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Most. Unwatchable. Video. Ever.

Thursday, Jul 21, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Another blast e-mail from John Terranova to state employees…

Dear colleagues,

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to contact me in response to my last email. Your responses confirmed what we knew all along. State employees are hungry for accurate information. Rest assured, you can always count on me and my colleagues in CMS Labor Relations to provide it.

To that end, please take a moment to watch ASK JT: Answers to State Employee Questions and Concerns. In this clip, joined by my longtime colleague and good friend, Colleen Alderman, I answer important questions we’ve been receiving from employees. We cover the following topics:

    . ​health insurance,

    . strike-related issues (lost wages and benefits, inability to use vacation and other benefit time during a strike, as well as other issues),

    . impasse, and

    . merit pay.

I’m sure you have many more questions and encourage you to continue asking them. Colleen and I will do our best to respond, in writing and in future installments of ASK JT. In the meantime, please bookmark, where you can find a complete copy of our last, best, and final offer in the AFSCME negotiations. We will continue updating this website with additional information that our employees not only demand but have the right to know.


John Terranova
Deputy Director
Office of Labor Relations
Department of Central Management Services

* The video is over 20 minutes long, so it isn’t actually a “clip.” But if you can somehow manage to make it through all the way, please let me know in comments what you thought because I only made it about two minutes. Click here.


  1. - Northern pike - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:04 pm:

    Doubling my current health insurance costs is a new and exciting option unless I want a bronze plan instead.

  2. - NeveroddoreveN - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    Way better than the dress rehearsals!

  3. - steward - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    I’m sure it’s a coincidence that these two emails came out the week that every local president, many of the stewards and activists, and council leadership is away at the AFSCME international convention… /s

  4. - Present - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    This I do know. AFSCME is of no use to me if I am forced to accept these terms. I will not pay dues for a contract that is useless. I will need the money and have just as many rights or more even in the court of law.

  5. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:15 pm:

    What are those books behind them? They aren’t statute books.

  6. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:15 pm:

    “Dear State Employees, please spend a half hour of your work day watching this video instead of performing official duties.”

  7. - Huh? - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:16 pm:

    Got the email and sorted it directly into the junk folder along with the email blasts from 1.4%. Tried to sort through the website, what a mess.

  8. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===This I do know. AFSCME is of no use to me if I am forced to accept these terms. I will not pay dues for a contract that is useless. I will need the money and have just as many rights or more even in the court of law.===

    That’s pretty much Bruce Rauner’s goal. So… You’re basically claiming to be helping with his success.

  9. - steward - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:17 pm:

    So would the union be allowed to send a 20 minute video to all state employees using state email that the employees can watch on state time?

  10. - Mama - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:18 pm:

    - Present - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:13 pm: -

    That is exactly why the governor wants to take away the union’s right to bargain for good pay and benefits. Rauner wants all of the workers to drop out of the unions.

  11. - Samuel Gompers - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:20 pm:

    AFSCME was going to communicate with all members while the guv and his posse were at the Republican National Convention. ..but Professor Ooda Loop threw a curveball and stayed home.

  12. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:24 pm:

    Dear John,

    I’d like to know how Geographical Transfer is going to be used by the state to decrease the number of state workers covered by AFSCME. What’s going to happen to those 20 something IDOR collectors who were told to move from Chicago to Springfield. Was it a successful experiment? How many chose not to move? Do you think that might happen to larger units like say DCEO? Please tell me more! Exciting! THANKS! s/

  13. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:26 pm:

    360, the books are “Arthur Andersen’s Greatest CMS Accomplishments.” In other words, they’re fake.

  14. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    My state computer doesn’t have a good enough Internet connection to watch the video. On my cell phone, after work, I just made it through 10 minutes and gave up after he completely avoided answering the question as to whether employees could be forced to work overtime if they cross the picket line.

  15. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    It was tough to get through, but I made it. Let me see if I got this straight. If I show up to work, I get overtime pay, temporary assignment pay, and get to work from home. All I have to do is switch to fair share. Sign me up! Heavy /s

  16. - BrandNew - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:36 pm:

    As an employee with only 3 years in I took this video as saying what the consequenses would be for those who agree to strike. It was like an underlying threat. Can they send these types of emails legally? Its the opposite of what they accuse the union of.

  17. - Cindy Lou - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:37 pm:

    Oh my. CMS is your ‘friend’.

    They still trying that stunt? I can remember years ago being told not to file those pesty grievances. Course not. Just call your ‘bestest friend’, CMS with any concerns.

    I’ll skip the informative video… but thanks for the laugh. Cool trip down memory lane.

  18. - Century Club - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    That video was so slanted it slid off my computer screen at the half way mark.

  19. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:41 pm:

    Made me laugh Arthur.

  20. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:44 pm:

    I wonder what the message is going to be if September 1st comes and there’s no strike?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:44 pm:

    Dear all state workers,

    Read the letter, watch the video, look around your agencies…

    And… in November, remember this video, this letter, remember the forced challenges in your agency, and the other state agencies… and…

    Vote Accordingly.

    Oswego Willy

  22. - UnionandProud - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:45 pm:

    Aaaaw!….Rauner put on a puppet show for us. You could hardly see the strings.

    “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain”….

  23. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:48 pm:

    “I will need the money and have just as many rights or more even in the court of law.” Um, no you don’t, Illinois is an at will state.

  24. - burbanite - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:51 pm:

    sorry, 4:48 is me. Oh and I think that is one of those video background things you can buy, its really a green screen.

  25. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    Yup, definitely cold-sweat desperation.

    “We love you! We care for you! We’ll let you pay less for less coverage, or you can pay more for the same coverage! You can work from home - so no one will know you’re a scab! You can rat out your co-workers who you betrayed!”

    Uh, thanks, Saruman.

    How dumb do they think AFSCME members are?

  26. - Ghost - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:58 pm:

    needs more cowbell

  27. - dunno - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    Video @ 11:50:
    “If an employee does not come to work, then their position may be replaced. So that’s something to consider. And, depending on the nature of the strike, once the strike is over, the employee may not be guaranteed to get their job back.”

    Uh… isn’t it straight up illegal to fire an employee for participating in a legal strike?

  28. - Momof2 - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    This video is a scare tactic. Unfortunately some of my husband’s coworkers will be dumb enough to believe it. I can’t count how many times I gaged while watching it. Afscme needs to do a better job of communicating with its employees.

  29. - AC - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    I’ve seen this movie before:

  30. - dunno - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    Sorry, 12:50

  31. - Robert the 1st - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:01 pm:

    Sweet. Get to work from home and not take any grief from the strikers. Nice.

  32. - Macbeth - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:05 pm:

    What the heck?

    A *video*?

    Write this stuff down, Terranova. Forget about some lame video.

    Or at least offer a transcript.

    There’s no way — no way — on god’s green earth I’m gonna sit through a 30 minute (30!?!) video. No way.

    And please, stop spamming state employee mailboxes.

  33. - Wizzard of Ozzie - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:06 pm:

    At the 3:42 mark-

    “We do that, not only because we care about our employees, but federal law requires us to do so.”


  34. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:07 pm:

    Uh… isn’t it straight up illegal to fire an employee for participating in a legal strike?

    They’ll try to get away with it by saying it’s an “illegal” strike. Would probably take a long time for the courts to sort that one out.

  35. - Anon221 - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:12 pm:

    Trying again…

    How can he claim the State’s last, best, and final offer is on the team website? Doesn’t that have to happen after all rulings and appeals are done? Did I miss a news release this week?

  36. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:15 pm:

    4:48, Illinois, like most others, is an at-will state, but not an at-will employer. It will pay to know the difference.

  37. - Raunersilverspoon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:17 pm:

    It is a violation of the national labor relations act to threaten any retalition against an employee for a legal strike. The employer can not threaten the loss of position or job. They also are prohibited from discouraging employees from joining the union. If a strike does occur and any action whatsoever is taken against me I will file the biggest civil suit in history against the state and cash in.

  38. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:32 pm:

    John, please compare us to our peers, other state governments, not a low-end retailer who also offers pharmacy services or a marga-corporation. We are neither. We are not a company,we are not for profit, we are not intended to generate record profits for our stockholders year after year, we are a state government. We are bound by different laws (for example, ERISA applies to both Walgreens and IBM but not to the State of ILLInois). Please don’t insult us, you have always been better than that. Compare apples and apples and tell us straightforwardly how our wages compare, how our benefits compare, how our pensions and contributions compare. The fact that you don’t will tell us that state salaries and benefits compare poorly to our peers. Who will you talk to us next about: Walmart?

  39. - kitty - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:38 pm:

    Further affirmation that there has not likely been a more adversarial and openly hostile disposition taken by an administration towards its workforce. This is certainly true as it relates to the 2 1/2 decades I’ve been with the State. I perceive the video as well as prior efforts to communicate directly to the workforce indicative of an effort to intimidate, divide and deceive the workforce by leaving an impression of “good faith”. Don’t be fooled and as OW often says, “vote accordingly”.

  40. - kitty - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 5:47 pm:

    Anonymous @ 5:32pm, excellent points. Don’t expect JT to provide a comparison of pay and compensation between state workforces that accounts for required education, experience and types of positions. The State of IL has outsourced a very large percentage of lower paid social service and other service worker positions, many of which belong to companies or not for profits not being paid at this time despite having provided services in good faith under contract. This greatly impacts the average employee pay. IL taxpayers are getting a bargain with the fewest or 2nd fewest amount of state workers per capita in the US…doing more with less as it is.

  41. - Hhood - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:02 pm:

    I made it thru whole thing. Next time send it in writing so we can skip to parts which we might actually not know. Like we will pay our insurance and the employer share also. Will be a lot of money for each employee. I did learn something for the record the union has given accurate information. And this video did to. They need to go back to the bargaining table and get it done already

  42. - anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:11 pm:

    “If an employee does not come to work, then their position may be replaced. So that’s something to consider. And, depending on the nature of the strike, once the strike is over, the employee may not be guaranteed to get their job back.”

    I feel like this is a straight up threat. I’m sure it’s true that this is one possible outcome, depending on the circumstances. But, there are many other possibilities that he chose not to mention.

    anon @4:27
    “If I show up to work, I get overtime pay, temporary assignment pay, and get to work from home.”

    I think there was a “potentially” qualifier in there somewhere. ;-)

    It just burns me up that both the union and the administration feed you half-truths and mislead you every step of the way. As an employee, I don’t feel like I can trust either side.

  43. - Fly On the Wall - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:17 pm:

    Nick Name - Your precious Union is a scam and you don’t even recognize it. So it is ok for the Union to threaten employees? All week union stewards have been telling folks if you cross the picket line you will no longer be considered a union employee and will be considered an at will employee. Sorry that is illegal and an untrue statement as the Union is taking Union Dues from all the employees. The Union has lied about negotiations for the past 5 years and still continues it daily. Let’s have a strike 40% will cross and say good-bye to AFSCME. Best result for all.

  44. - spent - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:42 pm:

    - Fly On the Wall
    if you say so /s

  45. - Trolling Troll - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:46 pm:

    Fly on the wall- your personal attack confirms your troll status. My nickname confirms mine. Please make a point or move on.

  46. - spent - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 6:48 pm:

    rauner wants a strike? no
    rauner wants a strike that will fail? yes

  47. - Small Town Girl - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 7:08 pm:

    This was about equal to a late night infomercial. I will be on the look out for my free ginsu knives.

  48. - Perrid - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 7:43 pm:

    This link has some guidance on how strikers can be treated by their employers:

    Assuming that a strike would be a legal strike (as defined at the link), it would be defined as an economic strike I imagine, and so JT was correct that workers could potentially be replaced, but the state would have to offer the worker another position they are qualified for once it became available. Still, it really sounded like a threat to me.

  49. - Anon - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 8:03 pm:

    Pretty sure their plan is to call it an “illegal strike” by claiming it was done in violation of the tolling agreement or some b.s. like that.

  50. - Neveranonymous - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 8:27 pm:

    I believe only state law is relevant to public employees.

  51. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 8:39 pm:

    Fly on the wall: thank you for sharing.

  52. - Iamthepita - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:11 pm:

    “State employees are hungry for accurate information. Rest assured, you can always count on me and my colleagues in CMS Labor Relations to provide it.”… “We will continue updating this website with additional information that our employees not only demand but have the right to know.” – John Terranova

    ***Yet, the video isn’t captioned nor does the website provide a written transcript of the video for the concerning employees that are Deaf or hard of hearing that needs access to this information…

  53. - Fly On the Wall - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:32 pm:

    Trolling Troll - You have no clue what goes on in the negotiations. Both sides are to blame but the Union leadership is a complete joke and does not serve its members but themselves. I left government years ago because of the gross incompetence by all. I spent years in that Capitol and it is a complete farce what has been done to this State. The union is one of the biggest obstacle to improving State operations and it has been for several administrations. Henry Bayer would go into negotiation sessions and cursing people and showed just a complete lack of class and then go out of the meeting and lie about what happened. Did not matter Republican or Democrat admins.

  54. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Jul 21, 16 @ 11:37 pm:

    “State employees are hungry for accurate information. Rest assured, you can always count on me and my colleagues in CMS Labor Relations to provide it.”

    This information is readily available in the Illinois Compiled Statutes, Personnel Code, former AFSCME contract and IL Constitution. If you need someone to read it to you, please trust this guy.

  55. - Anonymous - Friday, Jul 22, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    To “Fly On The Wall” - I am a current state employee. I don’t know what has made you so bitter in regards to the union. I think that the union is doing a good job in trying to counter the half-truths and untruths put out by the governor. Remember, public unions never expected to be seriously talking about striking. This Governor is doing his best to force a strike.

  56. - Jc19pd2 - Friday, Jul 22, 16 @ 11:48 am:

    Where did they get $8,000 a month should a union employee go on strike? The most highly paid I knew of would miss out on $6000 a month before taxes.

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