Davis: Think Madigan, not Trump
Friday, Oct 14, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the Illinois Policy Institute’s radio network…
One central Illinois congressman thinks Illinois voters can differentiate between GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and Illinois House Speaker Mike Madigan, D-Chicago.
U.S. Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Dist. 13, said GOP voters across downstate Illinois may have questions about Trump, but Davis said the voters he’s talked to have no doubt about Madigan and what is happening in Springfield.
“It would be a travesty if what’s happening at the presidential level went down to down-ballot races to give Mike Madigan more power in Springfield,” Davis said.
But Davis said if local candidates have been meeting with voters, talking about issues and, most importantly, listening, then voters will be able to differentiate between national and local races.
- PublicAgent - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 6:07 am:
It’s the governor’s refusal to present or negotiate a balanced budget before his extreme agenda is passed that is the travesty, and the people know that.
- Rabid - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 6:38 am:
Trumpeting your independence from the national ticket? You don’t need the trump voters? You think you can smarten up the low information voter?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 7:31 am:
===It would be a travesty if what’s happening at the presidential level went down to down-ballot races to give Mike Madigan more power in Springfield,” Davis said.===
According to Raunerites, and Congressman Davis hasn’t shown himself to BE one, Speaker Madigan is already the most powerful man in all of Illinois, with the (snicker-snicker) veto-proof super-majority.
Is there a new title beyond “Speaker”… like…
“Super Speaker” or… “Mega-Speaker”?
Congressman Davis… how much more power is there left, if Madigan is All-Powerful already?
It’s confusing. It’s hyperbole? Dose it make… sense?
- Honeybear - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 7:39 am:
OW what about UberSpeaker Madigan or even more German and National Socialist, Oberstspeaker Madigan. s/
They love them some Madigan don’t they.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 7:44 am:
- Homeybear -
That’s the problem with the hyperbole both sides trade in when discussing the other.
Stick with what’s factually accurate.
It’s not enough Madigan has been Speaker for “decades”? There’s a whole phony movie/documentary about it.
Now, after ALL that hyperbole, after it all… Madigan “gain”… more power? Ugh.
I get why Davis went “there”, I really do get it, it’s GOP turnout, but the GOP is also the party trying to suppress turnout too… through the courts…
Uber-Speaker sounds fun and winning, but then they’d have to change all the letterhead, and the stain glass above Madigan’s office doors, pretty expensive undertaking… but I digress…
- Big Muddy - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 7:58 am:
I have a new title for Madigan… Minority Leader Madigan. I know it’s not going to happen this cycle but a man can dream.
- Tough Guy - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 8:08 am:
I was at the the forum in Springfield last night. Both Dem candidates said the would be voting for HRC. Bourne said she would vote for the Republican nominee which caused a big groan from the audience . Jimenez said she would not be voting for HRC and that she would decide on Nov 8th who she would vote which caused another groan. Very interesting responses given the turmoil in the Republican party right now.
- Sir Reel - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 8:26 am:
Voters differentiate?
That’s a good one.
- Magic carpet ride - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 8:29 am:
Me thinks a new anti Bourne ad is coming out. “I Avery Bourne support TRUMP”
- Not quite a majority - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 8:59 am:
Bourne never said the word ‘Trump’. She whispered ‘I support the party nominee’. Then someone in the audience asked her to speak up and she repeated just a little louder. Even she was afraid of what she was saying.
- JS Mill - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:02 am:
=That’s the problem with the hyperbole both sides trade in when discussing the other.
Stick with what’s factually accurate.=
That’s the rub, the hyperbolic talking points are being repeated by their base. There isn’t enough thinking going on out there.
That is why the candidates will stick with it.
They see what is going on culturally (they are in fact a driving force) and they are leveraging the mass-mis-information culture to their benefit.
I base my thoughts on what I am hearing a various school events that I have attended recently.
It is really starting to scare me.
- Anon - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:16 am:
Now playing in theaters, “The Bourne Identity Crisis.”
- Any mouse - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:17 am:
The correct answer from Avery and Sara would be, “I am voting for the person Governor Rainer tells me to vote for..”
- wordslinger - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:27 am:
Davis is kidding himself if he thinks Downstate Republicans don’t need Trump voters.
Trump has polled even with Clinton Downstate. It’s in the suburbs and the city where he’s getting clobbered.
That’s the reason for the weasel-words from the governor. Trump can help his candidates Downstate, but he could spark some surprising losses in the suburbs.
From the Simon Institute poll, released Oct. 4:
–The poll showed Clinton winning by 67 percent to Trump’s 19 percent in the City of Chicago
where Democratic candidates usually do well while Trump is more competitive downstate where
the candidates are essentially tied (Trump 40 percent to Clinton’s 39 percent). Suburban Cook
and the collar counties are where the balance of power resides in Illinois and Clinton is winning
there by about 30 percentage points (Clinton 56 percent to Trump 25 percent).–
Trump was losing the suburbs by 31 points before last Friday. A GOP presidential candidate at 25% in the suburbs? That has the makings of a down-ballot disaster of epic proportions.
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:44 am:
It seems one of the core differences in the Madigan over Trump case the GOP is missing, is while he is unpopular much of the Madigan stuff is still inside baseball. Attempting to tie anyone who has not explicitly disavowed Trump (even if they have) to Trump resonates with everyone. What talks about and has been accused of is a felony. What Madigan is guilty of is being smarter & tactically superior than most people in government.
- Magic carpet ride - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:45 am:
Bruce Rauner knows he has to get Avery and Sara over the “finish line.” Then he will own them for as long as necessary. If labor cannot beat these Raunerites this election they will never be beat in the future.
- Jocko - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:46 am:
I’m getting tired of this “Because Madigan!” trope.
Other than restoring the MAP grants, can Davis come up with an instance where MJM wielded this extraordinary power?
- Downstate GOP Faithless - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 9:46 am:
In other words, it is easy to get voters to say “Madigan sucks” but much more complicated to get them to say “my own legislator is terrible because of Madigan.”
- Langhorne - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 10:03 am:
The position bourne has taken, and sara is annoyingly winking at, suggests to me they believe trumps local support carries down the ballot to them.
Saras dodge may spare her the most negative barrage, but
she looks wishy washy. She has an appealing image, and seemingly benign positions–gee, i want afscme to have a contract; gee, i want a balanced budget; gee, we should be in session… leaving out the rauner kicker on each issue. Presumably she supports her sorority sister leslie, so she therefore supports no budget-no pay. Is the FL chief of staff position still open?
- X-prof - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 10:16 am:
Davis was originally elected as a Tea Party fave. Lately he’s been working to appear more centrist, but as he demonstrates here, he sends out a mixed message. He’s responding to the amoeba-like IL 13th CD, I suppose. As he continues to deny a human role in causing climate change with a voting record to match, it’s clear he himself hasn’t changed.
- X-prof - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 10:21 am:
Davis is running for US Congress, not IL GA. Voters should keep that in mind. His views on Rauner v Madigan aren’t the issue in his race.
- Big Arms - Friday, Oct 14, 16 @ 10:47 am:
I am a staunch Republican I live and voted this week in Rodney’s district. Because of his actions last Saturday I voted for Trump and did not vote for him (Rodney)or anyone else he supports i.e. Avery. Rodney National Elections do trickle down to Local ones and your Personal Decisions as a U.S. Congressman makes it a Political Decision with you not standing by our Party’s Nominee does matter and that’s why I chose to stand by our Party’s Nominee and not stand by you and who you support.