Pointless press releases, Part 9,438
Wednesday, Sep 7, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Um…
Today, Patrick Harlan, the Republican candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in the Illinois 17th District, issued a challenge to Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (D-East Moline):
“Congresswoman Bustos needs to commit to serving a full term for the office she is seeking,” Harlan said. “If she is plotting to climb the political ladder and run for governor in 2018, her constituents in the Illinois 17th District have a right to know.”
Harlan called on Bustos to sign a pledge indicating her intent to serve out her full term if elected in November.
“I am requesting that Congresswoman Bustos make a pledge that, if she were to be elected in November, she would uphold the duties of representing the constituents of the 17th District without resigning to run for Governor of Illinois and requiring a special election. If Bustos is not willing to make this reasonable pledge to her constituents, then we shall be safe to assume that she is going to deny her responsibilities to serve us as a representative, and we demand that she withdraws her candidacy for the November election.”
Earlier today, when Congresswoman Cheri Bustos’ campaign was asked about the rumor that she might run for governor in 2018, her campaign manager stated, “2018 is a long time away — her focus right now is on 2016, representing her district to the best of her ability.” But when pressed further about how Bustos might be able to compete with Rauner, her campaign manager proceeded to attack Rauner’s record.
She wouldn’t have to resign to run for governor. And her congressional term would end about the same time her gubernatorial term would begin if she won, so there’d be no need for a special election.
- Ron Burgundy - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:15 pm:
You mean she might have to run for office while serving in Congress? Unheard of! The horror!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:17 pm:
Aw! That’s adorable.
It’s fun when releases have no actual understanding of process, politics, or purpose.
Someone feels better this release is out there, lol.
- Last Bull Moose - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:21 pm:
Worse than useless. “My opponent is being considered for the Governor’s big chair. I am not. Vote for me!”
- Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:28 pm:
Could have saved a lot of words by just releasing:
“I am really desperate for attention. Please give me some.”
- Eamus Catuli - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:34 pm:
A bad candidate+an unwinnable race=silly press releases like this one. Harlan has about as much chance of winning this race as I do of being named the next King of England.
- lool - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
Harlan is worse than Plummer…que @FakeHarlanforCongress tweets from OW…….
- illini - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:40 pm:
Just more posturing and pandering by a candidate desperate to get some “free” press that is absolutely meaningless.
- Jon Zahm - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 4:43 pm:
Bustos is my Congressman. If she runs for Governor she will have to start campaigning by mid 2017. That will put her focus on state issues when Federal issues are still vital. Harlan is right to point out another ambitious politician who does little with the job they have, but wants to jump to another one.
- illini - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 5:11 pm:
@lool - Harlan is worse than Plummer
I think Willy and I, as well as others, would respectfully disagree.
- The_Equalizer - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 5:48 pm:
If he came up with this himself, it looks pretty foolish.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 5:48 pm:
- illini -
The body of work that is Jason Plummer is hard to match. He is on a level all by himself.
- Ducky LaMoore - Wednesday, Sep 7, 16 @ 9:19 pm:
At least Harlan had the common decency to resign from intelligence before running for Congress.
- DuPage Bard - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 8:05 am:
Please clap
- Amateur Hour - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 8:15 am:
I forgot how smug and out of touch with the people some of you are. Yikes.
- Anon - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 10:12 am:
===She wouldn’t have to resign to run for governor. And her congressional term would end about the same time her gubernatorial term would begin if she won, so there’d be no need for a special election.===
I just assume the person that wrote this doesn’t understand elections. Maybe they got a C in high school civics?
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 11:55 am:
Bustos should call his bluff.
Invite him to a news conference where she signs the pledge and proclaims that her heart and her home have always been in the the Quad-Cities region and all this governor talk is flattering but silly.
Then she should hand the mic to Harlan.