* As subcribers already know, Republican House candidate Jerry Long is being blasted in a new Democratic Party of Illinois campaign mailer for renting to a sex offender…
Long rents out a house to a 32-year-old man who was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. According to the state’s sex offender database, the man is listed as a sexual predator who committed his crime against a 13-year-old when he was 24.
The house is next door to Long’s on Carr Street in South Streator. […]
In a telephone interview, Long said he was “dumbfounded” by the mailer. He said he and his wife conduct a “standard check” on all tenants but wouldn’t say how the sex offender in question fell through the cracks.
He noted the piece was funded by the state Democratic Party, which is chaired by Speaker Madigan.
“This is clearly Andy Skoog and Michael Madigan trying to distract from their disastrous record,” Long said. “I feel they are desperate.”
Perhaps that’s why most of Long’s neighbors have Skoog signs in their front yards. /s
* Progress Illinois reports on a Monday Chicago protest…
Fair Economy Illinois wants lawmakers to take up their “People and Planet First Budget” plan, which seeks to raise $23 billion in annual state revenue by enacting a graduated income tax, closing various corporate tax loopholes and passing a LaSalle Street tax on financial transactions.
Activists say the revenue could be invested in education, health care, infrastructure, human services, public pensions and green energy development
Jason Gonzales, who lost to Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan in the primary election, was at the protest.
In an interview with Progress Illinois, Gonzales blasted Madigan for “participating in the ability for companies like Exelon and others to dodge their tax responsibility.”
“I believe Exelon and others need to pay their fair share,” Gonzales said.
Asked whether he has any plans to run again, Gonzales said: “I haven’t really decided yet. Honestly, I’m still mulling my political future, but I’m not leaving politics.”
* From Exelon…
Exelon pays our fair share of taxes to the state, and suggestions to the contrary are simply false. Including ComEd, Exelon has more than 12,000 employees in Illinois and is the ninth largest company in the state. We rank among the state’s largest taxpayers, paying $456 million in state and local taxes in 2015. Exelon has made its headquarters in Chicago since its founding and is a major economic engine for the state, investing billions of dollars annually to ensure the Illinois economy is powered by clean, reliable energy. These investments, along with our significant contributions to nonprofit institutions across the state, support thousands of additional jobs in Illinois. Being a good corporate citizen is among our core values, and that includes paying our fair share of taxes to support schools, government agencies and other services that benefit our customers and communities.
Regarding ComEd specifically, today’s protestors misunderstand the impact of tax policies to utility customers. Thanks to the regulated process by which rates in Illinois are set each year, it is ComEd’s customers who benefit from tax decreases, not ComEd. ComEd’s tax decreases are reflected in customer bills.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* You don’t see this pairing every day, or even ever…
* The Question: Caption?
I’m just so done with this US Senate campaign
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The two US Senate candidates are speaking to the Illinois Farm Bureau today. Tammy Duckworth has already spoken and an IFB official announced there’d be a brief break.
“We tried to design this so that the candidates do not have an opportunity to to be seen together,” the official told the audience - with a straight face - after about 15 minutes.
“So,” he continued, “Representative Duckworth is gone and Sen. Kirk will be here in about five minutes.” Attendees were then asked to take their seats.
* Earlier this week, there was some doubt that BlueRoomStream.com would even be allowed to video the event, let alone livestream it. The company was told they’d be able to cover the post-event Q&A’s, if any, but that was it. By late yesterday, they were given the go-head to livestream and you can watch by clicking here.
Both sides deny that they tried to suppress media coverage.
* Background for this post is here. From Council 31…
The Illinois Department of Corrections’ attempt to lay the blame on injured employees for the August 21 outbreak of inmate violence at Pontiac Correctional Center is shameful and baseless, according to the union that represents employees at the maximum-security correctional facility.
“The department’s assertion that the employees involved in the incident failed to ‘follow workplace safety procedures’ was made without a shred of evidence before any investigation had been undertaken,” said Eddie Caumiant, Regional Director of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 31. “In fact, the employees’ actions that day were in compliance with departmental procedures.”
When AFSCME representatives met with management staff at the Pontiac facility on August 23 to review the details of the assault that occurred two days earlier, facility management did not provide any indication whatsoever that employees failed to follow IDOC procedures, Caumiant said.
“It seems all too clear that the IDOC statement laying blame on employees was nothing more than the department’s top brass trying to evade responsibility for the ongoing problems at Pontiac Correctional Center,” Caumiant said. “The IDOC director should immediately and personally apologize to each of the employees who were injured in the assault for besmirching their records.”
According to the union, three female employees (one lieutenant and two correctional officers) and three male workers (including one lieutenant) were assaulted by the prisoners.
* Gov. Rauner was asked today if he would campaign with Sen. Mark Kirk. His response…
Well, I’m really not focused heavily on any kind of electioneering right now.
I’m focused on making sure Illinois is strong and advocating for reforms for the state, term limits, fair maps, pension reform. Education funding reform, we’ve formed a task force and a commission, we’re trying to change that. And we also need property tax reform. Our property taxes are killing our homeowners and our businesses.
So, that’s where I’m spending all my time.
He then went on to say he’s a fan of Sen. Kirk. But, he said, “In terms of electioneering, I’m really not focused on that.”
This from the same guy who has dumped millions of dollars and his own staff into legislative contests, is airing a mega-bucks campaign-style ad pushing an online term limits petition designed to bump up his own poll numbers and dumped millions more into Dan Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC. If that’s doing nothing, then it would be fascinating to see what “completely involved” looked like.
* Raw audio…
*** UPDATE *** With a hat tip to a commenter, this is from June 11th…
Returning to the Capitol last week after making a dozen campaign-style stops across Illinois beginning the day after the Democratic-controlled legislature failed to approve a state budget on time, Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner offered an assessment: “We’re in election mode now.”
* Tribune…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel has for years not so subtly laid the blame for many of Chicago’s problems at the doorstep of his predecessor, Richard M. Daley.
But five years out of office, Daley may be tiring of Rahm’s shtick.
Twice on Tuesday, Daley’s longtime spokeswoman Jackie Heard interjected to prevent the former mayor as he appeared to be on the verge of laying into Emanuel, whom he has always been careful not to criticize.
His fee-fees are hurt? Poor fella.
* Check out this new poll conducted by Anzalone Liszt for the liberal Illinois Economic Policy Institute…
Which of the following do you think is most responsible for Chicago’s budget problems?
Past mayors and city councils for making promises we couldn’t afford 37%
Springfield and Bruce Rauner for the state’s budget mess that is hurting Chicago 21%
Washington, DC and Republicans in Congress for cutting programs and funds for large cities like Chicago 10%
Pensions and benefits for city workers that are far too high 12%
The current mayor and city council for not fixing the problem 12%
[VOL] Don’t know/Refused 8%
And considering that “past mayors and city councils” also created the pension mess, you’re looking at nearly half of the blame falling on Daley, et al, while just 12 percent blame Emanuel.
* Now, check this out…
When it comes to managing budget priorities for Chicagoans, who do you trust more– Rahm Emanuel or Bruce Rauner?
Rahm Emanuel 51%
Bruce Rauner 23%
[VOL] Both 1%
[VOL] Neither 23%
[VOL] Don’t Know 3%
23 percent is slightly more support than Rauner received in the 2014 election, so he’s not doing as badly in Chicago compared to Emanuel as some might’ve thought, considering all the bad press. Then again, Emanuel ain’t so popular, either.
* The poll itself was ostensibly designed to test the theory propagated by the Chicago media that a “tax revolt” is brewing in the city. From the pollster…
• Voters do not blame the current Mayor and city council for the city’s budget problem. Only 12% of voters say the budget problems are the current government’s fault, compared to 37% who blame past mayors and city councils. Springfield and Bruce Rauner (21%) also earn a higher share of the blame.
• Taxes are not a top of mind issue. Voters are more concerned about education (35%) as well as crime and police issues (34%) than they are about taxes (15%). Even the tiny 14% of Chicago voters who identify as Republicans list taxes as their #3 issue.
• Voters are willing to pay higher taxes for more services. Voters would rather pay higher taxes for more services (29%) than lower taxes for fewer services (20%), though a plurality would prefer the current level of both (44%). A majority are also willing to pay more in taxes for the following specific services:
More police officers on foot and vehicle patrol 66% [willing] / 32% [unwilling]
More funding for school construction, teachers, and science and technology improvements 64% / 33%
Free universal Pre-K classes for all four year olds in Chicago 57% / 41%
More neighborhood services like rat abatement, tree trimming, and road paving 56% / 41%
• When forced to specific choices, voters prefer tax increases to cuts in services:
o Twice as many people prefer Chicago “raise taxes like property taxes and other fees” (53%) instead of “cutting services like schools and police officers” (25%) to pay the pensions Chicago promised to city workers.
* Methodology…
The following findings are based on a poll of n=600 Chicagoans who voted in at least 1 of the last 3 Mayoral elections (2011 primary, 2015 primary, 2015 runoff) conducted from August 8-11, 2016 via landline and cellphone [46% of respondents]. The expected margin of sampling error at the 95% confidence level is +4.0% and higher for subgroups.
* Tribune…
Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tammy Duckworth labeled U.S. Sen. Mark Kirk “unhinged” over the Republican’s comparison of President Barack Obama to “drug dealer in chief” for a $400 million payment made to Iran as U.S. hostages were released.
While Kirk has been under fire for a series of verbal gaffes, it was Duckworth’s harsh choice of words that came under question Tuesday. The two-term congresswoman assigned to Kirk a term defined as “mentally deranged.” The first-term senator suffered a major stroke in 2012 and spent a year in rehabilitation.
Asked by reporters if voters should take into consideration any possible aftereffects of her opponent’s stroke, Duckworth backed off.
“That is the furthest thing that people should look at. People should look at the fact that he’s been ineffective as a senator,” she said after a speech to a largely supportive audience of about 300 at the City Club of Chicago.
Kirk’s campaign called Duckworth’s remarks “desperate.”
If you watch the video of the press conference, reporters asked Duckworth again and again about whether she believed Kirk’s stroke had anything to do with his remarks.
* More…
The criticism, Duckworth said, was not a reference to Kirk’s capabilities following a debilitating stroke. […]
“If you look at all of the things that he said, I think that he lacks the ability to control what he’s saying. If you look at the numerous gaffes he’s had over the years,” Duckworth said Tuesday after she addressed the City Club of Chicago. “I do think he is unhinged. To call the commander in chief, basically comparing him to a drug dealer? I think that is a significant thing for a state Senator to say. This is a man who called one of his colleagues ‘a bro with no ho.’ It’s not befitting of a United States Senator.”
Duckworth said she wasn’t telling voters they should judge Kirk based on the ill effects of a 2012 stroke, but consider him on his record.
“I think that is the furthest thing that people should look at. People should look at that he’s been ineffective as a senator,” she said. “I’m traveling the state. He’s not even traveling the state.”
* Mark Brown…
I don’t think anyone needs to raise the issue of Kirk’s health or whether he lacks an “ability to control” what he says to question whether that’s what they want from their U.S. senator.
Judge the man by his performance, one important aspect of which is the outlandish stuff that he says.
* The Democratic Party of Illinois, however, focused on the racial angle, releasing statements from several elected officials, including these three legislators…
State Senator Toi Hutchinson: “Mark Kirk may be running away from his party to save his seat, but his characterization of Barack Obama as the ‘drug dealer’ demonstrates that he is embracing Trumps racial strategies to delegitimize an African American president. Here’s my message to Kirk: Stop using racial code words, because you know African Americans can hear you, right? And to us it sounds just like when Newt Gingrich called Obama the ‘Food Stamp President.’ You are coming through loud and clear.”
State Representative Christian Mitchell: “Senator Mark Kirk needs to apologize immediately for his inappropriate and racially-charged comments about President Obama, which offend not only African-Americans, but all Illinoisans. This is, sadly, not the first time Senator Kirk has delivered a racially motivated remark beneath the dignity of his office, including when he said people ‘drive faster through’ black neighborhoods. For those of us - of all races - who live in those neighborhoods, we need a Senator who fights for our community, rather than insulting it.”
State Representative Marcus C. Evans Jr: “Republican Mark Kirk should apologize immediately for his degrading and racially-charged remarks calling President Obama ‘the drug dealer in chief.’ It’s disgusting that a United States Senator would stoop this low but given Kirk’s history of making offensive comments about women and communities of color, I’m hardly surprised.”
* Sen. Kirk was in Quincy today and he was asked about his comments…
Kirk stated that he does not feel a need to apologize for his statement towards President Obama and feels his recent actions are “distasteful”.
*** UPDATE *** The White House press secretary was asked about this today…
Chicago Tribune’s Katherine Skiba: Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois recently said that President Obama was acting like the drug dealer in chief with the respect of the payment of $400 million to Iran. Is the President aware of that statement and does the White House have a response?
WH Press Secretary Josh Earnest: “Well listen, this is not the first time that we’ve heard that kind of rhetoric from Senator Kirk, and I don’t think that kind of rhetoric is consistent with the views of most people in Illinois about the efforts of President Obama to advance our interests around the world and prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.
“And so, I know there’s a temptation, particularly for those politicians that are on the ballot to say outrageous things to try to get attention, but that’s certainly no way to run a country and it’s certainly no way to confront issues that are as important as preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, securing the safe return of U.S. Americans that are detained unjustly overseas and settling a 35-year-old financial dispute with an adversary of the United States in a way that saves taxpayers potentially billions of dollars.”
Video is here.
Maybe a phone call might help?
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Tribune…
Traffickers who take advantage of looser laws in neighboring states to illegally import guns to Illinois will face tougher penalties if caught under a measure Gov. Bruce Rauner signed into law Tuesday.
The new law, which passed both chambers of the General Assembly without opposition, makes it a felony for a person who has not been issued a state firearm owner’s identification card to bring guns into Illinois with the intent to sell or deliver them. Penalties will be stricter for those who’ve previously been convicted on gun trafficking-related charges.
On hand to celebrate Rauner’s approval of the bill were Republican legislative leaders and representatives from the Illinois State Police. Notably, no Democratic lawmakers or Chicago Police Department officials attended the signing ceremony — an indication of the touchy political situation between Rauner and Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
The mayor has been pushing for legislation that would toughen penalties for illegal use of a weapon — an idea he raises regularly when discussing Chicago’s persistent violent crime problem. But the idea has gone nowhere in the General Assembly, stalled in part by Illinois’ different geographic views on guns, and Rauner on Tuesday said the mayor hadn’t called him on it.
The mayor hasn’t called the governor about it? Hmm.
* Sun-Times…
Emanuel didn’t attend the governor’s bill signing ceremony at the Illinois State Police crime lab in Chicago. Neither did Chicago Police officials. Afterwards, the mayor issued a statement that made it clear why he was a no-show. He called it a “step in the right direction” to go after “those who knowingly bring guns into Illinois illegally.”
But he said, “We must continue to build upon this new law” by partnering with Sen. Kwame Raoul (D-Chicago) and other legislators “to strengthen sentencing for the repeat gun offenders who are driving violence on our streets.”
Raoul and two other Chicago members of the black legislative caucus, Sens. Jacqueline Collins and Mattie Hunter, are sponsoring a new gun-possession bill — along with Sens. Julie Morrison (D-Deerfield), Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) and Sen. Antonio Munoz (D-Chicago), assistant majority leader.
The bill would target repeat gun offenders, creating sentencing guidelines that would suggest a stiffer prison term than the minimum sentence for crimes such as possession of a gun by a felon. If a judge chose to reject the guideline sentence and give a lesser prison term, the judge would have to say why in writing.
It’s a different approach than creating higher mandatory minimum sentences for gun offenses. Emanuel has pushed the concept for years, but it has repeatedly run into a wall in Springfield.
OK, then pick up the phone, mayor.
* HB 6601…
Creates the Location-based Video Game Protection Act. Provides that within 2 business days of receiving a request from the real property owner, manager, or custodian, the developer of a location-based video game shall remove from its location-based video game an ecologically sensitive site or location, historically significant site or location, site or location on private property, or site or location otherwise deemed as dangerous by the real property owner, manager, or custodian. Requires the developer of a location-based video game to provide an easily accessible procedure for removal of ecologically sensitive sites or locations, historically significant sites or locations, sites or locations on private property, or sites or locations otherwise deemed as dangerous by the real property owner, manager, or custodian from its location-based video game. Allows for civil enforcement of the Act by a real property owner, manager, or custodian, and a civil fine of up to $100 for each day a developer of a location-based video game is in violation of the Act. Defines terms.
* A press release explains…
Pokémon Go and other augmented reality games are rapidly increasing in popularity, but this new technology comes with a few glitches. At the Loyola Dunes Restoration Site in Rogers Park, Chicago, a PokéStop has been placed on a state and federally protected site, enticing players to leave the designated path and inadvertently trample sensitive habitat and bird nesting grounds. Despite many receiving many requests for the site to be removed - including one from the Chicago Park District - the game’s developer has yet to move the Pokéstop.
In response, State Representative Kelly Cassidy has proposed HB660, or “Pidgey’s Law”, which would fine developers each day they fail to remove a requested site from augmented reality games.
I was all set to make fun of this legislation, but Jen Walling of the Illinois Environmental Council and Jack Darin of the Illinois Chapter of the Sierra Club will also be in attendance, so this bill apparently isn’t about a cheap press pop. Also, if you read Rep. Cassidy’s Facebook post, you’ll see others are also upset about players trampling on the dunes.
*** UPDATE *** Rep. Cassidy just told me that “hundreds” of players congregate late at night in the dunes area. During the day, it’s less, but still significant as this pic shows…
* Related…
* Pokémon Go sites pose threat to endangered wildlife
Another big budget hit coming?
Wednesday, Aug 24, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Subscribers know more about a planned vote later this week by the Teachers’ Retirement System to potentially lower its assumed investment return rate, which could blow yet another big hole in the state budget…
“If the (TRS) board were to approve a lower assumed rate of return taxpayers will be automatically and immediately on the hook for potentially hundreds of millions of dollars in higher taxes or reduced services,” Michael Mahoney, Rauner’s senior advisor for revenue and pensions, wrote to the governor’s chief of staff, Richard Goldberg.
When TRS lowered the investment return rate to 7.5 percent from 8 percent in 2014 the state’s pension payment increased by more than $200 million, according to the memo. […]
One of Rauner’s top Republican legislative allies, Senate Minority Leader Christine Radogno, urged the TRS board to delay a vote Friday to give the public time to weigh in on its possible actions.
“This issue is important enough at the very least to put the TRS board on notice we don’t want them taking any action that could cost taxpayers $200 to $300 million without appropriate scrutiny,” she said.
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