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I learned something new today

Thursday, Sep 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* John Kass

Chicago hit 500 homicides the other day, with more killings this year than in New York and Los Angeles combined. So the magic number made national and international news.

Even the BBC dropped in to tell the tale of Chicago violence, of nihilistic feral boys, brandishing their guns in cars, waving their death sticks in rap videos, young African-American men who believe they have no future, waiting to die. […]

The shooters, these feral young men, aren’t an accident. They are the direct product of the Democratic welfare state that helped destroy families. The government became the father, the fathers became irrelevant or were driven off, and black families that had withstood decades of Jim Crow segregation began to collapse.

Now, there aren’t enough jobs for unskilled labor. There aren’t enough cops. City Hall’s disastrous handling of the Laquan McDonald case left police unwilling to engage, as they fear appearing in videos.

Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson has asked for tougher laws to keep shooters behind bars. But Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and her allies in the Black Caucus in Springfield keep dragging their feet.

* The partisan stuff and odd Jim Crow reference aside, his use of the word “feral,” which he wrote twice (defined as: of, relating to, or resembling a wild beast), has ignited a firestorm on Twitter (click here to see it, but it’s not very pretty, including one clown who I just reported to Twitter for threatening violence against Kass). This observation caught my eye…

I have to admit ignorance on this topic, so I used teh Google. Sure enough.

* From Daily Stormer, which bills itself as “The world’s most-visited alt-right site”…

* White Man Dies 2 Years After Brutal Beating from Feral Black

* White Army Captain Viciously Beaten by Pack of Feral Blacks

* Feral Black Spits at Prosecutor on Guilty Verdict for Murder of Elderly White Woman

* White Family Sees Justice at Last as Deadly Feral Congoid is Convicted of Murder

Lots more here. Whew.

* Kass’ retort…

Maybe use a different word next time?


  1. - Ron - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    Kass is awful, should know better. Remove the word though and his writing is not entirely off.

  2. - Will Caskey - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    Aaaaaaaaaand just like that Kass loses all the credit he got for breaking the Laquan McDonald story.

  3. - Honeybear - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:46 pm:

    ummm, wow, using “feral” not racist? John Kass, let me clue you in. Using feral in this context is extremely racist. Stop.

    And sorry Big Government has never been a father or even a father figure.

    Alt Right indeed.

  4. - Former Downstater - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:48 pm:

    I stopped paying attention to Kass’ rants a long time ago. Pair him with the Tribune ed board screeds and you have a truly awful group of people.

  5. - Albany Park Patriot - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    If you don’t see this as dogwhistle language, then the problem is yours, not anyone else’s. John Kass has been pulling this for quite a while now. It’s weird that the Tribune continues to choose to publish it.

  6. - Chicago_Downstater - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:54 pm:

    @Albany Park Patriot

    Is it even a dogwhistle when it’s that obvious? I think tugboat horn is more apt for that word choice.

  7. - The Captain - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:55 pm:

    Several times in the last few weeks I’ve considered becoming a paid subscriber for Tribune content, I don’t care for their editorial page but I’ve been genuinely impressed with their news stories on a number of occasions lately, but then I remember that there’s currently a digital paywall keeping my eyeballs and John Kass’ nonsense apart and my god let’s keep it that way.

  8. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:56 pm:

    With his references to “black families” and “Jim Crow” there’s no credible way for Kass to deny he’s using feral to specifically describe blacks.

  9. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:57 pm:

    I find this wording to be a lot more racist than Hillarys’ past use If the term super-predator. I felt super-predator was appropriate for gang members. Call these shooters criminals, gang members, etc.. Feral describes animals. They aren’t animals, they are humans that don’t have a conscience.

  10. - Kendrick - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    This is typical left-wing fascism. Because Kass is telling some hard truths, the leftists cry racism like they always do. There is nothing wrong with the way he used the word. He used it to describe particular individuals who acted in a particular way. I guarantee you Kass cares more about innocent lives being lost in the city than 98% of the grievance mongers playing the race card.

  11. - Thoughts Matter - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 3:59 pm:

    Another thing- notice the headlines refer to white men, but leave the man, men, person description off when discussing a black person? Can’t get past the headline to read the articles.

  12. - Last Bull Moose - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    Another perfectly good word misused and lost.

    Mass makes a living with words. He should know when a word is not to be used.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:01 pm:

    ===guarantee you Kass cares more about innocent lives being lost in the city than 98% of the grievance mongers playing the race card.===

    Please cite how you came up with “98%” as a measuring.

    ===Because Kass is telling some hard truths, the leftists cry racism like they always do.===

    What are the truths? Be specific.


  14. - 47th Ward - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    ===Maybe use a different word next time===

    Why? He knows his audience and he chose this word precisely because it is what his audience wants to hear.

    The alt right is a fascist group of white supremicists posing as conservative provocateurs. They are a bunch of clowns, but what they are doing is very dangerous. As a noted Chicago clown, John Kass fits in well with them.

  15. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    “Dehumanization 101,” begins with the basic tactic of comparing people to animals. This is such a loud concept that it’s not even an effective dog whistle anymore.

  16. - Anono - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:03 pm:

    Baloney Mr. Kass doesn’t know that “feral” is a term used by racists.

    Of all the adjectives in the English language that could be used to describe “young men” who “shoot into crowds & murder innocent children” the word “feral” is most likely NOT the first word that comes to mind for most people.

    Word like “violent” or “cold-hearted” or similar would typically come to mind, as they do for other writers and commentators.

    And if Mr. Kass truly was oblivious to what he was writing then he’s not much of a writer, is he?

    I hope Ma Tronc is happy.

  17. - hockey fan - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    Kass is trying to evolve from “mostly ignored and useless” (hockey fan’s words) to controversial and noticed.

    White supremacists and the Alt Right (sorry I don’t see much difference) label people “feral” and “animal” because it allows them to dehumanize. It makes it easier for bigots like Trump and Kass to label a whole class of people as “Feral” and “products of the liberal nanny state” than to have to really think about the problem.

    I never liked the guy, but now I have an actual reason to hate him.

    Kass is guilty of enabling and empowering this horrible demeaning talk.

    What’s next Kass? Are you going to start using the triple parenthesis when you write about (((Mayor Rahm Emanuel))) ?

  18. - Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    Well that site takes its name from Der Sturmer, a Nazi newspaper from back in the day. I would expect nothing less from such a publication that bills themselves as “pro-genocide.” While there are certainly disturbing aspects from the BBC story and with some of the youth depicted, use of such language is inappropriate. They are not animals or sub-human. It is their behavior that is at issue.

  19. - Western Suburb Willy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:06 pm:

    I live ten minutes from the Austin neighborhood on the West Side of Chicago. Kass’ comment is ugly, awful and sad but it is accurate. The west side kids are feral and the cops fetal. The doopers of oak park don’t like to talk about it but all those cul de sacs on Austin boulevard are designed to keep the west side out. We have a permanent underclass that must be managed so they don’t drag the rest of us down.

  20. - Judgment Day - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:08 pm:


    “Ferals” is a term long used in animal rescue work. It’s how non-domesticated cats are described (a/k/a ‘Barn Cats’).

    Btw, don’t even try to pet a feral. You’ll quickly become an involuntary blood doner.

  21. - JS Mill - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    =This is typical left-wing fascism. Because Kass is telling some hard truths, the leftists cry racism like they always do=

    Do yourself a favor and purchase a dictionary. Comeback when you understand the meaning of words.

    BTW- I was voted most likely to be the next Ronald Reagan as a senior in high school. I have been called many, many things but never a “leftist”.

    It is racism and you know it. (Banned word)

  22. - Gone, but not forgotten - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    - hockey fan - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:05 pm: Silly boy. Kass calls MRE Rahmfather. And, regardless of his word choices, he’s pretty much on target with many of his writings.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:17 pm:

    === And, regardless of his word choices===

    Words matter. They always have.

    ===…he’s pretty much on target with many of his writings===

    Example? Be specific.

  24. - hockey fan - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:18 pm:

    OK thanks for the info “Gone” I did not know that because I don’t read him anymore. My comment was sarcasm with a point.

    I don’t think he’s on target. I think he is a tin foil hat paranoid.

    And now as of today, I think he’s a racist too.

  25. - itsjustme - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:22 pm:

    Feral is racist. And using it twice is lazy writing. But beyond that, omitting all mention of redlining as a contributing factor is simply dishonest.

  26. - illini97 - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:23 pm:

    So this is where we are now? The alt-right (ironically a PC term for racists claiming to be against PC terms) rants are now acceptable in papers for one of the largest cities in America?

    How did we get here?

  27. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:26 pm:

    I’ve never heard the term “feral” used in any other instance than to describe a non-domesticated cat. Until today.

  28. - Trapped in the 'burbs - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    Kass is the star of the paper that lost credibility years ago. This is the paper that wished a Katrina type disaster would hit the city. This is the paper that rejected an offer to sell for twice it’s stock value so the .01% owners could continue to push their personal agenda. Whether it’s racist or not, it certainly fits their use of code words like “gangbanger” to marginalize and dehumanize a segment of people. Kass has become a buffoon pandering to the angry white males in search of a right wing talk radio gig.

  29. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    A guy, I’ve also heard it used to describe wild pigs. But, yeah, this is most definitely a first for me, too.

  30. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:30 pm:

    ==White supremacists and the Alt Right (sorry I don’t see much difference==

    There is no difference. The Daily Stormer is a direct offshoot of Stormfront, the worlds leading website for promoting the views of white supremacists and anti-Semites. Somehow, these guys have convinced gullible members of the media to start using the term “Alt-right” instead of “bigot”. The media’s cowardly stance of always having to pretend that both sides of any issue have to be presented as equally legitimate, regardless of how ridiculous one side may be, has devolved to include the overtly racist. Perhaps after a few years of a Trump presidency, the media will also give us a friendly term for people who deny the holocaust happened or blame Jews for controlling the world economy.

  31. - A guy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:30 pm:

    ===BTW- I was voted most likely to be the next Ronald Reagan as a senior in high school===

    JSM, words escape me. lol.

  32. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:31 pm:

    I have heard of feral dogs and cats. But to use the word feral in to describe a person is degrading.

  33. - Louis Capricious - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:32 pm:

    === How did we get here? ===

    A good and recent read with background on the white supremacist movement known as alt-right:

  34. - Jon - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    At least Kass identifies who is really to blame in his last couple of paragraphs:

    “Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson has asked for tougher laws to keep shooters behind bars. But Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and her allies in the Black Caucus in Springfield keep dragging their feet.

    There is an obvious disconnect between the needs of the poor in violent neighborhoods and the agenda of the elite African-American political class.”

    I suppose the “elite African-American political class” would be non-”feral”, but I guess in Kass’s view just as menacing to society since they don’t support “tougher laws”. I can’t understand why “elite African-American political class” would be hesitant to support laws designed to keep “shooters” locked up considering how fair the criminal justice system has been to African Americans in the past. /s

  35. - Smith - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:40 pm:

    Definitely think he knew the racism in the word. More interesting to me is how they haven’t got a better camera shot of the assailant out yet?

  36. - Honeybear - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    Kendrick- just out of curiosity. Have you been called racist before? I’m experiencing you as being very defensive about this. Using “feral” in this context IS racist.

  37. - itsjustme - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    He has a track record of finding some stupid word he likes and pounding it into the ground.

  38. - Shark Sandwich - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:47 pm:

    It’s also a term used to describe children ‘raised by wolves’ or with no other human contact from a young age; for instance the growling boomerang kid in The Road Warrior (Mad Max 2) is credited as ‘Feral Boy’.
    It’s quite a reach to describe city dwellers this way, no matter how criminally brutal they are. It’s obviously racially charged language, he knew what he was asking for with this phrasing.

  39. - retired cop - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:47 pm:

    Kass may not have picked the best word to describe a group of persons that have absolutely no concern for others, but it fits. He’s correct in his rant and those who are cringing are part of the “politically incorrect” problem. Time for all to wake up to the reality of what is happening out there in real life, people.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:52 pm:

    ===Kass may not have picked the best word to describe a group of persons that have absolutely no concern for others, but it fits.===

    Hmm. This might say more about you then Kass.

    ===are part of the “politically incorrect” problem.===

    What’s that exactly, solving problems by using ignorant words to seem “awake”

    … I chose “awake”, ’cause this is always a favorite of mine to see how smart others are…

    ===are part of the “politically incorrect” problem. Time for all to wake up to the reality of what is happening out there in real life, people.

    ===Time for all to wake up===


  41. - Amalia - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    another chapter in the Alt Right lesson.

  42. - Honeybear - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 4:58 pm:

    –Because Kass is telling some hard truths-,–

    No I’m experiencing him as being racist. One can say the same thing and no be racist. Rich brings up issues of Chicago violence all the time without ever describing a human being as being “feral”. Dude, get out of your white victim mode.

  43. - Wensicia - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:11 pm:

    My earliest memory of feral is from “The Road Warrior”, remember the Feral Kid?

    As for this example if anything is feral, it’s Kass’ writing style of late.

  44. - Lomez - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:23 pm:

    Unfortunate word choice by Kass, mainly because liberals will look for anything to deflect and to seize on as the Key Problem here. Not the 500 deaths. But John Kass’s open pledge to the alt right — the license holder of all Uncomfortable Words.

    Should make very clear to anyone what the willingness of the left is to look beyond gun control and welfare.

  45. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:23 pm:

    To blame “Democratic public assistance” and blame a political party is pretty doggone low. If public assistance is the culprit, why aren’t so many whites and others getting assistance killers? Plenty of whites and others are from broken families and get public aid.

    Public assistance doesn’t cause people to be killers or break apart families. Which means Kass is a petty jerk who is taking the cheapest partisan shots.

    Somebody notify us when Kass is outraged about American government killing of innocents here and around the world, done by people who share his political views.

  46. - cover - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:26 pm:

    = Now, there aren’t enough jobs for unskilled labor. =

    One of yesterday’s blog posts was in regards to how young men in particular, having few job prospects, may choose a negative path in life, such as gangs, violence, and/or substance abuse.

    But is the job market considerably better in New York and Los Angeles? There has to be some other factor, or combination of factors, driving the violent activity in Chicago. And no, I don’t pretend to have the answers.

  47. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:30 pm:

    I personally don’t find the word “feral” racist, but acknowledge that others might. As was said earlier “cold hearted” etc would have worked nearly as well.

    I do find the blaming LBJ and the Great Society for the problems in the black community idiotic. It started well before 1965. Personally I feel that bringing the first slaves to Virginia in 1619 was the start. Add in nearly 400 years of basically being on the wrong end of the American Experience and we have the situation we have today.

    I did like the description of guns as “death sticks” though. I suppose someone will find that racist too.

  48. - IrishPirate - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:31 pm:

    Well at least he didn’t ask for a hurricane to sweep away the problem. He has that going for him.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:31 pm:

    ===Unfortunate word choice by Kass, mainly because liberals will look for anything to deflect and to seize on as the Key Problem here.===

    I’m not a liberal, and it’s not unfortunate. Words matter. Kass chose his words, and Kass isn’t a victim to his own choices.

    I can read fine, thanks, I haven’t read anyone deflecting anything about the deaths and the sever problems of Chicago, including my own comment.

    Nice try thou.

  50. - Wensicia - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:33 pm:

    ==may choose a negative path in life==

    Many in the violent neighborhoods don’t have a choice. They’re forced into gang life or become targets if they refuse. This does not make them animals as implied; they’re victims, too.

  51. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:38 pm: definition 2.: having reverted to a wild state

    Sounds apt.

  52. - cdog - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:43 pm:

    It is hard not to offend when labeling what is going on in Chicago. “Feral” is extreme. “Super predator” has been crossed off the acceptable list.

    Take away the labels and there are valid points being made.

    Also in the Trib today is an article written by an African-American woman who is calling out to the neighborhoods most affected by these punks. She doesn’t call them “feral” or “super predators,” but she understands what is happening.

    She says, “As a community, we can’t have it both ways. Either we want violent criminals off the street or we don’t.”

    Makes you wonder what would happen if the two writers, Kass and Glanton, were at the Tronc water cooler at the same time.

    I think they would find some common ground.

  53. - cdog - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:43 pm:


  54. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:48 pm:

    I understand he might not have known the background to using the word. He was nicely tweeted back at that he might want to change his language a bit. He did not respond well. Then it went downhill from there.

    If you read reconstruction era Southern editorials or such feral was used quite a bit and through the Civil Right movement time. I understand he might not have gotten that, but he didn’t rise to the occasion when it was pointed out.

    That said, it’s pretty dehumanizing to say about people, even people who are doing horrible things. I’m probably guilty of similar things, but I’d hope I’d listen when people point it out.

    And Daily Stormer is just one of many of the ‘alt-right’ sites that use it. I did a bit of a tweet storm on it.

  55. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:50 pm:

    Almost spit my coffee out reading Kass this morning.
    Royko’s space is sacred ground and he needs to vacate it…or be evicted.

  56. - ArchPundit - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 5:51 pm:

    ==criminally brutal
    See, a good phrase to replace feral with…

    It’s not that hard–and shouldn’t be for a guy who writes for a living.

  57. - walker - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 6:06 pm:

    Have heard it for years among cops, describing some kids in crime-ridden neighborhoods. Not often, not every cop, but occasionally. Guess it makes it easier to see and deal with them as threats.

    Lost all respect for Kass when he literally asked me “Are you saying it’s Madigan’s fault?” — when neither my statement to him, nor the issue we discussed, was related to MJM by any remote stretch.

  58. - Railrat - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 6:07 pm:

    Questionable choice of words no argument but if it was David A. Clark Jr. would vitiol be the same …???? Nah

  59. - West Side the Best Side - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 6:58 pm:

    Kass landed on Mike Royko’s spot on page 2 and actually thinks that makes him Royko. It doesn’t and he isn’t.

  60. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:17 pm:

    –I’ve never heard the term “feral” used in any other instance than to describe a non-domesticated cat. Until today. –

    Guy, if you’re interested, I think you’d be amazed at all the crazy things they’re doing with words these days in books and such.

  61. - Cassandra - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:18 pm:

    Whatever. Mr. Kass is not the problem. Racial segregation is-and it exists on so many dimensions. Why do we suppose that so many black families have been disrupted. Could we start with mass incarceration, which disproportionately affects minorities. And housing discrimination. Educational discrimination, closely linked to housing discrimination. Economic discrimination, linked to both. It’s all linked.

    Screeching at Kass’ flub-it’s way too easy.

  62. - Blue dog dem - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:42 pm:

    If this Kass fellow used a different word, would any of these 500 be alive today. Nonsense. Words dont matter.

  63. - Gooner - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:46 pm:

    Kass is the same person who called AG Madigan a tramp.

    He’s like our local version of Ann Coulter, saying increasingly crazy stuff hoping for attention.

    However, he’s not interesting even in a “hey, I wonder what that crazy attention seeker is going to say.” He’s just boring.

    For some reason, people read his stuff but I don’t see why.

  64. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:58 pm:

    “He’s like our local version of Ann Coulter”

    He’s become another Joe Walsh. I used to sorta like Kass when he first came out years ago.

    Mike Royko is rolling in his grave. I read lots of Royko, when he was alive and two “best of” books. Here is a great quote from Royko that is exactly the opposite of Kass:

    “It’s harder to be a Liberal than a Conservative because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.”

  65. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 7:59 pm:

    –Chicago hit 500 homicides the other day, with more killings this year than in New York and Los Angeles combined.–

    Should Chicago adopt LA or NYC gun laws? I’m all for it.

    Madigan went way beyond the requirements of the appeals court ruling with the new Illinois CC law — call it the Downstate Democrat Preservation Act — .

    In Illinois, no home rule. Counties “shall issue,” instead of “may issue.” New York and California are “may issue.”

    If we’re all going to hop on the “Jump to Conclusions” mat, I’d point out that the spike in Chicago homicides occurred just after full-implementation of the Illinois conceal-carry law.


    I think so.

    But I wish the NRA types would have the testicular virility to treat gun violence as a public health issue, worthy of study, and not just some “feral youth” racist copout.

    But seriously, over the last few years, the NRA has become owned by the gunmakers, and you know dat ba dol Obama comin to get ya. And your women-folk, too.

    Check out the marketing and sales of the gun industry since Obama became president; crazy, and off the charts.

    And Obama didn’t say “boo” about guns until Sandy Hook. So wha’ happen’.

    Todd, — so did you buy a boat or an RV on your fear-mongering? Schwing!

  66. - Tom K. - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 9:02 pm:

    ==Mike Royko is rolling in his grave==
    Maybe, but if so, it sure isn’t due to Kass’ use of the word “feral”, which, while insensitive, is wholly accurate. My guess is that Royko would use words to describe the folks that shoot children, with no forethought or remorse, that would make “feral” look tame in comparison. My guess his list would start with the vernacular for “fecal matter”.

  67. - Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 9:12 pm:

    More dog whistle from the political fringe famous for it.

  68. - TinyDancer(FKA Sue) - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 9:42 pm:

    ===Mike Royko is rolling in his grave==
    Maybe, but if so, it sure isn’t due to Kass’ use of the word “feral”===

    How about:
    “They are the direct product of the Democratic welfare state that helped destroy families.”?

  69. - Alice - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 9:52 pm:

    Yep, Coulter comparison is apt. Also good analysis by Anonymous and many others. thank you. It’s refreshing to hear that people continue to be irritated by Kass. There is maybe some hope for us all? Maybe we have not lost all our humanity?

    As to Kass, there is no substance to his column, as always. Just insults. He’s old and frustrated that these “feral” (a.k.a. black) men won’t leave what he considers his lawn. And somehow the fault lies with the Chicago Machine. Because, according to Kass, the fault always lies with the Chicago Democratic Machine. And not only the fault lies with the same thing, Kass also uses the same stick. He was as insulting to the cat shelter when talking about feral cats earlier this year as he’s now. Just look it up. Yes, cat shelter bugged him as much as the “feral” men.

    I’m all for “evicting” Kass from Trib. They should just leave the column with a headline - this is the space that Kass occupied. I bet their subscription would go up. People would buy it for the empty space, cheering. I don’t buy Trib precisely because Kass is there.

    Yes, shameful that he followed Royko.

  70. - City Zen - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 10:23 pm:

    ==“It’s harder to be a Liberal than a Conservative because it is easier to give someone the finger than a helping hand.”==

    That’s because the other non-helping hand is passing the bill to someone else.

  71. - DuPage Dave - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 10:47 pm:

    Kass’s column is a waste of space. Feral means animal and he’s just calling black people animals. Not much subtlety there.

    There’s no point in contacting the Tribune on this, since they don’t give a bleep as long as someone is paying attention to their dying franchise.

  72. - Winnin' - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 10:47 pm:

    Kass knows that things are blowing up at FOX News and he is auditioning for a spot next to Hannity.

  73. - striketoo - Thursday, Sep 8, 16 @ 11:07 pm:

    “But is the job market considerably better in New York and Los Angeles? There has to be some other factor, or combination of factors, driving the violent activity in Chicago.”

    Unlawful use of a weapon is a felony in those cities resulting in 3 years in prison. In Illinois, it is a misdemeanor and a violator is out in a year. Kass is correct that the Black Caucus has blood on its hands for opposing what all Chicago police chiefs (black and white) have been calling for for years.

  74. - The_Equalizer - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 6:56 am:

    TRONC = alt-right. Fire all the state workers while they’re at it!

  75. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 7:32 am:

    ===If this Kass fellow used a different word, would any of these 500 be alive today. Nonsense. Words dont matter.===

    “Nonsense. Words dont matter.”

    Again, this is an instance that says more about you than Kass.


  76. - Archiesmom - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 7:44 am:

    “Words dont matter.” Yes. Yes, they do. They hurt and they inflame.

    And this was my last straw with the Trib. When I call to cancel my subscription - and they make you talk to a person who attempts to talk you out of it - I will explain why this is the appalling language that pushed me past the brink. It’s only one subscription, but it’s my statement. And I’ll write a letter, too, but it’ll never be published. To me, Kass is the undomesticated one.

  77. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 8:04 am:

    Kass is a shallow thnker who jumps to exploit any tragedy by blaming those he’s already pre-disposed to hate for it.

    A man gets shot, it’s the fault of “Big Government” and the “Democratic welfare state.” Obviously.

    Apparently, in his world, there was no urban violence prior to the Great Society, which would have been news to the likes of Mr. Dickens, the Gangs of New York, Al Capone, etc.

    Curiously, when a couple of white Wisconsin girls stabbed a classmate a couple years back, the culprit wasn’t “Big Government” but “our culture,” and movies and TV shows like “Twilight” and “Dark Shadows” (blast from the way-back past) that peddled “magic” and “witches.”

    I’m not kidding. Google “Kass Wisconsin girls stabbing” and you can read the whole scary story about “our culture.”

    I guess I’m lucky. My kids read all the Harry Potter books, saw the movies plus “The Wizard of Oz,” and they were never culturized to stab anyone after being exposed to all that magic and witches.

  78. - @MisterJayEm - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 8:16 am:

    “Words dont matter”

    Then why, in this golden age of coloring books, are you visiting this site?

    – MrJM

  79. - Springfieldish - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 8:33 am:

    Poor Royko has to be exhausted. Stand close to his grave and you hear Mike’s convulsions. That the anyone actually thought this shallow, uneducated ideologue, blinded by the chip on his shoulder, could see the city in any color other than bile, has got to send Royko’s soul into wandering despondency. Of course his reference was racist. Kass is and has always been a racist. Just read his columns. But I suggest you do so on an empty stomach.

    The Trib’s newsroom is regularly embarrassed by this hack. His phrases are lifted, his insight is supplied and his style harkens back to a 9-year old’s crayon-crafted letter to his parents that he’s running away from home because he had to go to bed by eight.

    I spit at the mere mention of Kass (pptttoie!).

  80. - Anon - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 8:46 am:

    ===the fathers became irrelevant or were driven off===

    This must be code for racial bias in policing and sentencing that was so extreme our state could no longer execute convicted murderers in good conscious because of the sheer number of them that were factually innocent.

  81. - Jackie - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 8:58 am:

    If you’re going to be a journalist, and you care what people say on Twitter, then find something else to do.

  82. - Lawman - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    Such things are always hard to hear and read…but the truth always is.

  83. - Mongo - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 9:12 am:

    I went to the Alt-Right link and was shocked. I have never read such tripe in my life. How can people be so hateful? So wrong? So mean?

    Kass, stop pandering to this crowd.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    - Lawman -

    Be specific, what truth? You should clarify…

  85. - Anonymous - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 9:28 am:

    “Feral” can also refers to strays that are undomesticated. For example, there are colonies of feral cats roaming the neighborhood.

    Crises lead to strong rhetoric, but can the hand wringing stop as to the offensive politically incorrect language? Criminals need to be incarcerated, but BLM acts as apologists for the thugs and vilifies the police out of all proportion. Hillary Clinton is suffering because she once condemned criminals as “predators” years ago. Does that make HRC as bad as Kass?

  86. - AlfondoGonz - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    The willful ignorance displayed here is troubling. Kaas’ “piece” (of what…?) is fear-mongering, dog-whistling, self-aggrandizing slop that informs nothing, urges nothing, and promotes negative stereotypes that already dominate the social psyche.

    Obviously he is “addressing” a real issue in a way that only he and the “alt-right” can. Yes, it is a real issue, and thank you all for bringing it to our attention as if we weren’t aware.

    Now, can anyone who is defending Kaas actually postulate one positive thing a “piece” like this contributes to the discussion? Please, one thing.

    Other than confirming your own racist tendencies, that is.

    Defend nonsense like this, you slow progress and wind up on the wrong side of history.

  87. - fed up - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Kass’ definition of a feral person is if “they shoot into crowds & murder innocent children.” So by that definition, would he call Roof, Kazmierczak, Loughner, Harris, and Klebold feral? Or are the white kids deranged? Want to be clear on the concept.

  88. - Bluegrass Boy - Friday, Sep 9, 16 @ 1:56 pm:

    While it wouldn’t be my choice of terminology, I really have no patience for the apologists who don’t like the way people may describe predator criminals.
    No, they’re not animals - but being upset over the way their animalistic behavior is described is missing the point completely.

    It’s time to get the non-violent offenders out of the jails and put these predators away. Not to rehabilitate or punish them - but simply to protect the rest of society.

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