The latest on redistricting reform
Tuesday, Aug 23, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The State Journal-Register Editorial Board endorsed Independent Map Amendment last week. Here’s what they had to say: “They’ve had enough. “Let’s hope the Supreme Court will give them the chance in November to weigh in on how their government works for them, not for those already in office.” The Chicago Tribune Editorial Board also weighed in on the issue: “Maintaining the status quo allows Springfield’s power brokers to manipulate legislative boundaries, which are redrawn every 10 years. Letting politicians do that handiwork allows them to shape districts to influence the outcome of an election. Split up pockets of Republicans, for example. Draw districts to protect incumbents. The system is so rigged that, of this year’s legislative races, nearly two-thirds aren’t even contested. “That brings us to the Illinois Supreme Court, the last hope for voters to finally get a chance to decide for themselves whether to amend their own constitution.”