HGOPs use McCain in robocall to boost McAuliffe
Wednesday, Sep 7, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* It’s not every day that a former presidential candidate and sitting US Senator cuts a robocall for a state House candidate, but that’s just what Arizona Sen. John McCain did for Rep. Mike McAuliffe (R-Chicago). Have a listen…
* Why did this happen? Subscribers have known about this brewing controversy for a while, but here’s some background…
Area veterans responded with support for State Rep. Michael McAuliffe (R-20th) after his Democratic opponent, Merry Marwig, challenged McAuliffe’s record.
A group of nearly 30 people, mostly veterans, gathered in Monument Park in Chicago’s Northwest side Edison Park neighborhood to respond to Marwig’s claims that McAuliffe claimed to be a military veteran. The rally, held near McAuliffe’s campaign headquarters, took place Friday, Aug. 26.
In letters to the editor published last September, McAuliffe referred to his “fellow” veterans. Marwig said that wording amounted to McAuliffe claiming to be a veteran when he is not one. McAuliffe said the reference amounted to a typo.
“Every function he’s (McAuliffe) ever been to, he’s said he is not a veteran, but appreciates what we do,” said Robert Fuggiti, an Army Vietnam veteran and retired 32-year Chicago police officer who helped organize Friday’s rally.
“I’m so tired of politicians taking one small issue and making it big,” Fuggiti said. “As far as things he’s (McAuliffe) done for us, he’s always listened to our grievances and been there for us.”
* More…
Take Michael McAuliffe, a 20-year state representative. Anyone who has watched broadcast television this summer, from the Olympics to the Cubs to game shows, has seen a McAuliffe ad featuring his wife, Kim, touting his re-election bid in the Northwest Side and northwest suburban district.
Since Aug. 1, the candidate’s 30-second ads have run at least 478 times — at a cost of at least $614,475, according to TV station records filed with the Federal Communications Commission. […]
But it is highly unusual for someone running for the Illinois House to buy August broadcast time in the expensive Chicago TV market. Not only are campaign funds usually too scarce for such a move, but it’s not viewed as good bang for the buck because only a tiny fraction of the people who see the ads will actually be able to vote on the race. After all, there are 118 Illinois House seats and 40 Senate seats on the Nov. 8 ballot.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 2:02 am:
Quite a major get for a shop not focused on electioneering.
Robocalls, what’s the effectiveness there? What’s the universe of targets? Or is this really about getting McCain/McAuliffe in the press?
- PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 6:13 am:
His commercials tout his independence, never mentioning he’s a Republican that votes with Rauner in lock-step. When Ken Griffin, billionaire hedge fund CEO, and Rauner best bud is dumping boatloads of cash into McAuliffe’s campaign, what does that tell you about this 2nd generation politician who’s 11 years in the house were preceded by his father’s 20. Talk about a career politician. I thought Rauner wanted term limits, but I guess that’s just for people who don’t vote his way. Independent? Gimme a break!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 7:54 am:
Who was mccains statewide chairman in illinois kid when he ran for POTUS? Wasn’t it Durkin? That may explain the favor
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:35 am:
The Democratic nominee, Marwig, is a relative newcomer to the district which ought to help McAuliffe among voters who dislike carpetbaggers.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:40 am:
1. Wonder if they told McCain that his candidate lied about bein’ a veteran?
2. Guessin’ this is more evidence that the race to preserve the GOPie superduperminority is right on track.
- Wow - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:47 am:
For all you White Sox subscribers: ” HE GONE”!!!
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:52 am:
Well, the experts have been counting out the McAuliffes since the Cutback Amendment took effect, but the father/son combination is still in office and numerous Democratic candidates failed to oust them, including a few incumbent legislators. We will see what transpires in November
- G'Kar - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:54 am:
“I’m so tired of politicians taking one small issue and making it big,” Fuggiti said.
Isn’t that the very essence of American politics these days?
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 8:56 am:
Is this robocall out there now? McCain is pretty respected on both sides of the aisle.
was the opponent located in the district to run?
- CCP Hostage - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:01 am:
He voted yes on HB 4351 which would have prevented governors from making random changes to eligibility for the community care program every year. He was the only Republican to do so.
- Original Rambler - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:04 am:
Lots of Marwig signs popping up all over the district. Not to mention almost daily negative mailers from both candidates. There have been multiple phone polls on the race also, usually from McAuliffe. Polling messaging. Thought it would be a McAuliffe breeze but it has turned interesting.
- Anonymouth - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:06 am:
Id be interested to see some poll numbers on this race right now. The amount of money being spent by McAuliffe up to this point is unprecedented. If this thing is even remotely close… woo boy this is gonna be interesting.
- Union Man - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:10 am:
Words Matter.
- PublicServant - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:53 am:
===Well, the experts have been counting out the McAuliffes since the Cutback Amendment took effect, but the father/son combination is still in office and numerous Democratic candidates failed to oust them, including a few incumbent legislators. We will see what transpires in November===
But what about that term limit thing so near and dear to Republican hearts?
- Anon - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:53 am:
His campaign ran the copy. I presume it went through several levels of review. That’s the kind of thing that should be caught — but now they’re in a tricky position because he probably didn’t write the letter and portions of the letter may have been lifted/heavily inspired by other similar letters.
But at the end of the day, he still ran a letter in multiple papers where he called himself a veteran. Like Union says, words matter.
===McCain is pretty respected on both sides of the aisle.===
It’s not 2006 any more.
===Wonder if they told McCain that his candidate lied about bein’ a veteran?===
He probably recorded several dozen calls at the same time per the request of the party. So — no.
- Rich Miller - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:56 am:
===He probably recorded several dozen calls at the same time per the request of the party===
- Amalia - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 2:05 pm:
what do we know about the challenger?
- Huh? - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 3:09 pm:
Unless there is a living breathing body on the other end of the line, I hang up immediately. Have had several trump robocalls on voice mail, instant delete. If the body has a script, I say thank you, not interested and hang up.