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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Thursday, Dec 15, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Nonpartisan Legislative/Agency Staffer goes to Andrea Creek

LRB certainly doesn’t get enough credit, but is an easy scapegoat for problems with a bill, and I think Andrea Creek is probably the most looked-over asset to the Capital. She spots issues with legislation that the sponsor would never foresee and cleans up problems in the revisory bill that none of us ever understand, all while being patient and helpful.

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Government Spokesperson goes to John Patterson

Patterson does a great job framing Cullerton and Cullerton’s positions as the reasonable, responsible ones.

He’s definitely the most improved.

Honorable mention goes to Dave Druker

He is low key, and not flashy, but Dave is universally respected by the press and media corps and is always available to answer questions, dig up statistics, and fill in facts on the tightest of media deadlines.

* On to today’s categories…

* Best Illinois State Representative - Republican

* Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

As always, make sure to explain your vote or it won’t count. Also, please do your very best to nominate in both categories. Thanks!


  1. - Spiro Agnew - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    Tim Butler for the Illinois GOP Rep of the year. Since he was appointed (and did not get opposition in the election) he has been over every corner of the district- many communities and counties which had likely not seen their state rep in years.

    No easy votes for him either with all of the state workers in his district, and he’s done a good job of voting his district.

  2. - Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:08 pm:

    Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat

    Character and integrity is often in short supply so Kelly Cassidy’s willingness to step forward and take sometimes unpopular positions that she believes in stands out. Happened again with the Exelon bill. She took a lot of heat from a lot of her friends but said no way was she going to support a corporate bailout. Not now. Not ever.

  3. - Honeybear - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    In all seriousness I would like to nominate Rep. Dwight Kay. I met with him on several occasions. He was always courteous engaged and very attentive. I do know that he worked very very hard for my district. I saw him everywhere at so many events. Truly until the election results came in I thought there was no way of taking him out. He was generous with his time and with his spirit. He was an excellent legislator and made great contributions to our state and the 112th district. I hope my sincerity is accepted in this nomination as I fought so hard to unseat him. But that’s why I give it so unreservedly. I know how formidable he was and is.

  4. - Absolutely - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    HGOP - I second Tim Butler. He is definitely a strong presence in his district, something that does not go unappreciated. He works both sides of the aisle and you can tell his colleagues respect him. Tim also did a lot of work knocking on doors and fundraising for the HGOP campaigns which ensured those victories.

    HDem - Fred Crespo. Digs deep into all audit findings; he is not above grilling agency heads. If you’re up in his approp hearing, you better be thorough in your asks as he takes every one into careful consideration.

  5. - Nickname - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Republican: Peter Breen. A complete gentleman, nice guy, smart as a whip. Principled, active and rising quickly.

    Democrat: Jack Franks. Could be trusted on for some major common sense. Gifted communicator. Willing to challenge power. Will be missed.

  6. - Big Joe - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    Best Illinois State Representative–Democrat

    I have very limited knowledge of other reps, but I am pleased to nominate Michelle Mussman. She is my rep, and is always walking the blocks and talking to the people of her district about their concerns. She holds many town hall meetings throughout the district and keeps us up to date on the issues going on in the House. She encourages input from everyone at these meetings. She always returns phone calls and emails promptly and listens to my concerns and opinions. Sometimes we agree, and even when we disagree on the solutions to the issues in the state, I always appreciate her thoughts and reasons for casting her votes. This is exactly the kind of person that I want representing me in the legislature.

  7. - Dome Gnome - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    Best Representative — Republican
    Rep. Mark Batinick, because he has innovative reform ideas and is able to express them articulately.

    Best Representative — Democrat
    Rep. Litesa Wallace, for her principled stance on social justice issues, especially for persons with disabilities.

  8. - Republican - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:04 pm:

    Ed Sullivan.
    Ed has been the level headed Representative in the 51st District, not just for the past year but for all his years in the House. He votes with what he believes is right, even though it may go against party leadership. We wish him well in his future endeavours.

  9. - fan - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:07 pm:

    GOP: Mike McAuliffe because he withstood a heck of an effort against him. He sometimes sided with Rauner, other times was independent…no easy task now.
    Dem: Dan Burke…did you notice how many of the Governor’s vetoes were overridden - only 1. Burke did it for the Chicago Fire and Police. Again, no easy task. Getting things done in this tough environment should count for something! And he’s a great piano player!!

  10. - Vote for Best Democrat Illinois State Represenative - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    Brandon Phelps
    He does his best to work with everyone, is always recognizing those who deserve recogniotion, and doesn’t seem to be afraid to present ideas from someone else. Good man.

  11. - JoeMaddon - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:20 pm:

    Another vote for both Tim Butler and Kelky Cassidy, for reasons already stated.

    But also, they both share a desire to build bipartisan relationships and think independently. Neither are willing to sell out or compromise on their values, but both are willing to hear the other side and do what it takes to reach across the aisle to get things done.

  12. - frisbee - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:22 pm:

    GOP - add me to the list of folks who have been impressed by Butler. All over the district at events and he votes for those he represents. A real stand up guy who is very approachable.

    Dems - Nekritz because she doesn’t engage in the party loyalists’ war that we are in the middle of as a state. At least as far as i can tell she is more committed to seeing our state through this fiscal mess without blaming the other party for every fault. The Gov. tried to drag her into the crossfire and she did a stellar job of being reasonable in the face of a potentially alienating moment.

  13. - SisterByAnother - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    Rob Martwick - willing to lend a hand or his voice to others — even if it means sticking his neck out. For constituents, he was the only legislator at first with any heart to address the god-awful airplane noise problem in the district. For other legislators, he’s got enough backbone to publically call out Rauner/Munger for trying to bleed legislators dry by withholding their pay. And for the democratic party, he keeps an eye on local up ‘n comers and mentors and fosters democratic candidates before, during, and after elections. Rob deserves the Golden Horseshoe Award.

  14. - Merry Christmas - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    I respect all of the other nominees and multiple nominees but best Republican State Representative has to be Tom Demmer. He is a rising star and look at the complex issues he has handled throughout the year and has really stepped up leading the caucus in committee and debates. Demmer makes you have faith in the process, he provides genuine, reasoned discussion while making time for everyone. Demmer is respected and admired by all. Further, he and his wife just had a baby and for that reason alone he should get the award.

    Dem-Feigenholtz, solely for knowing Medicaid and willing to help everyone who has issues with that program and funding.

  15. - Anon - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    Republican-Tom Demmer is a thoughtful, extremely intelligent, hard working legislator who works with his colleagues on both sides of the aisle.

    Democrat-Elaine Nekritz is fair, honest and willing to work with all parties to move our state forward.

  16. - Polishguy - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:51 pm:

    I would nominate Rob Martwick for working together with Republicans and Democrats both trying to do what is better for Illinois, including addressing pensions, school funding, Police and Fire departments, and O’Hare noise. Rob gets results and plays guitar too.

  17. - LakeviewJ - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:52 pm:

    For Republican, I nominate David Harris. He is deeply conservative man, but ineither a blind partisan or thoughtless ideologue. He is direct and honest - a real officer and gentleman. He has displayed Independence from the leader of his party to protect the integrity of his branch of government and paid real consequences for doing so.

    For Dem, I nominate Elgie Sims. He doesn’t shy away from tough issues and demonstrates thoughtfulness, fairness, and compassion in the Jud-Crim committee.

  18. - LNR - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:53 pm:

    Republican: David McSweeney - He’s my polar opposite politically, but he’s one of the GA’s smartest members and can disagree without being disagreeable — which is in short supply these days. Lots of legislators claim to be “independent,” very few actually are. McSweeney is one them.

    Democrat: Mike Zalewski - one of the chamber’s real work horses. Carries a ton of bills, many of them are heavy lifts, too. You want him in the room if you’re trying to reach a compromise. He really gets the art of legislating.

  19. - Polish Lawyer - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:54 pm:

    Rob Martwick is the guy that crosses party lines and gets something done. The others talk. Rob Makes deals! Thanks for improving O’Hare.

  20. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 3:54 pm:

    GOP State Rep - gotta give it to my good friend Avery Bourne. She worked that district quite a bit - and did so in a smart, efficient manner - and handily won her race. I think she is destined for big things. And yes - I think the campaign aspect is important given the fact that not every official/candidate listens to campaign staff and often does so at their own peril. Avery listened and prospered.

    Dem State Rep - my nod goes to Kelly Cassidy. She is one of the friendliest faces at the Capitol and Stratton Building and always chuckles when she brings a snack/dish/dessert and I “demand” a taste test. Her work on the marijuana decriminalization is very much appreciated, and she navigated that minefield quite well. Kudos to Rep. Cassidy.

  21. - 4 percent - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    Quite frankly, while there are many nice people serving, I’m not sure that anyone is deserving of this award given the times that we live in.

  22. - Dunning-Ambassador - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:10 pm:

    Rob Martwick - Rep Martwick is a neighborhood guy, you can relate to him, he is in a band, he is cool. When you speak with him or shake his hand he is a real person. I feel he has our best interests in mind and our children’s. He does what he knows is right not what is popular! In the time I have followed him he has promised to:
    Propose an Elected School Board for Chicago - Done
    Propose a bill to punish absent landlords profiting from the vacancy credits - done

    Both of these are issues which I care about and he did what he said. I also like that he proposed a bill for a new state Flag!

    Barbara Wheeler - Pro conservation.

  23. - Johnny Ray - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    GOP State Rep - David McSweeney. He is by far the most effective Republican legislator in Springfield. He not only works across the aisle but he works both parties of the other chamber. I Mah not always agree with his politics but I respect his work ethic and his ability and drive toward workable policies to make Illinois better.

  24. - walker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:15 pm:

    GOP rep: Mike McAuliffe for representing his constituents so well that a tornado couldn’t dislodge him, and for working so well across the aisle that many Dems would personally miss him.

    Dem Rep: Kelly Cassidy for never saying or doing anything that appears not to be in the best interests of her district or the state. And for being a good human being to all.

  25. - Kyle Hillman - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:16 pm:

    House Dem: Rep. Kelly Cassidy, it doesn’t hurt that she represents maybe the most liberal district in the state (you get to take fun positions). However, it is her desire to build relationships on both sides of the aisle that makes her stand out as a legislator. The capital is mess right now, we need more people like this.

    House Repub.: Rep. Demmer for some of the same reasons. Demmer isn’t going to vote often like I wish, but the guy genuinely wants to engage and find solutions. Also rare these days in Springfield.

  26. - Sigh - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:16 pm:

    Republican- I have to vote for Mike Tryon. Over the years he has advocated for transparency & this year he became a voice of reason as the co-chair of JCAR. He will listen to your concerns, does his homework on the issue and will hold agencies accountable. Having served under Blago, Quinn & Rauner he knows that you have to work with democrats. His leadership will truely be missed.

    Democrat- Barbara Flynn Currie has my vote. When her colleagues grandstand during floor debates and work in the quotes for their press releases, BFC moves the process along with her short and to the point responses. If I were going into a debate, I would definitely want her on my team!

  27. - here we go - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:28 pm:

    Republican: Jeanne Ives. For comedic purposes of course.

    Democrat: Agree with many here, Rep. Kelly Cassidy, and Rep. Wallace.

    Special shoutout to Rep. Andrade for driving Uber in the midst of this mess. Somehow, this shows that he’s still human and struggling just like the rest of us.

  28. - state worker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:42 pm:

    Democrat–Elaine Nekritz
    I’m not sure there is a complex, difficult, important issue that she hasn’t taken up, while working with all parties respectfully and nobly. When she works on an issue, she doesn’t yammer on about problems, but looks at the sources, the causes, and persistently works to improve anything that is possible to improve–pensions, the budget, fees and fines, entrenched criminal justice problems.

    She takes tough votes and always reasonably, politely says what needs to be said. She’s dead honest if that’s what the moment requires. Rep. Nekritz is respected across hallways and isles, and uses that tremendous power to communicate, (i.e., to talk to her fellow elected officials about solving problems) not to gang up on people or insult them.

    Most importantly, she is a great listener. Many legislators will look at individuals to determine how powerful they are before they waste their time with them. With Elaine, she already assumes the inherent dignity and worth of each person. So when you talk to her, she sees you as valuable enough to grant her full attention.

    She hears the problems of regular people and of our state because she is listening to them. You can ask her advice on ANY issue, anything, and she will consider it from all perspectives and give you an honest read.

    It is so easy to be so cynical, angry and hopeless right now. That makes it the most imperative time to recognize hard-working bridge-builders who aren’t going to give up on us. The fact that Rep. Nekritz keeps believing in and fighting for the individuals and the institutions of our state makes it easier for Illinois residents to believe in them too. Thank you Elaine!

  29. - StressedCollegeStudent - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:49 pm:

    Rob Martwick is one of the few who always does what he truly believes is right. If anyone deserves an award, it’s him.

  30. - Enthusiastic Politico - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:57 pm:

    I met Robert Martwick a couple times now and he has been nothing but gracious and kind, always wiling to listen and work hard. It’s a pleasure knowing there’s someone like him in Springfield working on our behalf.

  31. - state worker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 4:58 pm:

    This was difficult. I thought about Demmer, Wheeler, and others, but they are still wild cards so I went with Tryon. It’s back to the theme of listening and treating other people and perspectives as valuable. He was very fair and capable of processing potentially infinite detail on JCAR.

    Tryon rarely agreed with me, but he always took the time to listen, even calling me from his cell if I stopped by the office in Springfield. And that was when he didn’t know me from Adam! Best of luck, Rep. Tryon.

  32. - Alzheimers Advocate - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:07 pm:

    I vote for Rob Martwick he truly cares about his community. I enjoy seeing him as an active participant in events throughout his community and at Alzheimers Advocacy day down in Springfield.

  33. - jo.n. - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:24 pm:

    Rep. Rob Martwick for being an attentive and thoughtful Representative. No one in the 19th District should feel like they are left behind. He is an extremely hard working person and he has a very strong presence within his District. You can see him on all major events but also in parks, where he is chatting with residents about the most urgent issues, while his supporters are giving out some snow cones to children. Many Illinoisans do not know who represents them. In 19th District however it is hard not to see who builds the community and fights for it.

    Rep. David Harris for being a thoughtful Republican in the tradition of Judy Barr Topinka.

  34. - Young Democrat - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:25 pm:

    I would nominate for best Democratic State Representative Rob Martwick. I have seen him fight for a better Chicago, and always aims to expand the voices of Illinois residents. He is somebody who will listen to both sides of any issue, and always makes decisions with the best intentions of all Illinois residents. Proud to have a guy like Rob representing this incredible state!

  35. - Dannyboy - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:30 pm:

    Republican: Mark Batinick, for standing firm against the Exelon Bailout. Too much crony capitalism in Illinois these days!

    Democrat: Rob Martwick. I appreciate that he’s a tell-it-like it-is kinda guy, and not too shabby on the six string either.

  36. - Harambe - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:37 pm:

    On the Democrat side, I nominate State Rep. Mike Zalewski. Mike is a thoughtful, and forward thinking legislator who is able to successfully navigate complicated legislative issues. On the Republican side, I nominate State Rep. David McSweeney. Sometimes, he can be a little too independent, but he is one of the hardest legislators under the dome. He knows how to get things done.

  37. - Dave - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:42 pm:

    Rep Rob Martwick would be my pick. He has been doing some great things in the neighborhood every since he got started. I appreciate his honesty telling it like it is without sugar coating it.

  38. - Kevin W. - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:49 pm:

    I nominate Rep. Rob Martwick of Chicago. Not only is Rep. Martwick a great champion and advocate for his district, but has one of the most pragmatic leaders for the entire state. His efforts to push for an elected school board, coupled with his passion to empower and educate young legislators makes him a fantastic choice. Proud to have Rep. Martwick in the legislature, and prouder of the work he has done!

  39. - Vicki parker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 5:58 pm:

    I nominate Rob Martwick of Chicago. He is the first state rep to attend our local block parties several years in a row, support our local business by promoting us in his news letter, and attend our community service gatherings. I don’t know where he finds all the time but my impression since the moment I met him and his amazing staff is that he puts community first. He has taken so much time to get to know us and my company on a personal level, he truly has left a lasting impression on us and hope he stays in public service for many years.

  40. - Jeff Parker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 6:43 pm:

    Rob Martwick. This guy works his district hard, gets to know everyone he can, is super accessible to anyone and has great local staff. Love the work he’s done for O’Hare and on the vacant property issues in the district.

  41. - Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 6:49 pm:

    I want to add a vote for Litesa Wallace. She’s a force of nature. She’s not afraid to stand up for the people she represents, especially for people who are vulnerable and need the State of Illinois to do its job.

    She makes me proud to be from Rockford. :)

  42. - Jim Parker - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 7:02 pm:

    Rob Martwick cares about my block on Melvina. He shows up when others do not.

  43. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 7:16 pm:

    I would like to second the nomination of Rep. Ed Sullivan.

    These are not normal times, and so I think the award should go to someone who exhibits the traits most likely to lead us out of this mess.

    Sullivan is unquestionably conservative. But rather than clinging to orthodoxy like a barnacle, he uses it as an anchor to reach across the aisle, if only for friendship. And unlike the all-or-nothing approach of too many ideologues, Sullivan understands that there is victory in incremental approaches. This year he actually passed a modest improvement to workers comp law almost unnoticed.

    Nearly his ideological opposite on the Democratic side of the aisle is Greg Harris, whose attributes mirror Sullivan in perfect complement. Harris has probably the worst job in the Illinois House as Chairman of the Human Services Appropriate Committee. Harris is as progressive as they come, but also pragmatic and patient. He knows folks cannot be rushed into deep cuts nor a huge tax increase, and he is building the trust necessary to deliver the horrible news that not every budget line can be saved. There is a reason Madigan has placed him in the trusted post of chief budget negotiator.

  44. - Ghost of Christmas past - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 7:49 pm:

    GOP - State Rep. David McSweeney. David McSweeney understands the legislative process and is an legislator. He can be a little too hard right but his knowledge of the issues and his ability and skill as a legislator makes him the best choice for the Golden Horseshoe.

    Dem - State Rep. Elaine Nekritz. She is a well liked by both sides of the aisle and genuinely cares about this state.

  45. - Melissa from Dunning - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 8:45 pm:

    Democratic State Representative Rob Martwick’s approachability, honesty, and integrity make him my top pick. He supports locally, knows his public, and is always on the scene ready to meet neighbors and answer questions. He and his team have offered their support for our local neighborhood history fair, at public meetings, and at block parties and gatherings throughout his district. I am so proud to have him as our rep–couldn’t ask for more!

  46. - Kieran - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 9:25 pm:

    I think Rob Martwick should win the award for best Democratic State Representative. He’s an honest, approachable guy who fights hard for his constituents. His leadership in the battle for an elected Chicago school board is admirable. His efforts to help ensure seniors have enough money for retirement is no less impressive. But what puts him over the top for me is his support for the Gift Theatre in Jefferson Park. The Gift is a small storefront theater on the Northwest Side that most representatives would easily overlook. Rob Martwick has done a terrific job as an advocate for our theater. I am so thankful for all his help and I hope he wins the Golden Horseshoe.

  47. - Blue Lobster - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 9:25 pm:


    McSweeney hands down.

    Agree or disagree with his policy stances but there isn’t a Republican in Springfield who has been clearer about what he stands for and what his constituents want. He’s not afraid to put pen to paper and file legislation nor does he duck the press. Without abandoning his conservative principles, he’s gone out of his way to forge relationships on both sides of the aisle and both sides of the building. He’s respected and it shows. David is a throwback to a simpler time in Illinois politics when you could argue the merits of a piece of legislation and then meet up for a drink later to watch ESPN.


    Rob Martwick

    Rob has run an aggressive legislative agenda at the benefit of his constituents and the disdain of others. He knows his district well because he often walks it. He and Mulroe worked together on O’Hare legislation which for most would have been enough of a victory but he didn’t stop there. He worked to get an elected school board bill out the House and forced a committee hearing over in the Senate despite the Mayor and Senate President’s wishes. There are a lot of legislators over in the House who would look at a potential Rob Martwick direct mail plan with envy. It wouldn’t surprise me to see more progressives and suburbanites follow this guy’s lead over in the House in the months ahead.

  48. - Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 9:59 pm:

    Indeed these are not normal times when I rise in full support of YDD’s nominations.

    HDem: Greg Harris has the ability to combine the bleak financial realities of our times with a boundless reservoir of compassion and goodwill. The Speaker couldn’t have a better representative in both key roles to which he has entrusted Rep.Greg Harris.

    HRep: Ed Sullivan. Yeah, he’s a conservative. Not a Raunerite. True to his principles and his word. Working with Ed is like buying a Ford instead of a Mercedes. You know what you’re gonna get; solid, reliable, and won’t give up on you for a long time.

  49. - Willie Stark - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:04 pm:

    Another vote for David McSweeney. Bright, capable, and personable. He’s a real student of the game and looks for opportunities to work with Democrats without compromising his conservative principles. He has been at the forefront on the lead in water problem, doing more to bring attention than, sadly, many of his colleagues from Chicago, where the schools have been particularly affected.

    He’s a genuine independent and free-thinker when most in his party do as they are told by the zealots in 207, rather than what is in the best interests of their constituents or the state as a whole.

  50. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:26 pm:

    House Dems - When you look at members in a Caucus, what is the most telling are the members who the rank and file see as their voice when leadership needs to hear it, and at the same time, a member leadership turns to when the credibility of issues or governing need a member that all know has the best intentions for the state.

    Greg Harris is a member that so many inside his caucus look to as a voice of reason and conscious and those outside the caucus, they know his words and actions carry the weight of his knowledge and heart, looking for solutions to help Illinois, and willing to work the levers of governing and politics with great skill to get the job done. Greg Harris is a member you can’t fool, and he has no time for fools that don’t take the task at hand as serious as he does. Now throw in his tireless work in his district and for his constituents, it’s not hard to see that Greg Harris’ leadership, you only need to see the many people that turn to Greg Harris, and how Greg Harris continues to answer the calls.

    Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat - Greg Harris

  51. - 773OG - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:36 pm:

    Rob Martwick, all day. Rob understands the meaning of “Representative” and works to get the opinions of all his constituents. The lengths he goes to get input from people in the 19th impresses me all the time.

  52. - Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:41 pm:

    House GOP - Being in a minority numbered caucus, frustration and level-headedness can be a diminishing commodity for members. A member could easily be swept up in the premise of moving beyond the loyal opposition and into the closed-minded. It’s those that see the challenges and are loyal to the caucus, but never forget who they are that really stand out.

    Ed Sullivan was a member that could go into a partisan position, but stay above the partisan rancor. His willingness to stay who he has been and be a colleague his caucus knew had their back, but not at the cost of not being himself, or being something he is not.

    The Republican Caucus could learn much from the way Ed Sullivsn has always carried himself as a member of the caucus and the body and really understanding that being partisan can still be about being constructive to process and move beyond that rancor that is white noise, and make policy positions stand on their merits, within his own beliefs, and outside the political noise of just raw partisanship.

    Best Illinois State Representative - Republican - Ed Sullivan

  53. - GQ - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 10:48 pm:

    Best Illinois State Representative
    Democrat Rep. Rob Martwick without hesitation. Rep Martwick works extremely hard on behalf of his district and all of Illinois. Rob is very thoughtful and wants Illinois to be as best as it can be for all. Martwick is eager to work with whomever shares this goal, regardless of their political stripe. He takes his responsibility very seriously and it shows.

  54. - Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 15, 16 @ 11:00 pm:

    Long time (and daily) lurker, commenting for the first time to echo the nomination of Rob Martwick. He’s an advocate for what he thinks is right, even if it’s not the most expedient position to hold. And he seems to truly enjoy being a legislator. I mentioned a bill idea to him once, and he got so excited you would have thought we had invented something better than sliced bread. Next thing you know, it’s drafted and introduced. That’s the kind of energy we need to improve our state, and we’re lucky to have him.

  55. - The Truth is Out There - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 12:55 am:

    Dem - State Rep. Mike Zalewski. He is a smart, fair and competent legislator. Republican - State Rep. David McSweeney. Rep. McSweeney veers strongly to the right but he also is capable of crossing the aisle. He is a skilled and effective legislator.

  56. - Central Guy - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 7:30 am:

    House Democrat - Sara Feigenholtz….. Intelligent. Tireless. Pro - active in serving her district. Communicates with her constituents 24 hours per day, seven days per week. Most knowledgeable member of the General Assembly regarding the technical asoects of Medicaid. Uses that perspective to assist Medicaid providers in meeting the health care needs of their patients. Wraps her expertise in a big, compassionate heart. Even with caucus leadership responsibilities, she does not miss a step in grass roots, in - district service.

    House Republucan - Donald Moffitt….. In an era of show horses, the House is losing a work horse with his retirement. Rep. Moffitt’s rural district benefitted from his dedicated service, while he never lost sight of the big - picture state issues. The awards in his office demonstrate those he has assisted with meaningful legislation and advocacy. He fits the model of citizen legislator. During session, he always had time to meet with you in his Capitol office or the hallway. With more like him, the partisan divide and budget impasse would be solved. He is a humble gentleman through and through.

  57. - CUBS WIN! - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 7:37 am:

    Republican: David McSweeney. McSweeney is the smartest, strongest fiscal conservative in Springfield and has consistently fought wasteful spending and excessive taxation in government. An independent thinker, McSweeney isn’t afraid to reach across the aisle to get things done. He stays on message and represents his constituents well.

  58. - The Other Anonymous - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 8:57 am:

    Pat Verschoore proved that you can be pro union without being anti business. He is a true gentleman and will be sorely missed.

  59. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 9:03 am:

    House GOP: McSweeney. He’s the suburban Sam McCann of the House Republicans. A caucus of One. Stay strong my friend.

    House Dems: Andrade. C’mon. The guy went and got a real job to make ends meet. You know, like real people do in the real world.

  60. - Chester A. Arthur - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    The lack of depth on Rep. Martwick endorsements appear to be an awkward in-district campaign.

    Democrat: Kelly Cassidy. Cassidy has worked aggressively on a criminal justice reform agenda and been able to achieve bi-partisan support, in a year where not much legislation has moved.

    Republican: Jim Durkin. Durkin has whipped his caucus on countless issues and veto overrides. Almost every time credit is given to the Governor, but most of the work is happening behind the scenes by the minority leader. It has been a thankless, but an impressive effort.

  61. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 1:25 pm:

    ===The lack of depth on Rep. Martwick endorsements appear to be an awkward in-district campaign===

    Maybe. But the fact that just about nobody who backed him bothered to also nominate a Republican throws out a lot of his votes.

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