* Press release…
The Illinois Manufacturers’ Association applauds the leadership of Senate President John Cullerton, Republican Leader Christine Radogno and their caucuses for taking a thoughtful and comprehensive first step in an effort to finally end the budget stalemate and once again make Illinois an economic engine.
The IMA’s Board of Directors believe, and we have stated for the last two years, that any final solution must actually solve our state’s problems by eliminating the massive debt, reducing our crushing pension debt, restoring fiscal discipline, and creating a strong business climate that will attract private sector jobs and investment. The proposed legislation outlined by the leaders earlier this week begins to move in that direction.
Last year, the IMA unveiled five key tenets in our Middle Class Manufacturing Agenda that include (1) a balanced budget and pension reform, (2) economic development reform including meaningful changes to workers’ compensation, (3) tax reform to create a broad base with low rates reflecting a modern society, (4) property tax relief, and (5) strengthening our education and workforce development system to ensure a pipeline of qualified workers.
Many of our reforms are partially incorporated into this framework but there are more steps on this journey to reverse years of fiscal mismanagement and job stifling regulations. We now encourage Governor Rauner and the leadership of the General Assembly to seek input from all interested parties as they craft the final version of this sweeping legislation.
Today, the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association reaffirms our commitment to work with Governor Rauner and lawmakers to solve this historic challenge and move Illinois forward.
It ain’t over ’til it’s over and the IMA is obviously not following the Illinois Chamber’s complete opposition to every aspect of the package.
So, a tiny bit of good news for a change.
By the way, the press release was issued shortly after Senate President Cullerton told the chamber to expect to start voting on the package when they return in two weeks.
* And Sen. Brady continues to be a voice of moderation and hope…
Despite the delay, state Sen. Bill Brady, R-Bloomington, said that he, like Rauner, remains optimistic.
“What’s important here is that we do it right,” Brady said. “Now, we don’t have a lot of time, in my opinion, but we have enough time, I think, to continue to work on it.”
- Chicagonk - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 10:31 am:
Good on the IMA. The Illinois Chamber should reevaluate its mission statement if it thinks an Illinois without a budget and a government with its head in the sand is good for business.
- Almost over - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 11:00 am:
No vote again today. Here’s the problem: It ain’t 1997.
We no longer live in an era when both party leaders in the Senate can muscle up and put 15 votes on a structured roll call. Rauner has changed that. His money has changed that. Bruce Rauner is the Senate (and House) minority leader for all practical purposes. Cullerton wants to only negotiate with Ragdono, but she’s the wrong person. Ragdono can’t deliver her caucus anymore. Only the guy on the second floor can. It’s not her fault — she’s smart and capable. But no legislative leader no matter how strong can outweigh Bruce Rauner’s money on the political scale. The GOP senators are getting mixed message from their real leader right now, that’s why this deal is stalled.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 11:27 am:
It’s surreal to have a governor of Illinois pretend that it’s reasonable for him to sit on the sideline while others address a mess largely of his making.
He spent all that dough to present to the public: “I’m powerless?” It’s just weird.
- The Real Just Me - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 11:46 am:
In reference to workers comp reform, what does the IMA mean by seeking “input from all interested parties?” in the last two years, the House has passed 2 workers comp bills, the Senate has passed 1 bill, the House and Senate have held dozens of hours of hearings, including two Committees of the Whole, and there has been more discussion and information about workers comp then ever before. Enough input already. The Governor and the GA have more than enough information on which to base a decision. Because it was the Governor who insisted on workers comp reform before a budget, it is now time for the Governor to put his “best” offer on workers comp out there and see if it has the necessary votes to pass, whether part of the Grand Bargain or not. Close the deal.
- Winnin' - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 12:36 pm:
Rauner’s playing coy, just like he did with the Exelon bailout. He is letting the IPI do his bidding for him until he figures out where Madigan is going to be and which way the wind is blowing.
He doesn’t want to get his hands dirty.
He likes to be a knight in shining armor.
But this armor may not be able to be polished, so, IMA, you’re on your own.
- Budget Bill - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 12:39 pm:
“… a mess largely of his making.” Now I am not a fan of this Napa Valley newbie, but he is only a co-conspirator.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 1:02 pm:
I made my feelings on hope and the governor and the Senate yesterday and I applaud the IMA and Sen. Brady for recognizing what time it is and not shutting down any workings of compromise.
We need others to realize, everyone has wasted enough time. Let’s get this to “Soup” and save what’s left of Illinois.
- Mokenavince - Thursday, Jan 26, 17 @ 2:05 pm:
Rauner should get involved with the Senate to get the budget past. He should stop whining and get involved The grandstanding time is ovah.