You can’t deny something you weren’t asked
Tuesday, Sep 6, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Um, no…
The governor was not asked to confirm an otherwise quite odd story about how he reportedly said he was voting for Donald Trump. Instead, Rauner was asked today if he was now supporting Trump…
* Raw audio, with the governor’s response near the end…
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:29 pm:
“Dear Cook and Collar Counties…
I’m focused on Illinois.
Dear central, southern Illinois districts…
Make Illinois Great Again, I’m for Trump… believe me…
Fake Bruce Rauner”
- blue dog dem - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:33 pm:
I have recently moved back to my beloved southern Illinois. I have noticed something very odd. Dems not aligning with HRC and Repubs not aligning with Trump.
- Anon221 - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:43 pm:
Someone at the next presser or interview needs to back Rauner into a corner and ask him the exact same question reported by Berkowitz. Yes or No. He can claim the sanctity of the voting booth if he wants, but stop dancing around the Trump question.
- illini - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:44 pm:
Kind of contradicts what was reported earlier today.
Yet, once again Willy has it figured out correctly?
Different messages for different audiences - the way BVR plays his games.
- illini - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:45 pm:
Sorry, I meant to do an ! rather than a ?.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:47 pm:
Gov. Rauner at the 3:37 mark… Rauner explains…
Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump. Exactly right, Governor.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:51 pm:
===Kind of contradicts what was reported earlier today===
Nope. He wasn’t asked today if he’s voting for Trump.
- Dr X - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 5:56 pm:
Don’t report what the Governor says!!
Report what he means!!
- Casual observer - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 6:11 pm:
Who is Diana voting for? Isn’t she a Democrat?
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 6:53 pm:
Ask him, will you vote for the Republican nominee in November? Yes or no?
It’s not about endorsements.
- Anon221 - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 7:01 pm:
Wensicia- better specify November 2016 and Republican Presidential nominee. Can’t allow any wiggle room.
- Wensicia - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 7:07 pm:
- Anon221 - So true.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 7:27 pm:
Again, the governor counts on some of you being morons, all of the time. Not a lot of respect from him for your thoughtsicles.
–Gov. Rauner denies report that he is now voting for Trump –
Reconcile that Rauner, with the Rauner at the state GOP convention in Peoria:
–“Now is the time to come together, now is the time to unite, up and down the ticket,” Rauner told the convention. “Republicans are going to control our federal government, in every office. What we can’t do is let Hillary Clinton get in the White House. No way Hillary Clinton is getting elected.”–
In November, more than five million Illinois voters will make a choice between Trump and Clinton.
As in every election, ever, many won’t like the choices, but they’ll still have the courage to take their responsibility as citizens seriously and make the tough call between two very different candidates with profoundly different visions for the country.
Five million Illinois voters will have that courage and accept that responsibility — but our governor and junior senator apparently won’t be among them.
They play childish hide-and-seek or word games on the great issue of the day. Regardless of your politics, how is that self-serving cowardice acceptable for a governor or senator, people you elect to make tough, smart decisions, every single day?
Given that, what kind of expectations can you possibly have for Rauner and Kirk when it comes to the real tough governance issues of our time?
- Winnin' - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 7:37 pm:
Details, Details, Trump-tales
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 8:14 pm:
–The governor was not asked to confirm an otherwise quite odd story about how he reportedly said he was voting for Donald Trump.–
Huh? From the provided link:
–Gov. Bruce Rauner responded Tuesday to a report that he is voting for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, claiming he is staying out of the presidential race altogether. –
For crying out loud, in what language is that not clear and direct?
Back to the thread:
–Instead, Rauner was asked today if he was now supporting Trump…–
Double-huh? Where in the link is that question? I don’t see the word “supporting” anywhere. If you’re going to pick pepper out of fly stuff about the meanings of “vote for,” “endorse,” or “support,” I guess you have to stay precise.
Is this a gag? Participating in Rauner’s nonsensical word games on the non-existent distinctions in politics among the words “voting for,” “supporting,” and “endorsing?”
“I endorse you, but I won’t support or vote for you.”
“I’ll vote for you, but I won’t endorse or support you.”
“I support you, but I won’t vote for or endorse you.”
It’s loony. Who would buy such pathetic spin?
- ZC - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 8:15 pm:
He can hide all he likes; if Trump somehow wins and becomes the disaster Democrats are predicting, every Republican who just stuck his head in the sand is still culpable.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 8:59 pm:
Saying that you don’t support a candidate but are going to vote for said candidate must take a huge amount of mental gymnastics to be able to hold the 2 opposing actions in your mind. The cognitive dissonance must be astounding.
- Louis Capricious - Tuesday, Sep 6, 16 @ 9:11 pm:
=== Saying that you don’t support a candidate but are going to vote for said candidate ===
Rauner ignored the question and restated what he’s said before - that he’s not endorsing.
He wasn’t asked whether he’s endorsing. He was asked whether he’s supporting.
Previously, he reportedly said he’s voting for Trump. Voting for a candidate is supporting a candidate; if you vote for a candidate, you support the candidate.
So, rather than contradicting his previous statement, he just answered the question he wanted to answer (one that wasn’t asked of him).
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 12:31 am:
===Double-huh? Where in the link is that question? I don’t see the word “supporting” anywhere.===
It’s not. And it’s the fault of the person who wrote the story, not me. Listen to the audio.
I’m not buying his spin. I’m pointing out that he didn’t walk back anything at all. He still has not answered the freaking question.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 3:50 pm:
Capt Fax we may be confused but not surprised.
Are you tryin’ to claim BigBrain is being consistent with his inconsistency or that he has been running from Trump like a scared 3rd grader from about the time Nick struck out on the $100 million Adelson SuperPac and got stuck “running” the Pence campaign.
Or that skippin’ the convention and tying his tongue into variations of the Simbianse Foot Swallow every time the presidency comes up is totally same track,same train. i
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 3:52 pm:
===Are you tryin’ to claim BigBrain is being consistent with his inconsistency or that he has been running from Trump like a scared 3rd grader===