Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Parkhurst responds *** Kankakee state’s attorney opens voter fraud investigation in Rep. Cloonen race
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*** UPDATED x1 - Parkhurst responds *** Kankakee state’s attorney opens voter fraud investigation in Rep. Cloonen race

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release

From the Office of Jamie Boyd, Kankakee County State’s Attorney
Date: October 4, 2016
For Immediate Release:
Re: Election Fraud

The Kankakee County State’s Attorney’s Office has opened an investigation into voter fraud. This unprecedented action was taken in response to reports of individuals from Chicago offering gifts to potential voters in exchange for a vote for Kate Cloonen, Hillary Clinton and others. Our office takes seriously the obligation to protect the rights of citizens to vote for the candidate of their choice, and to do so without undue influence from special interest groups. The investigation will also focus on the authenticity of vote by mail requests. Several applications have been filed with the election authority that appear to be fraudulently executed. These documents were also filed by people who are not voters in Kankakee County.

As a result of the information we currently have, and in an effort to end the ongoing practices aimed at illegally gaining a victory for specific candidates changes have been made to the processes. Effective immediately no “I voted” stickers will be issued to voters. This will end the practice of vote purchasers using the stickers as proof of voting. A register has been created to keep track of all individuals dropping off “vote by mail” applications so that contact information is available if questions arise regarding any applications.

Local police departments have been advised of the ongoing investigation, and are prepared to assist in the event of continued questionable activity. The Kankakee County Clerk will continue to vigilantly enforce the electioneering rules during the early voting and grace period voting in an effort to insure the integrity of the election process.

We are asking the public to contact our office with any information they are aware of regarding these or other questionable activities during this election season. We are especially hopeful that if someone is offered any gift in exchange for voting that our office will be notified immediately so that we may prosecute the offenders.

Cloonen has won her last two general election races by an average of about 100 votes each. So, this is huge.

I’ve asked the House Democrats for a response.

*** UPDATE ***  Rep. Cloonen’s Republican opponent Lindsay Parkhurst…

“These reports of voter fraud in Kankakee are incredibly disturbing. Fair and honest elections are the bedrock of our democracy. It is truly deplorable when people try to corrupt our system in this manner. I call on Kate Cloonen to denounce these actions and confirm to the public that no one affiliated with her campaign had any knowledge or involvement with these alleged crimes.”


  1. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    Fortunately, as many commentators have said here, voter fraud is not a problem in Illinois. /s

    Close and important elections are when we expect to see attempts at voter fraud. This is a good year to be alert.

  2. - anon - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    It would be appropriate if all state’s attorneys gave attention to such violations, regardless of party. I recall a Cook County board campaign in the late 90s when a Republican candidate’s petitions contained blatant forgeries. Objectors obtained 100 affidavits from residents who said someone forged their signatures. The SAO had no interest in the matter, and the candidate was allowed on the ballot, minus the 100 signatures.

  3. - Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    The “I voted” stickers only verify that the person voted. It doesn’t prove whom they voted for. But I guess if it helps reduce the practice of vote purchasing they should do away with them.

  4. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    Well, good grief. If having an “I Voted” sticker was all it takes to get a “prize”, then Amazon must be doing a great trade!

    From the Release: “Effective immediately no “I voted” stickers will be issued to voters. This will end the practice of vote purchasers using the stickers as proof of voting.”

  5. - Centennial - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    I wonder if there is any correlation between this news and Cloonen draining the bank for other candidates last week?

  6. - Jon - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    For some reason after reading the 1st paragraph of the press release I hear a high pitched whistling sound, not sure what it is trying to tell me though…

  7. - Touré's Latte - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    Sadly, the practice of some cash for “I Voted” stickers is not new.

  8. - Eugene - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    This particular state’s attorney is a Republican facing a very tough re-election fight, so he is hardly a disinterested observer.

  9. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    Time to put on my tinfoil hat: perhaps this is why Rep. Cloonen has transferred hundreds of thousands of dollars to Speaker Madigan’s campaign and committees.

  10. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    This. Is. Huge.

  11. - walker - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    –”This is a good year to be alert.”–

    Agree. And to let the investigators do their jobs before assuming.

  12. - Southern Dawg - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    So this whole investigation is based on “reports.” I take it, then, that there is no solid evidence. Is that what they call “pandering?”

  13. - Nuke the Whales - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    I know I am wearing a tinfoil hat and very well believe this could be partisan balogna, but I need more than one press release tying Cloonen and Hillary in a red-ish district with vague allegations of “people from Chicago.”

    More information is desired.

  14. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    I interviewed for an assistant State’s Attorney position in Kankakee county. Jaime Boyd is…not subtle. One particular line of questioning that would “tell him more about myself than I could possibly understand” consisted of:

    1. Do you go to church?
    2. Do you own a gun?
    3. Have you ever been on a farm?

    He was trying to discern if I could “fit in with the culture there.”

    Ok, Jaime. Investigate away.

  15. - Eugene - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    And incidentally, the most solid recent evidence of cash for votes involved Ken Dunkin using Bruce Rauner’s cash. Now we get to watch all the people who minimized that episode display their outrage over some much weaker soup.

  16. - My button is broke... - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    Wasn’t it last week where a US Appeals court ruled that New Hampshire couldn’t ban people from taking pictures of ballots and the court said vote buying wasn’t common or practical…

  17. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    ===Fortunately, as many commentators have said here, voter fraud is not a problem in Illinois. /s

    === The investigation will also focus on the authenticity of vote by mail requests.

    I don’t know of anyone who says that there are no problems with absentee or voting by mail voting. These are were most problems are present.

    The issue is that there is little to no evidence of voter fraud of the type that is someone impersonating someone else. Even in the allegations here, it is vote buying not voter impersonation. Voter ID would have no effect on any of this.

  18. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    But, but, but … voter fraud is a myth. It doesn’t happen. /s

    Now, if the State’s Attorney (or dare I offer it, the Attorney General!) had issued this same statement about a similar type of activity allegedly occurring in Chicago, would anyone be shocked?

  19. - K3 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    nothing more than a republican states attorney harassing and surpressing the votes of the minority community. Rauner is trying to win this at all costs. Shame on you Bruce for resorting to such tactics.

  20. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    Uh-huh. Another Republican who hears things. Throwing HRC’s name in there is a tipoff. Because as we all know, HRC stands no chance unless a handful of fraudulent votes are cast in Kankakee County!

  21. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    Almost immediately people are doing their best to discredit the State’s Attorney and throw water on the investigation. Good grief.

  22. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    Darn!! Second time.

    Now, if the Cook County State’s Attorney (or dare I offer it, the Attorney General!) had issued this same statement about a similar type of activity allegedly occurring in Chicago, would anyone be shocked?

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    They need to buy votes for Hillary Clinton, in Illinois?

  24. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    Jamie Boyd opted not to run for re-election as SA for fear of getting crushed by Dem challenger Jim Rowe. Instead Boyd thought he’d slide into a judgeship - but in the primary, this happened:

    “in the weeks leading up to the election, the state bar association released a scathing report on Boyd, ultimately urging voters not to cast their ballot for him.

    “Boyd received an abysmal rating in the poll of several dozen local attorneys, who questioned Boyd’s ability to be an effective and fair judge.”

    He lost the primary 74-26.

    Bottom line, don’t trust Jamie Boyd’s word.

  25. - Carhartt Representative - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:46 pm:

    =Because as we all know, HRC stands no chance unless a handful of fraudulent votes are cast in Kankakee County!=

    Yeah, that’s what I was thinking

  26. - Eugene - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:47 pm:

    I must correct myself. Boyd is not on the ballot, but the Democrats do have an excellent shot at taking that office.

  27. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:48 pm:

    Is Ken Dunkin working the precincts for Cloonen?

  28. - some doofus - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:49 pm:

    Alfondo Gonz wrote:
    >Ok, Jaime. Investigate away.

    You wrote Jaime twice, not just once, so I assume it’s accurate, and that your point is that State’s Attorney Boyd is Hispanic.

  29. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:50 pm:

    What kind of reports caused this investigation to be opened? Actual credible stuff or whispers on facebook?

    In looking up this prosecutor’s history I see that he was NOT RECOMMENDED by ISBA when he tried to run for a judge this year.

    Anyone in the area know why he is so poorly regarded by other lawyers who interact with him?

  30. - anon - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:50 pm:

    People in Kankakee are terrified of “individuals from Chicago”. I’m not saying that this isn’t a valid concern, but I couldn’t imagine a better way for Lindsay Parkhurst to pull over some undecideds

  31. - Reality Check - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:50 pm:

    On Jamie Boyd’s (lack of) credibility:

    Local attorneys pan Boyd for judge

    Boyd loses bid for judge

    Sounds like a … superstar.

  32. - One hand //ing - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:55 pm:

    At this point, shouldn’t the state’s attorney’s office be investigating “allegations” of voter fraud? Something tells me the legal shop didn’t write this. Lot of dog whistles in there for such a “serious” investigation.

  33. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:55 pm:

    “Hi, I’m from Chicago, and I’d like to give you gifts to vote for Democrats, namely, Cloonen and Clinton”

    How do we know they’re from Chicago? Do we also know their names? That would be helpful

  34. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:56 pm:

    So… if Boyd does this…Rauner will appoint him somewhere??? Superstar in training./s

  35. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:57 pm:

    some doofus-

    Strange assumption. I simply misspelled his name.

  36. - City Zen - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    Shades of Leslie Hairston in 2014.

  37. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    221 - same goes for Eric Schneiderman. HRC will surely find him a nice spot in the Justice Department or maybe even make him her chief legal counsel. Because Trump or something like that.

  38. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:01 pm:

    “Reports state that the individuals attempting to buy votes were White Sox fans. The Kankakee Sheriff’s Office has been directed to give extra scrutiny to any White Sox fans attempting to vote”-Boyd’s next press release, probably

  39. - Vladimir Putin - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:01 pm:

    Not to worry. I’ll decide, in the end.

  40. - Hummm - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:03 pm:

    This screams voter intimidation. If they had real evidence someone would be indicted.

    Wonder how much this guy got from Rauner.

  41. - MissingG - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:03 pm:


  42. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:05 pm:

    There are an awful lot of people on this post who are using a paranoid, “Because Rauner!” type of reasoning.

  43. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:08 pm:

    Is that a true story? You should write to the Kankakee Daily Journal

  44. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:08 pm:

    Team Sleep- Perhaps, but at least Schneiderman’s office had a few more details and less innuendo than Boyd’s action.

  45. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:12 pm:


    True story. I’m not easily offended and, while I thought he carried out his agenda with the subtly of a baboon, I didn’t feel so slighted as to seek retribution. I am happy to share the story to interested people though, lol.

    He actually managed to shovel in more heaps of insight are irrelevant here, but make for a more complete picture of the type of man he is. Suffice to say, he is a caricature that would have fit in famously in “simpler times.”

  46. - AlfondoGonz - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:15 pm:

    I was most offended that he prefaced his line of questioning with a disclaimer that I would not understand what his line of question was supposed to uncover. He had just said that he and I “passed the bar exam, something 99% of the population cannot do, which makes us smarter than 99% of the population,” (I don’t share that sentiment), so for him to think I would not be insightful enough to figure out where he was going with that particular line of questioning was laughable.

  47. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    221 - to be honest, I could not care less whether or not it hurts Trump. But the timing stunk to high heaven. You took an awfully huge leap of logic.

  48. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

  49. - d.p.gumby - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    Has there ever been a Republican who didn’t see “voter fraud” under every rock?

  50. - arnold - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:23 pm:

    >The issue is that there is little to no evidence of voter fraud of the type that is someone impersonating someone else.

    This has always been an interesting point of view - the people that hold that sure, vote fraud happens, but absolutely not impersonation.

    In the East Chicago catastrophe, when the mayoral contest had to be thrown out because there was so much absentee fraud votes that the judge couldn’t tell who should have won, there were votes cast in some precincts under names of people who had moved to Ohio.

    It was all unraveled after the election. Many people were convicted on the voting in places where they didn’t live and voting absentee ballots that didn’t belong to them.

    No one was charged for voting in a precinct by impersonating someone.

    Of course not. They only figured it out later. Who would you charge?

    Other vote frauds create a lot of risk for the guy who does it, even after the election. You vote in your old village because your brother works for the mayor, but people know you don’t live there any more. They could look at the list of voters. You cast a mail ballot for somebody dead, but you have to have it sent somewhere. So if somebody realizes that guy was dead, they can find out where you sent it.

    With impersonation, if you can tough it out through the 30 seconds of signing your ballot, at early voting where no one will recognize you, you’re done.

    Why would people be so much more scared to commit this kind of fraud? Why would the frauds only commit other kinds of fraud? Maybe the real story is you never hear about impersonation because it’s impossible to investigate?

  51. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:27 pm:

    Team Sleep- My post was infused with snark. Note the /s at the end of the my superstar remark. So, what logical leap did I make? Infer all you like.

  52. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    221 - sorry, but your post and others make it seem like Rauner has strong-armed Mr. Boyd into action. Just because you use the “snark” tag doesn’t mean the Rauner appointment jab wasn’t a serious thought.

  53. - Centennial - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    To the Update: “I call on Kate Cloonen to denounce these actions and confirm to the public that no one affiliated with her campaign had any knowledge or involvement with these alleged crimes.”

    Weird statement.

  54. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    Team Sleep- Only time will tell. And that is posted without snark. Ambition, not strong-arming, can play an even greater role in many things.

  55. - Run House - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    Can I believe Dems would provide incentives to vote in a close race like Kate Cloonen?


    Can I believe Dems would provide incentives to vote for Hillary Clinton? In Illinois? In Kankakee County?

    Not really.

    Can I believe that a GOP States Attorney would send a press release alleging voter fraud to influence an election?


    Can I believe a GOP States Attorney of dubious ethics would send a bad faith press release about voter fraud even if he lacks evidence to win a criminal case?

    It’s more likely than bribing someone to vote for Hillary Clinton… in Illinois… in Kankakee County.

  56. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:43 pm:

    ===It is truly deplorable when people try to corrupt our system===

    Now where did I put that basket?

  57. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:46 pm:

    So Parkhurst’s statement also contains something about reports of voter fraud with no indication of whether the reports come from independent newspaper investigations, comcerned election judges, Facebook posters spreading partisan mischief, or a soon-to-be-unemployed “not qualified” state’s sttorney’s imagination.

  58. - jim - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:48 pm:

    would be disappointed in the “Madigoons” if they weren’t trying to buy votes for their candidates. This, after all, is how business is done when contests are close.

  59. - sideline watcher - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    I bet this is gonna happen all over the state. Watch. Any place where the Republicans are close there will be lots of hand ringing and indignation about voter fraud.

    These are people who honestly believe that when they get beat its because someone cheated. Never because they got beat.

    Its coming.

  60. - ArchPundit - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    ===Why would people be so much more scared to commit this kind of fraud? Why would the frauds only commit other kinds of fraud? Maybe the real story is you never hear about impersonation because it’s impossible to investigate?

    Actually the logistics are a nightmare. With doing through mail/absentee voting one or two people can do many ballots with relatively small exposure. With in person voting, to do it in any significant amount takes a fairly vast conspiracy. You can’t keep showing up at the same polling place all day nor can one person make that many different polling places. In addition, if you are trying to use someone’s name, then you have to worry if anyone at the site will recognize you aren’t that person.

    One would have to enlist a small army of in person people willing to commit fraud and then keep silent about it.

  61. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:06 pm:

    I hope this is false.

  62. - Timmeh - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    ==1. Do you go to church?==

    That sounds like the wrong question.

  63. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    To the update — Deft move by the challenger. Will Cloonen denounce any alleged voter fraud?

  64. - Try-4-Truth - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:18 pm:

    Either present evidence or shut up. This is silly.

  65. - Boone's is Back - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:20 pm:

    === reports of individuals from Chicago offering gifts to potential voters in exchange for a vote for Kate Cloonen, Hillary Clinton and others.===

    There better be some pretty darned good evidence to make an accusation like that. Otherwise it looks like a local state’s attorney using their investigate powers simply for a fellow republican to create a mailer saying that they are “under investigation.”

  66. - Southern Dawg - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:24 pm:

    “Because as we all know, HRC stands no chance unless a handful of fraudulent votes are cast in Kankakee County!”


  67. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:24 pm:

    What ArchPundit said. Anyone who believes that people are impersonating others in large numbers at polling places needs to get back on their meds. Stat.

  68. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:34 pm:

    I had a friend show up at her Chicago voting precinct last year only to find that she had already “voted.” She did say that the signature they showed her for the person that voted for her wasn’t that far off.

  69. - Deft Wing - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:40 pm:

    And if anyone really thinks voter fraud is totally nonexistent, they should be put on meds. Stat … and/or sent to the 13th ward to learn a thing or two. ;)

  70. - crazybleedingheart - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    == I’m not easily offended and, while I thought he carried out his agenda with the subtly of a baboon, I didn’t feel so slighted as to seek retribution. ==

    You got at least one employment question geared to enable illegal hiring discrimination.

    Discrimination isn’t about whether or not the victim is “easily offended.”

    Challenging discrimination isn’t contingent on whether the victim is tough enough to take it, or “slighted” and seeking “retribution.”

    View your situation as you like. But this kind of commentary is retro and corny.

    State’s attorneys who respect the law don’t willfully break it during hiring.

    It’s very rare for the bar to recommend against someone for judge. Seems warranted.

  71. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:48 pm:

    ===And if anyone really thinks voter fraud is totally nonexistent===

    No one is saying that either, genius. Some of us are saying the GOP’s obsession with voter fraud is an easier exercise for them than wondering why so many voters have rejected their party. It must be fraud!

    Do some people cheat, especially via absentee ballots? Sure, every election and on both sides. But GOP attempts to force into law things like requiring IDs to vote are solutions in search of a problem.

    What little evidence exists for Democratic attempts to “stuff the ballot box” are relatively minor instances. Much more of it is anecdotal nonsense.

    Bottom line: some people do try to cheat, but there is no evidence that it is widespread or has ever swung an election in Chicago or anywhere else in Illinois. If you have evidence to the contrary, please feel free to share it.

  72. - Hey now - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 5:49 pm:

    You’re supposed to use debit cards like Bruce Rauner through a third party. …

  73. - TinyDancer(FKASue) - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 6:14 pm:

    Check your voter status before election day.

    The U.S. Post Office won’t deliver mail without a unit/apt number. To verify that you’re not dead/moved, Chicago mails out voter ID cards and “inactivates” you if your card is returned to them.
    I left my unit number off for privacy reasons, P.O. returned my card, and I became inactive!
    Not a problem - if you have a driver’s license - but still……

  74. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 6:33 pm:

    Amen to Rich and Arch. This accusation is garbage.

  75. - Nothin's easy... - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 6:44 pm:

    LOL…it’s a general election with a presidential candidate who has insulted a lot of people. There will be many of “those people” voting in very big numbers. This is a stunt with no effect, except on the tin foil hat makers.

  76. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 7:01 pm:

    The allegation is “vote buying,” not “vote fraud.”

    You can buy votes all sorts of way.

    Like Dunk did with his fifties, on the street. Like Rauner did, in the legislature, by supplying Dunk with those fifties.

    Vote “fraud” would be showing up at a polling place and committing a felony by impersonating someone else.

    For one vote. Real effective strategy.

    It’s absurd, but it is the grift that’s been driving the right-wing disenfranchise movement for many years.

    Headline, Washington Post:

    “A comprehensive investigation of voter impersonation finds 31 credible incidents out of one billion ballots cast.”

  77. - Red tower - Wednesday, Oct 5, 16 @ 1:42 am:

    The not giving out the ‘I voted stickers out’ is silly as it is part of the procedure is to give you the stub from the ballot you pull as a receipt so you can prove to an employer you did take time off to go vote not just goof off.

  78. - Nitemayor - Wednesday, Oct 5, 16 @ 5:02 am:

    Will the headline of the election day edition of the Tribune read PARKHURST WINS or FRAUD AT THE POLLS? Shades of Charles Foster Kane.

  79. - Anon - Wednesday, Oct 5, 16 @ 9:05 am:

    ===1. Do you go to church?===

    Nice to know the attorney leads with a question that they’re not legally allowed to consider when hiring.

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