Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » AFSCME responds to JT: Stop using state email to “spread your falsehoods and fear-mongering”
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AFSCME responds to JT: Stop using state email to “spread your falsehoods and fear-mongering”

Thursday, Jan 19, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AFSCME Council 31

January 19, 2017

John Terranova
Deputy Director, Labor Relations
Illinois Dept. of Central Management Services
Room 501, Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706

Dear Mr. Terranova:

AFSCME and the State of Illinois have a long history of collective bargaining going back more than 40 years, spanning the terms of seven different governors. Although the parties have not infrequently had serious disagreements with one another, both parties have historically understood the need to conduct themselves with integrity. Employer representatives therefore have had a high degree of credibility with employees and with the Union. Unfortunately, that is no longer the case.

State employees have now learned that, as a general rule, when their employer makes a statement, it is more than likely false. Your most recent missive (1/13/17) is but another shameful example.

You told employees that the Labor Board “approved” the governor’s “reasonable proposals.” There is nothing in the Board’s decision that approved the proposals or found them reasonable. Your statement is blatantly false.

You claimed that in the new framework our union put forth employees would not really forego a wage increase for four years, while your boss called that painful decision “superficial.” The Union was very clear that the framework provided for no “base wage increase,” and that it provided for step increases in only the last two years for those 40% of employees who have not yet reached the full rate of pay for their classification. Surely you are familiar enough with the collective bargaining agreement to understand the distinction between “steps” and “base wages”.

You implied that there is something wrong with letting the judicial system determine whether or not Governor Rauner broke the law by unilaterally deciding to deny employees step increases after the expiration date of the contract. As you are fully aware, the union did not include steps for the first two years of the contract as part of the settlement framework. If the courts determine that the governor did not break the law, then the he has nothing to worry about. If the courts determine that he did break the law, then the courts will also decide on the remedy for that violation. Again, the framework does not propose that the state agree to pay steps in the first two years.

You belittle the offer to pay an additional 8.5% in health insurance premiums, plus increased out of pocket costs, while going four years with no base wage increase. That may seem “tiny” to someone like your boss who makes 188 million dollars in one year, but it is not “tiny” for the average state employee.

You make the outrageous and patently false claim that AFSCME refuses to compromise even though the Union has been telling you for a year now that we have new proposals that provide for further compromise on our part. It is the governor who has refused to allow you to meet with our bargaining committee to receive and discuss those new proposals, thus foreclosing any opportunities for further compromise.

You continue to falsely claim that other unions have agreed to offers similar to the one the governor is seeking to impose on AFSCME members even though the truth is that those unions have not agreed to forego wage increases for four years and also to pay significantly more for insurance.

You attempt to mislead employees by saying that the Administration will offer them health insurance plans with the same or lower premiums while failing to say that all of those plans could cost the average employee thousands of dollars more in out of pocket costs. And you do this even though you know that all of the plans the Administration wants to impose on employees would require the same shift in costs from the State onto the employees. Either way, the average employee would have to lose $10,000 over the term of the contract.

You try to frighten employees by suggesting that a strike could be illegal because the Tolling Agreement might still be in effect, even as you continue to assert in court that it is not in effect.

Fortunately, the union has top flight attorneys, so state employees do not have to rely on your distortions and scare tactics. If the Tolling Agreement is in effect, then the governor cannot impose his terms on employees. If it is not in effect, then employees have the right to strike. There is no valid legal argument that the governor can impose with impunity, while employees have no right to resist. If there is a strike, it will be a lawful one, and employees’ legal right to strike will be protected.

You go to great lengths to describe the cost of a strike that would last a month. I don’t know how you came up with a month, nor do I know how you arrived at the figure you presented, but we do not believe it is accurate. Moreover, there is still ample opportunity for the Administration to avoid a strike by returning to the bargaining table.

You suggest that if there is a strike, the state will somehow be able to maintain services by hiring strikebreakers. The idea that the Administration could readily replace 28,000 skilled, knowledgeable, and dedicated employees is demonstrative of this administration’s lack of respect for the work that state employees do.

Finally, I urge you to immediately cease and desist from using the state’s email system to spread your falsehoods and fear-mongering.

I will close by reiterating that our union is doing everything possible to avert a strike and reach a fair contract settlement. If the Rauner Administration has any genuine interest in those goals, you can return to the bargaining table and work constructively with us to find common ground.


Mike Newman
Deputy Director

* Related…

* AFSCME strike vote is an insult to middle-class Illinoisans


  1. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:16 pm:

    Fine then, Mr. Newman, but I would then ask AFSCME to stop posting their completely one-sided flyers all over state-owned buildings. And please stop wearing AFSCME t-shirts to work.

  2. - Annonin' - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:22 pm:

    Show of hands…how many votes for GrandBargain +4.3 with no contract

  3. - Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:25 pm:

    Some valid points in the letter, but who cares whether Terranova uses the state email. Would Newman prefer a tweet?

  4. - Newsclown - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:27 pm:

    Sleep, that’s a false equivalence and you know it. Rauner’s team loves to play that card, over and over, and the IPI hit piece is more of the same. Glad to see the union showing some spine in the well-crafted counter-argument.

  5. - Get a Job!! - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    He should’ve ended that letter with *mic drop*

  6. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:28 pm:

    Norseman - wrong. Their flyers are nothing short of propaganda and they advertise Rauner-bashing events and advocate Rauner-bashing on their flyers - many of which are prominently displayed on state property.

  7. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    Norseman - sorry. I read Newsclown’s post and thought it was you.

    Newsclown - my point still stands.

  8. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    It does seem like harassment. Can we sue and put the proceeds in a strike fund?

  9. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:32 pm:

    Good letter. My criticism is that it’s late. AFSCME needs to up its communication game.

  10. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:33 pm:

    Sleep, I was going to say … Apology accepted.

  11. - Hooahh - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:36 pm:

    Yet another steaming pile of horse puckey from the union. Just the wording gives it away. These people aren’t too bright.

  12. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    I read too fast and saw the N’s at the beginning and end. Not too many people on the site who post with a name that meets that narrow criteria. :)

  13. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    Who knows what to believe! I have talked to AFSCME workers and even though don’t know what is going on. AFSCME has done a terrible communicating.

  14. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:39 pm:

    IT is Rauner’s Tokyo Rose!

    “Hello you union pawns for AFSCME. How’s tricks? Paying your bills? Feeding your family? What would happen if you lost your paycheck, GI Joe? If AFSCME had their way, you’ll lose!”

    “The union thugs are lying to you, my little orphan friends. Tell them to stop fighting. You will lose your jobs, but they get pay increases. They’re laughing at you, my plump dumplings fat with taxpayer booty!”

    “I am your friend. I tell the truth. Our governor only wants the best for you.”

    “I promise!”

  15. - DuPage - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:41 pm:

    Terranova, Rauner. No integrity there.

  16. - Politix - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:45 pm:

    I really appreciate this letter. A lot of what’s stated here had crossed mind while reading Terranova’a useless emails. Of course, it’s taken AFSCME so long to respond to it, it doesn’t really matter anymore. He’s sent at least 4-5 such e-mails. The damage is done, AFSCME. This is another example of AFSCME showing up a day late and a dollar short. They could’ve responded to Terranova after each instance. They could’ve followed up with membership after each instance. They could’ve done a lot of things.

  17. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:47 pm:

    You needed to have posted my JT song parody a few weeks ago, based on “Merry Christmas, Darling”.

    It could have been something JT could have really sent across state emails.

    It was also hilarious and near perfect.

  18. - STILL WATERS - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:52 pm:

    Politix, I agree with you. It is a shame that AFSCME takes soooooo long to respond and half the time it is difficult to follow what they are trying to get across. They lose a lot of momentum and consistent informed thought.

  19. - Pyrman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    Using the State email system for political purposes is illegal according to ethic laws, the Governor has violated this law repeatedly.

  20. - VanillaMan - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:53 pm:

    Dear State Worker, my Darling


    AFSCME stewards have all met
    The lawsuits are going through
    But I still have one wish to make…
    A special one for you!

    Oh, State Worker - Darling
    I work for Rauner, that’s true
    But I am really, your bestest friend
    I’m not messing around with you!

    Right To Work is so joyful
    Governor Rauner’s for you!
    But AFSCME pay’s - no holiday
    They demand too much from you!

    We want you to have Tier 3!
    I’d wish you could see
    It’s better to have Merit Pay!
    Don’t pay your union dues
    It’s the right thing to do
    Together we’ll find a union-less way!

    We wish you were more ambitious
    And less suspicious too
    I’ve just one wish I’d like to propose
    Call me John, not Tokyo Rose

    This email’s from me
    So dump your union fee
    And believe what I say

    We’re really not very malicious
    We want the best for you!
    We’ve just one thing more to confide
    Disagree with us, but you can’t hide!
    Your email’s not unclassified!

    Merry Christmas!

    Oh State Workers - DAHLING!

  21. - Deft Wing - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    Quite the stinging rebuke; that does nothing to actually help AFSCME’s predicament.

    But Newman and many union members now feel a little better. For about 5 minutes.

  22. - wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    As a citizen, I would like Mr. Terranova to fill us in on how the Superstars plan to bring in all those private contractors with no money.

    Obviously, the Frat Boys learned early that you can abuse the goodwill of non-profit social service providers by willfully reneging on signed contracts because they’ll keep doing the job until they ruin themselves with debt and can do it no more.

    I don’t think you’ll find that knowing and willing sacrifice in the for-profit sector.

  23. - Newsclown - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:54 pm:

    I want a reporter to ask the governor, just what kind of Christian he is. What kind of Christian threatens 28 thousand families with car loans and mortgages and medical bills and kids to feed, (and taxes to pay) with losing their income for an indefinite period because it’s “high” relative to an un-related “standard”, or that it isn’t low enough to make every other citizen of the state pity those families and want to send donations to keep them off the streets. You don’t find that philosophy in the Book of Matthew. Seems patently sadistic to me.

    What kind of Christian promises more money in school and child care aid for your youngest kids, by taking it away from your oldest kids, through nearly 3/4 of a billion dollars in higher-ed cuts and a stoppage of MAP grant money? Or bemoans the lack of teachers, while working to prevent them from getting paid better than your barber?

    What kind of Christian refuses to initiate capital projects that will benefit everyone and stimulate the economy, because he thinks the guys pouring the concrete and laying the pipes should be working for the same rate as a burger-flipper?

    What kind? No kind I know of.

  24. - AC - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:55 pm:

    Excellent letter, and calling out specific points instead of more generically saying “the employer doesn’t respect us” is especially helpful. Yes, AFSCME could be more timely with their responses, but this is a good start.

    Every state employee with an email account needs to review their emails which are often work related. I don’t think anyone is required to look at the union board. No one is accusing the state of offering free advertising if someone leaves a take out menu in the break room either. The only way email and a union bulletin board are equivalent is if optional and required are the same thing.

  25. - El Conquistador - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:56 pm:

    Terranova, Rauner. No integrity there. - DuPage.


  26. - Wednesday morning - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    The governor’s intransigence on the union contract (and, well, any negotiation with those who disagree with him) is the reason the state is in crisis. Misleading and false information about the union contract is par for the course. And, Rich, you offer up the IPI editorial as “Related.” It is also misleading, with the claim that “Leadership at Illinois’ largest state-worker union wants a strike.” If the author of that piece is that naive he shouldn’t be writing editorials. If he wrote “… union wants a strike VOTE,” he’d be accurate. A strike vote offers some bargaining power for the union. But since the IPI is a shill for Rauner, I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised.

  27. - Chicago_Downstater - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 12:57 pm:

    That IPI hit piece is ridiculous. But it’s solid messaging unfortunately. Each line is basically a soundbite.

  28. - Tired of it all - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    For all of you who say Afscme does poor job community coating…are you part of Afscme? I never understand that comment..I am a steward and on showed in my area..Afscme has a web site where all this is posted. They have text alerts Everytime updates are provided. Everyone has a staff rep and union president. Every office should have meetings and a bulletin can you not have access to information. And for all those unsure who is telling the truth.a Afscme has a lot to lose here as well..why would you assume the governor has your best interest at heart

  29. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:06 pm:

    Sleep, I’ve never read something too quick and been caught by Rich or some other person saying something wrong. /s :)

  30. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:41 pm:

    Union should have a short press release to counter Rauner’s on 40h week, drug tests,bereavement leave

    -4 year wage freeze
    -double insurance cost
    -outsourced jobs

  31. - one percenter - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:45 pm:

    AFSCME thought they could come to the bargaining table; not offer any compromise; and run out the clock to a new administration. Rauner called their bluff. Then they lost before a board that most members were appointed by a Democrat. Then they made a lame offer thinking Rauner would throw away his victory. In the end Rauner looked out for the people of Illinois and AFSCME looked out for themselves.
    I’ve asked it before: If there is a strike will the AFSCME administration give up there pay and health insurance? They will not answer that.
    After the massive incompetence displayed by AFSCME during this entire process why would anyone remain a member? AFSCME looked out for AFSCME. Their members are on their own.

  32. - blue dog dem - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:48 pm:

    As John ‘Vinnie’ Terranova says to AFSCME….up your nose with a rubber hose.

  33. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:50 pm:

    Folks, do we really want to take away Rauner’s raison d’etre for getting into politics?

    Kidding aside, the union is offering to take cuts, but there has to be a limit. Workers have families, illnesses, bills and other demands. What happens when the rain turns into a downpour, when illnesses come, when medical bills pile up, when home/car repair bills swallow up income?

  34. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 1:53 pm:

    Yes, the response was not timely, but it was well thought out and much more civil than the response I would have given JT.

  35. - Nick Name - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:03 pm:

    @Team Sleep -

    “Their flyers are nothing short of propaganda and they advertise Rauner-bashing events and advocate Rauner-bashing on their flyers - many of which are prominently displayed on state property.”

    Space in state buildings for AFSCME to post notices and other literature is provided for in the collective bargaining agreement. Your complaint is a red herring.

  36. - Ill-will - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:04 pm:

    I am not a fan of this governor, nor AFSCME. I do know John Terranova. He is an accomplished Labor Relations professional. His job is to advise and counsel the Governor. His job is then to execute the the policy decisions made by the Governor. He may or may not agree with all, some or any of the proposals. Most likely some but not all. What he is doing is his job. If he quit out disagreements with the Governor he’d merely be replaced. And replaced by a law firm that would charge far far more than JT is making.

    So feel free to disagree with him, but attacking his integrity is uncalled for by commenters.

    No, I’m not a relative lol.

  37. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:06 pm:

    Come on Tesm Sleep. Why are you afraid of tshirts and fliers posted legally on our union board. Sure one of them said Rauner is Wrong but it’s not like the blatant falsehoods which legally qualify as “irreparable harm ” being sent to every state worker. Not to even mention IPI sending every member ” how to get out of the union “forms. That failed by the way. Only 2 in my local left. How much did IPI spend on that instead of helping those in need in our state. The could have funded meals on wheels for a month. But it was totally illegal that IPI was given our personal information. We were even surveyed with our personal information by a firm in FL. Remember that’? And you’re concerned about tshirts and fliers on our board. What’s next snowflake?

  38. - anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:08 pm:

    The union says it’s a legal strike. Is it an ULP or economic strike? There’s a big difference.

  39. - Hey Ill will - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:17 pm:

    Your friend is what the criminal world refers to as an accomplice. Just because he does what the governor says doesn’t make it right. He threatened union workers with replacements and that is against federal labor laws. Maybe your friend needs to refine his labor law rules.

  40. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:22 pm:

    Nick - their flyers go way past notices and literature. A good deal of their flyers and postings are blatant anti-Rauner propaganda and they are everywhere in state buildings. A flyer during the 2016 election cycle was pretty much a Tony DelGiornio ad against Rep. Jimenez. And it was not some random piece, either. I saw it all over the Stratton Building and I saw a version of it in the Howlett Building as well.

    Honeybear - if AFSCME wants Rauner to stop using state resources to “force his agenda” then they need to stop using state resources to force their agenda.

    I bring up the shirts because it is against House and Senate ethics to wear political shirts at the Capitol complex. Members of the GA are not exempt, either. I could be sanctioned/fined/suspended/fired for accidentally wearing a political shirt to the Capitol the morning of Governor’s Day at the Fair yet AFSCME and SEIU can wear their gear any time they want.

  41. - A Jack - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:29 pm:

    In all the previous years I have worked for the state, I don’t recall ever getting anything from labor relations like we have been getting from Terranova. We have had contentious labor negotiations in the past, but never anyone resorting to threats. If Terranova is a professional in labor relations, then that industry has really gone down hill.

  42. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    To state workers.

    You don’t have to keep receiving J. Terranova’s misleading union-busting psychological warfare emails.

    Right click on the last email from Terranova
    move your curser down to the word “Junk”
    then slide it over and click on “Block Sender”

    Encourage your co-workers to do the same.
    Problem solved.

  43. - facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:35 pm:

    Keep in mind, that AFSCME negotiates for retire health care as well. Retirees will receive the health care that AFSCME negotiates or has imposed upon them. Weems vs Kanerva may once again be revisited if the courts don’t force Gov. Rauner back to the table and his huge health care cuts are imposed.

  44. - Judgment Day - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    Where are AFSCME friends/political allies at?

    That’s a telling point. Do they even have any who will stand with them?

    They sure seem to be standing out there all by themselves. Maybe there’s a reason for that.

    It looks to me like ASFCME is trying to ‘wedge’ themselves into part of any ‘grand plan’ (like the Senate budget proposal), and they are not getting any takers.

    Hint: Maybe their history of being too divisive, greedy, and arrogant is catching up with them.

    Just sayin.

  45. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:41 pm:

    Team the shirts just have AFSCME on them. They aren’t political. We have many republicans in my local. We don’t kick them out. Rauner is the one who is polarizing.

    What’s up with you today Team Sleep? You’re salty today

  46. - Honeybear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    And what state resources are we using? When I make fliers for like the membership meeting tonight. I use scrap from home and my own copier.

  47. - Skeptic - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    anon @ 2:08, it’s clearly an ULP action.

  48. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:47 pm:

    “Terranova” means “new ground” in Latin. That’s what he’s breaking by bullying us at work.

  49. - Ill-wii - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:49 pm:

    –the industry has really gone downhill.-
    A Jack
    It may have., but:

    Two points,
    I don’t know this as a fact but I wouldn’t be surprised if JT is not discouraging/preventing the superstars from doing even more outrageous things.

    And as smarter commenters than I have said, this is not about collective bargaining but the end of AFSCME as Mike Newman knows it. If not it’s total collapse.

  50. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    ===and they are not getting any takers===

    They’re in there.

  51. - AC - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 2:52 pm:

    ==And what state resources are we using?==

    Imagine how much rent the state could get from the cork bulletin board on the wall next to the trash can in the break room. If they sold that space for advertising, the return might exceed that of the turnaround agenda. /S

  52. - Norseman - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:06 pm:

    Tired, if you have to be an AFSCME member to see the messages, your losing. This is a battle for the hearts and minds of the community. You’ve got labor folks voting against their own interests in Rauner and Trump. The government haters aren’t going to give you the benefit of a doubt.

  53. - Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:08 pm:

    “They sure seem to be standing out there all by themselves.”

    Twenty three union leaders pledge their support. That means potentially many thousands
    of union members.

    “I wouldn’t be surprised if JT is not discouraging/preventing the superstars from doing even more outrageous things”

    JT is just doing his IPI/Rauner job. I get that. Could he use better e-stationery though?

  54. - Union proud - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:26 pm:

    The state email system is taxpayer maintained. The bulletin boards on every floor of every worksite are a relatively inexpensive one time cost. And the contract strictly forbids political speech on the bulletin boards. And union shirts cost the employer (and taxpayer) nothing and also can not be political. So we’re basically comparing apples and hammers. I get that the employer has a “captive audience” with regards to its workforce but the state email system is being used to perpetrate what is basically a psy-ops campaign on the state workforce on the taxpayers dime. Not to mention the bills Laner Muchin is racking up.

  55. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:41 pm:

    Honeybear and UP - in my opinion (and no offense meant to you two) I believe any shirt from an organization that is heavily politically active is inherently political. AFSCME is a major play in federal, state, county and municipal politics. Honeybear - for the record I am not much of a salt fan. I prefer Frank’s Red Hot Sauce or crushed red pepper.

    Also - the state e-mail system is certainly not free but e-mail is a VERY cheap and efficient way to communicate. Senators and Reps have newsletters that routinely border on the political vs. non-political line.

  56. - Citizen A - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:44 pm:

    Newsclown—- I believe the Gov. is of the Hebrew faith.

  57. - Cubs in '16 - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:45 pm:

    ===They’re in there.===

    Rich, do you mean AFSCME is included in the ‘Grand Bargain’ or that they have political allies in the GA?

    To the post:

    Very good counter to Terranova’s most recent email. It addresses and refutes each misleading statement point by point. I believe this is absolutely necessary to allay the fears of many AFSCME members who sense this labor war may be coming to a head very soon and don’t know which way to turn or whom to believe.

  58. - AC - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:48 pm:

    ==I believe any shirt from an organization that is heavily politically active is inherently political==

    Like Walmart?

  59. - Team Sleep - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:50 pm:

    AC - yep, because people around the Capitol complex wear shirts with Wal-Mart’s logo on them. Come on.

  60. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:53 pm:

    Hard to believe JT could put out misinformation. My years with the state has taught me, the top is where it all starts. As a Union steward you fight these battles all the time. That’s why Unions are still needed.

  61. - RNUG - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 3:59 pm:

    == The union says it’s a legal strike. Is it an ULP or economic strike? ==

    Appears the union intends to claim ULP.

  62. - Union proud - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:00 pm:

    I’m more worried about my employer being political. Back during the last big pension fight with Quinn director Calica of DCFS put something in the agencies intranet asking all workers to contact their reps to support pension reforms or we could face layoffs.

    The fact is the employer has access to a communication infrastructure that the union only wishes it has. It is far more reaching and comprehensive than a bulletin board in the lunchroom or a green t-shirt.

  63. - Ill-will - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:03 pm:

    I doubt that JT even wrote the letter. But then I’m a cynic.

  64. - SmokeyBear - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:14 pm:

    I’ve been in afscme for 12 years and I have never met anyone from the union….wouldn’t even know who to talk to. I think my dog could negotiate better honestly. Afscme isn’t going to get their strike…I haven’t met 1 person that will vote for it. But I wouldn’t know where to go vote…or even what day it is….because no one from the union has bothered.

    The gov has put us in a bad place…but so has the union. This whole thing sucks.

  65. - Completely STRESSED - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:20 pm:

    Not all state employees make big money. What about the ones that are only making 30000 a year and have a family to feed and insurance to pay for their kids. I’m completely broke and living paycheck to paycheck. Struggling to make ends meet. You people that are on Rauners side completely make me sick by some of your coments. You have no idea what it’s like to go through this hell of not knowing if your going to be able to feed your kids because your insurance increased by 100%. Then if you go to one of Rauners plans you will pay huge out of pocket cost just to go see a doctor. You have not a clue do you. All state employees don’t make $100,000 a year. I know a lot of people way under that $50,000 mark. You seem to think we are all lazy and don’t do anything. You people are by far wrong. I have worked extremely hard to get were I am and then to have my life taken away from me because politicians years ago didn’t pay the bills is insaine. Rauner is cold hearted and doesn’t care about any of us. All he wants to do is line his pockets and hire outside of state companies that hire out of state workers or even out of the country workers like morneau sheppell from Canada and give them Illinois tax payer dollars. Everyone of you that thinks taking the food out of each one of my kids mouth is ok needs to sit back and actually think “what if it were happening to me”. This is complete nightmare for me and so many other state employees.

  66. - Anonymous - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:24 pm:

    The union can strike because of the ILRB impasse ruling.

  67. - Name Withheld - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:30 pm:

    “Honeybear and UP - in my opinion (and no offense meant to you two) I believe any shirt from an organization that is heavily politically active is inherently political.”

    Like the Illinois Association of Park Districts or the Catholic Church or the Baptists or FFA (like those FFA high schoolers that come to the capitol every year).

  68. - Tier1gal - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 4:48 pm:

    What do freaking shirts have to do with this post?

  69. - Anon - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 5:23 pm:

    My worry is that Rauner will follow through on his threat and fire anyone who strikes even if he knows he can’t legally do so. Then if the union doesn’t win the strike everyone who is fired will have to spend years in court to get their jobs back. They may get them but they’ll have to go years without pay.

  70. - ITEngineer - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 6:46 pm:

    As someone who has had to come in after hours to pulls emails of this type at the Federal level for investigation or congressional inquiry years ago. Mr. Terranova’s are very close in nature to those who got in trouble at the federal level. At a minimum, he is being extremely unprofessional passing along lies as fact to employees who are relying on him to pass along objective status updates on the contract.

    Also just for clarification these emails are being filtered through Agency All Employee distribution lists on behalf of Mr. Terranova. Instead you need to use a keyword filer on his name and that will work just fine.

  71. - John - Thursday, Jan 19, 17 @ 6:49 pm:

    My co-worker was counseled the day before John Terranova sent that email…

    Get this… reason he was counseled was for sending another co-worker an email discussing the union situation.

    What a joke

  72. - Mr Pnutt - Friday, Jan 20, 17 @ 3:46 am:

    If there is a strike expect a lot of line-crossing. Many state employees simply cannot afford to strike.

    That being said, from personal experience with ASCME, you can bet the leadership will be perfectly willing to sell the rank and file downthe river as long as they personally continue to be paid.

  73. - Anon - Friday, Jan 20, 17 @ 9:07 am:

    Then there’s the propaganda video JT put out where he said anyone who crosses the line can “probably” work at home, earn overtime, or get temp assignment pay. Any chance he’s telling the truth about that?

  74. - xxtofer - Friday, Jan 20, 17 @ 9:07 am:

    How can the IPI bemoan a strike vote, when that is the only legal action AFCSME can take? The unions and democrats offered legislation that would have prohibited strikes as well as the imposition of a final offer in favour of a required arbitration. The Governor chose not to accept that offer. One cannot simply dismiss that offer to de-arm, and then complain when one of the parties decides to use one of its last remaining pieces of ammunition.

    I recognize this is all partisan, but at some point, I’d like to hope for a little intellectual honesty.

  75. - Honeybear - Friday, Jan 20, 17 @ 9:19 am:

    Xxtofet. IPI and Rauner have always wanted a strike. They want to destroy AFSCME but will destroy the workforce as a whole. The state will come to a halt and not start again.

    Too few workers = no function

    Weaken the muscles of the heart

    See what happens

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