- First Gentleman - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:48 pm:
Lisa Madigan. She may be in a weaker position than had she run in 2014, but if she runs in 2018 it’ll give the Speaker a good reason to retire without admitting defeat. Removes that avenue of attack from Republicans on all Democrats, and she’s established her independence from the name for a long time.
Cheri Bustos. Laser focus on jobs. Works across the aisle. Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open. She has conviction. She understands that people are struggling. She cares. She empowers. And I’ve only met her once.
1) She represents areas outside of Chicago
2) she won her district in an area that voted for Trump
3)She is a high octane, reasonable individual can govern on all fronts
4) She could also ride a wave of first female governor in Illinois.
- GOP Truth Squad - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:59 pm:
Kwame Raoul. He’ll get the black vote. He’s intelligent, friendly, has a good demeanor.
also because the great Ameya Pawar will immediately drop out. or if he stays in, will receive 5% of the vote.
The person will have to be someone with a vision that can attract Illinois voters in every part of the state and someone that can give an increasingly skeptical electorate the confidence that they are not corrupt or part of politics as usual in Illinois. It will be a difficult chore to find such a person, and I currently do not know who that would be.
“Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open”
Umm…she did neither of those things. The Amtrak service was in the works before she was elected, and pretty sure the bailout was being driven by state actors. And I’m sure campaigning on a rate hike for everyone in the State to keep a power plant open in Cordova will play real well in a statewide campaign as one of her accomplishments.
But I guess to the actual question, I guess I’ll throw out Theo Epstein’s name. If only because as a White Sox fan, it may bring a little more parity for the other side of town.
It has to be somebody who has or can raise the kind of money ($50 million+) that Rauner has. But I really wish it was Barack Obama. (Has a President ever run to be a Governor after he left the White House?)
Solid record of pension squeezing. Doesnt take himself too seriously. Can raise money cause he’s married to the monopoly man’s daughter. And no scandals except when he ate PQ’s briefcase.
I wish Tom Dart would run. Not only do I think he would be a smart candidate for the Dems to nominate, but I think he’d be a good governor.
Dart has good political instincts and knows how to frame an issue with the media — which is important considering how badly he’d be outspent. Despite being around for a while, he’s developed a reputation as a unconvential reformer-type. He could conceivably run a Sanders or Trump type insurgent campaign.
He knows there’s a big state out there south of I-80 and west of Aurora, having run statewide before. He understands how Springfield works — won’t need on the job training. And anyone who was around in the late 90’s knows he also did his fair share of fighting with Madigan when he was a member — which will be a real political asset on the campaign trail.
He definitely knows downstate, seems to be a fiscal conservative which we need, and is skeptical about the current power brokers, which makes him an outsider.
Only question is if he can raise the needed money?
“Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open”
Umm…she did neither of those things. The Amtrak service was in the works before she was elected”
@Juice if you remember correctly one of Bobby Schilling’s first actions as a congressman representing the QC was to kill the train coming to the QC. So, yes she deserves credit for getting it back on track (pun slightly intended).
I like Cheri, I also think Mike Frerichs fits the downstate criteria. So does Andy Manar. All three need money and lots of it. Also, their name recognition means they need to start working hard now if they are making a run.
Could not disagree more based upon my experience with her.
She is ethical, attractive and earnest. But a real lightweight. And when you try to get a response from her on a specific issue all you get is a form letter run around.
The Democrats can do better.
- Reformed Public Servant - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:15 pm:
Obama. While about 17 Governors became POTUS, no POTUS has later become Governor - could be a first…
Diana Rauner. She’s proven she can raise money from people like J.B. Pritzker, she knows where Bruce Rauner’s skeletons lie, and she wouldn’t have to move if she wins.
“Run” or be the nominee? ‘Cause I’m pretty happy with everyone who’s running right now (and don’t kid yourself, just about everyone mentioned is running right now). Some of them I’d never vote for in a million years, but I’m happy they’re in the debate.
If it’s about who should actually be the nominee…is this a complete fantasy draft, with everything on the table? ‘Cause my unrealistic hopes are an Obama, Preckwinkle, and Dart. I think Preckwinkle and Dart could run some very compelling campaigns, but they don’t seem interested at all.
Of the options actually mentioned frequently, I’m torn between Bustos and Manar. I think Bustos cuts a good profile. Manar seems to know as much about IL government as anyone.
No on Cheri Bustos. A good friend of mine had to utilize her office for constituent services and they completely snubbed her. When the friend kept following up with her office, they basically gave her the run around and then stopped returning calls and emails.
If she can’t even handle constituent services properly, good luck when she has to actually do something difficult.
I thought Bustos, but can Democrats hold her seat if she wins? The seat in Congress means more to me that the gov, although given re-districting, I reserve the right to re-think that position between now and when it is time to start writing checks.
Regarding Kennedy and others, I’m not sold on the idea that we need a self-funder. That is a big deal with unknown candidates. Rauner is now well known. He money helps, but he’s already been defined and I’m not sure any amount of money will make a big difference.
This remains a blue state though, so a quality Dem can still defeat him. With that, I’m sort of reluctantly going with Tom Dart. I would prefer somebody from outside the county, but I’m not seeing much of a bench.
Dart will be tagged as “Madigan’s boy” but so will anybody else running.
He is a decent candidate running in a Dem leaning state so he will have an excellent chance of winning. I’m not enthused, but he will be a heck of a lot better than Rauner. For now, that’s good enough.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:30 pm:
I don’t know his or her name but they should be an everday person and also a billionaire.
==Maybe the question I have is who can clear the field enough==
Without Durbin, I don’t think that field clears. Office is just too powerful.
And that’s OK, Dems need to stop doing the stupid thing where they try to avoid serious primaries.
- Because I said so..... - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:39 pm:
I’m a fan of Dart but the guy hates to campaign. He’s been great once in office but it’s a big state that would take considerable time away from his young family. He doesn’t seem willing, at this point, to do that.
Since some names mentioned are pure fantasy, I’d like to see Durbin run. That would be a good fight.
Recently impressed with Frerich’s knowledge of what’s wrong and could be right with the state, business expertise, and energy. Might be early for him, though.
Gooner - you’re right, every Dem will be called “Madigan’s boy.”
But, just for the record concerning Dart, a little known fact: Madigan opposed Tom Dart’s endorsement by the Cook County Democratic Party when he was slated to replace Mike Sheehan as sheriff in 2006. It raised a lot of eyebrows in the Bismarck Hotel.
There’s a long, complicated history between Dart and Madigan. I hear they’ve smoked the peace pipe in recent years, but there’s some scar tissue.
I always got the sense when Dart for Treasurer that he did little to try and capture the flag. I could be wrong but that was the perception I got.
Raoul makes the most sense. He will be midterm and can keep his seat if he loses. Manar & Biss will both be up for reelection and would have to decide one or the other, and Frerichs would have to do the same.
Manar will also have a dog fight on his hands. If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.
I was always a little disappointed Dan Hynes lost to Pat Quinn. Likewise, I was disappointed that Brady beat Dillard, I hate to live in the past, pondering what could have been, but that was an election where the obvious two best candidates lost in the primary.
Erica Borggren: a great Veterans Affaires Director, cleaned up IDOT during the short time she was there. A West Point graduate, a Rhodes Scholar, a combat veteran. Brilliant, beautiful, a terrific communicator, is the kind of candidate who would be popular downstate, and in Chicago. A JFK style Democrat with style and substance. She could win, if she decided to run.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:56 pm:
If the person is not a billionaire (or close), they would need to come in with excellent downstate name recognition AND the ability to counter a year’s worth of very nasty ads. So, realistically: Tammy Duckworth, Lisa Madigan, Dick Durbin, Mike Frerichs, & Susana Mendoza (in that order) are decent choices.
I put Duckworth at the head of the line because she has the fewest negatives and they would be recent old news in 2018. Also, Duckworth doesn’t have to give up her office to run.
Lisa Madigan would be a great candidate, but I think the constant ads against her father have damaged the name.
Whatever ground Bustos might gain downstate would be more than offset by Rauner’s ability to define her in a very negative way in Chicago & the burbs.
When it comes to progressive billionaires, who knows? The big problem is that with non-existent track records, its hard to know how they will come across…
==If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.==
Manar won that race by 11%.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:00 pm:
Adding…I would have put Mendoza 3rd (or higher) on my list, but so much depends on what she does over the next six to eight months. She has a lot of potential, but August is not much time…
==If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.==
In addition, that 11% winning margin shows how talented he is at winning votes in conservative areas, not the other way around. Outstanding retail politician.
Andy Manar he can win the downstate battle with Rauner which BR has to have…Manar is polished enough that if the Dem Party gets behind ($$$$$$$) him he would have a good a chance as anyone else and he can walk the walk/talk the talk.
Juice, there are many hands lifting on the train to Moline, but to deny Rep. Bustos’ role in keeping the project going is re-writing history. Simply google “train Moline Bustos.”
Arsenal - yes but Andy still had to work hard and late polling in 2012 and 2014 showed both margins closer than they wound up. He also outspent Linda Little. What happens when $2 or $3 million is spent against him?
Christie Hefner. Money, friends, and name recognition. And although she was married to a state senator, I think she can play outsider and business person toe to toe with Bruce Rauner
Tom Dart or Chris Kennedy would be great. Both have independence, both smart, both in this business for the right reasons. But you have to want to self promote and campaign 24/7 - not sure either want that. Both have achieved a lot. So we end up with people who love to self promote and campaign (like Bustos, Manar, Biss).
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:37 pm:
Preckwinkle. Would add substance to any debate.
- State Sen. Clay Davis - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:39 pm:
Sen. Daniel Biss.
The problems in Illinois are big enough that we really do need the smartest guy around. He can rally the base, raise eight figures, and neutralize Rauner in the suburbs.
I think Rauner is the kind of candidate who would have difficulty running against a woman, so the idea of Bustos appeals to me. I also like the fact she has no connection to the mess in Springfield — that’s a must-have attribute for any Dem nominee. But I’ve never seen her in action so I’m not sure if she has the chops.
I’m still waiting to find out who the one candidate Oswego Willie has his eye on. He’s been teasing this blog for months.
Andy Manar and Tom Dart both came to U of I to speak. Dart would make an amazing candidate. However the buzz on him was running for mayor. He’s wicked smart, has real passion for good and is funny and charming. My ideal picks are Dart and Manar. I don’t think money is as important as a message. Being a billionaire (pritzker/kennedy) takes away a really big line of attack against Rauner. I think Frerichs, Manar, Dart are best chances to win, in that order.
Kwame. This idea that you react to political setbacks by trying to symbolically move to the other side’s base (nominate a Downstater, etc.), is superficially attractive but I think voters ultimately see through it, -if- the candidate’s not genuine. Nobody can say Kwame’s not genuine. He’d be a fine governor and voters would see it, and he’d get the Democrats we need out and voting. He’d just need to find the cash from somewhere.
… ‘cept for all that dismissin’ and undercuttin’ by Rauner when Edgar makes sense and refutes Rauner… that’ll probably make your drive-by look more foolish than the history of that already happenin’ with Edgar and Rauner…
So, how do ya reconcile all that? Put a think on it, get back to me.
If each person that took a democratic ballot in the 2016 primary gave $50 to the democrat candidate they would have over $100,000,000.00 to fight for Illinois middle class.
I almost wish Speaker Madigan would run. That would be the closest thing to a statewide referendum that we’d get as to whose “vision” the voters prefer. Then maybe we could move on.
Arsenal - conservative does not equal Republican. Dan Beiser and Brandon Phelps are “conservative”. Gary Forby and John Sullivan are “conservative”. Andy is not some liberal running in a conservative-leaning area. The area currently represented by Avery Bourne was represented for decades by Gary Hanning, and the other half of the district is almost non-competitive for the Republicans. Sorry but my point stands and I still think that a well-funded challenger in 2018 can take him out given the controversy over AVR & school reform and the potential for low turnout in 2018.
Team Sleep - Fair, but it’s also true he maintained a double digit margin of victory in an off presidential year in a southern senate district. He has the retail skills.
- Wow - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:45 pm:
Tom Dart.. carries Chicago/Cook really big, can compete downstate better than PQ..
- tobor - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:47 pm:
One with a 100 million dollars.
- First Gentleman - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:48 pm:
Lisa Madigan. She may be in a weaker position than had she run in 2014, but if she runs in 2018 it’ll give the Speaker a good reason to retire without admitting defeat. Removes that avenue of attack from Republicans on all Democrats, and she’s established her independence from the name for a long time.
- Springfieldish - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:50 pm:
I kind of agree with Dart, if for no other reasons than his monosyllabic name pairing and that, well, he’s handsome.
- MOON - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:50 pm:
Correction…Someone who will SPEND A 100 MILLION DOLLARS
- Responsa - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:51 pm:
Mike Madigan. He has high name recognition in this state.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:51 pm:
Lisa Madigan. Capable, and it would mean another certain nagging issue in this state has been resolved.
- Biker - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:52 pm:
Cheri Bustos. Laser focus on jobs. Works across the aisle. Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open. She has conviction. She understands that people are struggling. She cares. She empowers. And I’ve only met her once.
- Rabid - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:52 pm:
Diana Rauner, if she could just find the checkbook it would be a win win
- Dome Gnome - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:53 pm:
Barack Obama.
- Dome Gnome - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:54 pm:
(no explanation necessary)
- Highland Il - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:56 pm:
No Pat Quinn takers?
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:56 pm:
–No Pat Quinn takers?–
Where should we take him? *rimshot*
- Jc19pd2 - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:57 pm:
Representative Bustos:
1) She represents areas outside of Chicago
2) she won her district in an area that voted for Trump
3)She is a high octane, reasonable individual can govern on all fronts
4) She could also ride a wave of first female governor in Illinois.
- GOP Truth Squad - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:59 pm:
Kwame Raoul. He’ll get the black vote. He’s intelligent, friendly, has a good demeanor.
also because the great Ameya Pawar will immediately drop out. or if he stays in, will receive 5% of the vote.
- Mahna Anon - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 2:59 pm:
The person will have to be someone with a vision that can attract Illinois voters in every part of the state and someone that can give an increasingly skeptical electorate the confidence that they are not corrupt or part of politics as usual in Illinois. It will be a difficult chore to find such a person, and I currently do not know who that would be.
- Juice - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:01 pm:
“Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open”
Umm…she did neither of those things. The Amtrak service was in the works before she was elected, and pretty sure the bailout was being driven by state actors. And I’m sure campaigning on a rate hike for everyone in the State to keep a power plant open in Cordova will play real well in a statewide campaign as one of her accomplishments.
But I guess to the actual question, I guess I’ll throw out Theo Epstein’s name. If only because as a White Sox fan, it may bring a little more parity for the other side of town.
- Christopher - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:02 pm:
It has to be somebody who has or can raise the kind of money ($50 million+) that Rauner has. But I really wish it was Barack Obama. (Has a President ever run to be a Governor after he left the White House?)
- Southern - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:05 pm:
-she’s established her independence from the name for a long time.-
- Abe the Babe - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:05 pm:
Solid record of pension squeezing. Doesnt take himself too seriously. Can raise money cause he’s married to the monopoly man’s daughter. And no scandals except when he ate PQ’s briefcase.
Heavens to Betsy.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:05 pm:
Can Bustos raise an 8-figure sum of cash?
In a crowded Primary? With possibly one self-funder?
Where will Labor fall in a crowded Primary? Will Labpr want to waste resources against a Dem willing to self-fund? Isn’t that counter-productive?
Maybe the question I have is who can clear the field enough, and can win come November… and bring $80-90-100…120 million in the end?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:06 pm:
Jack Franks.
He beat the Republicans for McHenry County Board Chairman.
- TMT - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:07 pm:
I wish Tom Dart would run. Not only do I think he would be a smart candidate for the Dems to nominate, but I think he’d be a good governor.
Dart has good political instincts and knows how to frame an issue with the media — which is important considering how badly he’d be outspent. Despite being around for a while, he’s developed a reputation as a unconvential reformer-type. He could conceivably run a Sanders or Trump type insurgent campaign.
He knows there’s a big state out there south of I-80 and west of Aurora, having run statewide before. He understands how Springfield works — won’t need on the job training. And anyone who was around in the late 90’s knows he also did his fair share of fighting with Madigan when he was a member — which will be a real political asset on the campaign trail.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:09 pm:
Blue Dog Dem ?
He definitely knows downstate, seems to be a fiscal conservative which we need, and is skeptical about the current power brokers, which makes him an outsider.
Only question is if he can raise the needed money?
- MissingG - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:11 pm:
Daniel Biss
- UISer - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:12 pm:
“Got the train to Moline and kept the Nuclear plant open”
Umm…she did neither of those things. The Amtrak service was in the works before she was elected”
@Juice if you remember correctly one of Bobby Schilling’s first actions as a congressman representing the QC was to kill the train coming to the QC. So, yes she deserves credit for getting it back on track (pun slightly intended).
I like Cheri, I also think Mike Frerichs fits the downstate criteria. So does Andy Manar. All three need money and lots of it. Also, their name recognition means they need to start working hard now if they are making a run.
- Blue Bayou - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:12 pm:
He has the conviction.
- Federalist - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:13 pm:
Someone mentioned Cheri Bustos.
Could not disagree more based upon my experience with her.
She is ethical, attractive and earnest. But a real lightweight. And when you try to get a response from her on a specific issue all you get is a form letter run around.
The Democrats can do better.
- Reformed Public Servant - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:15 pm:
Obama. While about 17 Governors became POTUS, no POTUS has later become Governor - could be a first…
- blue dog dem - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:17 pm:
Jerry Costello II.
- Reformed Public Servant - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:17 pm:
With Dillard as LtGOV - repayment for “the commercial” that cost Dillard the office in 2010
- blue dog dem - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:18 pm:
He has the money and the ability to raise it. Somewhat conservative Dem. Gun rights advocate and hunter.
- Earnest - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:19 pm:
Jesse White. He has statewide name recognition and has done a good job with his Secretary of State responsibilities.
- Magic carpet ride - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:20 pm:
Hillary Clinton, she could win in this state.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:21 pm:
Diana Rauner. She’s proven she can raise money from people like J.B. Pritzker, she knows where Bruce Rauner’s skeletons lie, and she wouldn’t have to move if she wins.
- QCLib - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:23 pm:
Tom Dart or Lisa Madigan.
But I think neither of them will.
I don’t think I’d be opposed to Chris Kennedy or Robin Kelly.
Throwing it out there: Tammy Duckworth? She has great popularity right now and she would be able to choose her own replacement.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:25 pm:
If ANY-thing…
Diana Rauner owes the Democratic Nominee $60 million to offset her “funding” the destruction of her “party”
“I’m a Democrat”
- Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:26 pm:
“Run” or be the nominee? ‘Cause I’m pretty happy with everyone who’s running right now (and don’t kid yourself, just about everyone mentioned is running right now). Some of them I’d never vote for in a million years, but I’m happy they’re in the debate.
If it’s about who should actually be the nominee…is this a complete fantasy draft, with everything on the table? ‘Cause my unrealistic hopes are an Obama, Preckwinkle, and Dart. I think Preckwinkle and Dart could run some very compelling campaigns, but they don’t seem interested at all.
Of the options actually mentioned frequently, I’m torn between Bustos and Manar. I think Bustos cuts a good profile. Manar seems to know as much about IL government as anyone.
- QCLib - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:28 pm:
No on Cheri Bustos. A good friend of mine had to utilize her office for constituent services and they completely snubbed her. When the friend kept following up with her office, they basically gave her the run around and then stopped returning calls and emails.
If she can’t even handle constituent services properly, good luck when she has to actually do something difficult.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:28 pm:
==I like Cheri, I also think Mike Frerichs fits the downstate criteria. So does Andy Manar. All three need money and lots of it.==
Seems like a Congresswoman may have access to money the other two wouldn’t. You would think, at least.
Manar is a good fundraiser for a state senator, but there’s really no way of knowing if he could size that up.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
It’s OK to diss a candidate, but only if you put someone else’s name forward. Last and final warning. Thanks.
- Ducky LaMoore - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
Bustos for the reason that Federalist stated… she can spin just as good if not better than Republicans.
- Gooner - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:29 pm:
I thought Bustos, but can Democrats hold her seat if she wins? The seat in Congress means more to me that the gov, although given re-districting, I reserve the right to re-think that position between now and when it is time to start writing checks.
Regarding Kennedy and others, I’m not sold on the idea that we need a self-funder. That is a big deal with unknown candidates. Rauner is now well known. He money helps, but he’s already been defined and I’m not sure any amount of money will make a big difference.
This remains a blue state though, so a quality Dem can still defeat him. With that, I’m sort of reluctantly going with Tom Dart. I would prefer somebody from outside the county, but I’m not seeing much of a bench.
Dart will be tagged as “Madigan’s boy” but so will anybody else running.
He is a decent candidate running in a Dem leaning state so he will have an excellent chance of winning. I’m not enthused, but he will be a heck of a lot better than Rauner. For now, that’s good enough.
- Boone's is Back - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:30 pm:
I don’t know his or her name but they should be an everday person and also a billionaire.
- Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:31 pm:
==Maybe the question I have is who can clear the field enough==
Without Durbin, I don’t think that field clears. Office is just too powerful.
And that’s OK, Dems need to stop doing the stupid thing where they try to avoid serious primaries.
- Because I said so..... - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:39 pm:
I’m a fan of Dart but the guy hates to campaign. He’s been great once in office but it’s a big state that would take considerable time away from his young family. He doesn’t seem willing, at this point, to do that.
Since some names mentioned are pure fantasy, I’d like to see Durbin run. That would be a good fight.
- Juice - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:42 pm:
UISer, that was a vote on the House GOP budget plan that never actually became law, so the funding was never taken away to be restored.
(Since I already threw a name out, I assume I don’t have to come up with a second one.)
- walker - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
Recently impressed with Frerich’s knowledge of what’s wrong and could be right with the state, business expertise, and energy. Might be early for him, though.
- Jim - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:46 pm:
Gooner - you’re right, every Dem will be called “Madigan’s boy.”
But, just for the record concerning Dart, a little known fact: Madigan opposed Tom Dart’s endorsement by the Cook County Democratic Party when he was slated to replace Mike Sheehan as sheriff in 2006. It raised a lot of eyebrows in the Bismarck Hotel.
There’s a long, complicated history between Dart and Madigan. I hear they’ve smoked the peace pipe in recent years, but there’s some scar tissue.
- Stark - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:52 pm:
Ya Boy Andy Manar.
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:53 pm:
I always got the sense when Dart for Treasurer that he did little to try and capture the flag. I could be wrong but that was the perception I got.
Raoul makes the most sense. He will be midterm and can keep his seat if he loses. Manar & Biss will both be up for reelection and would have to decide one or the other, and Frerichs would have to do the same.
Manar will also have a dog fight on his hands. If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.
- Ahoy! - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:54 pm:
I was always a little disappointed Dan Hynes lost to Pat Quinn. Likewise, I was disappointed that Brady beat Dillard, I hate to live in the past, pondering what could have been, but that was an election where the obvious two best candidates lost in the primary.
- Horst Cabal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:55 pm:
Erica Borggren: a great Veterans Affaires Director, cleaned up IDOT during the short time she was there. A West Point graduate, a Rhodes Scholar, a combat veteran. Brilliant, beautiful, a terrific communicator, is the kind of candidate who would be popular downstate, and in Chicago. A JFK style Democrat with style and substance. She could win, if she decided to run.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:56 pm:
If the person is not a billionaire (or close), they would need to come in with excellent downstate name recognition AND the ability to counter a year’s worth of very nasty ads. So, realistically: Tammy Duckworth, Lisa Madigan, Dick Durbin, Mike Frerichs, & Susana Mendoza (in that order) are decent choices.
I put Duckworth at the head of the line because she has the fewest negatives and they would be recent old news in 2018. Also, Duckworth doesn’t have to give up her office to run.
Lisa Madigan would be a great candidate, but I think the constant ads against her father have damaged the name.
Whatever ground Bustos might gain downstate would be more than offset by Rauner’s ability to define her in a very negative way in Chicago & the burbs.
When it comes to progressive billionaires, who knows? The big problem is that with non-existent track records, its hard to know how they will come across…
- Arsenal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 3:59 pm:
==If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.==
Manar won that race by 11%.
- Pot calling kettle - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:00 pm:
Adding…I would have put Mendoza 3rd (or higher) on my list, but so much depends on what she does over the next six to eight months. She has a lot of potential, but August is not much time…
- MAMA - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:13 pm:
RNUG should run. He knows the laws. Capitol Fax could fund him. /s
- Stark - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:13 pm:
==If a candidate as lackluster as Linda Little gave him a run for his money BEFORE all of the Rauner cash then I would assume the Senate GOP will have a laser focus on the 48th Senate District.==
In addition, that 11% winning margin shows how talented he is at winning votes in conservative areas, not the other way around. Outstanding retail politician.
- MAMA - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:16 pm:
Anyone with a ton of money, and heart and understands how the legislative process works.
- the Cardinal - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:18 pm:
Andy Manar he can win the downstate battle with Rauner which BR has to have…Manar is polished enough that if the Dem Party gets behind ($$$$$$$) him he would have a good a chance as anyone else and he can walk the walk/talk the talk.
- Biker - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:22 pm:
Juice, there are many hands lifting on the train to Moline, but to deny Rep. Bustos’ role in keeping the project going is re-writing history. Simply google “train Moline Bustos.”
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:22 pm:
Arsenal - yes but Andy still had to work hard and late polling in 2012 and 2014 showed both margins closer than they wound up. He also outspent Linda Little. What happens when $2 or $3 million is spent against him?
- Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:23 pm:
Stark - he drew his own district. Half of the district is “conservative” but the east side of Springfield and the meat of Decatur are certainly not.
- LevivotedforJudy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:25 pm:
Tom Dart has the experience and message. But, he would need J.B. Pritzker to openly support him via his wallet.
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:34 pm:
Christie Hefner. Money, friends, and name recognition. And although she was married to a state senator, I think she can play outsider and business person toe to toe with Bruce Rauner
- Northern Lights - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:36 pm:
Tom Dart or Chris Kennedy would be great. Both have independence, both smart, both in this business for the right reasons. But you have to want to self promote and campaign 24/7 - not sure either want that. Both have achieved a lot. So we end up with people who love to self promote and campaign (like Bustos, Manar, Biss).
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:37 pm:
Preckwinkle. Would add substance to any debate.
- State Sen. Clay Davis - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 4:39 pm:
Sen. Daniel Biss.
The problems in Illinois are big enough that we really do need the smartest guy around. He can rally the base, raise eight figures, and neutralize Rauner in the suburbs.
- IrishPirate - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:10 pm:
Dart has his eyes on da mare’s office…I think.
Pritzker is filthy rich, but didn’t impress me when he ran for Congress. Hopefully he’s improved a bit since that long ago time.
America’s tallest treasurer?
If Lisa Madigan wants to be Governor she needs to wait till her dad retires. Don’t hold your breath.
I personally vote for the Bubbly Creek Hamlet–Bill Daley.
- MAMA - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:16 pm:
Oswego Willy should run. He is a good story teller and he knows his way around the statehouse. I’m sure Rich would fund him.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:20 pm:
Doesn’t anyone want Roland Burris?
- MAMA - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:20 pm:
What did we learn from the last election?
The public hates anyone with experience, they want someone who has been successful in life and they want good paying jobs.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:23 pm:
- MAMA -
While I appreciate the thought, I’m a Jim Edgar Republican, not a Raunerite, or a Democrat.
The Democrats will find their way.
- Norseman - may have an announcement pertaining to me and a candidacy for governor come September.
I said… too much.
- Hay-anonny-nonny - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:43 pm:
I think a better question is what can any Democrat who might run be able to get done with Madigan/Cullerton that Paul Quinn couldn’t for 6-years?
- Ben Marc*m - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:43 pm:
Three words: Scott Lee Cohen.
- Amalia - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 5:56 pm:
of those in the mix thus far, I’d say Cheri Bustos. Downstate. Downstate. Downstate. Female. Fresh face. the Hillary idea is a great dream!
- Roman - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 6:05 pm:
” the Bubbly Creek Hamlet–Bill Daley.”
Well played, Pirate.
I think Rauner is the kind of candidate who would have difficulty running against a woman, so the idea of Bustos appeals to me. I also like the fact she has no connection to the mess in Springfield — that’s a must-have attribute for any Dem nominee. But I’ve never seen her in action so I’m not sure if she has the chops.
I’m still waiting to find out who the one candidate Oswego Willie has his eye on. He’s been teasing this blog for months.
- RNUG - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 6:23 pm:
- MAMA -
Little tough to run as a D when I pull an R ballot in the primaries.
- UIUC - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 7:19 pm:
Andy Manar and Tom Dart both came to U of I to speak. Dart would make an amazing candidate. However the buzz on him was running for mayor. He’s wicked smart, has real passion for good and is funny and charming. My ideal picks are Dart and Manar. I don’t think money is as important as a message. Being a billionaire (pritzker/kennedy) takes away a really big line of attack against Rauner. I think Frerichs, Manar, Dart are best chances to win, in that order.
- Loop Lady - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 7:20 pm:
Anyone but Quinn or Bustos…cmon people this is the era of self funded plutocrats…
- Cheryl 44 - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 9:13 pm:
Barack or Michelle. Though I doubt she’d want that.
- ZC - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 9:32 pm:
Kwame. This idea that you react to political setbacks by trying to symbolically move to the other side’s base (nominate a Downstater, etc.), is superficially attractive but I think voters ultimately see through it, -if- the candidate’s not genuine. Nobody can say Kwame’s not genuine. He’d be a fine governor and voters would see it, and he’d get the Democrats we need out and voting. He’d just need to find the cash from somewhere.
- Just do it. - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 10:11 pm:
The nominee should have deep pockets, strong & positive name recognition, and the competitive drive to run a tenacious campaign.
Michael Jordan.
- Spin Control - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 11:42 pm:
I vote for OW. If anyone can utter the words ==I’m a Jim Edgar Republican== (who endorsed Rauner) and keep a straight face should be a Democrat.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 5, 17 @ 11:49 pm:
- Spin Control -
That all makes sense and all…
… ‘cept for all that dismissin’ and undercuttin’ by Rauner when Edgar makes sense and refutes Rauner… that’ll probably make your drive-by look more foolish than the history of that already happenin’ with Edgar and Rauner…
So, how do ya reconcile all that? Put a think on it, get back to me.
- blue dog dem - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 3:05 am:
OW, having trouble sleeping?
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 8:36 am:
Sleep is overrated.
Not really, actually I could use more sleep.
- illinoised - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 8:40 am:
Manar. Downstater, dedicated public servant, knowledgeable, but will he be able to raise enough cash to offset Rauner spending?
- Publius - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 8:54 am:
If each person that took a democratic ballot in the 2016 primary gave $50 to the democrat candidate they would have over $100,000,000.00 to fight for Illinois middle class.
- Arsenal - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 9:06 am:
==he drew his own district. Half of the district is “conservative” but the east side of Springfield and the meat of Decatur are certainly not.==
Now you’re arguing against yourself.
- Shawshank Red - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 9:32 am:
I almost wish Speaker Madigan would run. That would be the closest thing to a statewide referendum that we’d get as to whose “vision” the voters prefer. Then maybe we could move on.
But who am I kidding . . .
- Team Sleep - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 9:34 am:
Arsenal - conservative does not equal Republican. Dan Beiser and Brandon Phelps are “conservative”. Gary Forby and John Sullivan are “conservative”. Andy is not some liberal running in a conservative-leaning area. The area currently represented by Avery Bourne was represented for decades by Gary Hanning, and the other half of the district is almost non-competitive for the Republicans. Sorry but my point stands and I still think that a well-funded challenger in 2018 can take him out given the controversy over AVR & school reform and the potential for low turnout in 2018.
- Stark - Friday, Jan 6, 17 @ 12:42 pm:
Team Sleep - Fair, but it’s also true he maintained a double digit margin of victory in an off presidential year in a southern senate district. He has the retail skills.