Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Responses roll in on Trump travel ban EO
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Responses roll in on Trump travel ban EO

Monday, Jan 30, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the governor’s office…

Hi, Rich:

Governor Rauner has always said we need to balance our tradition as a nation welcoming of immigrants and refugees with legitimate national security concerns to keep Americans safe from terrorism.

The governor has been supportive of tightening the vetting process for Syrian refugees because of ISIS attempts to infiltrate refugee flows — but he’s opposed to immigration bans that target any specific religion.

Serious concerns about the [presidential] executive order have been raised. We urge swift resolution of these concerns through the courts to ensure we are a nation that is both secure and welcoming of immigrants and refugees.​


* That was a pretty measured response, so in comparison this is way over the top, but he is who he is…

* More on local GOP response

(A)s of Sunday evening, four of our six GOP members of Congress representing Illinois remained completely silent as to where they stood on Trump’s order. Republican U.S. Reps. Peter Roskam and Randy Hultgren did not respond to requests for comment from POLITICO, while others did not respond to requests from other media. […]

U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger, (R-Ill.), posted a response on Medium saying Trump’s executive order “has caused confusion among those asked to enforce it.”

“I urge the Administration to clarify the specifics on what should and should not be done to best protect our homeland, our people, and our communities,” Kinzinger wrote. “I support a comprehensive look at our vetting process, and I believe it’s something every new administration would be expected to do. However, reports of green card holders and those who assisted us in the war on terror being denied or delayed entry is deeply concerning. Such detention is unacceptable and must be remedied immediately.”

U.S. Rep. John Shimkus, (R-Ill.), embraced the temporary ban, saying it would allow “time to evaluate and improve the vetting process,” of refugees.

* AG Madigan…

Attorney General Lisa Madigan joined with 15 other attorneys general today to condemn the unconstitutional Executive Order on immigration. 
Madigan and the attorneys general issued the following statement:

    “As the chief legal officers for over 130 million Americans and foreign residents of our states, we condemn President Trump’s unconstitutional, unAmerican and unlawful Executive Order and will work together to ensure the federal government obeys the Constitution, respects our history as a nation of immigrants, and does not unlawfully target anyone because of their national origin or faith.
    Religious liberty has been, and always will be, a bedrock principle of our country and no president can change that truth.
    Yesterday, multiple federal courts ordered a stay of the Administration’s dangerous Executive Order. We applaud those decisions and will use all of the tools of our offices to fight this unconstitutional order and preserve our nation’s national security and core values.
    We are confident that the Executive Order will ultimately be struck down by the courts. In the meantime, we are committed to working to ensure that as few people as possible suffer from the chaotic situation that it has created.”

Joining Madigan in issuing the statement were attorneys general from: California, Connecticut, the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.

* U of I…

Dear students, faculty and staff,

The University of Illinois System is a leader in teaching, discovery and outreach in our state, the nation and the world. Our doors are open and welcoming to talented individuals from around the globe and we pledge to ensure that this openness continues into the future. It is at the heart of our commitment to global access and extraordinary impact and is reflected in our Nondiscrimination Statement.

We are greatly concerned about the negative consequences for members of our community and their families arising from President Trump’s recent Executive Order instituting changes in immigration policy.

We want to assure you that we are monitoring events closely and we are working with other universities, national organizations, legal counsel and government officials to support and protect all of our international faculty, visiting scholars and students.

Because of the entry restrictions cited in the new Executive Order, we strongly recommend that students and scholars who might be affected defer travel outside the U.S. until there is fuller assessment of the Executive Order and its implementation, including resolution of several newly mounted legal challenges.

We are working with colleagues at other universities and with national higher education advocacy organizations, such as the Association of Public & Land-Grant Universities, Association of American Universities and American Association of State Colleges and Universities to assess the effects of the immigration directives and to urge that the Executive Order be reconsidered as quickly as possible. We are also engaging with members of the Illinois congressional delegation to share specific concerns.

All three of our universities are communicating with affected members of our communities and are providing information and support. For specific resources, please contact:

    University of Illinois at Chicago: Office of International Services, (312) 996-3121 (
    University of Illinois at Springfield: Office of International Programs, (217) 206-8319, (
    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Supporting Our International Community, (217) 333-1303 ext. 1

We stress that our international community is a vital part of our excellence and reflects our steadfast commitment to diversity, inclusion, global engagement and impact in today’s society.


Tim Killeen

* Mayor Emanuel…

“One hundred years ago, the people of Chicago opened their hearts and their homes to my grandfather when he immigrated to this great city, fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe in search of freedom and opportunity. In that spirit, in the coming days my family and I will host DREAMers attending Chicago Public Schools and Chicago City Colleges for a meal, a conversation, and a recognition and celebration of all that unites us, rather than what divides us. I am asking every interested resident of the City of Chicago to join us by hosting a similar meal in your own homes and at restaurants in your own neighborhoods, or by sharing welcoming words through a phone call or email. At a moment of unease and vulnerability for so many, let’s come together as a city and put action behind our words and the values we hold dear as a welcoming city. Lets show the world that the City of Big Shoulders is also a city of big hearts.”

* Comptroller…

In response to President Trump’s Muslim ban, Illinois Comptroller Susana Mendoza issued the following statement:

“President Trump’s attack on Muslims is an attack on every American and it strikes at the heart of our dearest American values of democracy.

We saw clear and troubling warning signs from Trump the candidate, but this goes beyond hyperbolic fear-mongering. To use the Presidential authority granted to him by the American people to isolate, marginalize and discriminate against any group of people based on their nationality or religion, those are the actions of a tyrant.

I denounce President Trump’s despicable and decidedly un-American campaign against immigrants and refugees and I call on my fellow Illinoisans to rise up in a vocal and peaceful opposition until his executive action is revoked.

As an elected official, as the daughter of immigrant parents and as a patriotic American, I will not tolerate bigotry or xenophobia in any form, and most certainly not when it is made legal and institutionalized through the abuse of our democratic republic.”

* Sen. Duckworth…

“I wish the President had realized that governing in a fair and just manner is harder than rallying crowds with catchphrases before human lives were affected, as they were by today’s needless and dehumanizing detentions at O’Hare and airports around the country. Stopping legal permanent residents and babies simply because of where they’re from is not the American way and it doesn’t make us safer. This Muslim ban must end.”

* Sen. Durbin…

“History will judge where America’s leaders stood today, said Durbin. “Faced with the humanitarian crisis of our time, the United States cannot turn its back on children fleeing persecution, genocide, and terror. During the Holocaust we failed to fulfill to our duty to humanity. We cannot allow mindless fear to lead us into another regretful chapter in our history.”

* JB Pritzker…

* Related…

* ADDED: Koch network slams Trump immigrant ban: “We believe it is possible to keep Americans safe without excluding people who wish to come here to contribute and pursue a better life for their families,” Brian Hooks, a co-chairman of the Kochs’ seminar network, said in a statement. “The travel ban is the wrong approach and will likely be counterproductive,” Hooks added, saying it hinders a Koch goal of promoting a free and open society.

* Data: Refugees in Illinois: More than 40 percent from banned countries: More than 40 percent of the more than 30,000 refugees who have settled in various parts of Chicagoland since 2002 are from the seven countries specifically mentioned in Donald Trump’s latest executive order.

* Chicagoans decry travel restrictions as family, friends held at O’Hare

* As hundreds protest, attorneys seek info on how many are detained

* In tweets, President Trump denies immigration order caused airport chaos


  1. - Hit or Miss - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:26 am:

    “(A)s of Sunday evening, four of our six GOP members of Congress representing Illinois remained completely silent as to where they stood on Trump’s order.”

    Why is there so much silence?

  2. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:27 am:

    Rauner’s response is “measured”? His response is spineless and devoid of principle. I am with Pawar on this one.

  3. - Southern Dawg - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    I get the feeling that Republicans in Congress, from Illinois and elsewhere, will tolerate Trump’s antics as long as he signs the legislation they send to him, such as bills to end the ACA. Is there a point where the Congress-critter can no longer tolerate the madness and take a stand. Perhaps that will happen as we draw closer to the mid-terms.

  4. - Telly - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:28 am:

    Seeing that he was one of the first governors to ban Syrian refugees, Bruce is going to have some difficulties distancing himself from Trump on this.

  5. - Arsenal - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:31 am:

    ==Is there a point where the Congress-critter can no longer tolerate the madness and take a stand.==

    When Trump’s base is forced to choose between him and them. If they abandon him, he’s a POTUS with about a 20% approval rating, a long rap sheet, and no friends on the other end of Pennsylvania Avenue. If they turn on Congressional Republicans, hell with it, they’re all gonna be out of jobs anyway. But unless and until that happens, Congressional Republicans will stay in line.

  6. - Archiesmom - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    It’s real leadership to avoid taking any firm public stand on such an an important and immediate human and civil rights issue. I’m with Roland

  7. - Handle Bar Mustache - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    Wimpy, weasely response from Rauner.

    Rich, you’re giving him a pass. Remember Rauner’s phony outrage on Ebola? Then his block on Syrian refugees? More cowardice when states need courage.

    Also, Rodney - where’s Rodney?

  8. - Liberty - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:33 am:

    Ilinois republicans fail us again.

  9. - Splitf - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:34 am:
    Davis supports

  10. - Arock - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:36 am:

    Did all these people have the same reaction when President Obama banned people from Iraq in 2011 and Jimmy Carter when he banned citizens from Iran during his Presidency. The list of countries were put in place by Congress and President Obama.

  11. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:40 am:

    –That was a pretty measured response,–

    LOL, if by “measured” you mean crafted to say absolutely nothing.

    But there’s this ignorant whopper: “The governor has been supportive of tightening the vetting process for Syrian refugees because of ISIS attempts to infiltrate refugee flows..”

    What “flows” to the United States? Do you think they’re walking here, like Europe? Look at the map, Columbus.

    For Syrians, it’s two years in a refugee camp, vetting by UN, FBI, State, Homeland Security, CIA, then maybe you get on a list to get on a plane to the United States.

    And guess what the body count is for terrorist attacks by refugees in the United States: zero.

    There is plenty of cowardice among those who would turn away the most persecuted people on Earth out of some absolutely baseless fear. What else would you call it?

    If you don’t like “cowardice,” I guess “un-American” will have to do.

  12. - Henry Francis - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    Cut Bruce some slack. He’s probably had too much sun hangin in Palm Springs with the people that really matter.

    Once he gets back to Illinois he will put on his Carhartt, start droppin some g’s, and do a better job of pretending to care.

  13. - Daniel Plainview - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    - That was a pretty measured response -

    You’re just so enamored with Rauner’s ability to never provide a real answer. Is there any topic, as a supposed leader, that you think a governor should have to provide more than weasel words on?

  14. - seenthebigpicture - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:43 am:

    Lisa Madigan and the other 14 do not speak for me.

  15. - illini - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:52 am:

    Seems to me like ck is really becoming a master of the word jumble.

    Shimkus - is anyone at all surprised? Spineless.

    And, thank you, President Killeen for taking a principled and very practical approach to this important issue. The ramifications of this for my Alma Mater could be devastating if not clarified and addressed.

  16. - Amalia - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:54 am:

    “…serious concerns…..have been raised.” is putting it mildly. apart from the mean spirited part, it seems to have been designed to cause chaos. how about calling that out Gov? not the chaos of protestors. but the chaos for U.S. businesses working in those countries named. for businesses her that use immigrants from those countries. the safety of our military (see Yemen today). the travel of cultural and sports figures. (really, Mo Farah is a danger? Luol Deng?) blaming the lack of approval for the Sec. of State is a joke. how about involving career service employees at State, Trump? talk about that, Gov. Rauner! because this is a mess, caused by people who don’t know how to work in government.

  17. - OkComputer - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:56 am:

    ” tradition as a nation welcoming of immigrants and refugees” - Governor’s Office

    Really? It’s JUST a tradition? Just something that we have happened to do?

    Given the awkwardness of how that sentence reads, that was a very specific and intentional wording. And a VERY bad pander to a very bad constituency.

  18. - GraduatedCollegeStudent - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 10:57 am:

    ===Did all these people have the same reaction when President Obama banned people from Iraq in 2011 and Jimmy Carter when he banned citizens from Iran during his Presidency. The list of countries were put in place by Congress and President Obama. ===

    Obama: Put a 6 month hold on Iraqi refugees while we re-evaluated the screening process when it was discovered that Al Qaeda in Iraq operatives had “snuck through” the screening process and were in Kentucky.

    Carter: Blocked future visas from being issued to Iranians after they kind of took our embassy staff hostage.

    Totally the same thing as, you know, implementing a “Muslim Ban” that was written in a way that it might pass Constitutional scrutiny and also keeping permanent US residents, people with dual citizenship, and assorted other people who legally had the right to enter the country as recently as lunchtime on Friday out.

  19. - Tired Poor Huddled - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    This move by Trump is overreaching, unconstitutional, hate-filled and authoritarian. Including legal residents and dual citizenships in this ban is beyond the pale. Words and actions far beyond his “measured” response is required and anything less is support for the ban.

  20. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    Arock…It’s really best not rely on right wing blogs like the Gateway Pundit. For instance, Obama’s order did not stop all visitors from Iraq from traveling to the U.S. or halt refugee or visa applications, and unlike Trump’s order, it was tied to a specific threat. There are other differences as well. And yes, there was outcry from civil liberties groups. I’ll leave to you to research the rest of your “alternative facts.”

  21. - OkComputer - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    More clear:

    Governor: “Balance our tradition”

    AG: “bedrock principle of our country”

    U of I: “It is at the heart of our commitment to global access ”

    Comptroller: “our dearest American values of democracy”

    Sen. Duckworth: ” not the American way ”

    Sen. Durbin: ” fulfill to our duty to humanity”

    One of those things is not like the other…

  22. - Last Bull Moose - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:02 am:

    One reason for delay in responding is the need to sort out what is in the order from the information surrounding the order. The intent may be to ban Muslims, but that language is not in the order itself.

    The desire to examine the vetting process put in place by the previous administration is understandable.

    If the order had been limited to Libya and Somalia, the response would have been muted.

    Personally I think the Executive Order is a huge mistake. I once worked with a man who had interviewed defectors from Eastern Europe for the CIA, he had scary interviewing skills. No way liars got past him. I think the new people will be as good.

    I lived and worked in Saudi for two years. This is a face issue for Muslims and a great help to Isis. Not as bad as Abu Ghraib, but it is not good.

    At my sons Marine battalion memorial for their comrades killed during their deployment, one of the 20 names was Mohammed. He was their Afghan translator. The order did not include Afghanistan, but the families of those who served with us should be vetted but not blocked.

  23. - Wednesday morning - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:07 am:

    Arock would have you believe that what Trump is doing has precedent. It doesn’t. A quick Google of honest news websites shows that there is no similarity between Carter’s, Obama’s, and Trump’s actions.

  24. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:12 am:

    As time goes on and our Pogo Stick president “leads” without thinking ( “takes too much time”), Rauner will a some point actually have to take a stand against Trump (”I love chaos ’cause it keeps me as Ratings Winner”).

  25. - Bobby Catalpa - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:20 am:

    Why is Rauner getting — essentially — a pass on this?

    It’s an impotent response. It’s not measured, it’s impotent. Cowardly.

    It demonstrates an authentic lack of leadership and statesmanship on Rauner’s part.

    He’s still running for election, isn’t he? I mean, he’s worried anything he says is gonna cost him votes.

    That’s repugnant.

  26. - ZC - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:26 am:

    Yeah - put me, too, in the “unimpressed” category, in terms of Rauner’s response.

    “Serious concerns about the [presidential] executive order have been raised.”

    I’m sorry but this use of the passive voice is wish-wash. IF Trump’s EO goes south even among Republicans, then Rauner points to this and says, Ah, see, we were raising serious concerns. If Republicans stay united around Trump mainly, Rauner says, well, other people were raising concerns, but not me …

    It’s a failure of leadership from Rauner. Again.

  27. - Jocko - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:32 am:

    ==our tradition as a nation welcoming of immigrants==

    News flash, we’re not just welcoming of immigrants…we are a nation OF immigrants (apparently with differing levels of tolerance).

  28. - sal-says - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:36 am:

    Suggest a read: Read: Cardinal Blase Cupich, on Executive Order on Refugees and Migrants

    Also, This prez ALWAYS needs to find someone else to blame, just like our IL governor. Always take ZERO accountability. Project the failures onto others.

  29. - Factcheck - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:37 am:

    Obama never placed a hold or a ban on Iraqi immigrants. The administration added new screenings to the process in 2011. Which greatly slowed down the process. But there wasn’t a month that at least some admissions were approved, and after they worked a couple of kinks out, the processing time returned to normal.

    That is why it’s maddening for Trump to claim that bringing admissions to a halt is necessary to tweak the system. Obama proved otherwise.

  30. - sal-says - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:45 am:

    == …talk about that, Gov. Rauner! because this is a mess, caused by people who don’t know how to work in government. ==

    Probably because the gov is another who ‘don’t know how to work in government’ Suits him to a ‘T’!

  31. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:54 am:

    == ( “takes too much time”), Rauner will a some point actually have to take a stand against Trump (”I love chaos ’ ==

    Takes too much time should read ‘takes thinking; can’t’. M.O.=Fire, Ready, Aim. Think? Nah.

    Trump: I love chaos

    So does IL’s governor.

  32. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:55 am:

    As others have pointed out, this action is not comparable to Obama’s.

    But even if it were, you can’t spend 8 years criticizing every decision Obama made and then, when attacked for your own policy, say you based it off Obama’s. Why would you base it off of his when you claimed he never got anything right?

  33. - lawman - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:07 pm:

    Firstly, Rahm needs to worry more about his crime problem (murders) …
    Secondly, Do any of these protesters have a job they need to go to? They don’t look much like retirement age.

  34. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:29 pm:

    –Firstly, Rahm needs to worry more about his crime problem (murders) …
    Secondly, Do any of these protesters have a job they need to go to?–

    I take it you’re one of those who struggles with that walk/chew gum sort of thing?

    Your antipathy toward Americans exercising their 1st Amendment Rights in defense of strangers being harmed by the government is very revealing.

  35. - Snucka - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:30 pm:

    Rich is correct in stating that the Governor’s response was measured. Whether the Executive Order calls for a measured response is a separate question.

    Pawar is the one candidate who could use this issue to really attack Rauner and tie him to Trump. He is the son of immigrants, and would be the first governor who is not a white male. He’s a long shot, and needs to “catch fire” as they say… but this is the correct time and place to start lighting those matches.

  36. - Snucka - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:31 pm:

    Pawar is the one candidate who could use this issue to really attack Rauner and tie him to Trump. He is the son of immigrants, and would be the first governor who is not a white male. He’s a long shot, and needs to “catch fire” as they say… but this is the correct time and place to start lighting those matches.

  37. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:34 pm:

    I’m really encouraged by the widespread blowback and wish I had the time to participate in the O’Hare Airport protest yesterday.

    Another element to this is that countries in which Trump does or did business are not part of the ban. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are not in the ban. We know about Saudi Arabia, with the vast majority of 09/11 terrorists being Saudis, but Turkey has had major terrorism incidents lately.

  38. - Quiet Sage - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:37 pm:

    Concerning the three parentheses around Ameya Pawar’s name:

  39. - Anonymous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 12:38 pm:

    I was at ORD last night, and so were dozens and dozens of employed attorneys who felt some kind of obligation to be there. Your comments add nothing of substance to the discussion. I, for one, am proud that we live in a place were individuals with the necessary skills respond to pleas of help, and I am happy that they decided to put their own jobs on hold to assist the most vulnerable.

  40. - Cassandra - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:02 pm:

    However clumsy the execution, this ban is clearly another example of Trump theater, signaling to supporters that he is responding to their concerns.

    After the time frames stipulated, I would guess that things will pretty much go back to normal at INS. As normal as they can be in country where neither Republican nor Democratic administrations have been able to bring about comprehensive immigration reform-for decades. I guess many members of Congress are afraid of being primaried on the immigration issue. And make no mistake, recent protests notwithstanding, it is a controversial issue, and perhaps the most significant of this century. And we haven’t even started to see climate change migration yet.

  41. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    –Jihadist groups hail Trump’s travel ban as a victory –

    The deep-thinkers in the White House didn’t see the obvious coming, in so many ways?

  42. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:20 pm:

    Dear U of I. Weighing in on issues such as this is why I lobby so hard to get higher ed funding lowered. Keep up the good work, and urge your Distinguished Fellows Program to do a study on the impact the AAI for $200k/yr pensioneers has on the states economy.

    Forever yours,
    Old Blue

  43. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:23 pm:

    –Weighing in on issues such as this is why I lobby so hard to get higher ed funding lowered–

    What does your “hard-lobbying” consist of?

  44. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:35 pm:

    Word. few years back, used to be kinda big deal in terms of allumini donations. Couple other buds and I decided to STOP. Yea, no big deal. looks like they could use some cash now or don’t they?

    I’ve noticed lately how mean spirited you have been. This whole Rauner/Trump thing has really got you, hasn’t it? Kinda like us deplorables taking over the country. Just wait til the supremecourt nominee tomorrow. Your really going to have your panties in a bunch. Don’t feel bad, I was a die hard Dem for 60 years, but eventually you too will see the light.

  45. - Mongo - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:40 pm:

    Rauner is adept at teflon-like rejection of linkages to President Trump. Jeez, what a cluster the implementation of this order has been.

    And for you lawman, it is apparent your cup runneth over with your love for humankind.

  46. - Mongo - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:45 pm:

    The power of sport as a diplomatic tool. Did the big-brains in DC not think this through?

  47. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:47 pm:

    It’s pretty telling that the Commenters for Rauner crew (guy, LP, others) have declined to comment on this post. They must be sanguine with the response.

  48. - Oneman - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 1:56 pm:

    Wish it would have been stronger, but better than nothing.

    Drove me to join the ACLU this weekend (what happened, not Rauner’s response)

  49. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 2:05 pm:

    –I’ve noticed lately how mean spirited you have been. –

    Asking “what does your hard-lobbying consist of” strikes you as “mean-spirited?” Then check your own panties, Dr. Freud.

    I’m not the one looking to reduce higher education funding because my fee-fees get hurt when some university types express opinions that I disagree with.

    Any time you want to advance a rationale other than fear-mongering to Trump’s actions, step on up. It’s your right as as an American to do so.

  50. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 2:10 pm:

    == is why I lobby so hard to get higher ed funding lowered==

    You must be so proud. Way to stick it to them. That’ll show them.

  51. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 2:12 pm:

    I don’t particularly care what Rauner has to say about this. I don’t have a problem with his response. I wouldn’t wade anywhere near these waters. It’s not his fight to fight. He’s got other issues to worry about.

  52. - ArchPundit - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 2:38 pm:

    ==Drove me to join the ACLU

    Holy Cow!

  53. - ArchPundit - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 2:43 pm:

    ==Concerning the three parentheses around Ameya Pawar’s name:

    I have put them on my twitter handle too. It’s shocking the crap you get once you do it.

  54. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 3:49 pm:

    Dem. Just doing what I can in my own little way. Bet your one of those who voluntarily pays a couple extra bucks to pay down the states debt aren’t ya? Are better yet, are you one of those drawing a state pension and turn down your annual AAI?

  55. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 3:57 pm:

    ==Kinda like us deplorables ==

    I think that pretty well sums up my response. Enjoy the day.

  56. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 4:00 pm:

    Also blue dog I think the U of I has a responsibility to weigh in when it comes to the issue of their students and faculty and how they could be affected. I know Trump and his supporters aren’t big fans of rational thought but you should all try it sometime.

  57. - Formerpol - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 4:20 pm:

    How can the Trump order be fairly characterized as a ‘Muslim ban’? Those 7 terrorist-spawning countries represent only about 12% of the world’s Muslim population. 88% of the world’s Muslims are unaffected by the order.And we are a nation of legal immigrants.

  58. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 4:49 pm:

    –How can the Trump order be fairly characterized as a ‘Muslim ban’?–

    How’s about a ban on Muslim refugees — those seeking to escape from terrorists? Make you feel better?

    –Those 7 terrorist-spawning countries represent only about 12% of the world’s Muslim population.–

    And not one of them “spawned” any of the 9/11 terrorists; 15 from Saudi Arabia, two from UAE, one from Egypt, one from Lebanon. And not one of those terrorists was a refugee.

    Of course, Saudi and the UAE certainly have plenty of deep-pocketed potential condo-buyers or building “investors.”

  59. - Demoralized - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 4:52 pm:

    ==characterized as a ‘Muslim ban’==

    It wasn’t. It was characterized as targeting Muslims from those countries, which is really the point of the ban.

    ==And we are a nation of legal immigrants==

    What exactly is your point with that comment? The people that were being turned away this weekend were coming here LEGALLY. They had valid Visas and some had Green Cards (LEGAL permanent residents.)

    He totally messed up the implementation of this. Anyone who tries to justify the events of this weekend as far as the implementation goes are just being dishonest.

  60. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 7:32 pm:

    Should France be added to the list? Canada? A Canadian follower of the Front National has been charged with the terrorist massacre at the mosque in Quebec City.

    I mean, if we’re searching for logic and reason for this executive order, right?

  61. - wordslinger - Monday, Jan 30, 17 @ 11:30 pm:

    You can’t say Trump isn’t bringing people together. Both Jihadists and the Daily Stormer are all on board with his executive order.

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* McClain goes (further) under the bus
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* Sen. Dan McConchie announces resignation (Updated)
* Roundup: Defense begins closing arguments in Madigan corruption trial
* Back to the drawing board on Tier 2
* Isabel’s morning briefing
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