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*** UPDATED x1 *** Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Wednesday, Dec 14, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best campaign staffer - House Democrats goes to Travis Shea

There’s no doubt Travis is one of the hardest working guys on staff and he won one of the biggest races this cycle. Trump won that district and somehow Travis still pulled out a win for Katie.

Not to mention that the Democratic Party in general did horribly in Madison County this year. Travis also ran an innovative race, which should definitely be rewarded.

*** UPDATE *** The above award was rescinded on March 6, 2019. Click here for more info.

[ *** End Of Update *** ]

Highly honorable mentions go to Julia Larkin and Anne Schaeffer, two of the very best.

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best campaign staffer - Senate Democrats goes to Sam Hobert

He is an obsessively dedicated young guy who ran one of the most professional campaigns the caucus has ever seen. When the GOP shifted late resources towards Michelle Smith, he didn’t panic. Throughout October, Sam rallied the troops and the candidate, which resulted in a 5+ point victory in an area where Republicans always seem to be on the cusp of breaking through.

Honorable mention goes to crowd favorite Reena Tandon.

* Let’s move on to today’s categories…

* Best Nonpartisan Legislative/Agency Staffer

* Best Government Spokesperson

The first category is new and is posted by popular demand. So, you can nominate somebody from LRB, LRU, LIS, COGFA, etc., or you can nominate an agency/administration staffer (except for liaisons because they have their own category).

Make sure to explain your vote or it won’t count and make sure to nominate in both categories. Thanks!


  1. - The Other Anonymous - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    Best Nonpartisan Legislative- Anyone who has had to draft a revenue bill knows just how brilliant Heather Harding is. In a job that would make a mere mortal rip her hair out Heather somehow always has a spring in her step and a smile on her face. It’s not her fault that the legislature compacts all of the revenue bills into the final week of session but she sure does handle it extremely well.

    Best Government Spokesperson- Hands down CK. She stays on message and she does it with flair. She’s also a very friendly and funny person when she’s not running a mile a minute.

  2. - Just the Facts - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:15 pm:

    I was just getting ready to nominate Heather Harding when I saw the first comment. As a part of her superior drafting skills, she closely reviews the proposed drafts, speaks with the drafters to get an understanding of what exactly is intended, and politely has suggestions as to how things can be drafted more elegantly. Heather is as good on tax matters as Dick Edwards was in his day as the head of LRB.

    I don’t have enough contact with government spokespersons to make a nomination.

  3. - walker - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:26 pm:

    Looking from the outside, the best spokesperson has to be John Patterson on behalf of President Cullerton. Even on the most difficult of days, Cullerton often comes out as the best, or most reasonable player in the mix.

  4. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    By agency staffer you mean like Joe Blow from IDES, because blah blah blah, right? It doesn’t have to be a non partisan agency,right? It’s an either/or kind of thing. Sorry to be daft.

  5. - JoeMaddon - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:48 pm:

    Nonpartisan staffer: LRB. All of them. They never get ANY credit, but they really do yeoman’s work dealing with legislators, staff, lobbyists, etc drafting all kinds of crazy (and not crazy) bills. They make the General Assembly run, and never get any credit for it.

    Spokesperson: John Patterson. He/Cullerton seem like the only adults among the leaders. Patterson does a great job framing Cullerton and Cullerton’s positions as the reasonable, responsible ones.

  6. - pool boy - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    J.T. for both. He stays on point and keeps a straight face.

  7. - Been There - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    Best nonpartisan legislative staffer: Well just because she had to deal with me it has to go to Andrea Creek in LRB. She is always patient even when I call with my umpteenth revision. And then she gets it turned around on a dime. And she even knows most of the many bills I am asking for are going nowhere except the recycle bin (or the back of my car or office). I killed way too many trees but she has always been nothing but professional. And on top of all that she understands our issues and has caught many errors or inconsistencies for me as she is that smart. On top of that she is dealing with other factions in our industry and makes sure she doesn’t cross us up and let the other side know what’s going on.

  8. - Handling the Truth - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:09 pm:

    Best Government Spokesperson- Emily Bittner at Chicago Public Schools. CPS has had a hell of year and no other local entity has come under as intense scrutiny from the left and right, from individual parents all the way up to Governor Rauner himself. Yet day in and day out, she patiently navigates an impossible situation and relies on substance, unlike the talking points most people on the state level are spouting these days.

  9. - Annonin' - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:13 pm:

    Best agency staffer: Dan Proft…he uses his low rent, cheap shot style to con millions from supposedly smart people.
    Best SPOX Vicki Crawford she has endured a lot and pushed Durkie to new heights

  10. - 4 percent - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:15 pm:

    Joe Mueller at IDES - hands down - business and labor will tell you that no UI agreement in the past two decades would have occurred without him. As counsel, Joe is an absolute fair arbiter regardless of who inhabits the Governor’s office and has absolute trust in delicate confidential conversations. So much so that most people probably have never heard of him.

  11. - Former Staffer - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:25 pm:

    As a former partisan staffer, the best nonpartisan staffer without any doubt goes to Andrea Creek at LRB. Andrea is smart, funny, and incredibly patient. As others have stated, she is always professional, and has a deep understanding of her subject areas. On top of her own drafting, she also reviews other complicated areas of the Illinois Statutes and serves as a great mentor for young attorneys at LRB. LRB as a whole doesn’t get enough credit for their tireless and too often unrecognized work, but Andrea goes above and beyond.

  12. - Ambrose Chase - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:27 pm:

    Best Nonpartisan Legislative/Agency Staffer -
    Derek Page in the Senate Journal Room knows more about the legislative process in his little finger than most of us will ever know in our lifetimes. He knows the players, he knows the staff, and he knows how the gears of the senate work. Anyone who doesn’t know how the process would do well to seek his advice. He has an inside track on the pulse of the building any given day, and he’s always happy to answer your question. In short, he is exactly the kind of person the Golden Horseshoe is designed to celebrate - top of the game and notoriously unsung for his role behind the scenes - which is why I nominate him here.

  13. - CowboyKen - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:35 pm:

    Congrats Travis. Nice W behba!

  14. - MissingG - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:38 pm:

    LRB certainly doesn’t get enough credit, but is an easy scapegoat for problems with a bill, and I think Andrea Creek is probably the most looked-over asset to the Capital. She spots issues with legislation that the sponsor would never foresee and cleans up problems in the revisory bill that none of us ever understand, all while being patient and helpful

  15. - Lee County - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 4:49 pm:

    I think it’s high time that recognition be given to Dave Druker, Jesse White’s long term spokesperson. He is low key, and not flashy, but Dave is universally respected by the press and media corps and is always available to answer questions, dig up statistics, and fill in facts on the tightest of media deadlines. Secretary White is the man in front when there’s good news to be presented. Dave is the one who goes before the cameras when the questions are tougher. It’s easy to overlook Dave because the Secretary of State’s office appears to run so smoothly. Dave is one of the big reasons it does. I have talked to many members of the media over the years. I’ve never heard one to say a bad word about Dave.

  16. - anon - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 5:17 pm:

    Agency Staffer- Amanda Elliot. She goes out of her way to help, always with a smile, and has opened many a new door for me and all others.

  17. - Cope and Mange - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 5:22 pm:

    He’s no longer there but I can’t think of a Government spokesperson who did a better job in 2016 than Tom Wogan trying to get emergency cash to Chicago State. Despite being the smallest and poorest public college, CSU wound up leading the fight that got much needed funds and at least temporarily saved several college towns.

  18. - So... - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 5:30 pm:

    I don’t know if he qualifies as a staffer, but Jim Dodge at LRB knows more than I, or anyone, ever will about the state code. Always tremendously gracious and willing to help.

  19. - Henry Haupt - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 7:33 pm:

    I concur completely with Lee County on the nomination of Dave Druker for best government spokesperson. I have the privilege of working with Dave on a daily basis. Not only is he loyal, effective, reliable and has the highest ethical standards, he’s also the nicest guy in the business. Secretary White is well served by Dave, and those of us who get to work with him see firsthand what a true professional looks like. Dave has earned the respect from his coworkers as well as from members of the media.

  20. - Anon - Wednesday, Dec 14, 16 @ 10:23 pm:

    Add another nom for Heather Harding at LRB, who curates a code that few will even attempt to understand, but has perhaps the largest impact of all. Heather is patient with anyone who brings her a drafting request, often at the last minute, and even more often with the caveat, “I don’t know that this will go anywhere, but…” She’ll also offer excellent legal advice on the likely constitutionality of the latest Big Idea. The G.A. is extremely lucky to have her.

  21. - Commonsense in Illinois - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 7:50 am:

    I have to second the. Omination of IDES’ Joe Mueller. Since the mid-1980s, Joe has served as Counsel at IDES. Both business and labor organizations rely on him to draft their legislation and provide programmatic insights on changes to the UNemployment Insurance Act, among the most arcane bodies of statute. Joe does so with aplomb, and is really indispensable. Moreover, Joe is called upon nationally as an expert in the field. Illinois and Director Jeff Mays are indeed fortunate to have Joe Mueller.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 7:58 am:

    Best Government Spokesperson - Many times, trying to parse out what is actually being said, and if can be said as plain as can be. It’s one thing to stay on message, it’s another to pass on information in a way that allows a message to be what’s important and not just the expected rote.

    John Patterson, spokesperson for Senate Cullerton has stepped up and shined brightly in the mish-mosh of talking points and posturing and has been the person many times that clearly speaks to the questions and not awkwardly pushing talking points. John Patterson’s take for his boss has allowed more insight while not exaserbating or escalating the seriousness of these times.

    Senator Cullerton and the Senate Democratic Caucus is well-served by John Patterson and his skill, frankness, and willingness to bring answers to questions have made him invaluable to those that have him as their Spokesperson

    Best Government Spokesperson, I nominate John Patterson for the Golden Horseshoe.

  23. - Up - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 8:50 am:

    John Terranova for both. Clear, concise information that is digested by tens of thousands of employees.

  24. - Miss Marie - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 8:51 am:

    Best Nonpartisan Legislative/Agency Staffer -
    Konjit Gomar from LRB is amazing! She puts up with all these crazy drafting requests, but she’s on it. She is incredibly helpful and always nice. She is one of my favorite people to work with!

  25. - Bartlett for America - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 8:56 am:

    I’d like to second Derek Page for Nonpartisan staff! He is incredibly hard working and takes so much pride in what he does! He seems to always know the answers to my questions and is a valuable resource. And he is always pleasant, even with the difficult people he puts up with.

  26. - Illini Lurker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 9:03 am:

    I second the nomination for Andrea Creek. She knows her areas like the back of her hand and has an amazing ability to find significant, if not immediately obvious, problems with any of her legislation. She’s a true asset at LRB.

  27. - Arnold - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 9:08 am:

    My vote for Nonpartisan Staffer would have to go to Derek Page in the Senate Journal Room. He is always willing to help and if he doesn’t know the answer will find it. He deals with staff, legislative assistants and lobbyist daily and is always polite and professional.

  28. - Former LRBer - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Andrea Creek. Not only is Andrea always professional to LRB’s “clients,” but she is also a tremendous asset to LRB staff. She is a mentor to new attorneys and offers much-needed institutional knowledge to staff and lobbyists. She is patient, kind, and incredibly intelligent.

  29. - Skokie George - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 12:03 pm:

    Dave Drucker is one of the finest public servants in the State of Illinois. Like all good public spokesmen he doesn’t seek attention for himself but has a deserved reputation for honesty and thoughtfulness with the media. He works quietly but earnestly and is always available for news inquiries. He’s a most seserving nominee.

  30. - Nick - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    Dave Druker is proof that you can be at the top of your craft without being egotistical. Phrases like “still waters run deep” and “never mistake kindness for weakness” come to mind when describing Dave. For nearly 20 years as Secretary White’s spokesperson, dave has consistently been a straight shooter and deals with issues head on.

  31. - doglover - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 9:23 am:

    Derek Paige
    He works very hard, dealing with so many issues
    always a smiling face and a kind word

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