What was Rauner talking about?
Friday, Jul 15, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* You may recall this claim by Gov. Rauner the other day…
I walked into one department in my first week — second week in office actually. Two-hundred people were in a room with paper applications on their desks, and no computers. I said, this doesn’t look efficient. I found out, we could spend half a million dollars on a computer system —half a million — and save $7 million per year.
* Lots of commenters were skeptical, so I followed up and asked which department this was. I was told it was the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Rauner toured the area where professional licenses are processed. Back then, they were apparently processed in a room entirely by hand. So it stood out to him.
Since then, IDFPR has started to retool. From February…
Secretary Bryan A. Schneider of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is pleased to announce that paperless licensing and renewals have now been implemented for the professions licensed and regulated by the Divisions of Real Estate and Professional Regulation. The transition away from paper-based renewals and licenses means that regulated professionals will now be able to renew their license quickly and easily online, and be provided proof of licensure through email and IDFPR’s License Lookup application. The move to paperless technology is part of the Department’s ongoing efforts to modernize the state’s regulatory agency and will save the state nearly $3 million in postage, paper and printing costs over the next five years.
From May…
An alternative to the paper license pocket card is now available for the majority of licensed professionals regulated by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR). An estimated 1.1 million active licensees within the Division of Professional Regulation (DPR) and the Division of Real Estate (DRE) may now choose to store an electronic license pocket card on their smartphone or tablet. This is of particular importance to more than 110,000 licensed professionals across seven regulated professions who are statutorily required to carry a pocket card and the many others who choose to carry with them proof of their professional licensure. The e-license pocket card is the latest announcement from IDFPR in their ongoing efforts to modernize the state’s regulatory agency.
* The governor also claimed that “many” state departments don’t have computers. Not so sure about that, but I suppose the word “many” would have to be defined.
Either way, he saw a problem and now it’s being fixed. That’s a good thing.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:08 pm:
–Two-hundred people were in a room with paper applications on their desks, and no computers.==
Begs the question: is the above statement true? There was a room with 200 people working and not one computer?
Can someone who works at IDFPR chime in?
I have to sign my name to a lot of paper for a lot of things in life. Doesn’t mean the people processing that paper work in some Dickensian hovel by candlelight.
- Consideration - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:10 pm:
1) IDFPR barely has 200 employees - let alone having 200 of them processing applications - and they all have computers.
2) A lot of agencies have paper that gets processed - but it’s still done on the computer. Revenue, for example, still gets paper returns although anyone can complete a tax return online.
3) Good to see things become available on their phone - would love to get my driver’s license this way, too.
- NIU Grad - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:11 pm:
I imagine many could have computers…but the process for their job just doesn’t require that they actually use it. You’d also be surprised how many state employees don’t even use email…
- How Ironic - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:20 pm:
I don’t think they have 200 people in all of that department. When we used to have to get a physician licensed, there were literally 6 people that did every physician in the country. And….they all used a computer. This story is still full of baloney.
- Anon@IDFPR - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:21 pm:
This is incorrect - completely false. They made us clear out a training room when he came here for his meeting. Every employee at IDFPR has a computer or laptop.
This is ridiculous.
- Bogey Golfer - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:22 pm:
=Begs the question: is the above statement true? There was a room with 200 people working and not one computer?=
“But that’s the way we’ve always done it”. If Rauner’s crew can find other examples of bureaucratic ineptitude, they could at least point to that in ‘18. Of course, given MJM doesn’t use e-mail………
- Politically Incorrect - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:22 pm:
Are there any measurable savings even if the 200 person figure is true? I am sure there is improved efficiency and data retention. But the hyperbole makes me suspicious of every such claim.
- Former State Employee - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:24 pm:
You’re right, it is a good thing, so why taint the story with all the falsehoods???? Liar, liar pants on fire
- AlfondoGonz - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
200 people in one room with no computers…was Rauner in a sweat shop?
- Paul - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:26 pm:
Wow! Success from Rauner. Everyone celebrate that he was able to do something if what his initial claim was valid. Let’s just forget how Rauner likes to exaggerate things - like billions in savings to a mere millions at best.
Where is the proof of the initial assertion and where is the proof of the savings. These smoke and mirror political back patting is growing old.
- Keyrock - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:28 pm:
That was just a dream. Just a dream.
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:32 pm:
–* The governor also claimed that “many” state departments don’t have computers. Not so sure about that, but I suppose the word “many” would have to be defined.–
Oh please. The governor’s statement is simply wack-a-doo.
You talk crazy like that out in the street, they throw a net over you.
- Ahoy! - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:33 pm:
I think we can all agree that the State’s technology infrastructure if highly inadequate and we have a long way to go.
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:33 pm:
Thanks for following up.
This is the type of action we want from the Governor.
- IllinoisBoi - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:34 pm:
Disregard my post — the directory search I did doesn’t give an accurate employee count. Never mind.
- Henry Francis - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:35 pm:
Well . . . Ummmm . . . Well . . . The Guv still saved $7 million per year!
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:36 pm:
–This is the type of action we want from the Governor.–
Crazy fantastical lying?
- Joseph - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:38 pm:
I would really like to know something Mr. Miller can you find out when the FRP went out of the electronic license pocket card? Because honestly a year and a half seems extremely fast for the State of Illinois. I wouldn’t be surprised if this conversion started a long time ago.
- Trolling Troll - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
There is no way they brought this program online in 12 months. This had to be in the works during the Quinn administration. It would take that long to agree on a font.
- Norseman - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:39 pm:
As with so many things, the devil is in the details. DFPR’s was very advanced in terms of having the application process and disciplinary information online. I’m sure their agency like my old one had a continuing problem finding the financial resources for technological upgrades.
The continuing tug-of-war between funding program services and IT services made upgrades difficult. When upgrades were deemed appropriate and necessary, it was a long and frustrating process because of staff shortages.
It’s easy to be critical (although Rauner likes to use exorbitant claims so he can hammer government), funding has to be allocated. Clearly, Rauner would prefer to spend money on upgrading computers than to provide social services.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:41 pm:
Regardless of the number of people or computers, $3 million over 5 years doesn’t equal $7 million a year.
Methinks the Governor exaggerates.
- blue dog dem - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:41 pm:
Oh! What a fiscally conservative rascal this fellow Rauner is. Now that you have shown me how efficient you are with tax dollars, go ahead and raise my income tax to whatever level you deem necessary.
- IDFPR Employee - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:43 pm:
It’s a lie. And the “retool” is what happens when there is no budget for paper or postage! We couldn’t print or mail anything out…
- Anon Downstate - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:46 pm:
Don’t know for sure about the “no computers” aspect of things, but I can tell you that getting license renewals has improved - sort of. It used to be that you would - eventually - get this wallet sized batch printed card that you could carry around with your professional licensing information.
The production costs for those cards must have been pretty high. And it apparently took a pretty decent chunk of time, because it seemed to always be at least 6-8 weeks after paying your money before you got your licensing information card.
Now, you just get an payment receipt email with your licensing information renewal info and that’s what you get.
System still needs work. First timers who fall under IDFPR licensing requirements still need a copy of the license information, and the electronic one, while useful, still needs to be able to provide a paper copy. It’s a work in progress.
Key Issue: Don’t know if you can ‘forward’ a copy of the electronic license pocket card stored on their smartphone or tablet to anyone else’s smartphone or tablet. Haven’t seen anybody able to do that yet.
- Ducky LaMoore - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:47 pm:
Come on bloggers, we can’t let the truth spoil a feel-good story.
- Simple Simon - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:50 pm:
So the Gov saw a problem that didn’t exist, and took credit for a solution to a different problem that was already in the works? Just making sure I got it right.
- SOIL M - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:52 pm:
If Rauners claim was true, there would not be State Employees posting here during their work hours.
- Highspeed - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:55 pm:
I could see it at ISP! Still don’t know why it takes them so long to process a change of address on FOID n CCL considering they are same!
- Last Bull Moose - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:57 pm:
The action we want from the Governor is the operational improvement. And TT may be correct that it started during the Quinn administration. But projects can die when administrations change.
Word-the series of false narratives is not what we want.
If you catch somebody doing something right, praise them and you may see more of it.
- Bootleg Carhartt Designer - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:57 pm:
I got my real estate license in 2001 and I renewed it every two years online. This is just the first time that they didn’t send out the renewed licenses and wallet cards. Now we have to do that ourselves.
- GOP Extremist - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 1:58 pm:
I left Professional Regulation back in 1999. Every processor had a computer on thier desk to process the paper applications/files. In addition, there were barely 200 employees in Springfield. Show me an office in the entire state that houses 200 people in one room. Total nonsense!!!
- @MisterJayEm - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:00 pm:
“You talk crazy like that out in the street, they throw a net over you.”
Coupled with his insistence that $7B is bigger than $8B, a finding of non compos mentis seems likely at Rauner’s competency hearing.
– MrJM
- CuriousCat - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:04 pm:
The local union newsletter had a small story on the visit. If interested, here is the link. (Top of page 3)
- Macbeth - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:07 pm:
Rauner’s use of the word “department” is weird, too. I mean, does he mean “agency” — as in, the agencies he controls? Or does he mean “department” as “agency”?
Either way, what he said is a lie. There’s no Illinois *agency* without computers. None. Zero.
There are rooms without computers, sure. But a room is not a department.
Besides, think about the risk of an agency — an entire agency — without computers. All state employees have email accounts. All state employees submit their timesheets electronically.
What that “department” all headed down to the local Stabucks or Panera to check email?
Come on. This is nonsense from Rauner.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:14 pm:
–If you catch somebody doing something right, praise them and you may see more of it.–
For crying out loud, don’t reduce the guy to a toddler looking for a cookie. He’s a grown man, the governor, telling crazy whoppers with a straight face.
- Pelonski - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:28 pm:
Rauner is like both Bill Clinton and Trump. They tell outrageous lies that can be readily proven to be false, but for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to matter to the majority of the population.
- Zoobah - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:32 pm:
I’ve been in that building, and I challenge anyone to find a room big enough to fit 200 people with desks in at the same time.
- Anonymous - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:35 pm:
How did IDFPR buy 200 computers, when they didn’t have any appropriations to spend anything until the new stopgap budget was approved?
- Former hillrod - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:38 pm:
This is just another example of how little he regards state employees and the work they do. Make no mistake he knew exactly what was going on that day. He was preaching to his base, some of whom post on this blog, and I’m sure they ate it up. Why no one calls him out publicly on his perfidy is way beyond me.
- SAP - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:44 pm:
So does it save $7M/ year like the Governor says or $3M over 5 years like Secretary Schneider says?
- DuPage - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:46 pm:
No computers? They were just practicing for when the power company pulls the plug? Rauner saving money on electricity by not paying the bill.
- thunderspirit - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:47 pm:
I applaud the effort to fix something fixable.
That said, progress without the accompanying hyperbole would be nice, though I hasten to point out he’s certainly not alone in that department.
- Annonin' - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:49 pm:
Yet another tale that will instill confidence that BigBrain could trusted with more money
Best IDFPR story was shortly after early retirement the person who emptied the box where all the license checks were stacked retired. Blagoof replaced no one. Checks piled up for months until folk called to complain. More time passed before box was found, checks cashed, licensed issued.
They ran a lot of IT charges through the Vendor Assistance mill…Wingman spent millions
- Seymourkid - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 2:53 pm:
My husband is a licensed CPA. He has renewed it online for over 15 years. I don’t accept the story as factual.
- Juvenal - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:02 pm:
I’d like to know how they are getting authorization for a criminal background check .
- wordslinger - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:03 pm:
The irony is, Rauner has no problem making up silly whoppers like this on many subjects, but he doesn’t even attempt to do so for his so-called turnaround agenda.
On that, nothing but catch-phrases. Shows you what he thinks it’s really worth, this agenda that has caused so much harm to so many people.
- illini - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:06 pm:
If there is one thing that this site, and this thread in particular, has amply demonstrated once again it is that BVR has little, if any credibility.
Given the track record he has created for himself, he continues to say whatever he thinks the media will repeat regardless of the validity of those statements. Yet, he is rarely called out to substantiate and verify his remarks. He does a great job preaching to his choir and telling them what they want to hear.
I will give him credit in that his PR gurus do seem to be doing a good job in spinning his message - and, once again, often without providing verifiable data and figures to back up their messages.
- jim - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:10 pm:
I think it’s pretty much irrefutable that major portions of the state’s computer systems are hopelessly out of date. these depts. are havens for doing things the old way — it’s a different form of feather-bedding. I’ve been hearing this going back to Loleta Didrickson as state treasurer/comptroller, whatever she was.
- JoeMaddon - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:15 pm:
**The local union newsletter had a small story on the visit. If interested, here is the link. (Top of page 3)
LOL: Last comment: “The Bible tells me to go out and make money.”
- Politix - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:22 pm:
“Either way, he saw a problem and now it’s being fixed. That’s a good thing.”
I’ve worked in state government long enough to know these things don’t simply get “fixed” in a year. I suspect this solution/whatever it is-hard to tell with all of the flowery language (did they procure new software? Did someone in-house design a program/database to process these?)-began under the Quinn admin.
- Mama - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:35 pm:
Getting the FACTS right seems to be a big issue for Rauner. He only cares about how something will sound on the media. It sounds like he is doing something when he did nothing.
- Groundhog Day - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:54 pm:
been renewing my license on-line since the late 90s, every three years. Total BS
- El Conquistador - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 3:55 pm:
Just 2 more sessions with heir Rauner…
- walker - Friday, Jul 15, 16 @ 5:55 pm:
He saw something he didn’t quite understand that appeared wrong; he exaggerated it for effect; it appears to be getting fixed. Net: Good.
It was mistaken to think he made it up out of whole cloth.