* Back when Pat Quinn was governor and before he raised taxes, some folks were saying Quinn should follow California Gov. Jerry Brown’s example and allow state services to deteriorate so much that people would literally beg for a tax hike. Quinn wouldn’t do something like that. His heart just wasn’t in it.
But after over two years without a real budget and services crumbling everywhere, opinion at the newspaper editorial board level is starting to change. For instance, this is from the usually tax-averse Jacksonville Journal Courier…
Compromise seems to be a dirty word in Springfield. Not on the Senate side, though, where bipartisan efforts are being made to end the budget gridlock. A proposal being floated would increase personal income tax from 3.75 percent to 4.95 percent to generate $4.1 billion. Unlike the House Democrats’ call for a tax increase without strings attached, the Senate plan would blend in an acceptable dose of reform for such things as unaccountable spending, pensions and workers’ compensation.
Although we have been critical in the past of tax hikes without a purpose — or with a “pretend” purpose, such as the massive lame-duck hike of 2011 — it’s clear something has to be done if Illinois is to survive.
Pretend purpose? The state hadn’t made its pension payments out of GRF in years and had been borrowing billions to make the payments for two years while bills were piling up fast.
And if 2011’s tax increase was “massive,” this one is even bigger, raising the personal rate to 4.95 percent and adding on a sugary beverage tax and eliminating some business tax incentives.
But, hey, whatever gets you through the night.
* Rockford Register Star…
A Rockford casino is part of a package of bills that would provide a budget for the state of Illinois. A state income tax increase, minor pension reforms, school funding and workers’ compensation reforms, a phased-in minimum wage increase, a two-year property tax freeze and a bill that would make it easier for local governments to consolidate are in the mix. […]
We think there’s a market for a casino here that would increase the gaming business statewide.
If there were no market, why would the Isle Casino Hotel in Bettendorf, Iowa, organize two bus trips a month from locations in Rockford and South Beloit? And let’s not forget all the local folks who like to drive to Ho Chunk Gaming in Madison or the casino in the Wisconsin Dells.
They want that casino so bad they’ll take those tax hikes and like ‘em.
* From a January 10th Chicago Tribune editorial…
In the Senate this week, President John Cullerton and Republican leader Christine Radogno attempted a grand bargain toward a full-year budget. But there wasn’t enough time. They promised to pursue, in good faith, a comprehensive budget deal as soon as new lawmakers are seated. We will hold them to it.
So, after railing against the 2011 tax hike they’re gonna push hard for a 2017 tax hike? Will wonders never cease?
*** UPDATE *** The Belleville News-Democrat, no fan of tax hikes, also looked kindly on the Senate plan, as did, to a somewhat lesser extent, the Champaign News-Gazette.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:26 pm:
–If there were no market, why would the Isle Casino Hotel in Bettendorf, Iowa, organize two bus trips a month from locations in Rockford and South Beloit?–
Two bus trips a month for a two-hour ride to the river doesn’t exactly indicate Beatlemania.
I’m indifferent on the issue, but is that really the market research for a Rockford casino?
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:28 pm:
===but is that really the market research for a Rockford casino? ===
As long as they support the deal they can have two casinos for all I care.
- Han's Solo Cup - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:48 pm:
Don’t forget to add in the tax, er, rate hike on everyone’s utility bills the gov rammed through last month.
- Liberty - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:49 pm:
and where was the Jacksonville Courier all those years when the state was closing facilities over there???
- oldman - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:55 pm:
Wow, things are so bad even the right wingers know something has to be done. Three years late, but it’s a step in the right direction.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:57 pm:
==Democratic and Republican leaders of the Illinois Senate vow to act quickly on the budget so we may know soon whether this is the year a casino in Rockford goes from rhetoric to reality.==
The words “vow to act quickly” indicate that this will never happen.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 1:58 pm:
=== So, after railing against the 2011 tax hike they’re gonna push hard for a 2017 tax hike? ===
Back in 2011, under a Democratic administration, Illinois had “a spending problem, not a revenue problem.” In 2017 it’s the reverse. In 2011, taxes were bad for business. Now they’re not so bad after all.
- A guy - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:04 pm:
===Will wonders never cease?===
Rhetorical, right?
If not…no.
- Anon - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:27 pm:
What would Holden Caulfield think about these papers?
- Earnest - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:28 pm:
I’ll take signs of hope wherever I can find them, so nice to see the supportive (to whatever degree) editorials. Anything that reinforces the Senate’s behavior of working together and providing sorely-needed leadership is welcome.
- jim - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:31 pm:
Rich, as you know, the question of returning the state income tax to 5 percent or thereabouts has always been a part of the discussions. so your “will wonders never cease” claim is without merit. it’s what goes with the tax hike that is crucial, business reforms that change the directory of the state or a bunch of nothing that just fills out a page and doesn’t generate any positive change.
- Voice - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:38 pm:
It looks like the order went out to start supporting the deal and give the governor some cover. That makes me think Rauner is more prepared to make this deal work than any previous one. (Although more prepared than zero is not very reassuring.)
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:38 pm:
===It looks like the order went out===
Don’t be so clueless.
- SignsOfHope - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:40 pm:
Does anyone know if Madigan, and the Reps on both sides of the aisle, in agreement with the Senate’s plan (including a permanent tax increase)?
- Try-4-Truth - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 2:58 pm:
As a recovering Rockfordian, a casino will not do much for the area. It will bring in short-term $$$ to the state when gambling companies pay for the license, but that’s about all. Rockford already looks like Potterville. You can go into any gas station and put money into a poker machine.
RRStar is famous for this kind of thing. “If only we had a state university… If only we had more culture… If only we had a casino”.
- Mama - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 3:01 pm:
I do NOT understand why it has it taken the public 2 years to understand the state has a revenue problem, and we need to increase taxes.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 3:03 pm:
“Pretend purpose? The state hadn’t made its pension payments out of GRF in years and had been borrowing billions to make the payments for two years while bills were piling up fast.”
You can not blame the pension non-payments on the state workers.
- Texas Red - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 3:27 pm:
No to be cute, but these newspaper editorial boards really are not great at persuading public opinion; they certainly did not predict or stop Trump. And despite the financial mess of Illinois, our state ( according to Wallet Hub and Kiplingers) is either the worst or tenth worse state in terms of total tax burden - so good luck with that income tax hike.
- Truthteller - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 3:41 pm:
Didn’t Quinn raise taxes, sign massive pension cutting bills and reduce worker comp benefits ?Maybe these papers backed the wrong guy from their own (newly-adopted) point of view.
Why was it bad when Quinn did it but okay for Rauner?
- DuPage - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 4:07 pm:
@Try-4-Truth 2:58 === a casino will not do much for the area. It will bring in short-term $$$ to the state when gambling companies pay for the license, but that’s about all.===
Especially if the licenses are given out cheap. I read other states charge upwards of 10 times or more then what Illinois charges.
- BK Bro - Tuesday, Jan 17, 17 @ 4:31 pm:
@ Truthteller
Yep. Quinn did basically the same thing Rauner is about to do.
The pension clause of the IL constitution is running the state right now, not the Governor.