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Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* All of the following stories have been posted online since just yesterday. Let’s start with the Naperville Sun

Residents should call 911 if they see someone dressed as a clown behaving suspiciously, according to a community alert posted on the DuPage County sheriff’s office Facebook page.

“The DuPage County Sheriff’s Office is aware of the recent ‘clown sightings’ occurring locally in our parks, on the paths and trails, and even on our roadways,” according to the alert, which features a photo of clown shoes and the sheriff’s office seal.

It warns residents not to confront any clowns and, “always maintain a safe distance.”

* Aurora Beacon-News

School District 308 officials said a clown-related social media threat concerning Oswego Monday was a hoax. […]

The post involved a threat from a clown carrying black balloons.

* Lake County News-Sun

The creepy clown phenomenon that has recently swept the nation hit Lake County Tuesday as police departments in Round Lake, North Chicago and Waukegan reported clown threats made on social media and in person at one Waukegan school during lunch recess, prompting that school to briefly be put on lockdown.

* Elgin Courier-News

Carpentersville police and School District 300 officials issued statements Tuesday calling clown-related reports a prank and aiming to assure residents there have been no credible threats or known local sightings of red-nosed creeps.

* Chicagoist

Closer to home, a “performance artist” was detained by UIC police—but not arrested or charged—after joining the trend, or making a pointedly meta commentary about the trend, or… something.

The pic…

* And this is from the Oak Lawn Patch

Social media was all a-twitter Monday evening with the reported sighting of a creepy clown in Worth.

The Chicago Ridge Neighborhood Watch Facebook group posted a photo from a member’s daughter, who took a picture of the joker’s backside near 111th Street and Harlem Avenue, across the street from the Worth Police Department. […]

Sightings of people dressed as creepy, menacing clowns have been reported in 26 states, according to the Boston Globe. […]

Earlier Monday, the @IllinoisClown account tweeted that he was in Shorewood, heading for Plainfield.

* From @IllinoisClown’s feed today

* Related…

* Phil Luciano: Creepy-clown hysteria hurts two local clowns


US Attorney, AG Madigan meet with Kankakee County state’s attorney

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release


Chicago – Attorney General Lisa Madigan, U.S. Attorney James A. Lewis for the Central District of Illinois and officials with the Illinois State Board of Elections today met with Kankakee County State’s Attorney Jamie Boyd and an official from the Kankakee County Clerk’s office to ensure a fair, open and legal election this fall that allows all residents to vote equally without obstacles or intimidation by law enforcement officials or offers in exchange for votes, all of which are prohibited by law.

“We are committed to ensuring that we hold a fair, open and legal election and that all voters’ rights are protected,” Madigan said.

“The voting process is central to our democratic system,” Lewis said. “We came to Kankakee County today and had a good discussion with the State’s Attorney and other officials intended to ensure that each and every person can vote fairly and properly.”

They discussed complaints, including allegations of some minority voters being subject to unnecessary requirements and misinformation about their ability to cast their vote, law enforcement officials intimidating voters and questioning people who drove them to vote, and offers in exchange for casting ballots.

Voters and county election officials are reminded that current law allows for voters to register to vote and cast their ballot at the same time during both the early voting process and on General Election Day following a Tuesday ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit.

I’ll let you know if the local state’s attorney sends anything out.

* Meanwhile, the Illinois Republican Party blasted this out today…

Media Advisory: ILGOP Chairman Tim Schneider Holds Press Conference to Discuss Vote Fraud Investigation in Kankakee County
Schneider To Announce Launch of Voter Fraud Hotline

When: 2:45 p.m.

Where: 55 W. Monroe, Suite 940

Yesterday, the Kankakee County State’s attorney announced an unprecedented investigation into voter fraud following reports of individuals from Chicago offering gifts in exchange for votes for Rep. Kate Cloonen and Hillary Clinton.

Here’s what we know so far:

    The State’s Attorney’s office began the investigation after the clerk’s office “reported three complaints from people who said they were offered bribes for votes.”
    Several applications filed with the election authority appear to be fraudulently executed.
    Kate Cloonen and Mike Madigan’s political team have lashed out at the Republican Party and personally attacked the State’s Attorney himself in order to distract from the allegations that Democratic candidates are benefiting from election fraud.


Rate Susana Mendoza’s first TV ad

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It’s called “Most”

The script is here.

I’m told this spot started running today on broadcast TV in the Chicago, Springfield, Rockford and Peoria markets.


Question of the day

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the twitters…

* The Question: But… ?


Getting a little tense in the trenches

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After the election, I think I’m gonna take these two guys out, order lots of alcohol, show them these tweets and see what happens…


Claypool berates Quinn for filing lawsuit to force elected Chicago school board

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Chicago’s practice of appointing a school board violates the rights of all city taxpayers to elect who taxes them, disproportionately affecting minority voters, and has left the district in worse financial shape since 1995, when it was placed under mayoral control.

That’s according to former Gov. Pat Quinn and a handful of active Chicago Public Schools families and Local School Council members who plan to sue the city’s school board and the state Board of Education on Wednesday in state and federal court.

The group wants a judge to order elections to replace the mayor’s appointees on Chicago’s Board of Education, Quinn said by telephone Tuesday.

* Forrest Claypool’s response

“Looks like gadfly Pat Quinn has latched on to his next failed endeavor. Coming from a governor who could have fixed the most racially discriminatory education funding formula in the nation but didn’t, and who failed miserably to address chronic education underfunding despite pushing through record tax increases, this is another absurd waste of energy and taxpayer dollars,” Claypool said.

He does make some decent points. But, man. Wow.


More like this, please

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Southern Illinoisan

At 40 years old, Landus Jackson walked out of Vienna Correctional Center on Tuesday morning wearing street clothes and a smile after spending the majority of his 30s behind bars — about 8 1/2 years total for drug- and gun-related offenses in Alexander County.

The first thing he did was wrap his arms around his 16-year-old daughter and then his father and cousin, who were there to greet him and take him home. But before the family headed out toward Mound City, with plans to get breakfast along the way, there was a brief ceremony for Jackson as state officials granted him his cosmetology license.

Though cameras and a celebration do not typically greet former inmates returning to society, Illinois Department of Corrections officials considered this a special occasion because Jackson, thanks to new regulatory changes aimed at reducing barriers to employment, has the distinction of being the first to leave a state prison with a professional license in hand.

“I just want to say this is a testimony, and I’m a witness that God is good,” Jackson said after state prison officials handed him that license. “… I want to thank Ms. Moyers as well. She’s been real good to me, real good.” […]

DOC Director John Baldwin, also in a statement, said he was “extremely proud” of this step taken by regulators.

“Everyone deserves a second chance and that is exactly what Landus is getting today — a fair shot at finding employment that will increase his odds of not returning to IDOC custody.”


Unclear on the concepts

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Kankakee Daily Journal’s story on fraud and voter suppression allegations flying in that county

Late last week, Kankakee County Clerk Bruce Clark said potential voters were being brought to the clerk’s office to vote early.

“Whoever it is should not be doing this,” he said. “People should be allowed to come in here and vote without being harassed.”

If Clerk Clark thinks bringing people to the polls to vote early is somehow fraudulent activity or “harassment,” then he needs to go back to election school.

* From another story on the topic

The probe led Kankakee County to take drastic action: no more “I voted” stickers would be handed to voters. No more dinosaur handstamps either

Um, OK. But here’s what the state’s attorney actually said

Effective immediately no “I voted” stickers will be issued to voters. This will end the practice of vote purchasers using the stickers as proof of voting.

That’s an all too common scam. They “buy” the stickers to avoid directly paying people to vote.


A national minimum for workers’ comp?

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller


A “race to the bottom” in state workers’ compensation laws has the Labor Department calling for “exploration” of federal oversight and federal minimum benefits.

“Working people are at great risk of falling into poverty,” the agency says in a new report on changes in state workers’ comp laws. Those changes have resulted in “the failure of state workers’ compensation systems to provide [injured workers] with adequate benefits.”

In the last decade, the report notes, states across the country have enacted new laws, policies and procedures “which have limited benefits, reduced the likelihood of successful application for workers’ compensation benefits, and/or discouraged injured workers from applying for benefits.”

The report was prompted by a letter last fall from 10 prominent Democratic lawmakers, who urged Labor Department action to protect injured workers in the wake of a ProPublica/NPR series on changes in workers’ comp laws in 33 states.

The ProPublica/NPR stories featured injured workers who lost their homes, were denied surgeries or were even denied prosthetic devices recommended by their doctors.

That’s not a bad idea. Some states (like Indiana) have gone overboard with their lousy treatment of injured workers in an attempt to attract employers. Even Greg Baise at the IMA admits this.

The federal report is here.


Because… Madigan!

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Ryan Higgins…

Hi Rich,

We thought you and your readers might find our new site amusing:

We’ll be adding more content along the way.

Ryan Higgins
Republican Committeeman, Schaumburg Township
Illinois Republican State Central Committeeman, 8th Congressional District

* From the page

* They also include the Chicago Tribune’s endorsement of Mussman’s GOP opponent

We were fans of Rep. Michelle Mussman and her “Mom on a Mission” slogan when she first ran for office in 2010. Now it seems she’s a mom on a mission to bankrupt the state. After running for office promising to whip Springfield into shape, she has voted for phony, unbalanced budgets, including House Speaker Michael Madigan’s spending plan in May that spent $7 billion more than the state would collect in revenue. Voters: You’ve been duped. Republican Jillian Rose Bernas of Schaumburg would be a proper check on state spending and would promote policies to attract to Illinois more businesses and jobs — maybe even bring back residents who’ve fled to other states. Bernas is endorsed.



Munger levels new “pay to play” allegation at Mendoza

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC 5 interviewed Comptroller Leslie Munger and she unveiled a new line of attack against her Democratic opponent Susana Mendoza

Munger noted that her opponent has gotten substantial donations from unions and special interests. Additionally, the comptroller claimed Mendoza has received contributions from companies that she gave contracts to during her time as Chicago city clerk.

“She is getting donations and funding from organizations who she owes or does business with to benefit them,” Munger said. “So there’s definitely a pay-to play, quid pro quo-thing going on there.”

The Mendoza responded to the claims Tuesday afternoon, placing the onus on Munger for shattering the race’s fundraising limits.

“Susana has been in full legal compliance with both city and state limits,” Mendoza campaign manager Lauren Peters said in a statement. “It was Comptroller Munger who broke the cap so she could receive unlimited funds, including just receiving $5 million from two billionaire donors who are close friends of Governor Rauner, one of which has a contract with the state. The only quid pro quo here is that if Munger is re-elected, the comptroller’s office will continue to be a wholly owned subsidiary of the governor’s office, not the independent fiscal watchdog Illinois taxpayers need.”

Think that’ll be an effective TV ad? Remember, Munger now has $5 million to play with. She can probably afford to run two messaging tracks (positive and negative) at the same time.


I kinda doubt these questions will be addressed tomorrow

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the twitters…

* Wordslinger posted a wicked rant on this topic yesterday that deserves front-paging

=Ask us your questions on our plans to create jobs and grow the economy.=


–How do you plan to reverse the three-year slide in Illinois farm incomes?

–What actions will you take to prevent abundant and cheaper natural gas from replacing Illinois coal?

–How will you reverse technological advances in coal-mining to save Illinois jobs?

–Same question as above, when it comes to direct jobs and related service jobs being lost in the financial services sector on LaSalle Street?

–How do you intend to raise the world-wide price of oil (and gasoline) to make Illinois fracking profitable?

–Will you devalue the Illinois dollar to make Illinois exports more attractive?

–Do you intend to re-negotiate Illinois trade agreements with foreign nations?

–What’s the plan to combat the growing state teacher shortage with more enticing salaries and benefits for prospects? You know, like you do in the private sector when you have a labor shortage?

–How are you going to save Sears?

– What is the state plan to revitalize Illinois’ buggy-whip industry?

Obviously, I kid. The governor can’t do any of those things, nor can he reverse the global trend in manufacturing, despite all the mumbo-jumbo he continually spouts.

Here are some real questions:

–What scholarship should we read to fully understand your theory of centrally planned, state direction of “the economy?” Marx? Lenin? Mao? Goldberg?

–Where’s your capital plan? For infrastructure? For technology? How are you going to pay for it? Is that not a fundamental purpose of state government? What are you waiting for — you’ve been in office nearly two years.

–What is the GOMB whiz kids’ projections on job and economic growth if the State of Illinois was on a reasonable timetable for paying its record backlog of bills (set on your watch), pumping those billions directly into the state economy?

–Do you have any plans for job assistance for the thousands who have been tossed out of work due to your refusal for political reasons to honor contracts or fund higher ed at levels you, yourself, recommended in your proposed budgets? How much have those layoffs cost the state, fiscally and economically, in unemployment insurance costs and lost economic activity?

–Do you believe in the sanctity of contracts? For realsies?

–What is your master plan for Illinois universities and community colleges? For the social safety net? By your actions, you’re certainly up to something, but you’re just not being square with us peasants.

I’ll hang up and listen to your usual scattered-brain non-sequiturs…. I mean, “answers.”


* For the record, however, Word and I disagree somewhat about this topic. I believe there are several ways to retain businesses and encourage them to expand here rather than elsewhere. Obviously, I think the governor’s ideas go way too far and are mostly unrealistic given the political realities, but I do believe there’s plenty of room for compromise if anyone would freaking listen to each other.

* Related…

* Equal sweetener plant closing: Eighty-nine workers at Manteno’s Merisant plant — which produces Equal, the artificial sweetener — were told Monday the location will be closing its doors in mid-December and moving to a southeastern state… Of the company’s 89 Manteno employees, 70 were involved in production. A production worker earned between $16 to $24 per hour. The company, one of the mainstays of the Diversatech campus, operated three shifts, five days per week. Overtime work was not uncommon.


Poll: Remap reform support at record high

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute’s latest poll…

    · While term limits for legislators aren’t on the November ballot, they are on the hearts of voters. There are over 80 percent who favor a constitutional amendment limiting the number of terms a state representative or state senator can serve. There are 17 percent opposed. Gov. Bruce Rauner is pressing lawmakers to act.

    · Recently, the state Supreme Court ruled that an amendment establishing an independent commission to draw legislative district lines was unconstitutional. However, 72 percent of likely voters support that idea, while 18 percent are opposed.

The Simon Institute has been polling on this question since 2010 and the support for redistricting reform this year is at a record high.

“The massive support for these… measures is evidence of just how upset Illinois voters are with the way things are done in Springfield,” said David Yepsen, the director of the Institute.

* Historical trendlines…

* The actual questions…

* A proposal to limit state legislators to a total of eight years of service, whether in the House of Representatives, the State Senate, or a combination of the two. Would you favor or oppose this proposal? [In 2010, 2011, 2012 the question was this “limit state representatives to five consecutive two-year terms and state senators to three consecutive four-year terms.” In year after it was worded the same - “a proposal to limit state legislators to a total of eight years of service, whether in the House of Representatives, the State Senate, or a combination of the two.”]

* Other people have proposed a constitutional amendment that would have legislative district maps created and recommended by a commission that is independent of the elected representatives. Would you favor or oppose this proposal?


*** UPDATED x1 - New ads released *** Poll: 80 percent support proposed “lockbox” amendment

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute…

Likely voters in Illinois overwhelmingly support a proposed state constitutional amendment requiring gas taxes be spent only on road projects, according to a poll by the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University Carbondale… The sample of 865 likely voters was taken Sept. 27 – Oct. 2 and has a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.

    · There are 80 percent of likely voters who support what’s been dubbed the “lockbox” amendment requiring that gas taxes, tolls and license fees be dedicated to roads, bridges and other transportation projects. Only 13 percent oppose it, and the rest are undecided.

    Supporters argue state policy makers have sometimes shifted these dollars to non-transportation projects over the years, taking dollars from needed infrastructure projects. Opponents contend leaders need to have flexibility in the way they manage state finances and meet all the priorities they face.

    Support is strongest downstate, where 87 percent support the measure. Seventy-eight percent support the measure in the Chicagoland suburbs and 73 percent in Chicago.

A lot of newspaper editorial boards have come out against the proposal (the SJ-R is the latest). I also don’t think it’s great policy, but I can see why this makes sense to voters who are frustrated with the General Assembly’s ability to do anything right.

* “On the ballot in November is an amendment to the Illinois Constitution that would make sure that funds from the gasoline tax, tolls, license fees, and other transportation levies can only be spent on roads, bridges, and other transportation-related projects. If that question were on the ballot today, would you vote for or against it?”…

*** UPDATE ***  Press release…

Two new ads explain why Illinois needs to support the Safe Roads Amendment this November as a commonsense approach to protecting taxpayers’ investment in a stronger transportation system.

Citizens to Protect Transportation Funding – a coalition of business, labor and construction groups – today announced it has rolled out the new spots as part of its aggressive statewide public education campaign for a constitutional amendment on the Nov. 8 ballot to prevent transportation funds from being spent on anything but transportation.

A 60-second radio ad and 60-second animated ad explain the Safe Roads Amendment – what it is, how it works and why it’s needed.

The radio ad, titled “Common Sense,” explains that years of decisions to spend road money on non-road purposes has helped create a dire situation for the state’s network of roads and bridges. The constitutional amendment is an easy way to start to address the backlog of disrepair.

“With the Safe Roads Amendment, we can fix our roads without raising taxes,” the narrator says in the ad, now running in the St. Louis market and to run statewide in the final three weeks of the campaign.

The animated ad, titled “Spread the Word,” takes a closer look at the bipartisan push to address transportation needs through the amendment.

“Your vote will create a lockbox for transportation money, so that gas taxes, car registrations and other transportation fees we already pay can only be spent on transportation,” the narrator says in the video intended to educate and advocate for the amendment online.

These ads follow the 30-second TV spot titled “When,” running on stations around the state.

The radio ad is here. The animated spot is here.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 - Common Cause responds *** Federal appeals court stays decision that blocked in-precinct election day registration

Wednesday, Oct 5, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

[Bumped up for visibility.]

* Tribune

Same-day voter registration in Illinois is back for now after a federal appeals court on Tuesday stayed a judge’s order that blocked the practice for the Nov. 8 election.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals asked attorneys to file briefs by Thursday on why the case should face an expedited appeal.

On Sept. 29, U.S. District Judge Samuel Der-Yeghiayan declined to reconsider his ruling that the same-day registration option benefited Democratic strongholds, like Chicago, and disadvantaged rural regions that may favor Republican candidates. The state law that created Election Day registration applied only to counties of 100,000 people or more with electronic poll books.

* Sun-Times

The attorney general’s office on Sept. 30 filed a motion for a stay of the lower court ruling, pending appeal. A judge on Tuesday granted that motion, while also giving the defendants until Thursday to provide a statement about why they believe the appeals should be expedited, according to court records. […]

In its motion for stay, the attorney general’s office argued the legislation doesn’t deny equal protection or infringe on anyone’s right to vote.

“On the contrary, it enhances the right to vote by making it possible for people to register at the polling place on Election Day,” the attorney general’s office said in its motion.

The attorney general’s office also argued that the statute is constitutional and that it doesn’t deny anyone the ability to register or vote.

*** UPDATE ***  Common Cause Illinois…

Common Cause Illinois and other members of the Just Democracy Illinois coalition applaud the appellate judge for halting a lower court judge’s decision, which would have stopped all Election Day voter registration in polling places. Illinoisans will continue to be able to register to vote at polling places on Election Day for the upcoming election.

“Common sense has prevailed as Election Day registration is restored in polling places across Illinois,” said Brian Gladstein, Executive Director of Common Cause Illinois. “To remove this option so close to an election would have caused irreparable harm, especially in under-registered communities. More than 110,000 people registered to vote on Election Day last March, and now Illinoisans will continue to have access to their elections.”

The challenge to Election Day Registration was a troubling tactic to limit voter turnout during a crucial election year. While this decision allows voters to register on November 8th, the appellate court will still need to decide the merits of the case at a later date.


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Campaign update
* Rate the interview
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* Roundup: Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson fends off congressional Republicans (Updated)
* Federal judge issues sweeping preliminary injunction against Trump administration's unilateral budget cuts: 'An agency is not harmed by an order prohibiting it from violating the law'
* It’s just a bill
* Illinois might stick with its ‘seal on a bedsheet’ flag after all
* Open thread
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