Leaders respond to budget address
Wednesday, Feb 15, 2017 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno…
I am heartened by the Governor’s speech today –and his very public demonstration once again of his willingness to work with Republicans and Democrats to bring Illinois out of this crisis.
I share his sense of urgency – the time is now. Illinois goes $11 million further into debt each and every day we continue to spend without a budget in place. Today the Governor also acknowledged the great deal of groundwork that has gone into negotiating a package that can pass in a Democrat-controlled Senate and encouraged us to keep working. We can now consider the Governor’s advice in our discussions as we move forward.
We want what the Governor wants – a bipartisan compromise that is a good deal for the taxpayers.
Notice that she pointedly did not embrace the governor’s advice.
* Senate President John Cullerton…
“Right now the Senate is working on this year’s budget because there isn’t one. We need to restore stability and sanity to Illinois’ finances. That begins with a budget for the here and now. That’s what the Senate is trying to do.”
Nothing whatsoever about the governor’s advice, which isn’t going down so well, to say the least.
* Speaker Madigan…
Madigan: Democrats are Proposing a New Way Forward on Budget, Economic Reforms
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. – House Speaker Michael J. Madigan, D-Chicago, issued the following statement Wednesday after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s Budget Address:
“Throughout my time in state government, legislators and governors from both parties have agreed that the state budget must be a priority. While the House has passed a number of budget bills to fund critical services for seniors, children and public safety, it appears that for the third straight year Governor Rauner has failed to introduce a balanced budget.
“As the governor told a newspaper recently, his plan is to ‘stay the course.’ That means continuing to use the disabled, the elderly, school children, victims of abuse, and many others as negotiating tools in his effort to increase profits of big corporations at the expense of middle class and struggling families. ‘Staying the course’, as the Governor wishes, means billions of dollars in new debt, and lost services for tens of thousands of Illinois’ most vulnerable children, seniors and families.
“Unlike the governor’s ‘stay the course’ plan, Democrats are proposing a new way forward. We want to work cooperatively with the governor to pass a full-year balanced budget and improve our economy, but we don’t accept that the only way to create jobs is by cutting wages and stripping away protections for workers in an effort to increase profits for businesses – all at the expense of middle-class families. We will pass reforms that lift up the middle class and provide good jobs for working families while also helping businesses grow and expanding our economy.
“We want solutions that address the challenges Illinois is facing right now. We continue to urge the governor to join us and pass a full-year budget that provides for the needs of middle class and struggling families, cares for the elderly, invests in our schools, and keeps our communities safe.”
Nothing new there.
And nothing yet from the House Republican Leader. Check back.
…Adding… Leader Durkin…
The Governor fulfilled his constitutional obligation with today’s budget address. It is now time for the legislature to fulfill its constitutional obligation by working jointly to pass appropriations that do not exceed funds estimated by the General Assembly during the year, or otherwise, pass a balanced budget. Again, this will only be accomplished when both parties respect the priorities of each. Our caucus is prepared to negotiate a fair compromise and break this unprecedented impasse on behalf of all Illinoisans.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 1:57 pm:
Durkie stil whinin’ about those meany signs
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 1:58 pm:
If Rauner really supports the Senate process, then the ball is in Radogno’s court. If he doesn’t really want an agreement, then the negotiations are a sham.
- GA Watcher - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:00 pm:
The Senate President has it right. The State needs a budget for the current year, let alone one for FY 2018.
- Chicagonk - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:01 pm:
Madigan sure knows how to talk in generalities. It would be nice to hear some specific details about this “new way forward.”
- the Cardinal - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:12 pm:
By the time the economy turns around enough to pay off the debt around here there will not be on living soul in the Cap today around to see it. Does anyone remember when a Governor proposed a program, said how he wanted to fund it and put it to the GA to pass it. George Ryan capitol bill comes to mind. Pass the needed revenue enhancements, throw in a temp property tax freeze make some cuts and get on with it. Vote on it stop being afraid of IPI. Folks back home want to see functioning government and anyone of reason knows there has to be some tax(es) increased to get out of this hole.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:15 pm:
MJM’s harping on Rauner’s “stay the course” comment is interesting. If that were backed by consistent messaging, it could get him somewhere.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, yeah, I know.
- Annonin' - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:15 pm:
“Nothing new”
Now we know Capt fax is playin’ for laughs Probably seething that BigBrain got everyone giggling
mr/Ms Chicagonk Madigan and House Dems have talking cutting corp taxes,creating a reformed EDGE credit raising min wage, watch doggin’ work comp insurance companies, rain’ min wage….on and on….hope it helps.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:17 pm:
The ball game is the same as it ever was, and for Rauner it began January 2015…
The 60, the 30.
Rauner needs 7 House Democrats, (Rauner has Drury. Period), Rauner needs 8 Senate Democrats.
Rauner needs those chambers to recognize the 60 and 30 too.
I’m not reading 60 or 30 in these. Yet.
- Arsenal - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:26 pm:
==Rauner has Drury.==
I’m not even sure he has him on anything that doesn’t help Drury see his own name in the papers.
- Anon - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:57 pm:
There seems to be this assumption that what’s good for taxpayers is paying less tax, rather than paying enough taxes to fully fund the government that has routinely been approved by taxpayers and enough to pay for the services that they expect.
- Sue - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 2:58 pm:
What- Madigan issued a statement and didn’t use the word EXTREME. I guess for him that’s progress
- 47th Ward - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 3:26 pm:
Shorter Madigan: We gave the Senate some time, we waited to see if the Governor proposed a serious budget, we aren’t going to wait any longer.
I expect the House to embark on its own budget process that should last until late May, perhaps into June. In the meantime, the bleeding continues.
Hope I’m wrong.
- JS Mill - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 3:35 pm:
=There seems to be this assumption that what’s good for taxpayers is paying less tax, rather than paying enough taxes to fully fund the government that has routinely been approved by taxpayers and enough to pay for the services that they expect.=
This is the precise underlying issue.
Politicians have spent eons proselytizing about taxes that nobody can do the qualitative work. they just scream taxes are too high.
Too high in what regard? Just the amount? For what we get? what do you want?
- VanillaMan - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 3:36 pm:
He’s like a used car salesman telling us why the car of the future is a possum pulling a porta potty.
- Hang On!! - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 3:54 pm:
Hang on D turning to R. Here in Southern Illinois we have this Daiber guy running for Governor. He could be the answer, however,if you believe that I have a bridge I want to sell you. Better yet……….change to an R.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 4:03 pm:
I actually tried to keep track of the times our illustrious gov dropped his g’s- at least 30 times!…and for emphasis he actually used the “ing” properly at least 10 times. Still wondering if he does this conciously or not (as if it matters). Budget address was othewise very predictable and gets us nowhere fast..:/
- Delimma - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 4:18 pm:
All I know is that the status quo isn’t working. 60/30 for a balanced budget. The only thing that has kept us from a budget in the last several years is an insistence on things unrelated to the budget. I know Madigan is the boogeyman, but I can’t point to anything he is demanding before a budget is passed. The only one with unrelated demands is the Governor. Obviously, I could be wrong, but if I was advising Madigan, I’d tell him to start laying out demands. No budget until the governor supports a graduated income tax amendment? I don’t know.
- Allen D - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 4:19 pm:
Too far to the Left
Too far to the Right
Nothing will get done any time soon i am afraid… saw this coming.
- Cardsfan - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 5:30 pm:
Arsenal is right
“stay the course”
“stay the course”
That should be the Dem’s battle cry for 2018
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 5:57 pm:
With all due respect to my good friend, Rauner does not need 15 Democrats.
Rauner does not have 75 Republicans ready to march Illinois off of a fiscal cliff. Rauner does not have 75 Republicans ready to freeze spending for their school districts and their mayors and their park districts. Rauner does not have 75 Republicans ready to vote for a tax increase, even a temporary one.
I suspect Rauner can’t get more than 30,Republicans to vote for a tax increase.
- Just Me - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 8:11 pm:
re: Madigan — OF COURSE! EUREKA!!! The solution to our state’s problems are more business regulations. Why didn’t we think of that before?!?!?! The employers are just going to flock to Illinois now!!
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 8:47 pm:
- YDD -
My friend on the other side of the aisle…
Is there a… Bill… I could point to where Rauner got all but a small few to be Green… a fix, if you will…
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Feb 15, 17 @ 8:52 pm:
- YDD -
Think March 2015…
- Honeybear - Thursday, Feb 16, 17 @ 6:05 am:
Go back and look at Cullertons face when Rauner said “permanent property tax freeze”
Says it all
Rauner just turned the plane into the mountainside.
- Rabid - Thursday, Feb 16, 17 @ 6:07 am:
Someone is all worked up about their priorities failing, and not a budget
- Honeybear - Thursday, Feb 16, 17 @ 6:14 am:
I now understand what the Koch retreat was about. Bruce is going to crash the plane to destroy labor and get his “cuts” through destruction.
There will be only money for basic state survival.
The wealthy will survive fine.
Mark my words, there will be no compromise.
There will be no Grand Bargain
There will be no budget.