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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards

Friday, Dec 16, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Representative - Republican goes to Rep. Ed Sullivan

These are not normal times, and so I think the award should go to someone who exhibits the traits most likely to lead us out of this mess.

Sullivan is unquestionably conservative. But rather than clinging to orthodoxy like a barnacle, he uses it as an anchor to reach across the aisle, if only for friendship. And unlike the all-or-nothing approach of too many ideologues, Sullivan understands that there is victory in incremental approaches. This year he actually passed a modest improvement to workers comp law almost unnoticed.

Honorable mention goes to Reps. Dave McSweeney and Tom Demmer. Both received strong nominations.

* The 2016 Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Illinois State Representative - Democrat goes to Rep. Kelly Cassidy

Kelly Cassidy for never saying or doing anything that appears not to be in the best interests of her district or the state. And for being a good human being to all.

Honorable mention to Rep. Litesa Wallace, “for her principled stance on social justice issues, especially for persons with disabilities,” and to Rep. Rob Martwick, who appears to have a very strong and vocal following.

* On to today’s nominations…

* Best Illinois State Senator - Republican

* Best Illinois State Senator - Democrat

As always, make sure to explain your votes or they won’t count. And nominate in both categories, please. Thanks!


  1. - Anonymous - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    State Senator - R - has to be Sam McCann. He works his district hard. If you follow him on Facebook, seems like he’s one or two places everyday and four or more places every Saturday. Don’t know how he does it. And if you can catch him standing still, he’s always willing to listen to your concerns. I know he’s a politician but he’s a lot more candid than most of them; I’ve even heard him crack the line that he’ll probably be in trouble for saying this and hopefully it won’t be on Facebook in 15 minutes! He generally votes the district, and if he doesn’t, he isn’t afraid to say why he voted otherwise. Those of us who have him for our Senator could do a lot worse.

  2. - RNUG - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    Oops. That anonymous for Sam McCann was I.

  3. - Dome Gnome - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Best Senator — Republican
    Senator Wm. Sam McCann, for muscling through a tough primary election.

    Best Senator — Democrat
    Senator Terry Link, because he gave me some advocacy advice which has proved to be indispensable.

  4. - LNR - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Republican: Pam Altoff - Easily among Springfield’s most bipartisan figures and she never stops working. She has to be close to setting an all-time General Assembly record for most bills passed by a member of a minority party. I saw that she announced this next term will be her last. What a loss.

    Democrat: Bill Haine - Another workhorse who carries a ton of legislation. I always stop what I’m doing and listen when Haine has the floor. Not only does he provide a clinic on how to properly present a bill, he almost always has something interesting or funny to add. Look up the definition of “statesman” — that’s Bill Haine.

  5. - Braidwood Billy - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    GOP: Sen. Chapin Rose. Hardworking man for the district who puts his constituents first.

    Dem: Sen Kwame Raoul. Champion for criminal justice reform.

  6. - Barbie - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:19 pm:

    Best Senator- Democrat

    Senator Forby he has been the absolute best and has gotten along with everyone and served his district proudly! He deserves it more then anyone and will truly be missed

  7. - so... - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:20 pm:

    Republican - Dave Luechtefeld. Coach is retiring this year and I think he’s going to be sorely missed. He represents his district well, is extremely thoughtful on the issues, and is always nothing less than a gentleman. Springfield could use more people like him.

    Democrat - Tony Munoz. Great guy who’s respected on both sides of the aisle, and doesn’t go in for the partisan rancor.

  8. - Rich Miller - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:30 pm:

    Just a reminder that if you choose to nominate in only one category I’m gonna look at it sideways.

  9. - June - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:32 pm:

    Democrat Senator Forby has been a asset to the party and people of southern IL for years. he is highly respected by all and will be missed by everyone.

  10. - Thebest - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Best Senator- Democrat

    Senator Forby no question in mind he is the one that deserves this! He is one in a million and truly will be missed! Speak of someone who works for their district he goes above and beyond!

    Best Senator- Republican

    Senator McCann
    Has fought his way to win his seat and deserves it! He gets along with everyone on both sides of the chamber and does more then anyone could ask for, for his district

  11. - June - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    Democrat Senator Forby has been an asset to the party and people of southern IL for years. He is highly respected by all and will be missed by everyone.
    Republican Senator Luechtefeld served his district well.

  12. - Nanette manker - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:44 pm:

    Dem - senator Gary forby

    Republican - Sam mccann

  13. - RNUG - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:45 pm:

    == Just a reminder that if you choose to nominate in only one category I’m gonna look at it sideways. ==

    Hey Rich, I don’t know a D Senator well enough to judge their work. If you want me to make one, I’ll pick John Cullerton because he has to put up with being in the leader’s meetings with Rauner and still manages to be positive a deal can be done!

  14. - Denise Root - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 2:47 pm:

    Democrat senator Gary Forby he truly will be missed
    Republican Senator Sam McCann he served his district well

  15. - Tweed Jacket - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:04 pm:

    R- Sam McCann: He stood up to Rauner and survived.
    D- Andy Manar: He’s taken some hard votes and is bushing Ed funding reform like crazy, works harder than anyone and has a bright future ahead.

  16. - Barbie - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    Best Senator- Democrat

    Senator Forby he has been the absolute best and has gotten along with everyone and served his district proudly! He deserves it more then anyone and will truly be missed

    GOP- Senator McCann- Showed rauner a fight and stood up for his district!

  17. - Flyer - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:19 pm:

    Democrat - Cunningham - smart, professional, common sense approach to a variety of issues. Not high profile, but very efficient and well respected among his peers.

  18. - Chicago Cynic - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:32 pm:


    Year in year out, the guy trusted more than anyone for the complicated stuff in the Senate is Don Harmon. He gets the big picture but also gets the politics. Nobody better in the Senate.

    Honorable mention to Daniel Biss. Super smart and loves taking up big issues.

    GOP Senator - Karen McConnaughay.

  19. - Grandson of Man - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:41 pm:

    GOP: Sen. Sam McCann
    He had the guts and conviction to stand up for his union constituents and vote for the arbitration bills, unlike certain HGOP members who had the nerve to write a letter urging the governor to return to negotiations but wouldn’t vote for the bills.

    DEM: Pres. Cullerton
    For one quote I read the other day. He said pension reform on top of other cuts Rauner is forcing on state workers is too much, without an AFSCME contract that’s easier on workers.

  20. - Steve Schnorf - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:50 pm:

    Glad to have the chance to post on this. For Rs I think quite highly of Sen Leuchtefeld, Pam Althoff and several others, but my vote goes to Dale Righter and Chapin Rose. Both are bright, educated, and thoughtful. They have the capacity to understand complex issues and to think of them from different perspectives. They are conservative without being idealogues, able to have rational and productive dialogues with people who disagree with them. Both represented me at different times, and I would vote for either of them in an instant. These are trying times for each of them, faced with representing their constituents, their state and our party during this turbulent period.

    Anyone who knows me knows what I think on Sen Ds. There are some great people in that caucus, like Sens Raoul and Steans and Forby and Munoz. But my vote today tomorrow and always goes to Sen Donne Trotter. Very bright, very well educated, a gentleman, not a mean spirited bone in his body. He is a master of the processes of government and the Senate, but also of the subject matter of a huge range of programmatic areas. Whether you are a player, a powerhouse, or pawn you will receive a respectful hearing in his office. Donne is a problem solver not a show horse (except for his wardrobe of course). I have been involved in this stuff for 40 years now. Donne is one of the best ever.

  21. - anon - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 3:58 pm:

    Two people who represent their district with only their constituents in mind: John Sullivan and Sam McCann.

    Political party bickering isn’t a concern to them. They are in Springfield to govern and make the right decisions for the residents of their communities.

    McCann is everywhere. He takes the time to listen to his constituents’ concerns and introduces legislation to fix real people problems. The cards can be stacked against him and McCann will be walking around with a smile on his face because he knows he isn’t beholden to anyone except the people who vote for him to be in office in the first place.

    Sullivan is a true statesman. Every move he makes is with his district in mind. He understands you are sent to Springfield to be a public servant, not to be a tool in the pocket of any lobbyist. Sullivan takes the care and necessary consideration when he considers any move he makes to ensure it is in the best interests of the communities he represents.

    He takes the time to introduce common sense legislation to make the lives of Western Illinois residents better. You know when he gets up to fight for his district; he won’t leave the negotiating table without giving it everything he has.

    They sure don’t make many like him anymore; Sullivan’s presence will be greatly missed in the Senate (among both parties).

  22. - NorthsideNoMore - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:01 pm:

    Ed Sullivan is a great choice. He is fun, Intelligent honest and hardworking. Always willing go go the extra mile cross over the aisle and make something happen. As a floor leader for the HGOP he will certainly be missed.
    Forby would be my pick as well. He voted his conscience and represented his district. Pat McGuire is my back up pick. For the GOP Sam McCann how many lumps did that guy take and stayed true to himself and his constituents.

  23. - anon - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:01 pm:

    Two people who represent their district with only their constituents in mind: John Sullivan and Sam McCann.

    Political party bickering isn’t a concern to them. They are in Springfield to govern and make the right decisions for the residents of their communities.

    McCann is everywhere. He takes the time to listen to his constituents’ concerns and introduces legislation to fix real people problems. The cards can be stacked against him and McCann will be walking around with a smile on his face because he knows he isn’t beholden to anyone except the people who vote for him to be in office in the first place.

    Sullivan is a true statesman. Every move he makes is with his district in mind. He understands you are sent to Springfield to be a public servant, not to be a tool in the pocket of any lobbyist. Sullivan takes the care and necessary consideration when he considers any move he makes to ensure it is in the best interests of the communities he represents.

    He takes the time to introduce common sense legislation to make the lives of Western Illinois residents better. You know when he gets up to fight for his district; he won’t leave the negotiating table without giving it everything he has.

    They sure don’t make many like him anymore; Sullivan’s presence will be greatly missed in the Senate (among both parties).

  24. - Annonin' - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:02 pm:

    Best GOPIE Sam McCann proved you can the right thing and stand up to BigBrain.
    Always liked Forby, but prefer Terry Link an effective leader

  25. - Leatherneck - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:04 pm:

    GOP Sen.- McCann, no explanation needed. I have spent time with him in his district and the people love him.

    Dem- Sen. Sullivan- The “political freak.” There will not be a dem in that seat in the foreseeable future. In his 11 counties it is hard to find someone that was not helped in someway by him personally or one of his million brothers. He is the ultimate statesman who is able to work across party lines and get things done unlike anyone else. He will be missed especially during the turbulent hyper partisan times we now find ourselves in. I’m sure he is thrilled to get back to spending his time with his family on the farm and at the auction house.

  26. - Tough Guy - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:04 pm:

    GOP: Senator Sam McCann
    Bucked Rauner by hard work and voting for the best interests of his constituents. Wish more Republicans would vote for the interests of their district rather that those of the Governor.

    Dem: State Senator Andy Manar. If there is a harder worker in the Senate it would be difficult to find. Senator Manar covers nearly every single event in all the little towns in his district. He genuinely listens to the concerns of his constituents and votes accordingly. Nearly all school superintendants in his district have strongly endorsed his education funding plans. Senator Manar has even traveled to areas of the state that disagree with his education funding in hopes of finding more fairness and compromise.

  27. - Come on Man! - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:07 pm:

    R- Jason Barrickman. Sen Barrickman is a stand up guy. Has taken some socially responsible votes that are more inline with his generations view of the world and not the base. Hon. Mention goes to Sue Rezin for her vote on prevailing wage.

    D- Sen. Biss has some huge policy wins in the 99th General and was definitely and asset to his colleagues politically this cycle. Hon mention Senator Munoz for similar reasons just not as prominent as Biss on those.

  28. - Reformed Public Servant - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 4:11 pm:

    Best Illinois State Senator - Republican = Connelly

    Best Illinois State Senator - Democrat = Cullerton

    Same logic for both, willing to be bipartisan on good issues (even if they catch heat for it), but also defend their parties’ core positions.

  29. - JoeMaddon - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 5:07 pm:

    Democrat: Sen. Biss truly wants to get things done, and despite his active political activity he has also, relatively quietly, had a lot of legislative wins. He’s serious and thoughtful, and while partisan, his work is substantive. His desire to articulate an actual progressive, Democratic agenda is badly needed and hopefully will help push the party forward.

    Republican: Sen. McConnaughay - A truly thoughtful legislator, who has been able to straddle the line of Rauner loyalty and independent thinking. She is another one who really wants to accomplish wins for her district and the State, and is engaging in real conversations to try and help us get out of this mess.

  30. - 4 percent - Friday, Dec 16, 16 @ 6:20 pm:

    Karen McConnaughay - she may be the only Republican senator trusted by the Governor, her caucus, and the Democrats. She’s on key work groups (tax, education, etc) and was a key GOP early in the criminal sentencing bill signed yesterday.

    John Sullivan - class guy. Great personality. Low key who will be missed.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Dec 18, 16 @ 9:57 pm:

    GOP Senator - in a Caucus that has been unified and has been driven with their unity to bring balance into the scales of state government, it’s obvious to see when others step outside that unity to speak. To their credit, those individuals are trying to ensure opposing views are also heard when people look at the Caucus as a whole. The difficult role is one who can work within the ideal of unity and stand alone as an individual without alienating, but enhances a caucus with their knowledge, professionalism, integrity, and personal honesty of who they are and what they are all about.

    Dave “Coach” Luechtefeld has been an important member of the Caucus, working within it, and representing himself and his district with distinction and honor, and been someone that has been an ally to his Caucus while working tirelessly for his district in ways only “Coach” could. More members like “Coach” would serve the caucus well, being unique to his district but a solid voice for Republicans and Illinoisans alike.

    Coach will be missed. This is my sincere thank you to him and all he has done for the GOP, the Caucus, the Body, and Illinois. Thank you, Coach.

    Best Illinois State Senator - Republican, I nominate Dave Luechtefeld.

  32. - Oswego Willy - Sunday, Dec 18, 16 @ 10:10 pm:

    Denocratic Senator - When a Caucus is packed with leaders and each is doing their best to leave their mark, sometimes it’s those not really being in the forefront of publicity and limelight that seems to get everyone’s attention when they take the lead and speak on the issues at hand. When he speaks, you can feel the room pause and hang on each word, knowing that his words have the weight of experience, respect, and integrity of the duty charged to him are measured in his remarks.

    Sen Donne Trotter can speak to so many issues, and easily switch to process and governing with equal skill because of the institutional he brings to the discussion and to process of governing to explain the pitfalls and the advantages to subjects most important to the governing in Illinois. In times like these that Illinois finds herself, it’s those that have the institutional knowledge and the understanding of both process and policy that will be the ones in the end that will get Illinois back where she needs to be. I will be one who will look to Donne Trotter, to see, when the deals and agreements are made, to get his take so I can have a clearer understanding how the hindsight and the foresight wiil lead to getting us all beyond today.

    Best Illinois State Senator - Democrat - Sen Donne Trotter

  33. - Jerry2 - Monday, Dec 19, 16 @ 9:07 am:

    Hands down Senator Forby (Mr. Southern Illinois). He served the people of Southern Illinois for decades as a legislator and county board chairman. Always fought for his district and way of life. Stood up to his own party’s leadership on issues important to families back home. He is a one of a kind guy and will be greatly missed both in Springfield and by his constituents. My vote goes to Senator Forby.

  34. - Jerry2 - Monday, Dec 19, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    Senator Althoff has my vote as well. You won’t find a member more willing to work with both sides of the aisle. She’s the Skip Saviano of the Senate.

  35. - Central Guy - Monday, Dec 19, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    Republican - Senator Pam Althoff…… By far, the most knowledgable member of the caucus across the spectrum of issues. She uses this skill to balance governing and representing Republican ideals. Her vibrant personality engages all while negotiating the topic of the day. The Senator’s presence, communication with, and service to her constituents is exemplary. It will be a sad day when her term ends and she is no longer a member of the Senate.

    Democrat - Senator Daniel Biss….. His intellect, talent, and sensitivity validate his mention as a candidate for Governor in 2018. He is an advocate for human services through his leadership of that committee. A tireless representative for his district constituents, his statewide influence was evident during the recent election cycle. He has a bright, bright future that will benefit all of Illinois.

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