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What does Mendoza’s win mean?

Wednesday, Nov 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Says the member of a prominent newspaper editorial board which strongly urged support for a third party presidential candidate…

Also, too, if the sky was green, the grass might be blue.


* But enough snark. This is from my October 1st Crain’s Chicago Business column on the importance of the comptroller’s race..

Most people don’t always have the money to pay bills as they arrive. If you write a big check before the next paycheck comes in, bad things can happen.

The same thing applies to the comptroller. Even in flush times, if she pays the state’s bills (or even a few large state bills) as they come in the door, she can easily crash the state’s finances. But without a proper state budget, and amid a severe revenue shortage caused by the partial expiration last year of the income tax hike, these are far from flush times.

So a hostile comptroller would be a bad thing for the governor. Democrat Mendoza could use the power of the checkbook to force the Republican governor into a more compliant position, even without actually crashing state finances.

Munger has used her position to highlight the state’s massive $8 billion-plus bill backlog in a way that puts pressure on the General Assembly. She’s mainly done this by refusing to pay state legislators when their checks are due, putting them in the same payment line with social services agencies.

And she’s also often taken heat off the governor (or put heat on his detractors) by quickly paying (or not so quickly paying) invoices at his request. The governor’s office has been running a triage operation for well over a year to keep vital government services from crashing due to lack of revenue while simultaneously battling a belligerent Legislature. A friendly comptroller has been a great help to him.

This impasse could continue throughout Rauner’s entire first term, so an antagonistic comptroller could refuse to honor his requests, which would put him in an awful spot.

Mendoza is a pleasant person who can also be a sharp-elbowed street fighter. “I will be an independent, truth-telling fiscal watchdog,” she pledged during the Democratic National Convention in July, “not a lapdog to Rauner.”

So unlike Munger, who has used her media conferences about unpaid bills to blast the General Assembly, Mendoza could use her position to constantly harangue Rauner, perhaps also doing what Topinka did to undermine the credibility of the Quinn administration by showing how it used gimmicks to mask the size of the deficit.

In other words, a lot is at stake here.

* SEIU Healthcare is strongly urging that battle…

Following is the statement of SEIU Healthcare Illinois Executive Vice President Greg Kelley in response to Susana Mendoza’s victory as comptroller:

“By electing Susana Mendoza tonight, Illinois voters are demanding accountability of Bruce Rauner. He spent millions for his hand-picked ‘wing man’ Leslie Munger. Susana will be anything BUT a wing man, and instead will be positioned to bring true scrutiny to this administration’s misplaced priorities.

“As a REAL watchdog of public resources, we are hopeful Susana will ensure that those Illinoisans who need it the most, including people with disabilities, seniors and children, are not put in line behind corporate special interests or Wall Street billionaires.

“But for the budget crisis manufactured entirely by Bruce Rauner, the comptroller’s race would have been a sleepy affair. But in this troubling period, Illinois now has an independent fighter who we are confident will hold the powerful to account.”

* Mendoza appears ready for the challenge ahead

Mendoza struck back by attempting to turn the focus in the race to Rauner. “I’m running against (Rauner), and when this election is over and I beat him on Nov. 8, he’s not going to be able to hide behind some story that he got beat by the big powerful Irishman named Mike Madigan from the South Side,” Mendoza told the Tribune last month. “I’m going to make sure he owns the fact that he lost to a little 5-foot-3 Mexican woman called Susana Mendoza from the city of Chicago. So he’ll know my name then.”

During her victory speech Tuesday night, Mendoza promised to fight the good fight.

“Win, lose or draw I stay true to my cause,” she said. “And I know how to stand up to big bullies.”

* Daily Herald

“We were outspent by millions of dollars by just three billionaires who think they can buy our political system,” Mendoza said during her victory speech Tuesday night. “They think they can buy our democracy. Well they’re wrong and we sent a clear message today: The state of Illinois is not for sale.”

* And

“I believe that the comptroller’s office has a much bigger role to play in terms of being an advocate for fiscal sanity in Springfield,” Mendoza told the Sun-Times.

* But I’m not so sure about this

Mendoza also invoked the memory of Topinka, who she called her friend and a “bridge building” who brought people together.

“I really truly do miss her, but I think that she would be proud of what Illinoisans did by sending me to the comptroller’s office today,” Mendoza said.

Yeah, Judy probably wouldn’t be a huge Rauner fan (to say the least), but she was, after all, a Republican.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    @FakeStatehouseChick - if there was a storm during the Election Day… #HurricaneMath

    To the Post,

    The Munger loss is the Rauner experiment in the Macro.

    Mendoza underperformed and had Democrats and Labor to thank for staving off Rauner.

    My hope is that if Mendoza is true to her words to looking out for Illinois and making the constitutional duties she actually has work for a better Illinois, I wish her well, because if she is successful, maybe Illinois will move to better place than where we are.

    To Rich’s column,

    That’s why I know I come here. Ruch frames the politics and governing like few can or do. It’s beyond wishing for hurricanes and has the perfect mix of heart and brains. Great work, that says it all.

  2. - Dance Band on the Titanic - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 10:56 am:

    Someone should inform StatehouseChick that if Clinton had gotten votes cast for Gary Johnson, she would have beaten Trump.

  3. - A Jack - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    To me, this was a big Rauner loss. Despite the well publicized millions that Rauner donated, Munger still lost a big statewide race by a large margin. If his handpicked appointee cannot win against “because Madigan”, then Rauner himself is going to have some serious headwinds in 2018, if he continues down the same path of the last two years.

  4. - City Zen - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:00 am:

    If SEIU subsidiaries are now the “real” watchdogs of public resources, we are in a “real” world of hurt.

  5. - Glad it's over - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    Mendoza really had a poor showing compared to Duckworth. A 218,000 win isn’t impressive in this blue state in a presidential year…she shouldn’t get that cozy as Comptroller, because 2018 is around the corner.

  6. - VanillaMan - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    It means a new political player on a statewide basis. It means she’ll be making decisions with an eye out for her political viability.

    By targeting her, and losing, Rauner has made a new partisan enemy who writes Illinois’ checks and has no reason to be nice to him.

    Rauner has to start governing and start compromising.

  7. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    This will be such a hot race in 2018 that Comptroller-elect Mendoza needs to start running for reelection starting next Monday.

  8. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:09 am:

    “Can you say ‘Comptroller’?”


    But back to what matters. Mendoza will be as relevant & nondescript as Munger. Her job will be to pay bills with insufficient funds, just like Munger did. That means making people angry, yet trying to keep things afloat. Munger did her best & I suspect Mendoza will do too.

    But … Mendoza had better NOT pay the politicians until all others are paid. That’s what she said she’d do and we better hold her to that.

  9. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:13 am:

    Incompetent anaylsis by statehousechick.

    Green Party votes take from D’s, not R’s.

  10. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:18 am:

    ===Green Party votes take from D’s===

    Actually, they tend to take from both sides.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:20 am:

    ===Mendoza had better NOT pay the politicians until all others are paid. That’s what she said she’d do and we better hold her to that.===

    Until a Lame Duck sues her for breaking her constitutional duty to pay legislators, as described by statute too.

    Keep up.

  12. - Amalia - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    or maybe the votes for the teeny parties would have been cast for Susana. Susana is extremely likable. A fun and straightforward person, she will be a sparkling representative of values. Now, how she does on the substance is a whole other story.

    but Mendoza’s win also means she gets replaced at City Hall. that is a big deal. and worthy of discussion.

  13. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    –If Leslie Munger had gotten votes cast for Lib and Green comptroller candidates, she would have beaten Susana Mendoza.–

    Meaningless nonsense from a usual suspect; combining Libertarian and Green votes into a unanimous block for one candidate. You could say the same thing for Clinton in FLA, PA, MI and WI– except that there’s no intelligent reason to do so. Just playing a kid’s game.

    Duckworth and Mendoza show, once again, that the increased turnout in a presidential year is a plus for Democratic statewide candidates in the city and the increasingly diverse suburbs.

    Clinton led the ticket with 55.4% of the vote, beating Trump by 860,000 votes. Duckworth beat Kirk by 760,000 votes. Those coattails helped Mendoza win by 233,000 votes.

    In addition to suburban Cook, Clinton and Duckworth also won DuPage, Lake, Will and Kane counties.

  14. - Jackie - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:23 am:

    Kristen is right. But the Tribune obsession is good comedy here.

  15. - Earnest - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    Anything that helps put on the pressure for a stable, balanced budget for the state would be a great thing. Not sure her victory will contribute significantly to that, though it would be nice.

    It’s weird for me today in that my thoughts keep going to the 2018 election instead of the next two years.

  16. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    Its almost comical when someone examining a loss assumes that the second place loser would have won, without fringe candidates, bec they would have grabbed 100% of that vote.

  17. - hisgirlfriday - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    Munger ran a bad campaign. Didn’t get money and ads out until basically early voting already started and didn’t get the anti ads up until very late.

    This race must have not been very important to Bruce based on how poorly he planned the money going into it.

    Do we get a repeat in 2018 though or does he seek a new wingwoman?

  18. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:38 am:

    Rich and others - when does Comptroller-elect Mendoza take office? I wondered that last night. Because that will have a bearing on whether a lame duck State Rep or Senator files suit.

  19. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:47 am:

    Team Sleep

    Munger will remain in office through the lame duck session. She will likely be named as the defendant in a suit filed by a G.A. member in he coming weeks. If a judge doesn’t rule by the end of her term (Jan 10th, I believe,) Mendoza will take over as the defendant.

  20. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:52 am:

    Lame duck lawsuit?!!? Bawhahahaha!!

    That’s truly funny. But I guess humor is required amongst the vast majority here who are mired in self-pity and can only spew sour grapes after Rauner’s legislative wins over Madigan yesterday.

    But take heed you negative nellies, the fight continues. Nothing is settled.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:55 am:

    - Deft Wing -

    Why did Quinn finally “give in” when he tried to continue this ridiculous stunt?

    Are you willfully ignorant or blissfully unaware, because truth now your few “gaffes” lately in Institutional Knowledge seem to point to blissfully unaware, but I want to make sure.

  22. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 11:56 am:

    Mentioned this in another thread, but probably more appropriate here: Mendoza could force a settlement in the budget stalemate by reversing Munger’s stance and refusing to pay state employees without an appropriation. That would be gutsy.

  23. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:04 pm:

    No, she can’t do that, Roman, because Mendoza specifically campaigned on sticking it to politicians and paying them last (see, “I can and I will”).

    Nope, Mendoza, the candidate picked by Madigan (by forcing Biss out and relegating him to a “tie Rauner to Trump” bit … THAT worked out real well, huh?), needs to do what she said she’d do — stiff the politicians.

  24. - Liberty - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    The whole election shows we may wake up to a Republican majority and Democrat Governor in 2 years.

  25. - Attaboy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:18 pm:

    If Hillary Clinton had gotten votes cast for Lib and Green Presidential candidates, she would have beaten Donald Trump.

  26. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:22 pm:

    –Kristen is right. But the Tribune obsession is good comedy here.–

    You like comedy? In their presidential endorsement of Johnson, the deep-thinking troncs wrote that Clinton and Trump were “outside the political mainstream.”

    Trump and Clinton combined for more than 95% of the vote — outside the mainstream.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:22 pm:

    ===Mendoza specifically campaigned on sticking it to politicians and paying them last (see, “I can and I will”).===

    Then Mendoza will be breaking her oath and not following the constitution as described, and the accompanying statutes.

    ===…relegating him to a “tie Rauner to Trump” bit … THAT worked out real well, huh?===

    Worked exactly as I thought. Madigan at 66 seats.

    So, yeah, it worked as it suppose to have worked, especially in the Collar County House seats.

    You need to keep up…

  28. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:30 pm:

    Deft Wing

    I think you misunderstood my post(s). Mendoza absolutely will follow Munger’s lead and continue to stiff GA members. That’s why I said she will replace Munger as the defendant in any lawsuit (@11:47 post) once she takes office.

    I’m suggesting Mendoza could break with Munger on paying rank-and-file state employees. (@11:56 post.) Remember, Munger went to court in the summer of ‘15 and asked for and received an order to continue paying state employees without an appropriation. A whole bunch of legal types think that is blatantly unconstitutional and would likely be overturned by an appellate court or the supremes.

    That would shake things up a whole bunch and might force a budget settlement.

  29. - Ghost - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:31 pm:

    while unrealistic, its still my fantasy that now that the election isnover there is a brief pause, and a real attempt to work together

  30. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:43 pm:

    Roman, I hear you but think Mendoza is stuck with her promises/commercials. Your idea is a cool concept but it just ain’t happening … any more than the lame-duck lawsuit nonsense.

    And those you constantly say “keep up” make me laugh at their own lack of awareness. Lol.

  31. - MOON - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:45 pm:


    I thought Madigan had a net loss of 4 seats indicating a majority of 67 not 66.

  32. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    Roman - thanks for that. I should have known that but the law was enacted so long ago that my post-election mind is frazzled.

    Given that my guess is that a guy like Mike Smiddy - who is chutzpah defined - would file a lawsuit against Comptroller Munger and demand his paycheck. I have a hard time believing that a lame duck GOP official would sue.

  33. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:49 pm:

    ==after Rauner’s legislative wins==

    I believe that deserves a “keep up.” The Democrats still have a strong majority in both the House and the Senate. The wins might stoke your partisan ego a bit but the effect of those wins is pretty much nil. Still the same dynamic, with one exception - the Governor can’t play the victim card any longer. No more mythical super majority. In my view the ball is in the Governor’s court now.

  34. - GA Watcher - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:50 pm:

    Question for Kirsten: Do you also think Ms. Munger would have won if Joe Topinka had given her JBT’s red suit instead of Ms. Mendoza?

  35. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    - MOON -

    Scott Drury is as reliable as a Swiss Cheese umbrella.

    It was always Dunkin, Franks, and Drury.

    There are allegedly 67, but Drury makes it a real “66″

  36. - Big Muddy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:07 pm:

    Mendoza ran on a position of NO BUDGET-NO PAY. She will now own the lawsuit that says that is, correctly, unconstitutional. Lawsuit will be filed by a Dem and a Dem will be remembered as the one who didn’t follow the constitution. Ironic.

  37. - Chicago Cynic - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:19 pm:

    Wow Kristen, look in the friggin mirror. You’re really whining about 3rd party votes after you pulled that Gary Johnson crap. Geez.

  38. - Deft Wing - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    Big Muddy +1

    If a lawsuit is filed, which I doubt, it’d be at the hand of a Madigan flunkie, like Bradley for instance.

    It absolutely won’t happen via a Republican lawmaker, lame-duck or not.

  39. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    If Quinn and Madigan had not have put together new legislation, there would not have been a special election in 2016 for comptroller.

  40. - scott aster - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:55 pm:

    This Mendoza will probably bring a bunch of Chicaago foks like DAN H did that know nothing aabout state fin or how Springfield works. Just about more jobs for boss MM.

  41. - Roman - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    Deft Wing

    Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think Mendoza promised during the campaign that she would continue to pay rank-and-file state employees even without an appropriation.

    On January 1st, a week before she is sworn-in and a day after the supposed “six month budget” expires, she could announce she will not pay any state employees without an appropriation from the GA, signed by the governor. This would invite legal action from AFSCME and perhaps the governor, who would want her to honor the St. Clair county judicial order from 2015. But she could climb the appelate ladder and likely get that order overturned. Just the threat would put heat on the lame duck legislature and Rauner to agree on a budget or be faced with a complete government shut down.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:05 pm:

    - Deft Wing -

    Use the google key,

    2013, Quinn, legislator pay, suing to get paid.

    Get back to everyone.


  43. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    Mendoza has a engaging personality and Munger ran a blase campaign…The egos of Rainer and Madigan continue to hurt everyone in the State of IL…instead of just one political megalomaniac in IL, we now have two…

  44. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===Munger ran a blase campaign===

    Except for the guacamole ad, I thought she ran some of the best stuff out there.

    And she bigly over-performed both of the other statewide Republican candidates. She ran a good campaign that came up short in a very bad environment.

  45. - justacitizen - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    Comptroller is a small office that pays the state’s bills (sometimes). So, little affect except bragging rights for Madigan. Wonder if the loss of seats could impact the GA’s protection of auditor general Mautino.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    Munger ran an incredibly well-done campaign. Mendoza’s underperformance to Clinton and Duckworth wasn’t just Munger, the Medoza Crew did themselves few favors.

    I still think, and I lamented about it weeks ago, I completely understand why they waited to blow the caps; shorter money window, swamp the message.

    Totally understand.

    But if money was never going to be an issue, and building the Munger brand helped, starting right after Labor Day with 2 weeks of a $1 million a week of just Munger positives… you never know.

    In some ways, it’s like leaving money on the table when money was no object.

    Hats off to that Munger Crew.

  47. - A guy - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    ==She ran a good campaign that came up short in a very bad environment.===

    And she’s done a very laudable job in an even worse environment.

  48. - Whatever - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    ==Lame duck lawsuit?!!? Bawhahahaha!!==

    Lame ducks are now looking for jobs, and have nothing to lose by suing to block a very popular, but unconstitutional, decision not to pay legislator’s compensation when due. Luke 16:4

  49. - Michael Westen - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 3:31 pm:

    Who is to say that all Green and Lib votes would have gone to Munger? If Mendoza got “all” those votes we’d be talking about her landslide.

  50. - LessAnon? - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 3:40 pm:

    She also has the responsibility of doing the job, which won’t be all rhetorical press releases and campaign jabs. The Governor can also make requests to try to head off some disasters like he has been doing, and, if she says no, point the requestors in her direction. It will no doubt be a dance, but this is not without risk on her side either. I wouldn’t read too much into her fighting off a Republican - even with lots of funding - in a year where the top of her ticket won by 15 to 17 points. Proven once again that a Republican statewide candidate cannot win in IL in a Presidential Election year. Period.

  51. - shytown - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    This win is yuge for Dems and Madigan. Rauner and his people outspent Mendoza more than 3 to 1 and employed some nasty paid media and grassroots against her on the campaign trail both downstate and in Chicago. Didn’t pay off. If anyone thinks Mendoza won’t be a game changer in Springfield then they don’t know Susana. It will go beyond simply paying bills to those who Rauner can no longer hold hostage to advance his political agenda. She will be a constant thorn in his side there to challenge him and his agenda regardless of her office’s role. As a former legislator she knows the process and the policies that governs that body and knows how to work it. She’s kind of a triple threat in that respect.

  52. - Loop Lady - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 4:19 pm:

    I respect Munger…she is a classy professional woman with a tough row to hoe…

    Munger seemed uncomfortable and completely staged in her last TV ads..

    Susanna is Madigan protégée…time will tell if she is in charge of her own decisions, or not…

  53. - burbanite - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 4:29 pm:

    I think it means money can’t buy me love…

  54. - Capitol View - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    going back to the 70s, the public has preferred a Comptroller of the opposite party of the governor.
    The outcome may have been as simple as that.

  55. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 5:17 pm:

    Kristen McQueary, another good reason for not buying the Tribune.

  56. - Rabid - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 5:36 pm:

    Wingman goes down in flames proxy war over the only thing he has left is minority leaders that have overspent their stay

  57. - nviro - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 5:42 pm:

    Mendoza’s win means a repudiation of Rauner and his wealthy campaign donors.

  58. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Nov 9, 16 @ 5:45 pm:

    Mendoza’s win could also mean a repudiation of Rauner’s turnaround agenda.

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