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Republicans rip House rules, Drury again votes against his party

Tuesday, Jan 24, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So far, the Illinois Republican Party has sent me no press releases whacking individual House Dems, but I assume those are coming. From the ILGOP

“By voting to enact Madigan’s Rules, House Democrats have relinquished all ability to act independently or put the people ahead of the political machine. Today House Democrats chose to put Mike Madigan first.” - Illinois Republican Party Spokesman Aaron DeGroot

Moments ago, House Democrats voted to relinquish all autonomy and independence to the Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives, Mike Madigan, by adopting Madigan’s own handcrafted rules that govern the Illinois House of Representatives.

Madigan’s Rules continue to give the Speaker an unprecedented amount of power over the legislative agenda of the Illinois House of Representatives, stifling the voice of all other 117 members, both Democrats and Republicans. These rules allow Speaker Madigan to determine what legislation lives and dies.

House Republicans, led by Leader Jim Durkin, proposed alternative rules that increase transparency and public participation in the legislative agenda and process of the House. The House Republican proposal was not given a public hearing. Highlights of the proposal were discussed in Capitol Fax.

Thanks so much for dragging me into this, ILGOP.

The roll call is here.

* Rep. Scott Drury, who voted against Madigan for Speaker, voted “No” on the rules today.

Rep. D’Amico is listed as a “No,” but he rose after the vote to say he accidentally hit the wrong switch. Reps. Mayfield and Soto have excused absences.

…Adding… I should also probably note that House Majority Leader Currie pointed out during today’s debate that all Senate Republicans voted for very similar rules in their own chamber just this month.

* From newly elected GOP Rep. Steven Reick…

Today in Springfield the House Democrats used their majority status to push through a set of egregious House Rules that stifle democracy and silence the voices of Republican lawmakers on important issues.
After a vigorous hour-long debate that was heated at times, rules that will govern the movement of legislation for the 100th General Assembly were approved in a 63-53 vote. All but two Democrats in attendance voted in favor of rules that increase House Speaker Mike Madigan’s power over the entire General Assembly.

State Representative Steve Reick (R-Woodstock), voted against the proposed rules. “I’ve heard stories about the heavy hand of Mike Madigan and how he manipulates the rules to increase his power, but today’s action showed a breathtaking example of overreach,” said Reick, a freshman lawmaker from McHenry County. “Good ideas that benefit real people will be buried because of Mike Madigan’s singular authority over what bills get heard and what pieces of legislation will die a slow death in his all-powerful Rules Committee.”

Reick continued, “Individual Democrat members have said publicly that the rules need to change, and today we had an opportunity to return representative democracy to the people by rejecting Speaker Madigan’s Rules. Unfortunately, at the end of the debate, much like they did with the House Speaker vote at Inauguration two weeks ago, House Democrats fell in line and did what they were told to do.”

Under the rules approved on Tuesday, Madigan will retain a 3/5 majority on his House Rules Committee. Consisting of his most loyal stalwarts, no bill will be assigned for a hearing before a substantive committee without a majority vote of the Rules Committee. “Speaker Madigan’s most loyal supporters serve as the gatekeepers of the Rules Committee and all legislation,” said Reick. “These loyalists determine which bills advance through the process and which ones never see the light of day.”

The element Reick said he found to be the most egregious is a stipulation that rulings of the Speaker related to the discharge of bills cannot be appealed or challenged. “Even if lawmakers follow the rules to the letter for the discharging of a bill, the Speaker can, and has on many occasions, ruled a motion to be ‘out of order’ and his ruling is final. This unrestricted power is a slap in the face of representative democracy and it undermines our ability as legislators to bring forward legislation that benefits our constituents.”


  1. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 3:58 pm:

    ===“I’ve heard stories about the heavy hand of Mike Madigan and how he manipulates the rules to increase his power, but today’s action showed a breathtaking example of overreach,” said Reick, a freshman lawmaker from McHenry County===

    … says the Freshman…

    He and Drury should be seat mates.

  2. - Wondering - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:01 pm:

    Not Madigan rules…Republican senate rules

  3. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:01 pm:

    How the Democrats let Drury sit in their Caucus meetings…

    I wouldn’t trust Drury with his own milk money… he’s sold out the other 66.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:06 pm:

    “Speaker Madigan and the Illinois Senate GOP Caucus he controls…”

  5. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:10 pm:

    @Wondering - Nice attempt at deflection. Madigan owns the rules.

  6. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:16 pm:

    - Chicagonk -

    … and yet they are begat from Pate Phillip and recently voted on favorably by the 100th Illinois State Senate Republicans too…

    So there’s those two things.

  7. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:19 pm:

    Willy, it’s kind of weird to see you defending this practice no matter who “begat” it.

    These rules aren’t helpful or anywhere in the zip code of fairness. We’re stuck with them, but they sure are worthy of any defense.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:23 pm:

    ===…it’s kind of weird to see you defending this practice no matter who “begat” it.

    These rules aren’t helpful or anywhere in the zip code of fairness. We’re stuck with them, but they sure are worthy of any defense.===


    From Rich…

    “…all Senate Republicans voted for very similar rules in their own chamber just this month.”

    - A Guy -

    Your beef isn’t with me, it’s with the Senate Republicans… and me.

    They were “Green” for em… lol

  9. - El Conquistador - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:46 pm:

    Mr. Drury has become tiresome…

  10. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:47 pm:

    Of course OW would defend the indefensible, anti democratic rules of Speaker Madigan as any true Republican would.

  11. - A guy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    Are they two different and distinct chambers? Are they two very different Leaders in those chambers?

    Last I looked, the Senate President and Minority Leader were hunkered down in cooperation trying everything they can to save this state from itself, the House and the Governor.

    They’re still a super minority and more concerned with some level of congeniality as exhibited by their respective leaders.

    “But the Senate agreed to the same lousy rules…” isn’t quite the defense I’d put up. In fact, I’d live with it because we have to, but wouldn’t defend it even if the tables were turned. It’s how we got here. Here…is ugly.

  12. - Collinsville Kevin - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    Can’t pass a budget but can fight over rules. What a bunch of clowns!

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:50 pm:

    ===…defend the indefensible, anti democratic rules of Speaker Madigan as any true Republican would===

    Make sure you ask the same of the SGOP…


  14. - Chicagonk - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    OW - More deflection. Madigan owns the rules.

    Plus, the Senate actually looks like a functioning deliberative body. And they put in a ten-year term limit for majority and minority leaders.

  15. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    Seen any bipartisan Madigan/ Durkin proposals exit the rules committee in the past decade Willy? If so get back to us before you make a comparison to the Illinois Senate

  16. - Henry Francis - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:56 pm:

    Makes me wonder what is up with Kenny Dunkin these days? Is he gonna be the first minority hire at GTCR? DCEO director? Or how about Intersect? They just lost half their staff, they got some room for him there.

  17. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:57 pm:

    I do find it comical that its ignored I applauded Leader Durkin and encouraged Leader Durkin in his submittal, and it’s lost that the Raunerites are all in a huff over the House, and “not so much” about the SGOP actually voting for “mirrored” rules.

    That’s the rub for me.

    It’s the continued hypocrisy of making sure the House is dysfunctional, and keeps possible solutions hidden by partisan boiler plate faux outraged, prepared before anything is done.

    It’s actually comical, for me, to read these.

  18. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 4:59 pm:

    ===Madigan owns the rules.===

    … created for Pate, mirrored and passed across the building.

  19. - Crispy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:00 pm:

    Sheesh. This is the same histrionic, misleading, gratuitously partisan baloney that regularly emanates from the swivel-eyed, right-wing GOPs in Congress. They must have a handbook. Next, they’ll start railing about how their “vital bodily fluids” are under attack by Madigan, or something. Just cut it out already.

  20. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:01 pm:

    Blah, blah, blah. Nothing to see. Move along. Whining occurred on cue.

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:02 pm:

    ===Seen any bipartisan Madigan/ Durkin proposals exit the rules committee in the past decade===

    How long as Durkin been Leader?

    BossMadigan.Com… “helpful”

    Get back to me on that, lol

  22. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:18 pm:

    The Democrats in the House just voted to make Madigan the “boss” of everything that happens in the House.

    They are fine with that and should have no problem with a web site pointing out their vote to make Speaker Madigan boss

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:21 pm:

    So, - Lucky Pierre -, you’re not about helping getting things done..

    Got it.

    Your victimhood is showing, and your partisanship reeks…

  24. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:26 pm:

    OW -a true “non partisan” without access to a mirror

  25. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:44 pm:

    - Lucky Pierre -

    Making it about me isn’t making an argument.

    Rail on the SGOP…

    To the Post,

    While Madigan does himself no favors by mirroring the Senate and borrowing from Pate, the Raunerite State Party isn’t going to see what the SGOP members “did” but continue to inflame House issue.

    That’s brutal.

  26. - DuPage Dave - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 5:51 pm:

    It’s 22 months until the next election and the Rauner team is running politcal commercials on The Score in Chicago (”some politicians in Springfield are trying to raise your taxes….”

    If the people are united against anything it would be a permanent campaign cluttering the airwaves forever and ever. Goodness gracious. The best thing about an election campaign is that sooner or later it’s over. These guys have so much money they don’t ever plan on stopping.

  27. - Not It - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:03 pm:

    Re Currie’s response: The excuse that some group of Republicans in a separate body, nearly 20 years ago, all of whom have retired, voted for Rules similar to these, is a pretty lame excuse.

  28. - A Modest Proposal - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:03 pm:

    Drury voted his district…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:07 pm:

    ===The excuse that some group of Republicans in a separate body, nearly 20 years ago===

    Or last month… either one.

    ===Drury voted his district…===

    Drury voted for himself, not for anyone or anything more than his own narcissism.

  30. - Kippax Blue - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:36 pm:

    As long as Mr Speaker is willing to take the arrows, I support his actions more than I’ll ever support the governor’s words. See you on the lake in May, Mr. Speaker.

  31. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:45 pm:

    –Seen any bipartisan Madigan/ Durkin proposals exit the rules committee in the past decade Willy? –

    Durkin hasn’t been leader for the past decade, but Madigan and Cross jointly set the agreed–revenue-projection for budget deliberations a number of times under Blago and Quinn.

    If I recall, they parted ways on gambling and capital spending, with Cross joining up with Blago and Emil Jones.

  32. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 6:51 pm:

    –These rules aren’t helpful or anywhere in the zip code of fairness. We’re stuck with them, but they sure are worthy of any defense.–

    You must really be down on that Hastert Rule the House GOP majority has been using since Hastert became the highest ranking Illinois Republican elected official since Grant.

    Think they might want to change the name at least, Hastert Rule?

  33. - justacitizen - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 8:09 pm:

    OW: … created for Pate, mirrored and passed across the building…

    Sounds like fake news. Or at least really old news.

  34. - peon - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 8:11 pm:

    I have always disliked these rules because they dilute my vote for my State representative. I have never understood why there isn’t a voter initiative to Article IV Section 8 to enact some form of discharge petition that forces bills through the full process if there is some critical threshold level of support (majority?).

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 8:16 pm:

    ===Sounds like fake news.===


    ===Or at least really old news.===


    Nice drive-by, you even got some new buzz words fresh fro the headlines, that’s fun.

  36. - Rabid - Tuesday, Jan 24, 17 @ 8:20 pm:

    You know what there ain’t a thing you can do about it so how does this craft the grand unveiling?

  37. - Rabid - Wednesday, Jan 25, 17 @ 4:39 am:

    Whenever you hear from a tattle tail you wonder what thy are hiding

  38. - Arock - Wednesday, Jan 25, 17 @ 9:29 am:

    If you can bring some actual facts to justify that it is the right way to run a State House as opposed to using excuses to justify a bad policy.

  39. - low level - Wednesday, Jan 25, 17 @ 11:17 am:

    The all powerful Rules Committee - just like the US House of Representatives. Where good ideas go to die all the time.

    Except that chamber is run by Paul Ryan and Petey Sessions its chairman. So no issues there.

    IL Republicans obviously didnt take a legislative proceedure class in undergrad, and/or the frat boys slept through class.

  40. - low level - Wednesday, Jan 25, 17 @ 11:20 am:

    Correct me if Im wrong, but wasnt Mr. Durkin a member of Daniels caucus in 1995 and voted to bring Pate’s rules to the House?

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