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Early morning precinct report

Tuesday, Nov 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* How’s it looking out there? Describe what you’re seeing: Number of people who’ve already voted, lines (if any), precinct workers (if any), glitches (if any) weather and anything else of note.

Also, make sure to tell us where you are.



  1. - Ann - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 6:59 am:

    A friend in Chicago just reported that she showed up at her polling place and was told to come back later because only 2 of the 5 election officials were there. She’s staying.

  2. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:01 am:

    Voted at 6:15, no lines at the Ottawa KC hall. Spent more time trying to figure out where to go in the polling place. There are 5 precincts in the same location. None had any lines. Judges were quick and efficient. I saw only 1 poll watcher. Nobody was in the parking lot handing out flyers.

  3. - Signal and Noise - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:06 am:

    Lines starting to form in DuPage

  4. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:06 am:

    Where in DuPage?

  5. - Stan - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:06 am:

    Went to my polling location and there was no line. Maybe all the people who waited in long lines to vote early in order to avoid waiting in long lines on election day made it so that there will not be ANY lines on election day.

  6. - Blue dog dem - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:09 am:

    Busy in Murphy

  7. - Aldyth - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:10 am:

    Out here in rural 17th Congressional District, I arrived at 6:40 and was out by 6:50. Light turnout, but we’re rural and a lot of retirees and folks who farm.

  8. - anon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:17 am:

    Voted west side of Springfield. Steady but no lines, plenty of staff, easy. About half a dozen more people going in as I was going out. Light rain at the time.

  9. - NoGifts - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:21 am:

    West suburban Cook - I was there when the polls opened and there were at least 20 people in line. When the doors opened, people arrived steadily afterwards, keeping the lines for 3 precincts at the polls about 8 people deep.

  10. - Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:26 am:

    About a 10 min, wait in Springfield near west side area (Cap. 96). This is one of the “ground zero precincts” in the DelGorno/Jimenez race for the House 99th

  11. - Odin - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:29 am:

    Homer 18 WIll Co. Technical problems, pct. couldn’t get connected with ‘headquarters’. Long line out door. Fixed now. Steady flow voters arriving.

  12. - Not again - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:33 am:

    Marwig kids just putting up signs in park ridge polling spots. Looks like someone slept in.

  13. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:34 am:

    30 in line in Oak Park at 6:15 AM to get ballots, with line growing by 6:30

  14. - train111 - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:35 am:

    Winfield 23 far west central DuPage County
    About 35 people voting. Very active same day registration table. Precinct is 40%+ Hispanic.


  15. - double down - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:43 am:

    Peotone voter number 83 will #10

  16. - Nearly Normal - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:50 am:

    North Normal reached 100 voters the first 25 minutes. After the initial rush it has been steady. We have 4 judges checking voters on laptops with one of them registering voters–only 2 so far.

  17. - stlboy - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:52 am:

    Voted at 6 am in a St Clair County precinct and was 45th in line with a full line behind me. Never saw so many cars.

  18. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:53 am:

    30-45 minute wait for 30, 9, and 11 on the north side of Chicago.

  19. - anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:54 am:

    =====Homer 18 WIll Co. Technical problems, pct. couldn’t get connected with ‘headquarters’. Long line out door. Fixed now. Steady flow voters arriving.====

    Heard this was a countywide problem. They also wouldn’t let people vote provisionally and leave.

  20. - train111 - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 7:58 am:

    Winfield #23 far west central DuPagr. About 35 votimg and a very active same day registration table.
    Precinct is 40%+ Hispanic

  21. - Team America - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:01 am:

    25 in line before me at 6:00 am at Lamb’s Farm in Libertyville Township, Lake County. Never saw more than 6 in line before. Polls opened right on time, and the line moved along. No live electioneering but plenty of signs - huge sign for Bob Dold, little ones for Sente, Nerheim (State’s attorney), more Dold, Munger. None for Kirk or Trump so I planted both from my supply in the back of the truck before I left. Got on the train at the west Lake Forest train station (which is also a polling place) and sea of signs for Drury, Dold, other downballot races. Not much of a line, if any, at 7:30 am. Saw Mike Nerheim and got a selfie, then the Bob Dold bus pulled up and got a selfie with Congressman Bob himself.

  22. - Archiesmom - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:03 am:

    Olympia Fields. No lines. 41 people had voted in my precinct. Asked for ID - I had left my wallet in the car, so I didn’t have it. No problem (especially when I said they didn’t need me to produce one). Voted electronically, no problems, but the paper record for review jammed after the first page. I reported it, they saw the problem, and left the machine in service with my first page of the paper review copy still in the window.

  23. - Highland IL - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:04 am:

    The 2 precincts at my polling place had no line.

  24. - Anon221 - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:11 am:

    Voted at 6 am in DeWitt County rural precinct right after the, “Hear ye, hear ye” announcement. Second one to vote. No problems. Light rain.

  25. - Mama - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:15 am:

    Good morning Rich, have you voted? Where? Long / short lines? Weather?

  26. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:17 am:

    Lakeview (Chicago).

    I was the 22nd person in line at 5:58 AM (2 precincts at my polling place). Election judges did a nice job keeping the line moving, but people keep coming. 45 person line when I left at 6:20.

  27. - Jibba - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:18 am:

    Champaign 20 at 8 AM…no line but steady, voter #140, which is about half of 2012 at same time. Light rain, no problems at all, no strange ID requests, no vigilante poll watchers, no politicking outside other than local school referendum.

  28. - Team America - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:19 am:

    Mrs. Team America reports in that there’s no more line at Lamb’s Farm at 8:15 am.

  29. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:19 am:

    Rich, how many people voted in IL before today?

  30. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:19 am:

    (Chicago-Lakeview) The ballot request form used to match signature also asked for year of birth - is that new or am I old enough to forget that this is asked for every election?

  31. - charles in charge - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:22 am:

    At 7am my polling place in northwest Chicago had no line for one precinct and probably a 10 minute line for the other.

  32. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:22 am:

    Lots of people voting in eastern McHenry County

  33. - Jibba - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:23 am:

    Champaign 20, voter #140 which is half of 2012 at same time, light rain, no problems at all, no line but steady. No strange requests, no politicking, no unauthorized poll watchers.

  34. - jon r - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:23 am:

    Gilberts, voted around 830am, voting booths full, lines are short , staff very efficient , in and out 10 min max

  35. - JohnnyPyleDriver - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:23 am:

    Drove around 5 polling places in Alton/Godfrey at 7:45 and didn’t see any long lines. One of the churches had lots of cars, but no lines out the door or anything. At one polling place in a predominantly black part of town I saw a guy wearing camouflage and an orange vest just beyond the electioneering boundary. Just standing there. Not sure if he is one of Trump’s “poll monitors” or what. Didn’t seem to be bothering the few people that walked by him. Maybe he was just going hunting!

  36. - Signal and Noise - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:23 am:

    Bloomingdale / Addison

    Also, The DuPage Election Commission apparently misinformed their judges that absentee requestors can only vote in person provisionally. Law says they should receive a regular ballot.

  37. - Archiesmom - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:24 am:

    Just had a report from a friend in Steger, and she said she had never seen lines as long.

  38. - FIREDup! - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:25 am:

    Packed in 4 Springfield precincts @ 7:45 a.m. (Southside Christian Church). This is DelGiorno/Jimenez territory. Drizzling a bit, but already 77 votes in my precinct. 25% of Sangamon County has already voted.

  39. - FormerParatrooper - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:29 am:

    East Peoria Eastside Center…Was told about 20 people in line when poll opened and been steady since. At 8am when I went in there was 14 people.

    Everything looks efficient and people are in a good mood.

  40. - DGD - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:29 am:

    South Sangamon county, light rain and already 100+ votes at 7:15am. No wait but the parking lot was full.

  41. - Cleric dcn - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:29 am:

    Surprised in Bloomington no line got right in and right out no wait. Did not have to show an ID they took my signature and it was fast. I could not really tell if many had voted maybe earlier before 7:30 but it was a bigger group working the polling place we have 2 precincts that vote at the same Church.

  42. - Gooner - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:32 am:

    Six precincts in Streeterville all had long lines this morning. I don’t recall seeing lines like this in the past.

    It was made worse by the fact that one apartment building was telling residents they could vote anywhere. As such, most went across the street, where the judges were having them vote provisional.

    Turns out they should have been sent to a precinct about three blocks away.

  43. - Dog Lover - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:33 am:

    My husband and I were ready to leave the house at 5:45 am but it’s only 2 minute drive into the church in Hopedale where both precincts vote, so we hung out with the dog for awhile and left at 6 am. To our surprise there were lots of cars in the parking lot! Our precinct’s table had a line, the other did not. I was voting at 6:15 am.

    I served as an election judge twice. It’s not as easy as it looks. My husband thanked them for their work as we waited in line.

    Down here in farm country, there are a lot of local races that have Republicans running unopposed.

  44. - Gooner - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:34 am:

    One more note — as usual, it was incredibly difficult to reach the Board of Elections by phone. It is a problem that comes up every election.

  45. - Lurker - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:34 am:

    Busy but no wait in edgewater. Well staffed as usual where I am. Happy to report I went 8 for 8 — only voted for women!

  46. - LocalGuy - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:36 am:

    Over 60 people in line at 8am this morning at Village Hall in Lombard (DuPage County).

  47. - 32nd Ward Roscoe Village - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:36 am:

    32nd ward, precinct 21, Roscoe Village, arrived 6:05, line of about 30 people for precinct 21 and 25. Finished voting at 6:40 pm. I asked the first precinct judge who gave me the form to fill out “Why do we have to give year of birth?” We provide our name, address and signature–do they not have the capability to check signatures any more. The first judge had no idea. I then asked the two judges who checked me in–the first made a joke about it (”I’m not asking you your year of birth..”) but when I replied that you haven’t really answered my question, the other judge offered that she thought it was because there are multiple generations living at the same address and so it eliminates confusion.

    I think it is wrong and I said so.

    Robert the Bruce: Asking for your year of birth is new this time, didn’t even do it for the primary.

  48. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:37 am:

    Chicago’s 47th ward has lines, but judges are handling it great and everybody is in good spirits! Its very organized and lots of signs supporting democratic candidates. Over the past few weeks, multiple volunteers have come and knocked on my door to remind us to vote (we are reliable democrats). They were professional and informed. I predict that the 47th ward will run up the score for Hillary, and all the women on the ballot!!!

  49. - L.A. - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:40 am:

    Voted in 13th Cong Dist, Clearlake 7, at approx 7:30am. 102 people had voted. Light drizzle. Two people in front of me when I walked in and the crowd was picking up when I left.

  50. - Lech W - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:42 am:

    60 plus people in line today in Bloomingdale at 6:15. Now a steady 7-8 moving though at a time.

  51. - wiseguy97 - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:42 am:

    Voted this morning at 7:30 in Springfield, near Toronto Road. It was quick and efficient. I was in and out in 10 minutes.

  52. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:44 am:

    Frankfort-fairly sparse when I arrived, but a small line by the time I left. Voter #157 at 8:10 am.

  53. - Jenwomon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:46 am:

    Near west side Chicago. My workplace is a voting site and early voting site. Last night, hundreds of people waited a very long time to early vote. Then it was packed again very early this morning, but by 7:30am there was no waiting.

  54. - Clark - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:47 am:

    1st Ward was relatively light at 6:00. Had to wait 30 minutes and the election judge forgot to initial some ballots (including mine).

    Make sure you guys go to the right precinct area in polling places with multiple precincts to speed things up!

  55. - flea - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:49 am:

    steady stream of voters in steady drizzle on west side of Springfield. Big line for first time registrants to sign up to vote as you walked in the door….

  56. - DGD - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:50 am:

    ** only voted for women **

    That makes sense. /s

  57. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:51 am:

    I’m closing this one out because we have a fresh thread:

  58. - Anon - Tuesday, Nov 8, 16 @ 8:51 am:

    My mom just called during a break from being an election judge in the middle of nowhere, Cumberland County, Jewett, IL, I believe. She said they have had a voter a minute and all are Trump, Trump, Trump. Ugh.

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