our neighbors in Illinois, we have balanced budgets,” Pence said.
Sounds like Rauner should support Trump/Pence’s style of leadership.
- DGD - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:49 pm:
**Pence is against marriage and civil unions for all and he thinks that only heterosexuals should serve in the military**
Sounds like (over) half the country.
- Doug Simpson - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 1:53 pm:
So Trump now supports McCroryCare (government bathroom regulation)?
- Doug Simpson - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:01 pm:
My parents said to be home when the street lights came on (during summer break).
I argued did that mean when they physically turned on, or when they started to take affect?
We went out to eat at Ponderosa.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:07 pm:
Rauner said he would support the GOP nominee a few months ago. If Trump is that nominee after the convention, I’ll take him at his word until he says otherwise.
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:12 pm:
Well, for those that are going to Cleveland to trumpet Trump, even a GoFundMe campaign to cover expenses ain’t workin’-
- Team Warwick - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:38 pm:
I agree with Sen. Kirk on the inadequacy of the Trump temperment as ill-suited for the highest office. He does not recognize that about himself as something that could be exploited to disastrous result. Ironclad is a good description of the desireable temperment.
- RIJ - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:40 pm:
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! What an attractive ticket. How much did the spread between Donnie and Hilary increase upon that announcement?
- Amalia - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
If Kirk admires Pence so much, I guess we should link the Facebook page Periods for Pence to Kirk!
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:54 pm:
Rich, will Gov. Pence have to be confirmed as Trump’s VP at the Republican convention?
- A guy - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 2:57 pm:
Mama, I’m not Rich (or rich). But yes is the answer.
- Mama - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 3:12 pm:
Will Trump be nominated as the Republican’s candidate for president?
- Annonin' - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 4:05 pm:
Has anyone told BigBrain he could have all the 3 of these generally useless media could have been skipped? Another useless school funding study, a PQ minority contractor plan and….we forgot…instead he stands there…afraid to comment…does not look like bold leader we all wanted
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 4:23 pm:
==He didn’t drop his “g’s” for whatever reason.==
It’s hard to be completely phoney 24/7/365.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 4:36 pm:
ABC is confirming it will be Pence.
- Anon221 - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 5:47 pm:
Start really trying to back him into a corner the teeth show, the unsettling laughter starts, and enunciation commences.
- Lynn S. - Thursday, Jul 14, 16 @ 10:17 pm:
My suggestion: we trade Rauner for whomever the Indiana Legislature picks to replace Pence. Win/win: Rauner won’t have to deal with Mike Madigan any more, and surely an Indiana newbie can’t do any worse than Bruce.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:15 am:
Guy, Louis, I’m curious as to why you think you have game?
Geo won on her own, Louis. She was the goods.
Guy, Louis, explain something. What’s your point?
I’m at a loss as to what you think you’re bringing to the party.
You’re bad news, as far as I can tell.