*** LIVE COVERAGE *** Gov. Rauner’s Facebook live event
Thursday, Oct 6, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * The festivities begin at 11. I hesitate to do this because the last one was such a total bust, but click here to watch. [Updated link.] And follow along with ScribbleLive…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:06 am:
===…staff is writing down some questions on cards and handing them to him.===
Oh boy.
“Yeah, he has a lotta buffers”
- AC - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:15 am:
If you don’t hear from me after this, it’s because I held my breath waiting for Wordslingers (and SEIUs) questions for the Governor to be answered. /s
- jade me not - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:16 am:
So far questions are softballs that fit the Governor’s narrative. Shocking. It may look less obvious if the Governor didn’t compliment the questions that are handed to him by his staff after they’ve been filtered.
- AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:18 am:
OT: To the Illinois Policy Institute tweet on the sidebar: I see they are continuing to operate on more mature and nuanced side of things. Is Rauner’s little games of dress-up not more clownish than Madigan’s perpetual scowl?
- JohnnyPyleDriver - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:20 am:
What’s his favorite color?!
- yeah - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:24 am:
Governor, is it true you fight crime in your free-time?
Well, sort of. Mostly I just follow CPD around after dark and collect spent brass. It is true, I am an environmentalist and I really enjoy taking a bucket of free brass into the recyclin’ center for unreported untaxed income. You can never get enough untaxed income. That is why I am so focused on running up the deficit. Can’t wait to sink my teeth into those tax free munis Illinois will be issuin’ after the election.
- Carhartt Representative - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:26 am:
How did you get to be so great is the kind of hard hitting question I would expect
- wordslinger - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:40 am:
Wow, they’re never going to take the training wheels off, are they?
It must be very humbling for the governor to know that he’s reached the limits of his communication abilities at the levels of hyper-controlled “events” and strict adherence to talking points.
- RNUG - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:43 am:
This was so important an event to me that I totally forgot about it until I just now saw it posted here.
- Annonin' - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:54 am:
Oh oh there is a 10% difference in the time clock bwtween Tina and Doug. Does this man BigBrain gave downstaters and extra 120 seconds?
Did ask the Downers Grove guy if they had cured the “cyber attack” epidemic that forced our beloved SLickSandy to cut short his career in public service and rob IL of his total genius
Maybe next time
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 11:59 am:
Governor, the US Department of Labor issued a report yesterday warning that there was a “race to the bottom” nationally on workers comp.
Yes, businesses save money, but injured workers and their families end up in poverty, the agency determined.
Is that a concern, or is that the goal of your Turnaround Agenda?
- sal-says - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 12:07 pm:
What!? He didn’t brag on ‘his’ renegotiated interest-rate derivative contracts ?
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 12:09 pm:
Well, that was sure illuminating…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 12:32 pm:
Boxers or briefs?
- Henry Francis - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 12:51 pm:
Is this gonna become some sort of new normal? How can he not be embarrassed by this? Is there anyone (outside his coterie) saying anything positive about these?
- AC - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 1:01 pm:
If it’s a broadcast, label it as such and give up the pretense of it being a question and answer session.
- Finally Out (and now very glad to be) - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 1:15 pm:
Agree with RNUG, completely forgot.
No loss!
- IllinoisBoi - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 1:25 pm:
Somehow, Rauner can make a train wreck really boring.
- LessAnon? - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 1:44 pm:
It’s actually 14%, and I’d be interested to know what percentage of those union members are government workers or teachers. I’d hazard a WAG that it’s the other 86% some might feel more comfortable trying to please.
- Big Joe - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 1:48 pm:
Agree with RNUG. Never gave this Rauner pep talk any thought. Why bother?
- State Worker THX 1138 - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 2:28 pm:
How much is that doggie in the window (and is it union or non-union)? Thanks Guv!
- foster brooks - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 9:20 pm:
whats with the safety glasses?
- Macbeth - Thursday, Oct 6, 16 @ 9:46 pm:
–whats with the safety glasses?–
It’s part of the costume.