Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 *** Accusation that AFSCME will fine strike-breakers called “groundless”
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*** UPDATED x2 *** Accusation that AFSCME will fine strike-breakers called “groundless”

Wednesday, Aug 3, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A memo from the governor’s union negotiator…

TO: Trey Childress, Deputy Governor and Chief of Operations
Jason Barclay, Governor’s General Counsel
Richard Goldberg, Governor’s Chief of Staff
FROM: John Terranova, Deputy Director
DATE: August 2, 2016
SUBJECT: AFSCME Threatening Workers with Fines for Crossing Picket Lines

As we near AFSCME’s September 1 strike date, I wanted to update you about a troublesome development.

My office has recently learned that AFSCME representatives are advising employees about the consequences of crossing the picket line in the event of a strike. Specifically, we heard that the Union is threatening to fine employees as much as $5,000 if they cross the picked the line. Threatened fines in the same amount of $5,000 were reported at the State Retirement Systems Building in Springfield on July 15, 2016, and at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum on July 18, 2016.

As much as I personally find such threats distasteful, I have no reason to doubt the accuracy of what AFSCME plans to do to members who cross the picket line.
To confirm whether AFSCME is able to fine its members and how much, we would need to review the Union’s bylaws. Unfortunately, AFSCME’s bylaws do not appear to be publicly available. We would need the Union to embrace transparency and make its bylaws available to the public.

We will update you as we learn more about this issue and how it is affecting state employees.

* Finke has AFSCME Council 31’s response to the alleged threat of fines

A spokesman for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees on Tuesday called the memo “another groundless attack from the Rauner administration.” […]

AFSCME locals around the state have been holding meetings with members to inform them of their rights and other ramifications in the event of a strike. However, AFSCME said it doesn’t want a strike and repeated that assertion Tuesday.

“Another day, another groundless attack from the Rauner administration,” AFSCME spokesman Anders Lindall said. “There is no ‘September 1 strike date’ anywhere but in the governor’s mind, and this memo’s other claims are just as unreliable.”

“While we won’t get dragged into responding to every phony twist and turn of the Rauner misinformation campaign, the simple fact is that AFSCME Council 31 has never fined anyone for conduct during a strike,” Lindall said. “This is a nonissue invented by the administration to distract state workers from what’s really going on. Governor Rauner boasted that he’d force a strike, he walked away from negotiations, and he’s seeking the power to unilaterally impose his extreme demands.”

OK, so Council 31 has never fined a member for crossing a picket line. But can the union fine strike-breakers?

*A commenter on the SJ-R story points to two sections of AFSCME’s constitution

Section 1. Except as hereafter provided in this Article, any member of the Federation may file charges against any individual for actions taken while a member of the Federation or while a staff employee of the Federation or a subordinate body.

Section 2. The following and no other shall constitute the basis for the filing of charges: […]

D. Acting in collusion with management to the detriment of the welfare of the union or its membership.


Section 15. A trial body may, if it finds the accused person guilty, assess any one or more of the following penalties:

    A. A formal reprimand, accompanied by a formal warning against any repetition of the act or acts of which the accused is found guilty.

    B. A fine in an amount not to exceed one year’s dues, to be paid to the union at the level at which the charges originate.

    C. Full or partial restitution, where the consequences of the offense can be measured in material terms.

So, apparently Council 31 can fine workers.

*** UPDATE 1 ***   From Anders Lindall at Council 31…

This is a ludicrous discussion. No AFSCME member has ever been fined for such conduct in Illinois, we’ve never even considered the concept, and in checking with our national union, they are aware of no case in which it has ever happened anywhere in the country. This “matter” is entirely a creation of the Rauner Administration’s anti-union misinformation campaign to confuse, distract and divide state employees and the public.

*** UPDATE 2 *** From Rauner spokesman Lance Trover…

It is outrageous that AFSCME refuses to categorically rule out fining workers who may not want to strike.


  1. - Ahoy! - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    –D. Acting in collusion with management to the detriment of the welfare of the union or its membership.–

    That is pretty open for interpretation and ripe with abusive of power. Also, do I have this right that AFSME members are forced into unionization and then can be fined by the very union they are forced to join?

  2. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    ===As we near AFSCME’s September 1 strike date===

    That is the first thing out of the box.

    If this isn’t true, why do the three whose names are attached continue this, knowing this date isn’t possible.

    If the September 1st date is possible and probable, why does AFSCME continue to ignore this date as existing

    Only ONE can be right.

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    “You keep using that term (in good faith), I do not think it means what you think it means.”

  4. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    I suspect the governor will lockout employees on August 31.

    There is no September 1 strike date. This is simply an excuse to do an “emergency lockout”.

    Mark my words. There will be a lockout on or before September 1.

    What’s insane here is that no one is talking about simply cooling off until the labor board issues their ruling in the fall.

  5. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    Anyone know why the administration keeps insisting that AFSCME is going to strike on Sept. 1, when it’s highly unlikely (from what I understand) that ILRB will have ruled on the impasse question by then, and AFSCME itself has repeatedly denied this?

  6. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    So max fine is one years dues. anyone paying $5000 in annual dues?

  7. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Are AFSCME’s dues $5,000/year? That might corroborate the assertion in Mr. Terranova’s memo.

  8. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Ahoy, no one is forced to join the union. They must pay fair share but don’t have to join.

  9. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    ==forced into unionization ==

    Nobody is forced into a union. As far as I know no one is required to stay in a job that becomes a union job or to take a union job.

  10. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    GA Watcher:

    A fine of a year’s worth of dues for my spouse would be $500. I don’t know who would be paying anything close to $5,000.

  11. - anon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:18 am:

    Want to make sure I’m following this correctly. Despite the headline and comments from AFSCME - they CAN fine members and have not specifically said they will not fine members, right?

  12. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    I would g put it pass this cracker-jack Press Shop to add a Zero (500 to 5000) accidently…

    … and no one proofed it.

    That wouldn’t surprise me one bit.

  13. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    This entire thing has gotten way out of hand. You’ve got dirty pool being played by both sides. I’ve witnessed the union bullying members (my spouse was asked verbally about interest in striking and before answering was given the names of all of those who had said no in an effort to shame my spouse into voting yes) and I’ve seen the administration engaging in scare tactics (the whole “Ask JT” fiasco when he stated that AFSCME members striking may be replaced). And we are to believe that any of them are engaging in “good faith” negotiating?

  14. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:19 am:


  15. - Been There - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    ===So, apparently Council 31 can fine workers.====
    I would think that this should read they “can fine members”. The ones paying fair share I don’t think are members. And I’m not sure what the penalty would be for not paying the fine except kick you out as a member.

  16. - LessAnon? - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    So they’ve never fined a member for crossing a picket line? Have they ever been on strike?

  17. - Curmudgeon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    Since the Guv’s staff keep repeating that Sept. 1 date, I hafta wonder what trick they’re going to play on that day. At the very least, I figger they announce that due to His Excellency’s strong leadership and firm stand, AFSCME has backed down from going on strike. Alternatively, I can see them implemting a lockout, claiming it was necessary to keep union workers from sabotage, work slowdowns, etc.

  18. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    Boy is it going to be awkward for the administration when everyone shows up for work 9-1-16.

    Dues vary a little bit from local to local but I’d say a good average is 35 a check. Which comes out to 840 a year. Which is a tad under 5000…

  19. - The Dude Abides - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:29 am:

    If both sides return to the bargaining table it’s a moot point. AFSCME actually offered a concession on the same day that the Administration declared that they were at an impasse. I know that the Union doesn’t want a strike, a know a guy who is on the bargaining committee and that’s what he told me and he has no reason to lie to me about that. The Governor is on record of saying that he might have to shut things down for a while. It’s an election year so the question I have is who wins the PR battle if there is a strike before the election?

  20. - Neveranonymous - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    You know anyone referencing a September 1 strike date probably doesn’t have the rest of the facts straight either.

  21. - A Jack - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Terranova’s memo appears to be pure fantasy and speculation. I can safely say at least one of those occurrences did not happen since there was not a union meeting on that date. If anything, it was misinformation from one union member to another and was not an actual AFSCME representative that said it.

    And how the hell can we strike on September 1, when we haven’t even voted on it yet, which we can’t until an actual impasse is declared.

    Pure horse hokey.

  22. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    My comment didn’t make it through, but I’m guessing that the admin will lockout employees on August 31 in order to “preempt” the fictional strike.

    There will be no strike on September 1.

  23. - very old soil - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    Could one of our legal minds chip in here? If I was a member and the union tried to fine me, I would just stop being a member and become fair share. I don’t see how the union has the power to collect a fine.

  24. - Cindy Lou - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    Seems to me Rauner created the September date in his mind when he tried the request to bypass and cut straight to labor board. Didn’t he rattle on about being able to get a decision by September instead waiting until December… Illinois couldn’t afford to wait blah blah?

  25. - HangingOn - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    ==September 1 strike date==

    The only thing that keeps coming to mind is the form we were given at our Benefit’s Choice meeting stating that September 1st the Governor would be imposing the new insurance prices and packages. Oh, and that he would pro-rate the costs back to July 1st so they could charge us all at once for the “extra” insurance we have now. Maybe he figures that will be the trigger that makes the fit hit the shan.

  26. - Anon 1234 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    I am fairly certain afscme would not take a strike vote before the ILRB makes a decision. All afscme members I work with don’t want to strike, but most would based on the last offer from Rauner. Removal of job protections are the biggest concern, not the economic side. Only Rauner forcing his demands would lead to a strike. I know my facility could never function during a strike. I think our administration is counting on people crossing the picket line because people are paycheck to paycheck. Or hoping we will be declared essential employees. I haven’t heard a good answer of what happens to essential employees who can’t strike. Do we have to work under the terms of the new contract? Fortunately we aren’t there yet.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    Since the Administration is saying, unquestionably, that the September 1st date is a real date…

    I’d like to see, beyond speculation, what the Administration points to, in fact, that September 1st is a real date.


    If Goldberg, Barclay, and Terranova have solid, undisputed proof, I’d like to see it.

    What is the factual basis of this date.

    Start there, then if that’s true, let’s talk about the $5K.

  28. - Ray del Camino - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:41 am:

    It’s amateur hour again in the governor’s office.

  29. - Dee Lay - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    “As we near AFSCME’s September 1 strike date, I wanted to update you about a troublesome development.”

    So let’s say that Sept. 1 goes by with no strike.

    Is Terranova on the hook for libel since he is literally publishing false statements that are damaging to the union and union members’ reputation?

  30. - Team Warwick - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    Hilarious baiting by the amateur club. There is no strike date? Those guys are fruitloops.
    To have a strike they have to gave a vote of members.
    If members dont want to strike and vote no, there isnt one.
    If a hypothetical strike occurred and the hypothetical employee who voted no went to work anyway, and tge hypothetical union mgmt. hypothetically decides to hypothetically fine a member, how would they collect the fine? If you want to vote no you simply quit the union at the same time and then you are no longer a member the day you go to work anyway.
    You are welcome!

  31. - Captain Illini - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    I wish the Gov’s office would put away their copy of Goebels’ guide to propaganda…there is no way this lie is going to become the truth unless the union is completely insane.

    To the post:

    The process is set, and I believe will be followed so the simple question of impasse or not can be answered. Then, an appeal or not will be next, followed by either more negotiations or unfortunately last best offer. The timeline is well past September 1st, unless you factor in 2017 as a date…geez.

  32. - Mama - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    - HangingOn - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:36 am: -

    HangingOn, I think you hit the nail on the head.

    Rauner wants the state workers/retirees to blame the union for the increase in health insurance premiums that may take affect on Sept. 1st.

  33. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    AFSCME is indeed stating the Sept 1 date in their meetings. It would be interesting to see them try to collect the fines from their members.

    I also believe a strike will be the end of AFSCME, most workers cannot go a week without pay let alone longer.

  34. - Allen D - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    I think everyone here is seeing only “one year dues” part and stopping… read the next line.

    C. Full or partial restitution, where the consequences of the offense can be measured in material terms.

    This next line could mean that if you cross a picket line and collect a salary ,(that is measured in material terms) AFSCME could fine you seemingly up to 100% of that salary for restitution.

    Things that make you go Hrmmmmm

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    ===AFSCME is indeed stating the Sept 1 date in their meetings.===

    Ok. If you heard that, what are “they” basing their action on, how can it go down?

  36. - Checkin In - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    A trial body would have to weigh the offense and assess the penalty… and who the heck has time for that if they are on strike? This is all so ridiculous, how is a memo addressed to the three insiders even taken seriously? Like they don’t know? Of all the hooey I’ve seen, this is one of the hooeyest.

  37. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    Curmudgeon, I think you’re right. On September 1, Dear Leader will gloat about beating AFSCME down when the pretend strike doesn’t happen.

  38. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:07 am:

    A lockout on August 31 or September 1 would be the best thing for AFSCME members. But in case any of the superstars are reading this, “please don’t lock us out.”

  39. - Joe M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:07 am:

    Definition of propaganda: information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.

    Rauner and his staff are experts at propaganda.

  40. - Grandson of Man - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    There is no September 1 strike date, nor are AFSCME reps threatening members with fines for crossing picket lines, as far as I know. This looks like Rauner is just trying to psych people out and scare them–which is what someone who hates public unions would do.

    Workers should keep in mind that the people who are trying to force harsh contract terms upon them made $1.7 billion dollars last year (Griffin) and $58 million in 2014 (Rauner). What sacrifices are Rauner and Griffin personally willing to make to help the state, again?

  41. - A Jack - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:11 am:

    If health insurance costs are increased on September 1 and billed for July, I would expect AFSCME to sue, not go on strike.

    If someone offered to change your oil for $10 and after they did it, said you owe them $90, I expect that the courts would have something to say about that.

    Health insurance is a condition of employment. We had to take insurance when we took a state job per our employment agreement. So forcing us to take insurance and then retroactively charging more won’t sit well with the courts.

  42. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Afscme can’t strike during the tolling agreement unless we agree we are at impasse. We don’t agree we are at impasse. So unless you see news that Afscme filed something with the labor board agreeing we are at impasse then we CANNOT legally go on strike!

    Just a bunch of yoda loops.

  43. - Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:14 am:

    How did this internal memo become public? If it is part of a planned messaging campaign, who is driving it?

  44. - dlapine - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    Rich, you might want to add the updates to the front page, instead of just here in the comments section.

    That could prevent some confusion.

  45. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    To Update x2…

    Lance can’t explain how the Administration justifies the fact of the September 1st date?

    Heck, it makes a great “gotcha” if Lance produces that proof of a September 1st date.

    AFSCME says they aren’t striking on September 1st.

    Rauner Administration makes clear a strike can and will happen September 1st.

    Only ONE can be right.

    Lance? What undisputed facts do you base this September 1st strike date on?

    Your Update kinda-sorta ignored the whole… facts… thingy

  46. - dlapine - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:22 am:

    ===Rich, you might want to add the updates to the front page, instead of just here in the comments section.===

    Already updated- man, is Rich quick. Thanks.

  47. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    Joe, from long and painful experience, I feel comfortable saying “so is AFSCME”. Ray, they aren’t amateurs: they know what they are doing and they’re doing it really well I think. I fear that many of you are really missing what’s going on here.

  48. - Former hillrod - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    @ Joe M

    Rauner and his staff think they are experts at propaganda.

  49. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    Warning to labor relations and human resources folks: this is what happens when you repeat random rumors to CMS.

    CMS makes up a meting that never happened and now we all want to be experts on the AFSCME constitution? What can be done by the International Union after a trial before the judicial panel should not be equated to “Council 31 can impose fines.” They can’t and they won’t. But great job propaganda machine on getting everyone stirred up again.

  50. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    I asked a council 31 staff rep this question at a meeting. He very clearly said no, they would not be fining anyone.

    BTW it is the membership agreement that gives them the ability to fine, NOT being in union job. i.e they can fine a member who agrees to join, but not a fair share employee. generally its counterproductive to fine members because they can quite the union and become fair share…. which reduces income

  51. - Trolling Troll - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    What a complete waste of tax dollars. I would like to know the amount of money this administration has spent on frivolous law suits to further the advancement of this neoliberal ideologue’s so called “reform”.

  52. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    I fear that many of you are really missing what’s going on here.

    Which is what, Steve? What’s going on? What are many of us missing?

  53. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    Enlighten us Steve!

  54. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    Yeah steve. Please tell us what is really going on.

  55. - A Jack - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    And I think it is outrageous that Rauner has not uncategorily refused to support Donald Trump.

  56. - anon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    So Anders still isn’t ruling out fining members.

  57. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:36 am:

    Still waiting for the governor to “rule out” calling up the national guard to do state worker work…

  58. - Moby - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:36 am:

    I wonder if Springfield area car dealerships and realtors who support Rauner are hoping for a strike.

  59. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:39 am:

    “what’s going on here.” Sounds to me like a classic FUD war.

  60. - Trolling Troll - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:41 am:

    You are exactly right!! Not to mention the restaurant/bar industry. Downtown will have tumbleweeds blowing around the old capital. I hope they have been saving their money.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    ===Still waiting for the governor to “rule out” calling up the national guard to do state worker work…===

    Catherine Kelly, “ck”, made it clear that using the National Guard was possible.

    NBC5… for starters

    “Rauner spokeswoman Catherine Kelly did not deny that the office reached out to retired state workers and the National Guard, saying the administration is “pursuing all options.”…”

    Rauner thinks it’s a fine “option”… an occupying military force taking over state agencies, “ck” said so

  62. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:43 am:

    My guess as to what is really going on is that the Gov’s office wants to intimidate union members into voting No on a strike vote, whenever it would be voted on. Which, in effect, would likely result in the states last and final offer being accepted, rather than just imposed. Steve - am I right?

  63. - Ghost - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:44 am:

    more importantly for the second year in a row the fair has chopped the little side shows we used to go see. looks like a second year of 1 day only attendance.

  64. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    For many years administrations played defense Against AFSCME at contract time. The administrations generally respected the agreement to bargain at the table, not in the media. The union, either maliciously or inadvertently fed the media every possibly negative thing an administration was proposing (like a $10 dollar increase in health insurance contributions), and every reasonable thing the union was proposing (just a simple 5% COLA, and you know we would really settle for 3 1/2). The union fed information that was out of context, distorted, some times simply untrue. The administrations then tried to explain and rebut thru the media that what was being reported was inaccurate, distorted, untrue, and so on. In other words they played defense. Do you guys notice what you’re doing this bargaining cycle?

  65. - Century Club - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    I doubt AFSCME can fine fair-share members. This looks like a play by the administration to (a) disrupt AFSCME’s internal organizing and (b) get members who are uncomfortable with a strike to go fair-share and stop paying dues.

  66. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    My guess as to what is really going on is that the Gov’s office wants to intimidate union members into voting No on a strike vote, whenever it would be voted on.

    That’s probably true — and makes sense. But why all the fear before the labor board rules? The time to deal with this stuff — strike or no — is *after* the labor board. Until then, it’s all in limbo.

  67. - Jorge - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    I’d love to see a Guardsman process a TANF application.

  68. - Stumpy's bunker - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    Rauner wants the Tier 1 employees gone…one way or another. This whole “September 1″ thing sounds like a disingenuous plan to scare them into retiring now.

  69. - Threepwood - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:47 am:

    I think it’s a fair point: Given that they’re bending over backwards to “say without saying” that they won’t fine members for crossing lines, they need to stop getting hung up on legalese and just flat say it. There’s no point in reserving the right to fine line-crossers if you don’t mean to do it, and you’ll still be able to fine people for other types of conduct. As it is you’re just handing your opponents sound bites.

    Regarding the 9/1 “strike date”, note that Terranova never actually said AFSCME WILL strike on that date. So if both parties are playing word games, and boy howdy are they, that’s totally within bounds. Word games aside, it was very clear to me from the start that AFSCME was saying “if Rauner is allowed to skip the ALJ and expedite the board review, we could be facing imposed terms by 9/1.”

  70. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:48 am:

    Agree with all you said OW. Was just snarking at the lance update.

    All the best.

  71. - Anon 1234 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:49 am:

    I’m also curious how this memo got released. I would hope those people have more important things to do instead of spreading rumors and then releasing them to the public without verification. Of all the propaganda they can fabricate, this one seems particularly weak.

  72. - cdog - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:50 am:

    Once again, this Administration is back to the tactic of manipulating perceptions of truth, in a much less than honorable fashion.

    Present a line of garbage (AFSCME fines),
    prance it around like it is absolute,
    put opponent on defense to prove you wrong.

    The silver lining is that this is right out of the Bush/Rove/Ailes playbook and we know how that worked out for them–discredit, and responsibility for multiple acts of destruction.

    I don’t hang out with, or vote for people that are willing to do this kind of thing. I do not think I am alone in this.

  73. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:51 am:

    Anon, there have been a disproportionate amount of “leaks” that have to do with memos going to or from Jason Barclay. Does the guy write/read these memos on his laptop in the middle of Starbucks? /s

  74. - Roger Dorn - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:53 am:

    So the strike is scheduled on September 1 after all.


  75. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    ===”There is no ‘September 1 strike date’ anywhere but in the governor’s mind, and this memo’s other claims are just as unreliable.”===


    Will the National Gurad he evtheir own spokespeople on September 1st for “Operation Steamroll” or will “ck” speak for the civilian leadership during the occupation of state government.

    I mean, I need to prepare.


  76. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:58 am:

    “… have their own… “

  77. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    ===AFSCME is indeed stating the Sept 1 date in their meetings. It would be interesting to see them try to collect the fines from their members.

    I also believe a strike will be the end of AFSCME, most workers cannot go a week without pay let alone longer.===

    Nice try Lance. Stop stalking the blog.

  78. - Chicago_Downstater - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    @ Century Club

    I agree. I don’t think this can be applied to fair-share only workers. If someone thinks otherwise can they explain why? (no snark)

    If it is only for Union Members and not also fair-share workers, then this is perfectly reasonable. You shouldn’t get the full benefits of Union Membership and then not expect to have to deal with the full consequences of said membership.

    If Union Members believe that these clauses are too broad or harsh, then there should be internal processes to amend them. If there aren’t, then that’s the real problem.

  79. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    The sept1 date is such crap. Pure perfidy. If Rainer imposes the insurance I’m sure aFSCme will file an injunction to stop it. They are trying to insight us and distract. Steady on shipmates and hold fast.

  80. - Harvest76 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    I am the steward of the state employees retirement system. Don’t worry, I’m on my break now. I can tell you with absolute certainty that there was no meeting at the SRS Agency on July 15th, nor any other day, nor was any member ever told that they would be fineed any amount of money for any reason related to a possible strike. Someone heard a rumor and it made its way to Labor Relations and they handed the reporter of this story a fabrication and the reporter just printed it without bothering to even call over to SERS to find out the truth. He did call ACFSME in Chicago, but ran with the story anyway before he had any evidence. Rauner and his crew have developed a spin machine and all they intend to do is confuse the situation as much as possible so that those among the membership that are too ignorant to parse out the truth or ask for clarification feel scared and vulnerable. Its union-busting 101. Doug Finke should be ashamed of himself and his article should be retracted.

  81. - Memo From Turner - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:10 pm:

    I find it really hard to believe that a Union like AFSCME would not fine anyone for crossing a picket line. Discipline of membership is one of the tools that Unions use to keep the membership in line in times of needed solidarity, i.e. strikes. If a member is going to cross a picket line, they should be fined.

    However, what everyone is missing here is that AFSCME knows the only way for a state employee to avoid Union discipline is to resign from the Union prior to crossing the picket line. Under state and federal labor law, a member must resign in writing prior to engaging in conduct that would normally trigger Union discipline. I think AFSCME is afraid that members will resign from the Union in droves to avoid discipline. Smart move by Rauner to highlight the powers that Unions have over members.

    As far as the fine amount. There are two types of dues: 1) window dues to maintain membership; and 2) working dues that are based on a percentage of your check. Assuming these dues are 3% of gross, and a worker makes 75K a year, the fine could be $2,250.

  82. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    ======AFSCME is indeed stating the Sept 1 date in their meetings. It would be interesting to see them try to collect the fines from their members.

    I also believe a strike will be the end of AFSCME, most workers cannot go a week without pay let alone longer.===

    Nice try Lance. Stop stalking the blog.

  83. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:20 pm:

    They are just ranging their shot folks. LT Goldberg had a stupid idea to rattle the waisters by firing grape into the sea. You’re wasting your time LT. Lord Rainer long ago destroyed any good will that he had amongst the hands. You can’t hand and reef with marines LT.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:30 pm:

    - steward -

    It’s all good, bud.

    As you can see I took it as such and I’m running with it.

    Like… Do they have the State Faurgrouds as “HQ” for “Operation Steamroll”, or maybe Lexington Farm for Illinois State, “close but away from the strike”.

    To the Post,

    While I see the ridiculousness, and there’s mocking points, the reality of what’s at play is the seriousness of people’s lives, families, and the health and well being of the state, her citizens, and government functioning.

    Today’s email(s) in this Post highlight that some don’t think these things are important enough to require simple truths I the first lines.

  85. - Beyond Fed-up - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:38 pm:

    OW- From the union meeting I attended the Sept 1 date was mentioned as a hypothetical date as they were explaining a timeline while awaiting the ruling by the Labor Board as to whether Rainer would be allowed to bypass the judge and go directly in front of the full board. How it was explained was that if that happened for instance in the middle of August and they ruled in Rauner’s favor then a poll would be taken as to whether or not to strike and if we did vote to strike it could possibly be September 1. That date was used strictly for illustrative purposes. As we know the Labor Board denied RaunerS request to circumvent the process which means this issue will drag on even longer so there will definitely be no strike on September 1. Fed- up completely by the Administrations blatant misrepresentation of facts and scare tactics!!!

  86. - chi girl - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:38 pm:

    Looks like OODA loops are back

  87. - Pot calling kettle - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:39 pm:

    ==So Anders still isn’t ruling out fining members. ==

    As the constitution excepts make clear, “any member of the Federation may file charges against any individual” after which a proscribed process plays out. As such, no member of the executive board can rule them out. As has been stated above, it is not in the union’s interest to fine a member; however, no one in the union has the power to make a unilateral statement that is counter to the organization’s constitution. The Rauner folks are clever enough to know this and can push the union leadership into a corner on it.

  88. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:42 pm:

    Anon 1234 @ 10:37 am

    “Or hoping we will be declared essential employees”

    The only essential employees are members of CU500 and RC6 bargaining units (DOC & DJJ). It takes a ruling from the Labor Board and affirmation from the court to make employees essential. Essential Employees go to Arbritration when there is an impasse because they cannot strike.

  89. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:48 pm:

    ===As we know the Labor Board denied RaunerS request to circumvent the process which means this issue will drag on even longer so there will definitely be no strike on September 1.===

    Thank you. Appreciate the clear timeline and where a true misunderstanding could be, and could have taken place.

    (Scratching head, doing my best ‘Columbo’)

    “If all that seems reasonable, I guess the one thing I don’t understand is why would the Administration send out an email that seems to ignore real timetable hurdles and start in the first sentence with September 1st?”

    (Puts unlit cigar in mouth, waiting for answer)

  90. - X Administrator - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    The rumor mill runs wild as AFSCME tries to whip it’s members into fearing the picket line when the dirty truth is that non of the other union’s will honor it either.

  91. - Steve Polite - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:53 pm:

    LessAnon? @ 10:25 am

    “Have they ever been on strike?”

    Yes, Council 31 has had strikes with the locals they represent at various levels of government and nonprofits. (i.e. County, municipality, etc.). However, IL state employees have never been on strike.

  92. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 12:57 pm:

    ==Appreciate the clear timeline==

    The Administration is operating under the assumption that a report will be issued to the Board in August and that the Board may consider it in August. I don’t know why they believe that but that’s what I know and probably why they keep going back to the September date.

  93. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:08 pm:

    - Demoralized -

    Thank you, too.

    So the Administration sees a real timeline as something that could be manipulated to an expedited timetable, if the report can be issued in these few weeks, and with the time left in August, a ruling can happen that, in theory, could lead to the dominoes for the union to vote, prepare, and finally be picketing…

    … by September 1st.



  94. - Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    What’s the benefit to the Governor’s team to distribute such a myth? The Union doesn’t have involuntary Collections authority.
    The strike will happen to get Rauner back to the table after they walked away from 7 counter-offers he never responded to. That’s an unfair labor practice.

  95. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:10 pm:

    “Do you guys notice what you’re doing this bargaining cycle?”

    The administration is spewing outrageous claims, innuendo, lies, etc. While the union is doing a poor job on the defensive.

    Essentially the reverse of previous bargaining cycles.

  96. - Anon - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:12 pm:

    Lots of good comments here. I think the posters who guessed that Rauner’s goal is to get as many as possible to go fair share are right. I remember that from the terranova video. He strongly implied that you will be rewarded if you cross the picket line (OT, temp assignment pay, work from home) and all you have to do is switch to fair share.

  97. - RNUG - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    == I think the posters who guessed that Rauner’s goal is to get as many as possible to go fair share are right. ==

    Last go round that backfired; most fair share converted to union membership.

  98. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:22 pm:

    ===So the Administration sees a real timeline as something that could be manipulated to an expedited timetable, if the report can be issued in these few weeks, and with the time left in August, a ruling can happen that, in theory, could lead to the dominoes for the union to vote, prepare, and finally be picketing…

    … by September 1st===

    Or… they know all that and are using this ridiculousness as cover to pretend it’s possible(?)

  99. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:23 pm:


    Don’t try to follow the logic. You’ll hurt yourself.

  100. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    - Demoralized -

    If I keep in “Columbo” mode and accidently fall into logic the fall isn’t as hard or damaging.

  101. - steward - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 1:28 pm:

    Many of the governor’s plans and wishes seemed to hinge on a sept 1st strike date. Now that the labor board has ruined that he, for whatever reason, can’t seem to totally turn off his preparations and plans.

  102. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    Terranova is a troll who wants us to believe that he really cares about state employee by ginnig up fake controversy that he then bravely shoots down.

    You don’t feed Terranovas.

  103. - Formerly Known as Frenchie M - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    The issue — and something that I’m truly confused by — is that when the Sept 1 date comes and goes without a strike — then the administration is going to look like idiots.

    They can only cry wolf so many times.

    Why keep ginning up controversy about something that’s not going to happen? What does it gain the administration? I mean, what, yeah, so they’re on the offensive now — is that it? Prior to Rauner they always played defense and now, finally, they’re on offense?

    They don’t have the ball.

  104. - Huh? - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    “… when the Sept 1 date comes and goes without a strike — then the administration is going to look like idiots.”

    Do you mean how the various predictors of doom and gloom looked after Y2k, the Hale Bopp comet, end of the Mayan long year calendar, swine flu epidemic hysteria (this one was 2 times) and the drumpf campaign?

  105. - Mama - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    To the union members - Does it ever occur to you that Terranova put this stuff out so y’all will feed him the union information he needs via Capitol Fax?

  106. - Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    1985. Supreme Court case Pattern Makers vs. NLRB said fining union employees who cross picket lines is no longer legal…
    This is much ado about nothing.

  107. - He Makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    CUB — I can assure you I am not Lance.
    Steve S. you are 100% correct both are masters at propaganda.

  108. - Swiss101 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 4:41 pm:

    If you think uninos don’t threaten their members, then you believe the public sector unions don’t threaten the employers, too. Thugs, they are.

  109. - steve schnorf - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 7:48 pm:

    anon 1:10 Bingo!

  110. - anonX4 - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 8:17 pm:

    to - Swiss101
    i’ve been a public sector union employee for 16 years, i have NEVER been threatened once -to the post: AFSCME DOES NOT want to strike, if we do, it is only to get rauner back to the bargaining table - sept. 1 was proposed in case rauner was able to get the ILRB to expedite an impass decision

  111. - Ron - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:10 pm:

    Can we just get rid of these public employee unions now?

  112. - Norseman - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 11:36 pm:


  113. - illinois manufacturer - Thursday, Aug 4, 16 @ 12:12 am:

    It boggles my mind that Rauner thinks more chaos is good for the Republicans now.

  114. - Memo From Turner - Thursday, Aug 4, 16 @ 12:20 am:

    ==- Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    1985. Supreme Court case Pattern Makers vs. NLRB said fining union employees who cross picket lines is no longer legal…
    This is much ado about nothing.==

    That is an absolute lie. Allis Chalmers is still the law of the land. Nice try.

  115. - bring it on - Thursday, Aug 4, 16 @ 5:42 am:

    if rauner wants real pain then he will find out what that feels like for maybe the first time in his life. rauner seems to not understand that anyone will fight hard for their livelihood, or at least the ones in their right minds.

  116. - Whatever - Thursday, Aug 4, 16 @ 6:04 am:

    Memo from Turner @12:20 am
    **==- Union Man - Wednesday, Aug 3, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    1985. Supreme Court case Pattern Makers vs. NLRB said fining union employees who cross picket lines is no longer legal…
    This is much ado about nothing.==

    That is an absolute lie. Allis Chalmers is still the law of the land. Nice try.**

    In Allis Chalmers, the members who crossed the picket line remained members. In Pattern Makers, they quit the union, and the courts held they could not be fined. Just what some posters have been saying - the unions can’t fine you if you quit the union.

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