Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Biss PAC ups spending to $8.8 million
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Biss PAC ups spending to $8.8 million

Monday, Oct 31, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* A new FEC filing shows Sen. Daniel Biss’ anti-Rauner LIFT PAC has spent another $2.9 million on advertising. That brings the committee’s total spending to a whopping $8.8 million.

* Here’s the new TV ad

Rate it.

* And the Sun-Times has a story on this topic

Eric Adelstein, the Chicago based Democratic political consultant, is doing the most anti-Trump-related work in Illinois, with his firm representing LIFT, Mendoza and Schneider. “While Trump allows for a nationalization of message across races, there are different strategic imperatives,” Adelstein said. […]

Adelstein said LIFT is determined not to let Rauner have it both ways. “If your opponent doesn’t want to talk about something, it’s usually a good strategy to force them to talk about it and Trump is that thing they don’t want to talk about.”

A Democrat familiar with Trump-related Illinois polling described the Trump factor as potentially depressing “turnout among good GOP constituencies in Illinois, like affluent, white college-educated voters.

“It means that GOP winners must over perform the top of the ticket by 15 points rather than 10. It means the suburbs are in play for statewide candidates and it means that GOP candidates must alienate their base or risk losing the middle, and even then it might not work,” the source said.

I’m still not completely sure after reading this piece what the actual aim of the Biss spots may be - at least as far as this cycle is concerned. Mendoza is using both Rauner and Trump in her ads, but most legislative races aren’t.


  1. - The Captain - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:08 am:

    This ad campaign isn’t anti-Rauner so much as it’s anti-Trump. That’s a lot of money to spend in a blue state Trump has no chance of winning. Wasted opportunity.

  2. - Blue dog dem - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:15 am:

    After the weekend HRC had, the Donald looks……

  3. - Roman - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:19 am:

    Solid B.

    Much better than the convoluted broken-down car piece from last week — there are much simpler methods to connect Rauner and Trump and this does it effectively.

    I would also use clips of Rauner and Trump saying the word “rigged,” which is something they both do a lot.

    I have a feeling we will be seeing plenty Rauner-Trump ads from the Dems in 2018 as well.

  4. - People over Parties - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    B-. I generally disagree with the concept of these ads and their effectiveness at tying Trump and Rauner together. There’s plenty to disagree with Rauner about, for sure, but who is realistically seeing these two as similar? They just ain’t.

  5. - Pawn - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    I think it is a good ad. Makes a clear and valid point, which is that Rauner does support Trump. I think there is more that can be done to connect their similarities, but Rauner is not on the ballot this year. Perhaps they should have taken it one step further to talk about who else Rauner supports?

  6. - Come on man! - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:24 am:

    Weak. If this is the closer they missed the mark. You have pretty vulgar statements from the leap source depos. Why that is not making an appearance with trump is beyond me.

  7. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:25 am:

    This is a good ad! Very effective in showing Rauners support for Trump.

    I rate it an A.

  8. - Rhino Slider - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:33 am:

    Extraordinarily disappointing. I saw Biss as a potential leader, now I just see him as a hack willing to say or do anything for political gain. To me that is the real loss.

  9. - Not It - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:42 am:

    I will admit I am a little biased towards Rauner’s attempt to reform state government (as much as his attempt is failing), but I just don’t see what these ads are doing. I think this is more about Biss creating friends for future battles than actually influencing the election. There is no specific point to these ads, no candidate or cause to rally around.

  10. - Anon - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:45 am:

    Agree. What’s the point of this? So many people have already voted or are already entrenched that I don’t know how this impacts the election. Maybe it’s a longer-term play for 2018?

  11. - Deft Wing - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 11:48 am:

    Remember when Biss was a candidate for Comptroller but was told by Madigan to stand down in favor of the far less substantive Mendoza? Well, this is Plan B for Danny Boy.

    The ads are dumb & ineffective but provide Biss with some gravitas among the D’s as they desperately look for a semi-worthy volunteer to get steam-rolled by Rauner and his money in 2018.

  12. - Annonin' - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:05 pm:

    Ad is A+ Give Eric a bonus!
    The point of the message is that both Trump/Rauner are 1% leeches who traffic in regulated businesses, claim to be “outsiders” and believe that prosperity lies right next to their stuffed wallets. Neither is good in IL for non 1$ers.

  13. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:10 pm:

    I see these as effective ads building a narrative for 2018. The goal is to separate Rauner from the moderate Republicans. Also to cast Rauner as one who says one thing but does another. Rauner said he had no social agenda but destroyed social agencies. Rauner said he supported the Republican nominee but never openly supported Trump. the Republican nominee.

    Combine this with positive messages about supporting social agencies and education and you have a shot at winning.

  14. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:12 pm:

    Dan Biss has gone from a thoughtful, data-driven policy wonk to a taller version of Dan Proft. Just as Proft is obsessed with Madigan, it is now apparent that Dan Biss is obsessed with Rauner.

    And before someone jumps on me for saying that - and I know the disdain for Rauner on this site is evident - these ads and the messaging are not much different. And the money is staggering.

  15. - Harry - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:13 pm:

    Logic suggests that Biss and his financial backers are not stupidly throwing money away, so my guess is Biss is positioning himself to run for Gov in 2018.

  16. - Postbot 6000 - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:14 pm:

    Bull Moose, If you have to explain the add to people who just watched it then it probably wasn’t that effective. Just saying.

  17. - Anon - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:16 pm:

    Rauner should pay to air those ads in Southern Illinois.

  18. - Responsa - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:45 pm:

    This is a terrible ad that is just going to be consumed in the muck and fire of all the other political screaming ads this week. I continue to be fascinated by this PAC and its vaguely stated goals for 2016. The Sun Times article actually sheds very little light on why they are spending so many millions right now trying to tie Rauner to Trump here in a state where Hillary is apparently so far ahead in the city and suburbs that Trump can not concern them at all. Very strange. But Adelstein’s raking in his money regardless, and the stations are getting paid to air it, and PAC donors have already donated, so there’s that.

  19. - Just Observing - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    === Dan Biss has gone from a thoughtful, data-driven policy wonk to a taller version of Dan Proft. Just as Proft is obsessed with Madigan, it is now apparent that Dan Biss is obsessed with Rauner. ===

    That’s quite a stretch. Perhaps the LIFT ads are less substantive than you would hope out of him, they are nowhere close to the gutter politics and trickery of Proft.

  20. - TRN - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    Team Sleep, can Biss be both a thoughtful, data-driven policy wonk AND a taller, Democratic version of Dan Proft?

  21. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 12:55 pm:

    Dan Biss has gone from a thoughtful, data-driven policy wonk to a taller version of Dan Proft. Just as Proft is obsessed with Madigan, it is now apparent that Dan Biss is obsessed with Rauner.

    I dont know how you came this conclusion from viewing this ad.

  22. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:00 pm:

    Mal - these ads (to me) are the reverse frat boy versions of what Proft and Rauner’s people are running. Instead of “Madigan is bad!” we get “Rauner is bad!” And yes - I know you very much dislike Governor Rauner - but this is just another battle in the seemingly never-ending proxy war. The ad with the fake versions of Trump, Rauner and Munger was just plain awful.

    TRN - maybe. We shall see how he moves forward during veto, lame duck and spring sessions. If he turns into a sniper instead of his normal, thoughtful self then he cannot.

    Proft is not a dummy. I am not a fan of his ads and his obsession, but he is a smart guy who lets his intelligence fall behind his smugness and his inability to let grudges go.

  23. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:02 pm:

    And for those screaming about Rauner’s and Griffin’s millions and how awful “Citizens United” is - and I will agree with you about Citizens United - then please summarily slam Senator Biss for doing the same thing that Rauner and Liberty Principles PAC are doing. Because it’s pretty much the same thing. I won’t hold me breath.

  24. - Responsa - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:06 pm:

    ==I dont know how you came this conclusion from viewing this ad.==

    Well, one can easily reach that conclusion since Rauner is not up for election this cycle.

    Look, Adelstein’s in a business the whole point of which is to influence voters (or in marketing parlance, “sell the chump a lump”). Some people are kind of looking at this situation and wondering if Biss may be the chump Adelstein sold the lump to this time.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    ===I know you very much dislike Governor Rauner===

    This has nothing to do in trying to make an argument. Ugh.

    ===he is a smart guy who lets his intelligence fall behind his smugness and his inability to let grudges go.===

    You “sure” about that. I mean… the Sandack/Downers Grove primary thingy was about… what?

    Here’s what I know about this Biss plan and Ad.

    Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump for President of the United States.

    The more suburban, collar county, women, and college educated voters know that…

    Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump for President of the United States…

    The more stress Raunerite candidates will feel taking Democrat Diana Rauner’s money, Uihlein’s and Griffin’s monies, and the unconditional support Bruce Rauner has for Donald Trump.

    Rauner thinks tying Madigan, who isn’t on a ballot anywhere but the 22nd makes sense.

    Biss thinks tying Raunerites and Rauner to Trump who IS on a ballot… everywhere… makes sense.

  26. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    Willy - you have read Mal’s posts and replies, correct?! Mal greatly dislikes Rauner, Munger, et al and makes that known all the time.

    And reread what I typed. I noted that Mr. Proft is smart but that the intelligence falls by the wayside and his grudges and smugness rise to the top. Sorry if that came across the wrong way.

  27. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:23 pm:

    Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:02 pm:

    And for those screaming about Rauner’s and Griffin’s millions and how awful “Citizens United” is - and I will agree with you about Citizens United - then please summarily slam Senator Biss for doing the same thing that Rauner and Liberty Principles PAC are doing. Because it’s pretty much the same thing. I won’t hold me breath.

    The Pac was created to compete with big money and lies from Rauner groups. LIFT is not trying to buy elections as Rauner has done.

  28. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    Mal - what are you talking about?! Biss is trying to tie Republican officials and Republican candidates in Illinois to Rauner and Trump, so he is most assuredly trying to buy an election. He is using a lot of cash to do this. And if our prognostications come true and Biss runs for Governor or some higher office in 2018 then he is 100% and unabashedly using “LIFT” ads to buy something (nomination or general election win).

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    ===The Pac was created to compete with big money and lies from Rauner groups.===

    No, the Ads are aimed at creating a narrative that Trump and Rauner are connected, and are not only connected, Rauner and Raunerites are supporting Trump, wether they want voters to know it or not.

    ===LIFT is not trying to buy elections as Rauner has done===

    It’s about educating voters on Bruce Rauner supporting Donald Trump.

  30. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    Response - you are spot on.

    I remember when the Napster blowup happened and Metallica threw a hissy fit about it. There was a hilarious cartoon video going around - via e-mail, of course, since social media was years away - of James Hetfield (lead singer of Metallica) yelling, “Napster bad! Metallica good!” That, in a nutshell, is every single ad this election year. That or a certain South Park episode (whose name would get me banned).

  31. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:56 pm:


    Agreed. In addition to the following.

    CHICAGO – Leading Illinois for Tomorrow (LIFT), a new political action committee, launched television and digital ads on Tuesday to counter an onslaught of campaign spending by Governor Bruce Rauner and his wealthy allies on behalf of GOP candidates.

    “The purpose of LIFT is to explain the stark choice voters will be presented with this fall,” said state Sen. Daniel Biss (D-Evanston), the LIFT Chairman. “Illinois has serious problems, but Rauner and the Republicans are making them worse. For the first time in history, Illinois has gone 16 months without a state budget. The middle class is under attack and universities and social service agencies are suffering. LIFT will make sure Illinois voters know that Democrats have a better way forward.”

    LIFT was formed to demonstrate that our democracy is not for sale to the highest bidder and to fight back against the radical Republican agenda. LIFT will highlight Democrats’ real plans to strengthen the middle class, grow our economy, fix the state budget, reform politics, make the tax system fair, and provide equal opportunity to everyone.

    “An unprecedented amount of money is pouring into Republican races from just a handful of extraordinarily wealthy individuals, including Governor Rauner,” said Biss. “Illinois Republican candidates are too scared to demand that Rauner and his multi-millionaire and billionaire friends pay their fair share so we can make the investments in Illinois’ residents, institutions and infrastructure that we need to create economic growth and opportunity for all. LIFT will fight back against the idea that our government should be run by and for the benefit of a few people to the detriment of millions of Illinoisans.”

  32. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    Something that people need to consider: one (good) hammer the Dems had was that Rauner and pals are using their considerable cash to influence elections. Point taken. But with this push and the “dark money” aspect then Biss and the Dems are essentially doing the same thing and have thrown away a potentially damaging weapon they could have used during the 2018 season. Rauner and the ILGOP can quickly and easily remind people of LIFT’s actions and funding when the time is right.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 1:59 pm:

    Biss disclosed his donors.

  34. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    Mal - what are you talking about?! Biss is trying to tie Republican officials and Republican candidates in Illinois to Rauner and Trump, so he is most assuredly trying to buy an election. He is using a lot of cash to do this. And if our prognostications come true and Biss runs for Governor or some higher office in 2018 then he is 100% and unabashedly using “LIFT” ads to buy something (nomination or general election win).

    Educating voters on Rauner/Trump is not buying an election. Funding a candidate with millions of dollars vs an opponent with thousands is trying to buy an election.

  35. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    I know that Biss disclosed his donors. I put dark money in quotes and am looking at it from the perspective of how Rauner camp and ILGOP honchos will approach it.

  36. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    “Rauner supports Trump”

    Surely there is a record of the Governor’s campaign contributions to Trump. Nope

    Surely there is video or audio of the Governor saying he supports Donald Trump. Nope

    Surely there is video of the Governor leading the Illinois delegation at the Republican convention. Nope

    What you do have is the Governor who is the Chairman of the Republican party in Illinois saying he will support the Republican nominee for President. Pretty weak support so far as I can tell.

    Perhaps it would have been better if he became the leader of Republicans for Hillary. That would have been a smooth move and I am sure Senator Biss would be praising the Governor

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    ===isclosed his donors. I put dark money in quotes and am looking at it from the perspective of how Rauner camp and ILGOP honchos will approach it.===

    So, what you’re saying is… you think they’d just lie… to what is easily provable?

  38. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Bruce Rauner supports Donald Trump for President of the United States.

    It’s not up for debate, It’s not up for discussion, and it’s up in Ads with Rauner’s own words well after Trump became the Nomimee.

    Well after. No swaying.

    Rauner supports Trump, that should make you happy, lol

  39. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    Willy - yeah, because everyone this election cycle is honest and every ad this election cycle is straight up truth. Look at Rich’s post about deciphering the ads run by Skoog and Long. How many people are going to read that? Similarly - how many people (two years later) are going to fact check anything Biss’s group did during the 2018 election cycle?

    Mal - by your defintion then I suppose Rauner and Proft are educating voters on Madigan. There is no difference between what Liberty PAC and LIFT are doing. This is Biss’s version of “Fire Madigan!” “Educating voters” my rear end. Biss is using a whole bunch of rich people’s money to attempt to influence the election. Hmm…where have I heard that before?!

  40. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    –Dan Biss has gone from a thoughtful, data-driven policy wonk to a taller version of Dan Proft. Just as Proft is obsessed with Madigan, it is now apparent that Dan Biss is obsessed with Rauner.–

    C’mon, man.

    Biss is simply a conduit for Sacks, Eychaner and Pritzker to take the cash war to Rauner, Griff and the Bubble Wrap King without funneling the money through the Illinois Democratic Party — aka Mike Madigan.

    I question any anti-Rauner or anti-Madigan media strategy during a presidential race with two candidates with such high negatives. I think it just gets lost.

    But it plants the seed against Rauner, and I’m sure you’ll see spots in 2018 in which Gov. Rauner sheepishly pledges his support for Donald Trump, who’s going to get smoked in Illinois.

    If nothing else, it’s the first time Dem big money individuals have shown they’re willing to trade blows with the Rauner money crew.

    For how long, and to what level, we’ll see.

    Because, in reality, Griff could buy up the lot of them if he wanted to, unless JB can round up a passel more Pritzkers.

  41. - Big Muddy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:35 pm:

    Biss. Biss? Let me know how this works out for you in the long run…

  42. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:35 pm:

    Lucky Pierre

    At the time that Rauner stated that he would support the republican nominee it was already known that the nominee was going to be Trump. Rauner only said nominee to avoid saying he would support Trump because he knew it would be bad politically.

    Avery Bourne also stated she would vote for the republican nominee a few weeks ago. This is when Trump was already the nominee. Instead of saying Trump she also said nominee for political reasons.

    Why would Rauner support Trump financially when most Illinois voters hate Trump?


  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    ===Griff could buy up the lot of them if he wanted to===

    Yep. The dude is demolishing a 21,350-square-foot mansion, worth an estimated $6 million, to build a 33,500-square-foot oceanfront house on his $130 million-plus Palm Beach, Fla., estate.

  44. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    Mal - by your defintion then I suppose Rauner and Proft are educating voters on Madigan. There is no difference between what Liberty PAC and LIFT are doing. This is Biss’s version of “Fire Madigan!” “Educating voters” my rear end. Biss is using a whole bunch of rich people’s money to attempt to influence the election. Hmm…where have I heard that before?!

    Has LIFT made any ad on behalf of any particular candidate on the ballot?

  45. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    Mal - you are certainly correct about Rauner stating that in March when it was all but a certainty that Trump would win the nomination. However - to your point about Rep. Bourne - there are a lot of houses in the 95th House Districts that have both Trump and Mathis sings. As bizarre as that is it is not uncommon. I saw houses during the 2012 election cycle in Forby’s district that had Romney and Forby signs. Go figure.

  46. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    –What you do have is the Governor who is the Chairman of the Republican party in Illinois saying he will support the Republican nominee for President. Pretty weak support so far as I can tell.–

    LOL, pretty weak spin as far as I can tell.

    Gov. Rauner says he will support the GOP nominee. That is Donald Trump. QED, ipso-facto, hocus-pocus-dominocus, Gov. Rauner supports Donald Trump to the be president of the United States End of story.

    And what is “weak support?” A bad jock strap? In a zero-sum contest, you’re in or you’re out. Have the testicular virility to say so.

  47. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    Mal - in an election season where every ad is designed to tie a candidate to the de facto head of his or her party then by default LIFT is doing the same thing. Daniel Biss is not shelling out $8.8 million so that he can run PSAs and revive the old NBC ad campaign “The More You Know”. He is clearly trying to influence the 2016 elections and is laying a foundation.

  48. - wordslinger - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:48 pm:

    –Yep. The dude is demolishing a 21,350-square-foot mansion, worth an estimated $6 million, to build a 33,500-square-foot oceanfront house on his $130 million-plus Palm Beach, Fla., estate.–

    Plus, a $200 million condo on Central Park South — the most expensive home in American history.

    In the midst of a divorce.

  49. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:49 pm:

    The foundation for suburban educated women is that…

    Raunerites… and Bruce Rauner… supported Donald Trump for President of the United States.

    Good to know.

  50. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:49 pm:

    Mal - and since Rauner is not on the ballot then why does Senator Biss feel the need to “educate” voters? Just because he’s a swell and civically-engaged guy?!

  51. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    It’s important that voters know, today…

    Bruce Rauner and Raunerites support Donald Trump for President of the United States.

    As a Kasich supporter, I’m more than pleased, lol

  52. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:57 pm:

    Mal - and since Rauner is not on the ballot then why does Senator Biss feel the need to “educate” voters? Just because he’s a swell and civically-engaged guy?

    To ensure Rauners landslide defeat in 2018! :)

  53. - Deft Wing - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    Golly, if one really prolific knucklehead can just keep repeating himself enough times, perhaps his preposterous bluster may just be accurate. Right?

  54. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 3:01 pm:

    Mal - you are certainly correct about Rauner stating that in March when it was all but a certainty that Trump would win the nomination. However - to your point about Rep. Bourne - there are a lot of houses in the 95th House Districts that have both Trump and Mathis sings. As bizarre as that is it is not uncommon. I saw houses during the 2012 election cycle in Forby’s district that had Romney and Forby signs. Go figure.

    Trump is campaigning on strong support for veterans. Mathis is a veteran.

    Maybe voters in that district prefer veterans and those that have veterans interest.

  55. - Team Sleep - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    There is way more to it than that. That district has trended very red at the state and federal level but areas like Macoupin County remain very blue at the county level. It is an interesting dynamic.

  56. - DGD - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    That’s because its a conservative, pro-union district. It’s tough to find a pro-gun, pro-life democrat at the state level, and nearly impossible at the federal level.

  57. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 4:32 pm:


    There was another anti-Rauner ad released today by LIFT.

  58. - Veil of Ignorance - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 5:16 pm:

    This ad campaign is all about 2018 and making the Trump stank stick to Rauner. It’s a suburban strategy to ensure that independents and GOP voters who don’t like Trump remember that Rauner didn’t take leadership against the racism, sexism, and fear-mongering.

  59. - Big Muddy - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 7:04 pm:

    Biss is all in for corruption. Supports Clinton, under FBI investigation. Silent on Mautino, also under FBI investigation.

  60. - Mal - Monday, Oct 31, 16 @ 7:27 pm:

    Why should Biss speak on anyone under investigation? Thats called incriminating someone without evidence.

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