* This is just one more reason why so many people think so highly of Rep. Kelly Cassidy. She’s something most typical politicians are not: honest, frank and open…
With abortion access under siege by a president who once suggested women who seek abortions should be punished, several North Side state representatives want to make sure abortions remain safe and legal in Illinois.
One even decided to speak up about her own.
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) said medical issues meant that without an abortion, she would have become infertile as a result of a high-risk pregnancy.
“I didn’t want to have an abortion; I wanted to have those two babies,” Cassidy said during a committee hearing Wednesday. “But I wanted to survive, and I wanted to maintain my fertility.”
Cassidy, who represents Edgewater, Andersonville and Rogers Park, added that she never would have had her three sons later on had it not been for the affordable, safe access to an abortion.
Yeah, she has a liberal district, but that testimony took real guts.
Also, check out the witness slips on that bill. 8,290 in favor and 3,502 against. That may be a record.
* Tribune on the other bills being debated…
The legislation is part of a broader agenda announced Wednesday by House and Senate Democrats that represents resistance to Trump in the legislature their party controls. Democrats detailed their fears that he’ll push to weaken women’s rights, and they protested the president’s executive order banning immigrants and refugees from some Muslim-majority countries. […]
Other efforts announced Wednesday call for paid sick time, paid family medical leave and access to free feminine hygiene products for students in grades 6-12. The group emphasized that more legislation could come up during session as it discusses other issues and the impact of the state budget impasse on women.
Sen. Melinda Bush, D-Grayslake, said she is hoping to build on momentum from last year, when she successfully rolled back the sales tax on feminine hygiene products. Her new focus centers on legislation that seeks to prevent tailors, dry cleaners, hair salons and barbers from charging men and women different prices for the same services.
* Press release…
Building on the spirit, enthusiasm, and sense of solidarity of those who participated in Women’s Marches across Illinois on January 21st, a coalition of legislators gathered today at the State Capitol to embrace an agenda titled, Illinois Women Moving Forward. The agenda, created in a collaborative process with legislators and public policy groups committed to improve the lives of women in Illinois, is premised on the basic notion that all “Illinois women are entitled to equality.” The agenda contains a number of issues that the legislators hope to debate during the upcoming months of the legislative session, from access to affordable health care, equal pay, and policies that positively impact the ability to raise a family.
“The Women’s March was so inspiring, drawing together masses of people reflecting the true diversity of the entire State of Illinois,” said State Senator Toi Hutchinson. “One of the things that was easy to see was that the March was not simply a moment in time, but a call to action for a positive agenda to move forward. That is what Illinois Women Moving Forward provides – advancing the lives of everyone in Illinois, we won’t go backward.”
The agenda contains three basic pillars: Women’s Health Care, Economic Security, and Justice. The health care pillar includes a pledge to safeguard and ensure access to safe and legal abortion, as well as guaranteeing health coverage for women’s preventive health care. The economic security pillar calls for paid sick time, paid family medical leave for working families, and a raise in the minimum wage to a sustainable standard. Finally, under the justice pillar, the group is seeking to strengthen the Equal Pay Act to target systemic discrimination, banning discrimination in insurance coverage, and publicizing portions of the Illinois Human Rights Act that bar charging men and women different prices.
“Passage of this agenda would move not only women, but all of Illinois forward,” said Representative Sara Feigenholtz. “We do not want to go backward as a State – and this is a comprehensive path forward that will support women and families from Waukegan to Carbondale.”
The signatories to Illinois Women Moving Forward include: Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Senator Daniel Biss, Senator Melinda Bush, Senator Cristina Castro, Senator Toi Hutchinson, Senator Julie Morrison, Senator Heather Steans, Representative Kelly Cassidy, Representative Sara Feigenholtz, Representative Laura Fine, Representative Barbara Flynn Currie, Representative Robyn Gabel, Representative Will Guzzardi, Representative Sonya Harper, Representative Lou Lang, Representative Anna Moeller, Representative Litesa Wallace and Representative Ann Williams.
The agenda also is supported by organizations, including the ACLU of Illinois, Aids Foundation of Chicago, Chicago Foundation for Women, Chicago Women Take Action, EverThrive Illinois, Fathers, Families and Health Communities, Illinois Choice Action Team, Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence, Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Illinois NOW, McHenry County Citizens for Choice, Men4Choice, Metropolitan Chicago Breast Cancer Task Force, Midwest Access Coalition, Mujeres Latinas en Accion, National Association of Social Workers, Illinois, National Coalition of American Nuns, National Council of Jewish Women IL State Policy Advocacy Network, Planned Parenthood of Illinois, Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice – Illinois, Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law, The Voices and Faces Project and Women Employed.
More here.
- Sad - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:12 am:
Abortion is never “safe” for the child being aborted.
- Mad Brown - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:14 am:
Said “Sad” the medical expert.
- JS Mill - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:20 am:
Profiles in courage- Kelly Cassidy.
I don’t support abortion (although there may be exceptions), but it took real courage to speak on it personally. She is literally putting her personal welfare at risk due to the crazies out there.
For that, she has my respect.
- Mama - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:23 am:
State Rep. Kelly Cassidy, thank you for standing up for women’s health.
- Amalia - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:26 am:
Sad, you are ignoring the woman, Kelly Cassidy. The live breathing, brave woman who wanted to have a child and did what she had to do to take care of her body.
trying to have a child often has to include birth control, heavy duty meds to combat infertility and, yes, abortion. all in the quest to have a child.
but I fault the women’s movement generally for not stating that choice is about reproductive choices, a wide range of choices, including trying to have a child. this is important to further the goals of getting women the reproductive health care they need. Kelly Cassidy gets that and she provided powerful witness with her testimony. Thank you Kelly.
- AlfondoGonz - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:26 am:
It’s really quite simple; it’s an issue that effects women exponentially more than men, and women overwhelmingly support abortion rights. So, fellas, butt out. Also, no one cares about your religious beliefs as they pertain to their own lives.
Bravo Rep. Cassidy, as always.
- Jocko - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:34 am:
Female House and Senate Democrats also need to stress the difference between being “Pro-life” (which requires a tremendous financial and social commitment) and “Pro-birth” (which is negligible).
- Fairness and Fairness Only - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:37 am:
I admire Rep. Cassidy’s courage for speaking up. She is not alone in having to make a very hard choice for her own health.
Regarding the witness slips, I’ve recently started seeing Facebook posts from friends who don’t generally comment on state politics advising friends on how to complete the witness slips. Their comments were in regards to the House education bills but I’d assume the same ground support and message might be used for women’s health.
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:39 am:
I salute Rep. Cassidy for her courage. She will get a lot of blowback putting herself out there. But a face to the story means so much.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:43 am:
Thank you for your courage Kelly Cassidy.
- Arock - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:49 am:
First off scientific fact, Life begins at conception.
www.secularprolife.org, many atheist also in the pro-life movement.
Only six other countries(N. Korea, China) have as liberal of abortion rules as US, most ban abortion after 20 weeks except for medical reasons. More women have died from legal abortions than have been killed by the anti-abortionist which as of late their has been no violence(with the exception of the insane guy in Colorado that has never been involved in the Pro-Life movement, just insane.) Planned Parenthood fights showing ultrasounds for fear the woman will see the truth that it is indeed a human life. Abortion is also used for selection with more females being aborted. The line is close to 50/50 on the abortion issue with 33% of Democrats being Pro-Life. The more scientific knowledge that has been brought forward since 1973 shows more of the lies of abortion. Check out 3-D sonograms and she that it is indeed a human life. You do not empower women through abortion.
- Saluki - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:49 am:
I have found that everyone in support of abortion has already been born.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 11:58 am:
A majority of voters from both parties believe abortions should be regulated.
- Ron Burgundy - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:02 pm:
I’m not advocating for an overturn of Roe v Wade, but were it to happen, it would not matter much that state legislators want abortion to remain safe and legal in the face of a US Supreme Court ruling.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
=== it would not matter much that state legislators want abortion to remain safe and legal in the face of a US Supreme Court ruling===
The only way that would be the case is if Congress passed a law outlawing abortions. Otherwise, if Roe v. Wade is overturned, states could pass their own laws either way.
- Mad Brown - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:04 pm:
If abortions should be regulated, then all medical services should be regulated.
Abortion is a medical decision between patient and doctor. The mere fact that the amazing Kelly Cassidy has to divulge something from her personal, medical past is what’s wrong with everything right now.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:08 pm:
==I’m not advocating for an overturn of Roe v Wade, but were it to happen, it would not matter much that state legislators want abortion to remain safe and legal in the face of a US Supreme Court ruling.==
You clearly don’t understand what RvW actually did. Prior to 1972 ruling, it was a State issue. Reverting to that would once again mean it’s for each State to decide.
- Duh2 - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:08 pm:
So how are women not equal to men in 2017.
- Amalia - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:26 pm:
I continue to state Pro Choice and Anti Choice. the reality is that choice is not just about abortion. and this is true both on the pro choice and the anti choice side. You don’t want to provide access to birth control pills? you are anti choice. You don’t want people to use in vitro fertilization? (actually trying to create a child) You are anti choice.
I am fiercely pro choice. Have a child, adopt one, try to have a child with all your medical might, try not to have a child and thereby avoid abortion, have an abortion if you need one medically or other wise, or use plan B. Choices. Pro Choice
- Muscular - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:38 pm:
Her story is compelling. The bill she supports doesn’t simply ensure the right to an abortion. It requires taxpayers to pay for abortions.
- PJ - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:54 pm:
That’s an enormous pile of nonsense. There is no “scientific fact” that life begins at conception. The fact that you think so means that you apparently don’t understand the meaning of the word “fact”, or likely “science”. There’s not even a universal consensus on what constitutes being alive.
But feel free to distribute your inane propaganda, I guess.
- @MisterJayEm - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 12:56 pm:
On the one hand, I am proud we have legislators like Rep. Kelly Cassidy who have the courage and integrity to fight for the rights and wellbeing of women and families across the state.
But on the other hand, I’m distraught that it’s still necessary for them to have to do so in the 21st century.
– MrJM
- Six Degrees of Separation - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 1:19 pm:
===But on the other hand, I’m distraught that it’s still necessary for them to have to do so in the 21st century.===
Showing once again that the march of history does not inerrantly mark “progress”. Nor should we expect it to. As Rich has said more than once, “Don’t ever assume you’ve hit rock-bottom”.
- striketoo - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 1:41 pm:
First off, scientific fact. Look up single-celled animals and see if humans are on the list. Hint, they’re not. A single cell develops, in time, into a human which is why we logically impose greater burdens on late-term abortions than early ones.
- Blue dog dem - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
I bet Dem. Reps Phelps and Costello are loving this. Conservative districts. Now we get to be big girls and boys and argue over abortion. Ive said it before, but its worth repeating. Phelps ran against a toad. It wont happen again. Costello wasnt challenged, but will be contested heavily. I guess potentially losing two seats is worth it…
- Lech W - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 2:33 pm:
I have nothing bad to say about Rep Cassidy. The legislation however forces Illinois taxpayers to subsidize abortion, something that is banned at the Federal level (Hyde Amendment) and it goes against the deeply held beliefs of many Illinoisans. More importantly the language of this bill… “Removes language concerning the General Assembly’s declaration that the unborn child is a human being from the time of conception and is, therefore, a legal person for purposes of the unborn child’s right to life”…. flies in the face of science - viability keeps getting pushed earlier and earlier. The last group I want determining person-hood is the ILGA.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 3:22 pm:
“So how are women not equal to men in 2017.”
Because there are more men than women in Congress and the Legislature.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 3:44 pm:
To speak on any issue within the frame of your personal life experiences, that takes amazing courage.
Rep. Cassidy has had my respect. Her courage reinforces how right I was about her and the great respect I have.
- Duh2 - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 3:51 pm:
** Because there are more men than women in Congress and the Legislature **
Irrelevant. Everyone has access to petitions to get on the ballot. Equality is defined by equal opportunity, not equal outcomes.
- frisbee - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 4:41 pm:
Between this testimony and her speech for marriage equality on the floor, Rep. Cassidy is one of the best lawmakers that IL has seen in some time.
- a mom - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 6:24 pm:
I respect Cassidy, admire her for the way she dealt with her personal saga but it was just that- a personal saga. It indeed was a moving testimony but actually inappropriate in my humble opinion. The bill is about abortion in general. Her case was a rare and unique situation that has nothing to do with the majority of abortions. To manipulate framing the issue with a personal experience that does not accurately capture the spirit or point of the bill is simply and wholly wrong, regardless of where you stand on the issue.
- NothsideNomore - Thursday, Feb 9, 17 @ 8:19 pm:
Good for Kelly she gets Legislator of the month award for her straight talk. Not opposed to abortion but it does not change my mind on that I dont want the money the government takes from me to pay for others lifestyle choices.