Our sorry state
Tuesday, Feb 14, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Oh, man this is so not good…
Illinois officials waited more than five months to alert dozens of domestic violence programs that their funding had been eliminated, an omission that has forced layoffs and other cuts at some facilities, according to interviews and documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
No one knows — or is saying — why approximately $9 million in state funding for 62 programs that provide shelter, counseling and advocacy for victims of domestic abuse was left out of a six-month budget that took effect July 1. When providers finally learned they were left empty-handed, they scrambled to make up the lost money by slashing jobs and salaries and expanding client waiting lists.
Although there is no indication officials intended to slice funding for the domestic violence programs, the money won’t easily be restored in the state’s precarious economic situation. Illinois has operated without a spending plan since July 2015 because of bickering between first-term Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner and Democrats who control the legislature. […]
Experienced state vendors know they sign state contracts that make payment dependent on legislative approval. But domestic violence program providers say they submitted budgets to DHS for review and, in some cases, had to amend them before getting DHS contract approval last spring. Without notice that there wasn’t money forthcoming, “They’ve already spent that money and they’re struggling,” said Vickie Smith, executive director of the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
This is a failure on multiple levels. But why wait until December to tell the providers there was no money?
- Precinct Captain - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:15 pm:
The Rauner administration waited because they clearly had no idea what they were doing or what was going on. So much for management maven Bruce Rauner.
- CEA - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:20 pm:
I’d to think it was woeful incompetence, because all other possible explanations are worse.
- Cubs in '16 - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:25 pm:
“…why wait until December to tell the providers there was no money?”
My guess is DHS administration wasn’t made aware of the situation until then. Communication within State government is notoriously poor.
- Wow - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:28 pm:
Blago Administration with way less crime, but the same incompetence.
- Cheryl44 - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
It’s not incompetence. This administration is actively trying to hurt poor people.
- Porgy Tirebiter - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:43 pm:
November elections?
- Signal and Noise - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:48 pm:
Who is their lobbyist? How does no one know that they were totally left out? Bizarre.
- A veteran - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:50 pm:
-less crime?
Blago is in jail for trying to sell a us senate seat this governor, should just call him “-or” since he does not govern, has been openly buying legislative seats for the last 2 years.
He openly said he would create a social services crisis to take down unions and the Democratic Party. Has there been any suicide deaths that may have been prevented due to his actions, that would seem like a criminal act.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:51 pm:
Way to go! Runnin’ the State like a badness./s
1.4% said “We have to be competitive before we can be compassionate.”
This is what happens when profit is placed before people. The thing is that government is a not for profit entity. Failure to enact budget means that the State is unable to accomplish it’s core missions.
- A veteran - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:52 pm:
Did any domestic violence deaths occur because services were not available. The list goes on and on when will -or be held responsible for his direct actions.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:53 pm:
Cheryl44, respectfully disagree. If people can passively harm with the same effectiveness as actively doing so, the risk of incarceration is lowered.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 3:59 pm:
I wonder if this could be the basis of a lawsuit. To allow/force an agency under contract to provide services, knowing there isn’t a line item in the budget.
- Mod Dem - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:03 pm:
GOMB establishes the budget guidelines…DHS prepares the budget…GOMB reviews it in details and approves the budget. Previously signed contracts with Providers are subject to appropriation are reconciled after final budget approval done by DHS. I do not believe this is a question of incompetence as DHS has a strong budget team. I believe this was a directed effort by GOMB to get through the six month budget.
- tobias846 - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:07 pm:
This is what drove me nuts about that so-called “stopgap budget.” When it passed, the dominant narrative was “Yay! The impasse has been broken!” Unfortunately, hardly anyone bothered to find out what was actually in it, which was mostly nothing. All it did was keep the lights on. NOBODY was proactively informed about what wasn’t included.
- Mod Dem - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:12 pm:
Huh? - “I wonder if this could be the basis of a lawsuit. To allow/force an agency under contract to provide services, knowing there isn’t a line item in the budget. ” - The answer is no, the language in the contract template clearly states “subject to appropriation”…no one is forcing these Providers to sign these contracts…they accept the risk like anyone who signs a government contract that the funding will be available.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:13 pm:
Because of Rauner’s hope to fill Senate and House seats with Republicans.
Rauner and the Republicans rode the back of Donald J. Trump….. it won’t happen again.
- Daniel Plainview - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:18 pm:
- This is a failure on multiple levels -
Care to elaborate? Are Madigan and the legislature responsible for administrating contracts and communicating with state vendors now?
- DuPage Saint - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:25 pm:
Sure let’s make certain we pass an appropriation bill for state state workers. Makes all this piecemeal stuff obscene
- Henry Francis - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:30 pm:
If what Mod Dem says is true (fault lies with GOMB and not DHS), didn’t Nuding leave GOMB in December?
- Dome Gnome - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:39 pm:
Why? Because women and children go last.
- James Nell - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:46 pm:
Happy Valentine’s Day, Bruce. Jerk.
- morningstar - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 4:58 pm:
@Signal and Noise “who is their lobbyist?” !! Who are their elected representatives?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 5:14 pm:
State agency, covering for their failed IL governor?
No good sound bite here?
Pick one.
- Honeybear - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 5:50 pm:
It’s not incompetence, it’s cowardice.
I know of half a dozen incidences where a hard truth or conversation was avoided with these young Raunerites.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 6:03 pm:
== Huh? - “I wonder if this could be the basis of a lawsuit. To allow/force an agency under contract to provide services, knowing there isn’t a line item in the budget. ” - The answer is no, the language in the contract template clearly states “subject to appropriation”…no one is forcing these Providers to sign these contracts…they accept the risk like anyone who signs a government contract that the funding will be available. ==
On multi-year contracts, the State also has a duty to inform in a timely that the funding was not appropriated. If it can be proven said failure to cancel the contract was deliberate, then there might be a basis for a fraud claim. The vendors have nothing to lose claiming it.
- Huh? - Tuesday, Feb 14, 17 @ 6:34 pm:
Mod dem I would agree with you except that the State agency managing these contracts has a duty to inform the social service agencies whether or not there is a line item appropriation to pay for the work. To do otherwise, in my feeble non-legal mind, there is fraud committed.
In my state agency, we don’t execute a contract or agree unless the funds have been programmed and appropriated.
- Huh? - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 7:05 am:
Tony Arnold has a story on national NPR this morning about the Illinois budget crisis.
- Left Leaner - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 9:17 am:
Budgets are statements on values. This is a pretty clear statement from the Rauner administration on where his/its values lie.