When asked if he supported term limits, Kennedy said, “I think that it’s really important that people have faith in their government, and they don’t have that now. They want term limits wildly in order to restore that faith; and if that’s the price of getting people to believe in government, then I would embrace term limits.”
With that answer we asked him about the longest serving House Speaker in the country: Michael Madigan. We asked Kennedy if after more than 28 years as House Speaker was it time for a change in leadership?
“Every year he’s up. Let’s say every session he needs to earn the support of his members,” said Kennedy. “I think that’s between him and his members. I think the issues in this state are firmly on the governor’s shoulders. I don’t think the speaker or the legislature is the root of all evil. I think the governor’s refusal to negotiate a budget is.”
*** UPDATE *** No need to edit this mess. From the WREX interview as posted by the ILGOP…
We’ve covered politics a long time, and all’s fair in … well, mostly war. But interestingly — and disappointingly — Kennedy pretty much took a pass on critiquing the performance of House Speaker Michael Madigan, though specifically asked.
Indeed, it’s not the Republican right but the Democratic left controlling the Legislature that has overseen the loss of people, jobs and investment and the erosion of services for the most vulnerable in Illinois. Democrats are responsible for drawing the maps and the gerrymanding that has guaranteed most races in Illinois now go uncontested. It’s Madigan himself who steadfastly has blocked redistricting reform. Arguably it takes an especially willful brand of denial to overlook Madigan’s contribution not just the last two but the last 30 years to putting Illinois at the bottom of the nation’s barrel.
If we may offer some unsolicited advice to Kennedy, to J.B. Pritzker who is reported to be mulling a bid, to any other Democrat who aspires to be governor: You’d be hard-pressed to find a politician more unpopular than Madigan in these parts, and in Illinois that’s saying something. There’s a reason the vast majority of counties in Illinois outside Cook have gone red in a lot of these statewide and national races.
We get the reluctance of Democratic gubernatorial hopefuls to cross the chairman of the Illinois Democratic Party, among the conflicts the Speaker has. We’d just say that real leadership requires courage, which includes standing up to someone who’s been around too long and has gained too much power, to this state’s ongoing detriment.
* OK, now on to Bob Daiber, who announced his campaign in Edwardsville yesterday. I happened to be in town anyway, so I went to the event and asked a few questions…
MILLER: Do you think that the speaker should be negotiating non-budget items as part of a package?
DAIBER: Well, I don’t, I don’t, I think that’s the big hangup right now with the governor. I think most of the governor’s items that he has on the table he says he won’t pass a budget ’til he has these other reforms. So, um, I think the issue at stake in drafting a budget has to be budgetary items, not items that are not directly related to the line items.
MILLER: But they are doing that in the Senate. Do you support that?
DAIBER: Yes, I do.
MILLER: Do you support the plan?
DAIBER: Well, there are certain parts of what the Senate, I don’t agree with 100 percent of it, OK? But I agree with their compromise and the collaboration because they’re trying to move the state forward. So, I’m not gonna oppose any effort to get a budget because we need one so bad.
If another Kennedy is the answer, then we’re asking the wrong question.
We’re not England, let them deal with the family dynasties.
- Echo The Bunnyman - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 9:45 am:
I am hoping there is still a place in Illinois politics for ideas. Daiber deserves to be heard and based by ideas and principals. I may not agree with him politically, but I like what I hear. Inclusiveness. I also like the idea to step up mentoring. It’s time we start attacking the family structure deficiencies head on. The good part, I hope, if he is not successful, his opponents listen to some good solutions. Good luck to the little guy!
—Indeed, it’s not the Republican right but the Democratic left controlling the Legislature that has overseen the loss of people, jobs and investment….–
Blah, blah, blah, because state government, as we know, controls the “economy.” Just like in the old Soviet Union.
By that logic, makes you wish for the return of Blago, when the economy was booming. He and Madigan and Jones did a fantastic job “creating jobs” back then, right?
Perhaps the PJS could explain state government’s role in CAT currently suffering it’s longest downturn in 90 years. Or moving its HQ to Chicago.
Or the slow death of newspapers.
Maybe they could also explain the economic benefits we’ve enjoyed the last two years of eviscerating higher ed and gutting social services, with no capital plan in sight.
You know, things the state can actually control to lay the foundation for economic growth, rather than the snake oil the governor is peddling.
We vote for elected officials. the elected officials vite for their leadership.
Term limits is a fancy way of saying voters are too dumb.
Also again why do we think inexperience is angood idea? Until the proponents of term limits walk in to a dr’s office and demand they only get care from the most inexperienced dr that can be found, then they are not truly for term limits.
after all why would we demand experience in those we delanwith but not our government? simce when does it seem like a good idea to demand govt be run by the least experienced people possible? jow aboit we get rid of elected people and just use an 8 ball….. 8 ball should we pass this bill? outlook cloudy ask again later…..
It’s going to be critical for any Dem running in their Primary to find the sweet spot of distance from Madigan, while embracing the struggle Madigan and other Democratic leaders are waging with Labor and Social Services.
The skill will be… removing the Democratic ideals Madigan himself, with others, is fighting Rauner for and removing Madigan from the discussion of the struggle.
I’m not seeing it yet. Do better.
To the Update portion,
When you rollout our campaign, you need to be 100% prepared for the blatantly obvious questions that surround the politics of “the day”
You can NOT be stuttering and searching for the “yearbook” answer for, what could be with a prepared candidate, “softball/obvious” question you will face 8,567 times before June.
It’s “disappointing”. It’s not a miscue. It’s not a “stumble”.
If anything, two things exist;
A complete lack of preparedness.
A total lack of execution.
Could also be both.
The Kennedy Crew needs to come to a realization that 24/7/365 attacks that pounce on flubs or ill-prepared remarks aren’t stopping, they are “just beginning”
Now? Now it’s a day to clean this mess, while hoping the cleaning of the mess doesn’t lead to another poor Tee-Vee appearance that will find its way on a website ginned up… about Kennedy… with Madigan.
OW, he’s from the branch of the Kennedy family that regularly stutters and searches for words when they’re prepared. This family is divided up between great orators and poor orators. He’s saying what he means to say. Just jumbled. It’s an Achilles heel that just may not improve. Likely not.
===…he’s from the branch of the Kennedy family that regularly stutters and searches for words when they’re prepared. This family is divided up between great orators and poor orators. He’s saying what he means to say. Just jumbled. It’s an Achilles heel that just may not improve. Likely not.===
Your clinical diagnosis from afar about generations and branches of the Kennedys is noted, lol.
Speakers/Politicians can use the pauses, the thoughtful pauses, inherent or not, to great advantage, especially in one on one discussions. They just need to be trained, not unlike ridiculously “dropping Gs” or wearing silly costumes that pretend to be something someone is not… including props when needed.
The Kennedy Crew needs to realize they are going to make appearances like this unacceptable, and work on a comfort level to exploit a perceived weakness and make it a strength in speaking from a thoughtful heart.
- View from the Cheap Seats - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Is it to early to award a Golden Horseshoe to Team Kennedy for worst rollout ever.
Rauner will run for re-election against Madigan, who is not well liked among those who voted for Rauner last time. The Democrat candidate will indeed need to find the appropriate distance from Madigan, although not until after the primary.
Also, not having a response to such an obvious question is prima facia evidence of political malpractice. A (barely) rebutable presumption that Kennedy does not have what it takes.
Thank you Willy for your analysis. This is not a group of people who have had no opportunity to speak publicly often over the years. Chris’ brother and sister are equally affectedly poor orators, and both speak in public often. Until now, none of the 3 have run for office. You think you can “train” that out of him. I don’t think so. People would just need to get used to it. I don’t see that happening.
The Kennedy family has some of the best orators ever and some of the poorest. It just is.
–Chris’ brother and sister are equally affectedly poor orators, and both speak in public often. Until now, none of the 3 have run for office.–
Not to question your expert and intimate bona fides on all things on all generations of Kennedys, but he had a brother who was a congressman for many years, and a sister who was l.g. of Maryland for many years.
Conservatives are abandoning their principles in advocating for terms limits because terms limits are merely anti-free market regulations. Besides, as others have noted, we already have term limits in Illinois, they are called elections. For State Reps like the Speaker, they occur every two years.
A dysfunctional state government that is hostile to business through its legal and regulatory environment and high property taxes can certainly chase away businesses and the people they employ. To not see any linkage is to be deliberately obtuse as it appears our Speaker is. Turning this around is not a personal agenda.
==I do find it odd that you believe oration can’t be taught, interesting take, if you ignore all the evidence to the contrary.==
Then start teaching Bucky. Surprise me by getting him to the all important level of “Serviceable”.
Because, despite the warts and anything else you want to put on the current Gov…He’s very skilled at speaking and staying on message. There’s no hesitation in his speech. That’s what will be compared.
Rich Daley’s team couldn’t sleep at night, despite having a very heavy favorite in his races, but a very tough time elocution-wise. He did lose a race…to an amazing orator. There was another huge factor, but the oration of Harold Washington created a lot of adoring fans.
===Surprise me by getting him to the all important level of “Serviceable”.===
When the Kennedy Crew reaches out to talk to me, you’ll be the 4th to know, how’s that.
===Because, despite the warts and anything else you want to put on the current Gov…He’s very skilled at speaking and staying on message. There’s no hesitation in his speech. That’s what will be compared.===
About that…
Rauner will be facing “Skyhook, in reverse now”
No funding for Higher Ed, a possible strike, heck, a possible state shutdown, and while it sounds all “Kool”, having to run with those, the “serviceability” to “Bruce Rauner owns” speaks volumes. Ask Pat Quinn…
===Rich Daley’s team couldn’t sleep at night, despite having a very heavy favorite in his races, but a very tough time elocution-wise. He did lose a race…to an amazing orator. There was another huge factor, but the oration of Harold Washington created a lot of adoring fans.===
Is Bruce Rauner… Harold Washington… in your lil dream sequence?
Also, Harold and Rich Daley weren’t incumbents, they were running in a Primary, and it was just the City, with Harold having a divided Byrne and Daley to help with his win…
But, you already knew that.
Maybe if the Kennedy Crew reaches out, I’ll make you 3rd to know.
Again, your lacking to accept that oration can be taught, with all the evidence to the contrary, is glaring, lol
Willy, watch that video again and put together a plan. And the teeth whitening comment a couple posts up isn’t a bad suggestion either. These close up shots are going to expose some things. Honest to goodness, I feel a bit sorry for Chris in all of this. He truly is a good guy.
I’m sure the Kennedy Crew sees this as hopeless as you, lol.
“Bruce Rauner failed”. It’s easy, it’s catchy.
Before I “respond back” to the Kennedy Crew, I’ll run a few things past you, like that speech coaches don’t exist or something.
You seem more worried for Bruce, given your faux worry for Kennedy…
- Wizzard of Ozzie - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:58 pm:
Last week this was a great rollout with excellent press coverage. Now because of an IL GOP video that has been viewed by 168 people (almost all who saw it because of this post) it was a bad rollout? Give me a break. Kennedy dominated the news last week and got strong hits on Rauner.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 5:59 pm:
Speech coaches make most of their money in the private sector from “clients” who were directed to take lessons.
Good luck getting Kennedy to admit he could have a problem, let alone getting help to fix it. A box of Crest Whitestrips, bought by the help, is as good as you will get.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 9:39 am:
If another Kennedy is the answer, then we’re asking the wrong question.
We’re not England, let them deal with the family dynasties.
- Echo The Bunnyman - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 9:45 am:
I am hoping there is still a place in Illinois politics for ideas. Daiber deserves to be heard and based by ideas and principals. I may not agree with him politically, but I like what I hear. Inclusiveness. I also like the idea to step up mentoring. It’s time we start attacking the family structure deficiencies head on. The good part, I hope, if he is not successful, his opponents listen to some good solutions. Good luck to the little guy!
- scott aster - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 9:46 am:
Rich I don’t think that any DEM is going to blame MM or Blogo or Quinn for the mess from the last 12-15 yrs…. it just not in there partisan nature.
- Mokenavince - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 9:52 am:
No Democrat is going to say anything bad about the
Speaker ever.
After 2 years of Rauner we are still rudderless.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 10:02 am:
—Indeed, it’s not the Republican right but the Democratic left controlling the Legislature that has overseen the loss of people, jobs and investment….–
Blah, blah, blah, because state government, as we know, controls the “economy.” Just like in the old Soviet Union.
By that logic, makes you wish for the return of Blago, when the economy was booming. He and Madigan and Jones did a fantastic job “creating jobs” back then, right?
Perhaps the PJS could explain state government’s role in CAT currently suffering it’s longest downturn in 90 years. Or moving its HQ to Chicago.
Or the slow death of newspapers.
Maybe they could also explain the economic benefits we’ve enjoyed the last two years of eviscerating higher ed and gutting social services, with no capital plan in sight.
You know, things the state can actually control to lay the foundation for economic growth, rather than the snake oil the governor is peddling.
- Mad about you - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 10:02 am:
Everyone talks about the “Madigan Question”. Instead they should talk about the “Madigan Answer”.
It is not Rauner.
- Alexander the Great - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 10:04 am:
Alex Paterakis has blamed all 3 for the current state of the government. The Anti tax candidate
- Ghost - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 10:18 am:
we have term limits, its called voting.
We vote for elected officials. the elected officials vite for their leadership.
Term limits is a fancy way of saying voters are too dumb.
Also again why do we think inexperience is angood idea? Until the proponents of term limits walk in to a dr’s office and demand they only get care from the most inexperienced dr that can be found, then they are not truly for term limits.
after all why would we demand experience in those we delanwith but not our government? simce when does it seem like a good idea to demand govt be run by the least experienced people possible? jow aboit we get rid of elected people and just use an 8 ball….. 8 ball should we pass this bill? outlook cloudy ask again later…..
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:00 am:
To the Post, also to the Update.
It’s going to be critical for any Dem running in their Primary to find the sweet spot of distance from Madigan, while embracing the struggle Madigan and other Democratic leaders are waging with Labor and Social Services.
The skill will be… removing the Democratic ideals Madigan himself, with others, is fighting Rauner for and removing Madigan from the discussion of the struggle.
I’m not seeing it yet. Do better.
To the Update portion,
When you rollout our campaign, you need to be 100% prepared for the blatantly obvious questions that surround the politics of “the day”
You can NOT be stuttering and searching for the “yearbook” answer for, what could be with a prepared candidate, “softball/obvious” question you will face 8,567 times before June.
It’s “disappointing”. It’s not a miscue. It’s not a “stumble”.
If anything, two things exist;
A complete lack of preparedness.
A total lack of execution.
Could also be both.
The Kennedy Crew needs to come to a realization that 24/7/365 attacks that pounce on flubs or ill-prepared remarks aren’t stopping, they are “just beginning”
Now? Now it’s a day to clean this mess, while hoping the cleaning of the mess doesn’t lead to another poor Tee-Vee appearance that will find its way on a website ginned up… about Kennedy… with Madigan.
Do. Better.
- A guy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:04 am:
OW, he’s from the branch of the Kennedy family that regularly stutters and searches for words when they’re prepared. This family is divided up between great orators and poor orators. He’s saying what he means to say. Just jumbled. It’s an Achilles heel that just may not improve. Likely not.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:14 am:
===…he’s from the branch of the Kennedy family that regularly stutters and searches for words when they’re prepared. This family is divided up between great orators and poor orators. He’s saying what he means to say. Just jumbled. It’s an Achilles heel that just may not improve. Likely not.===
Your clinical diagnosis from afar about generations and branches of the Kennedys is noted, lol.
Speakers/Politicians can use the pauses, the thoughtful pauses, inherent or not, to great advantage, especially in one on one discussions. They just need to be trained, not unlike ridiculously “dropping Gs” or wearing silly costumes that pretend to be something someone is not… including props when needed.
The Kennedy Crew needs to realize they are going to make appearances like this unacceptable, and work on a comfort level to exploit a perceived weakness and make it a strength in speaking from a thoughtful heart.
- View from the Cheap Seats - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:23 am:
Is it to early to award a Golden Horseshoe to Team Kennedy for worst rollout ever.
- Anony - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:25 am:
OW is correct twice in this thread….
Rauner will run for re-election against Madigan, who is not well liked among those who voted for Rauner last time. The Democrat candidate will indeed need to find the appropriate distance from Madigan, although not until after the primary.
Also, not having a response to such an obvious question is prima facia evidence of political malpractice. A (barely) rebutable presumption that Kennedy does not have what it takes.
- Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 11:50 am:
That video. O U C H !
- A guy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:00 pm:
Thank you Willy for your analysis. This is not a group of people who have had no opportunity to speak publicly often over the years. Chris’ brother and sister are equally affectedly poor orators, and both speak in public often. Until now, none of the 3 have run for office. You think you can “train” that out of him. I don’t think so. People would just need to get used to it. I don’t see that happening.
The Kennedy family has some of the best orators ever and some of the poorest. It just is.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:06 pm:
===You think you can “train” that out of him. I don’t think so.===
Tell that to…
Robin Meade
Tiger Woods
Gayle Sayers
Joe Biden
James Earl Jones
Winston Churchill
King George VI
You can look up more trained orators or people who overcame speaking challenges.
You’re welcome.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:10 pm:
–Chris’ brother and sister are equally affectedly poor orators, and both speak in public often. Until now, none of the 3 have run for office.–
Not to question your expert and intimate bona fides on all things on all generations of Kennedys, but he had a brother who was a congressman for many years, and a sister who was l.g. of Maryland for many years.
- JoeMaddon - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:12 pm:
**Is it to early to award a Golden Horseshoe to Team Kennedy for worst rollout ever.**
I guess… but only because no one really noticed Ameya Pawar’s rollout.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:50 pm:
The Kennedys are obsessed with running the world, when few of them can manage their own family
- A guy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:58 pm:
== but he had a brother who was a congressman for many years, and a sister who was l.g. of Maryland for many years.===
Both of whom were very gifted orators. Some have been blessed with it, some not. Their father may have been the most gifted orator ever.
- Forty-Four - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 12:59 pm:
Conservatives are abandoning their principles in advocating for terms limits because terms limits are merely anti-free market regulations. Besides, as others have noted, we already have term limits in Illinois, they are called elections. For State Reps like the Speaker, they occur every two years.
- Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 1:00 pm:
A dysfunctional state government that is hostile to business through its legal and regulatory environment and high property taxes can certainly chase away businesses and the people they employ. To not see any linkage is to be deliberately obtuse as it appears our Speaker is. Turning this around is not a personal agenda.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 1:06 pm:
===Both of whom were very gifted orators. Some have been blessed with it, some not. Their father may have been the most gifted orator ever.===
You don’t need to “gifted” or even be exceptional. You need to be serviceable.
I do find it odd that you believe oration can’t be taught, interesting take, if you ignore all the evidence to the contrary.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 2:17 pm:
This Kennedy has only one similarity to Cicero…..he once may have flown over it.
- A guy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:08 pm:
==I do find it odd that you believe oration can’t be taught, interesting take, if you ignore all the evidence to the contrary.==
Then start teaching Bucky. Surprise me by getting him to the all important level of “Serviceable”.
Because, despite the warts and anything else you want to put on the current Gov…He’s very skilled at speaking and staying on message. There’s no hesitation in his speech. That’s what will be compared.
Rich Daley’s team couldn’t sleep at night, despite having a very heavy favorite in his races, but a very tough time elocution-wise. He did lose a race…to an amazing orator. There was another huge factor, but the oration of Harold Washington created a lot of adoring fans.
- Loop Lady - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:15 pm:
I hope Chris sees a dentist for teeth whitening soon…if he can’t take care of his teeth, how’s he gonna run the State?
He is not the candidate we need, just one of the candidates wealthy enough to run…sad…
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:27 pm:
===Then start teaching Bucky.===
Really? Really?
===Surprise me by getting him to the all important level of “Serviceable”.===
When the Kennedy Crew reaches out to talk to me, you’ll be the 4th to know, how’s that.
===Because, despite the warts and anything else you want to put on the current Gov…He’s very skilled at speaking and staying on message. There’s no hesitation in his speech. That’s what will be compared.===
About that…
Rauner will be facing “Skyhook, in reverse now”
No funding for Higher Ed, a possible strike, heck, a possible state shutdown, and while it sounds all “Kool”, having to run with those, the “serviceability” to “Bruce Rauner owns” speaks volumes. Ask Pat Quinn…
===Rich Daley’s team couldn’t sleep at night, despite having a very heavy favorite in his races, but a very tough time elocution-wise. He did lose a race…to an amazing orator. There was another huge factor, but the oration of Harold Washington created a lot of adoring fans.===
Is Bruce Rauner… Harold Washington… in your lil dream sequence?
Also, Harold and Rich Daley weren’t incumbents, they were running in a Primary, and it was just the City, with Harold having a divided Byrne and Daley to help with his win…
But, you already knew that.
Maybe if the Kennedy Crew reaches out, I’ll make you 3rd to know.
Again, your lacking to accept that oration can be taught, with all the evidence to the contrary, is glaring, lol
- A guy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:28 pm:
Willy, watch that video again and put together a plan. And the teeth whitening comment a couple posts up isn’t a bad suggestion either. These close up shots are going to expose some things. Honest to goodness, I feel a bit sorry for Chris in all of this. He truly is a good guy.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:46 pm:
Oh - A Guy -
I’m sure the Kennedy Crew sees this as hopeless as you, lol.
“Bruce Rauner failed”. It’s easy, it’s catchy.
Before I “respond back” to the Kennedy Crew, I’ll run a few things past you, like that speech coaches don’t exist or something.
You seem more worried for Bruce, given your faux worry for Kennedy…
- Wizzard of Ozzie - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:58 pm:
Last week this was a great rollout with excellent press coverage. Now because of an IL GOP video that has been viewed by 168 people (almost all who saw it because of this post) it was a bad rollout? Give me a break. Kennedy dominated the news last week and got strong hits on Rauner.
- Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 5:59 pm:
Speech coaches make most of their money in the private sector from “clients” who were directed to take lessons.
Good luck getting Kennedy to admit he could have a problem, let alone getting help to fix it. A box of Crest Whitestrips, bought by the help, is as good as you will get.